You all were warned that O'care would drive up prices and cost jobs yet now u whine?

I have the VA to fall upon. It's up to the rest to cover their asses. I covered mine.

Better read up on Tricare there Mooney.

I work with folks who have Tricare. Their costs are going up just like everybody elses.

The only folks who won't be paying are the ones who have no coverage now. All of us who have coverage will pay more to cover them. That includes Tricare recipients.
The drum beat of warnings about the consequences was loud, clear and repetitive. Yet here we sit with many on the left whining about prices of services going up or possible lay offs planned for the future. And some of you are so stupid you think only right wing businesses are doing this. Well I got news for you, they all will. The only difference will be the level of honesty as to why or if its even admitted to will be the difference between the owners on the left and the right.

Businesses 49 and under likely won't grow. Those just above will likely lay people off to fall under the mandate. And everyone else will likely imbed the cost in their products to absorbe the cost. And if you think its only right wing owners doing this your both naive and stupid. Profit has no ideology.

Then the laid off workers are supposed to get health insurance by 2014!!! No sure about your guys health insurance through work, but for 2013 ours has skyrocketed and Obaminationcare has kicked in yet! I can't imagine what COBRA costs or what it costs getting individual health insurance on a single person or family! It must be insane.

The crisis of the uninsured is going to get 10 fold worse, yet isn't that what Obaminationcare was suppose to cure?
I have the VA to fall upon. It's up to the rest to cover their asses. I covered mine.

Better read up on Tricare there Mooney.

I work with folks who have Tricare. Their costs are going up just like everybody elses.

The only folks who won't be paying are the ones who have no coverage now. All of us who have coverage will pay more to cover them. That includes Tricare recipients.

Indeed. the Suckers that think just because they are Vets that the VA got them covered will shit a whole brick when they find out Obamacare is across the board.
The drum beat of warnings about the consequences was loud, clear and repetitive. Yet here we sit with many on the left whining about prices of services going up or possible lay offs planned for the future. And some of you are so stupid you think only right wing businesses are doing this. Well I got news for you, they all will. The only difference will be the level of honesty as to why or if its even admitted to will be the difference between the owners on the left and the right.

Businesses 49 and under likely won't grow. Those just above will likely lay people off to fall under the mandate. And everyone else will likely imbed the cost in their products to absorbe the cost. And if you think its only right wing owners doing this your both naive and stupid. Profit has no ideology.
I guess we THINKING people are fully-immune to "conservatives'" psychic-predictions & horror-stories. I think it has a little to do with your rate of accuracy.


1993 Deficit Reduction

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."

- Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)
You have to understand that the Obamabots NEVER read between the lines much less the fine print. 99% of them were just happy a handsome burnt gums black man got the Presidency.

All you have to do when you encounter these whiners is say "Blame Obama", and watch em self-destruct

I don't know about his burnt gums, but race played EVERY role in getting this Community Organizer re-elected that has led to this domino effect of closing businesses.. so you're correct.
The truth comes out w/ you two :eusa_boohoo: BUT see below asswipes V V V
Race is not a part of this discussion. Stay on topic

You can't snow ME with the bullshit propaganda, I've talked to my own Black people face to face and all I get from them is
"We don't need that selfish white cracker in the WH"...
or..."A vote for Mitt Romney means you're a racist to Obama"...
or my favorite "Always bet on Black"

so GTFOH with that. the Obamabots have used race from day one.
The drum beat of warnings about the consequences was loud, clear and repetitive. Yet here we sit with many on the left whining about prices of services going up or possible lay offs planned for the future. And some of you are so stupid you think only right wing businesses are doing this. Well I got news for you, they all will. The only difference will be the level of honesty as to why or if its even admitted to will be the difference between the owners on the left and the right.

Businesses 49 and under likely won't grow. Those just above will likely lay people off to fall under the mandate. And everyone else will likely imbed the cost in their products to absorbe the cost. And if you think its only right wing owners doing this your both naive and stupid. Profit has no ideology.
I guess we THINKING people are fully-immune to "conservatives'" psychic-predictions & horror-stories. I think it has a little to do with your rate of accuracy.


But yet you "thinking" people didn't see the trainwreck Obama coming in 2008. I get it.​
Welcome to the era of part time work, and jobs shipped overseas. Yay for the demoncraps.
My only consolation is it'll hit Obama voters too. Too bad they couldn't learn anything untill it was too late.

Romney was a dork but at least he and Ryan had some good ideas.
Nobody's closing, Masscare proves none of this Pubcrappe actually happens, this is just insurance and big health trying to grab all they can BEFORE O-care ACTUALLY STARTS, and you brainwashed, fear mongered Pub dupes are pathetic fools of the greedy idiot rich. END OF STORY- change the channel MORONS.

See also Libya and Fast and Furious, my sig pp3. Total idiocy.
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What's next? Death panels where conservatives go around murdering people?
The drum beat of warnings about the consequences was loud, clear and repetitive. Yet here we sit with many on the left whining about prices of services going up or possible lay offs planned for the future. And some of you are so stupid you think only right wing businesses are doing this. Well I got news for you, they all will. The only difference will be the level of honesty as to why or if its even admitted to will be the difference between the owners on the left and the right.

Businesses 49 and under likely won't grow. Those just above will likely lay people off to fall under the mandate. And everyone else will likely imbed the cost in their products to absorbe the cost. And if you think its only right wing owners doing this your both naive and stupid. Profit has no ideology.
I guess we THINKING people are fully-immune to "conservatives'" psychic-predictions & horror-stories. I think it has a little to do with your rate of accuracy.


But yet you "thinking" people didn't see the trainwreck Obama coming in 2008. I get it.​

Some people can't learn. We have to live with that and work around it. Obama's sad little cult will get hit by all this blowback too. Keep that in mind and try not to laugh when they start squalling about how UNFAIR it all is.:D
The drum beat of warnings about the consequences was loud, clear and repetitive. Yet here we sit with many on the left whining about prices of services going up or possible lay offs planned for the future. And some of you are so stupid you think only right wing businesses are doing this. Well I got news for you, they all will. The only difference will be the level of honesty as to why or if its even admitted to will be the difference between the owners on the left and the right.

Businesses 49 and under likely won't grow. Those just above will likely lay people off to fall under the mandate. And everyone else will likely imbed the cost in their products to absorbe the cost. And if you think its only right wing owners doing this your both naive and stupid. Profit has no ideology.

You've said you own a small business. It that's true, you KNOW that you will NOT be paying more for your employee's health care and, IN FACT, its likely you'll make a bit of a profit.

Why are you continuing to repeat this lie?

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Do I have to pay more based on the health status of my group?
Most states, but not all, limit how much premiums can vary due to employees’ health status and other factors. Even within these limits, premiums can be significantly higher if someone in a small employer plan has a serious health condition.
Small Business |
The drum beat of warnings about the consequences was loud, clear and repetitive. Yet here we sit with many on the left whining about prices of services going up or possible lay offs planned for the future. And some of you are so stupid you think only right wing businesses are doing this. Well I got news for you, they all will. The only difference will be the level of honesty as to why or if its even admitted to will be the difference between the owners on the left and the right.

Businesses 49 and under likely won't grow. Those just above will likely lay people off to fall under the mandate. And everyone else will likely imbed the cost in their products to absorbe the cost. And if you think its only right wing owners doing this your both naive and stupid. Profit has no ideology.

You've said you own a small business. It that's true, you KNOW that you will NOT be paying more for your employee's health care and, IN FACT, its likely you'll make a bit of a profit.

Why are you continuing to repeat this lie?

I see the short bus wouldn't even stop for you....

Gramps dodges posting about FACTS that he SHOULD be aware of. Gee, what a big surprise.

You have consistently said things that indicate you do not own a business and in fact, know very little about the running of a small business.

This is just one more example of that apparent ignorance.
Progressives aren't whining, they're reveling. This is what they have been waiting for. They think it's funny that Papa John's, Twinkie, a various other job producers (and food producers) are going under.

They see starvation and poverty as a good thing...for other people. They don't eat Twinkies and they've never heard of Papa John's, so they don't care.

We prefer to call it....

The WAR Against Type 2 Diabetes!!!!!

I have the VA to fall upon. It's up to the rest to cover their asses. I covered mine.

Better read up on Tricare there Mooney.

I work with folks who have Tricare. Their costs are going up just like everybody elses.

The only folks who won't be paying are the ones who have no coverage now. All of us who have coverage will pay more to cover them. That includes Tricare recipients.

Yep, from now on it all goes to the deadbeats.
I have the VA to fall upon. It's up to the rest to cover their asses. I covered mine.

Better read up on Tricare there Mooney.

I work with folks who have Tricare. Their costs are going up just like everybody elses.

The only folks who won't be paying are the ones who have no coverage now. All of us who have coverage will pay more to cover them. That includes Tricare recipients.

Indeed. the Suckers that think just because they are Vets that the VA got them covered will shit a whole brick when they find out Obamacare is across the board.

It's a bitter sweet victory knowing all this horror hits Obama voters too. Probably harder because they don't have anything to lose.:clap2:
American companies have been outsourcing and adding part time workers only to avoid paying full-time benefits for a long time now.

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