You anti gunners need a constitutional lesson


Obedience is not patriotism
That's hoot coming from you who likes being treated like a child by the monarchy.,

No little subject you can't read that book because it's not good for you
No little subject you can't say that because offending people is illegal
No little subject you have no right to carry that little pocket knife because it's too dangerous
That's hoot coming from you who likes being treated like a child by the monarchy.,

No little subject you can't read that book because it's not good for you
No little subject you can't say that because offending people is illegal
No little subject you have no right to carry that little pocket knife because it's too dangerous
First off I'll have to mention, 2nd Amendment. Got to keep refreshing your mind.

Secondly, mentioning monarchy and believing they're in charge means you have an inbred retarded mind that has zero knowledge of the British Civil war. So go and speak to your Uncle Dad and Sister Mother.

Oh, did I mention 2nd Amendment? If not, 2nd Amendment.

There are two types of gun people. Those that seek safe gun use with regulations, and the other, gun nuts who's religion are guns and they spew the most retarded rhetoric to "save their guns". Did I say 2nd Amendment?

I would say that the only thing the drags the Right Wing side down, are the idiots that spew the gun nut rhetoric. Their rhetoric is so retarded.
First off I'll have to mention, 2nd Amendment. Got to keep refreshing your mind.

Secondly, mentioning monarchy and believing they're in charge means you have an inbred retarded mind that has zero knowledge of the British Civil war. So go and speak to your Uncle Dad and Sister Mother.

Oh, did I mention 2nd Amendment? If not, 2nd Amendment.

There are two types of gun people. Those that seek safe gun use with regulations, and the other, gun nuts who's religion are guns and they spew the most retarded rhetoric to "save their guns". Did I say 2nd Amendment?

I would say that the only thing the drags the Right Wing side down, are the idiots that spew the gun nut rhetoric. Their rhetoric is so retarded.

go kiss your queen's wrinkled ass, subject.
I mostly agreed with the outcome of Heller; I just didn't agree with all of Scalia's reasoning. Still don't. But that case was at least within the realm of the sane. But the recent court rulings are, I think, fictionalized renderings of original intent and they also tend to hyper-focus on gun rights that are supposedly found in the 2A while completely ignoring other parts of the Constitution, such as the implicit powers that states and local communities have to police their own jurisdictions and maintain public safety.
Its simple, really...
The states have that police power.
That power cannot infringe upon the right oof the people to keep and bear arms.
That’s a SC ruling.
Just like Roe.
What happened to that one?
Let us know hen Heller, et al, are overturned.
Until then, they remain in place, tey prevent the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you want, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Heller is no different
Except, of course, the right to keep and bear arms is, literally, written directly into the constitution.
If you do not not understand why this matters - and I suspect you indeed do not - you do not understand why the USSC overturned Roe.
So is "Congress shall make no law" abridging freedom of speech and all that. Just because we have the freedom of speech doesn't mean we can exercise that right to extremes. I can't stand out in front of your yard on a sidewalk and yell Trump sucks at midnight just so I can wake up you and your neighbors.
How do you think this translates to the 2nd Amendment, and why?
Except, of course, the right to keep and bear arms is, literally, written directly into the constitution.
If you do not not understand why this matters - and I suspect you indeed do not - you do not understand why the USSC overturned Roe.
For the militia
For the militia
You know your statement is false.

The right to keep and bear arms is held by "the people".
Not the militia.
Not the people in the militia..
The people.

And so, your lie aside...
Except, of course, the right to keep and bear arms is, literally, written directly into the constitution.
If you do not not understand why this matters - and I suspect you indeed do not - you do not understand why the USSC overturned Roe.
The cities in the South with the violence have been under total democrat party control since the Civil War.....and the democrat party controlled cities in the North, East and West are also violent shitholes.....Chicago, New York, L.A., Baltimore......

Mississippi and Louisiana have the highest per capita murder rates among the 50 states and it's been that way for a long time. Neither state has particularly large cities. The problem now, as it has been for 2 centuries, is a culture that promotes racial inequality, economic inequality, guns, and religion over education and being kind and neighborly regardless of differences.
Its simple, really...
The states have that police power.


That power cannot infringe upon the right oof the people to keep and bear arms.

Historically, the Court has regarded rights as being essential insofar as they don't infringe upon the rights of others or interfere with police powers that are essential to the function of a stable, peaceful state. I think the last decision or two by this Court has kinda deviated from that, although I sided with most conservatives on *most* of Heller even if I didn't agree with the opinion in its entirety (knowing then that Scalia and others were leaving the door open to come back in and tinker with gun rights at a later time, which seems to be a time-honored tradition of the right wing Court since the early 2000s).
How do you think this translates to the 2nd Amendment, and why?

I think that the 2A protects individual gun rights - to a point. I don't think things like enhanced background checks, waiting periods, assault weapons restrictions, or other restrictions are inherently violative of the Constitution and state governments have had laws on the books restricting firearms ownership in one form or another since not long after the country's founding. This Court, as it has shown a propensity to do in other cases, took an extreme viewpoint on 2A gun rights.

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