You Are A Bigot If You Think The NYC Mosque is Inappropriate.

The same could be said about building a church in mecca, yet the muslims in the entire country there wont allow a church to be built by people who weren't involved in the crusades simply because what the crusaders did, in the name of christ, left such a scar on their civilization.

Its not about the right to build on private property or the right to build a mosque, nor is it about religious freedom. It is about the impact and perception of the people in this country in regards to the fact that muslims, in the name of islam, used their bastardized version that faith as a reason to murder 3,000 americans of all religions and races. This fact has left a scar on the psyche of americans that anyone who has any tolerance would not ignore.

Choosing the name "Cordoba" for the center, considering its implications, is very insensitive and intolerant to the feelings of the majority of americans who dont agree with the location chosen to build the mosque/center.

And around and around we go in a circular argument.

Are you implying that we should adopt the policies of Muslim nations over our own First amendment? The US is the defacto "Leader of the Free World"...shouldn't we lead by example?

Once again, AMERICAN Muslims were not involved in 9-11. Their religious freedom should not be taken away because of what some foreign terrorists did

Their religious freedom isn't being taken away. Did you even bother to read PP's post?

As zoom implied, from the character of your response, I feel you either didn't read or comprehend my post.

No one is saying they can not build a mosque there and no one is saying they dont have the right to worship allah as muslims in america.

What we are saying is that choosing that location and naming it what they are is very intolerant and insensitive to the scars many americans have over what happened on 9/11. To deny the reasons for these scars as they relate to the Muslim faith is to be intentionally obtuse on the matter.

You can try and describe people with whatever negative terminology you wish but it doesn't change the basics of the situation or the opinions of many who oppose that specific location and/or name.

Those of us who view the situation, as I do, are not scared of the false labels that many involved in the debate are trying to paint on us for opposing this location as we know these labels are innacurate and false.

EDIT: A little FYI...I would be against building a church in mecca and naming it any of the names I mentioned for the same reason I am against building the Cordoba center within eyesight of ground zero.
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So, I'm a biggot :eusa_boohoo:

Everyone's a bigot. Especially leftwingnuts against anyone that disagrees with their socialist bullshit. All you have to do is have an opinion and you're a bigot.

If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

If you have an opinion, you are discriminating. Period. What's bigotry?

Got nothing to do with faith nor your red herring.
So, I'm a biggot :eusa_boohoo:

Everyone's a bigot. Especially leftwingnuts against anyone that disagrees with their socialist bullshit. All you have to do is have an opinion and you're a bigot.

If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

It has nothing to do with their faith. It's all about those funny little rags thy wear on their heads.

Have you offered your flesh and blood up to Mandingo yet? Tell me honestly. How are you going to feel when your little girl comes home dating Bubba?
How is a house of religious worship a bad thing anywhere?

Try sticking a Christian Church on the White house lawn and see how that goes. Try getting a Christian Church Built anywhere in Saudi Arabia.

This Case is not about religious Freedom. 99% of those opposed to this mosque are not asking for a law to stop it. They simply are asking that their Feelings be respected and they consider building it elsewhere.

Whats funny is you guys on the left are screaming about the Muslims Rights to Religious Freedom, and denouncing Everyone who is opposed to it as Bigots. When in fact they are simply exercising their own Freedoms of Religion and Speech to be Opposed to it.
Everyone's a bigot. Especially leftwingnuts against anyone that disagrees with their socialist bullshit. All you have to do is have an opinion and you're a bigot.

If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

If you have an opinion, you are discriminating. Period. What's bigotry?

Got nothing to do with faith nor your red herring.

"******* are dirty" is an opinion. Feel free to use this example to figure out what bigotry is.

Indeed, the sum total criticism about that building hinges on the fact that it's muslims trying to build it. Were it a christian church this wouldn't even be a blip on the news cycle radar.

But, whatever makes it easier to swallow...
Everyone's a bigot. Especially leftwingnuts against anyone that disagrees with their socialist bullshit. All you have to do is have an opinion and you're a bigot.

If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

It has nothing to do with their faith. It's all about those funny little rags thy wear on their heads.

Have you offered your flesh and blood up to Mandingo yet? Tell me honestly. How are you going to feel when your little girl comes home dating Bubba?

Those would be called bath towels in English.
Everyone's a bigot. Especially leftwingnuts against anyone that disagrees with their socialist bullshit. All you have to do is have an opinion and you're a bigot.

If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

It has nothing to do with their faith. It's all about those funny little rags thy wear on their heads.

Have you offered your flesh and blood up to Mandingo yet? Tell me honestly. How are you going to feel when your little girl comes home dating Bubba?

I've dated many black women, you see, and do not hold the slightest issue with having a mulatto branch of my progeny. Sorry to deflate your overalls.
If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

It has nothing to do with their faith. It's all about those funny little rags thy wear on their heads.

Have you offered your flesh and blood up to Mandingo yet? Tell me honestly. How are you going to feel when your little girl comes home dating Bubba?

Those would be called bath towels in English.

ahh yes.. classic examples of "non-bigotry".

quick! someone make a joke about allah while we are insisting that this isn't about their faith!
If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

If you have an opinion, you are discriminating. Period. What's bigotry?

Got nothing to do with faith nor your red herring.

"******* are dirty" is an opinion. Feel free to use this example to figure out what bigotry is.

Indeed, the sum total criticism about that building hinges on the fact that it's muslims trying to build it. Were it a christian church this wouldn't even be a blip on the news cycle radar.

But, whatever makes it easier to swallow...

Of course it is because Muslims are building it, but it is much more complicated than that. Everyone knows most Muslims are not Terrorist, But thinking people understand that those Radical Elements of Islam will see this Mosque and a sign of Victory. They will see its location and its name as a monument to what they did on 9/11. That is why people are against it. You guys can keep labeling the 66% of Americans opposed to this as Bigots, but saying it does not make it true. Sure some of them are Bigots, but most just think this location and this Name of this project is a clear political statement sent to our enemies. Period.
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It has nothing to do with their faith. It's all about those funny little rags thy wear on their heads.

Have you offered your flesh and blood up to Mandingo yet? Tell me honestly. How are you going to feel when your little girl comes home dating Bubba?

Those would be called bath towels in English.

ahh yes.. classic examples of "non-bigotry".

quick! someone make a joke about allah while we are insisting that this isn't about their faith!

Ok, Shogun, don't you feel a LITTLE ridiculous chastising someone else for making a tasteless joke?

riiight.... after all, we all know how the Battle of Wounded Knee has impacted, nay PROMPTED, the invasion of Iraq! No vacuums, right?!


you just can't make shit shit up!


This just in.......... History still baffling to Soggy

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Until you can show a causal relationship between muslims and spanish conquistadors I feel REAL sorry for the educators that failed to reach your brain.


By all means, tonto, if YOU think you've got some historic context to share then cite your source.... (or, do like we both know you'll do and run for the fucking hills)



Military culture in the medieval Iberian Peninsula

In a situation of constant conflict, warfare and daily life were strongly interlinked during this period. Small, lightly equipped armies reflected how the society had to be on the alert at all times. These forces were capable of moving long distances in short times, allowing a quick return home after sacking a target. Battles which took place were mainly between clans, expelling intruder armies or sacking expeditions.

The cultural context of the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula was different than that of the rest of Continental Europe in the Middle Ages, due to contact with the Moorish culture and the isolation provided by the Pyrenees (an exception to this is Catalonia, where Frankish influence remained strong). These cultural differences implied the use of doctrines, equipment, and tactics markedly different from those found in the rest of Europe during this period.

Reconquista - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't say I never gave you anything. And, pick up a book would ya?

Just to connect the last couple of dots for you. The Reconquista was completed in 1492. That year might sound familiar to you, because......that's right....Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Thus, the same year in which the 800 year Reconquista effort to take back the Iberian Peninsula was completed, the conquest of the Americas begin. Now, our little quote from above indicates that indeed, the isolation from the rest of Europe because of the Pyrenees Mountains and the constant engagement with the Moors changed the cultural and military tactics and doctrines of the Christian Kingdoms on the Iberian Peninsula.

I would have you believe that this influence, being unbroken in time, would have been carried forward into the conquest of the new world. You would have us believe that it didn't.

What are your sources for asking us to believe that the Spanish suddenly developed a new military doctrine when it began the conquest of the new world?
If you have an opinion, you are discriminating. Period. What's bigotry?

Got nothing to do with faith nor your red herring.

"******* are dirty" is an opinion. Feel free to use this example to figure out what bigotry is.

Indeed, the sum total criticism about that building hinges on the fact that it's muslims trying to build it. Were it a christian church this wouldn't even be a blip on the news cycle radar.

But, whatever makes it easier to swallow...

Of course it is because Muslims are building it, but it is much more complicated than that. Everyone knows most Muslims are not Terrorist, But thinking people understand that those Radical Elements of Islam will see this Mosque and a sign of Victory. They will see its location and its name as a monument to what they did on 9/11. That is why people are against it. You guys can keep labeling the 66% of Americans opposed to this as Bigots, but saying it does not make it true. Sure some of them are Bigots, but most just think this location and this Name of this project is a clear political statement sent to our enemies. Period.

who gives a shit what those radical muslims think while it's being used by AMERICAN muslims? Should we get rid of catholic schools because pedo preists will see it as an icon of their domination over the sphincters of alterboys? Of course not. What you THINK it says is about as significant as your rebuke of my nomenclature. Guess what.. your ego doesn't get to trump our system of laws. Sorry to bum you out.

and yes, even if your percentage is 99% you are still a fucking bigot. Hell, 50 years ago, back when ******* were publically castigated, you'd haven't had to defend your position at all. GO FIGURE.
Those would be called bath towels in English.

ahh yes.. classic examples of "non-bigotry".

quick! someone make a joke about allah while we are insisting that this isn't about their faith!

Ok, Shogun, don't you feel a LITTLE ridiculous chastising someone else for making a tasteless joke?


not at all. my tasteless jokes have a point. calling a muslim some towel heads speaks more to the motivation of the joke teller rather than the head gear of, let me find a phrase you'll understand, Sand *******.
ahh yes.. classic examples of "non-bigotry".

quick! someone make a joke about allah while we are insisting that this isn't about their faith!

Ok, Shogun, don't you feel a LITTLE ridiculous chastising someone else for making a tasteless joke?


not at all. my tasteless jokes have a point. calling a muslim some towel heads speaks more to the motivation of the joke teller rather than the head gear of, let me find a phrase you'll understand, Sand *******.


Over your head.
"******* are dirty" is an opinion. Feel free to use this example to figure out what bigotry is.

Indeed, the sum total criticism about that building hinges on the fact that it's muslims trying to build it. Were it a christian church this wouldn't even be a blip on the news cycle radar.

But, whatever makes it easier to swallow...

Of course it is because Muslims are building it, but it is much more complicated than that. Everyone knows most Muslims are not Terrorist, But thinking people understand that those Radical Elements of Islam will see this Mosque and a sign of Victory. They will see its location and its name as a monument to what they did on 9/11. That is why people are against it. You guys can keep labeling the 66% of Americans opposed to this as Bigots, but saying it does not make it true. Sure some of them are Bigots, but most just think this location and this Name of this project is a clear political statement sent to our enemies. Period.

who gives a shit what those radical muslims think while it's being used by AMERICAN muslims? Should we get rid of catholic schools because pedo preists will see it as an icon of their domination over the sphincters of alterboys? Of course not. What you THINK it says is about as significant as your rebuke of my nomenclature. Guess what.. your ego doesn't get to trump our system of laws. Sorry to bum you out.

and yes, even if your percentage is 99% you are still a fucking bigot. Hell, 50 years ago, back when ******* were publically castigated, you'd haven't had to defend your position at all. GO FIGURE.

You see Soggy is going to stand guard at JFK and make sure none of them foreign Muslims get to go to the Cordoba House.

And, he makes a pederasty reference about Catholics never considering the history of pederasty by Muslims. :clap2: Classic.
This just in.......... History still baffling to Soggy

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Until you can show a causal relationship between muslims and spanish conquistadors I feel REAL sorry for the educators that failed to reach your brain.


By all means, tonto, if YOU think you've got some historic context to share then cite your source.... (or, do like we both know you'll do and run for the fucking hills)



Military culture in the medieval Iberian Peninsula

In a situation of constant conflict, warfare and daily life were strongly interlinked during this period. Small, lightly equipped armies reflected how the society had to be on the alert at all times. These forces were capable of moving long distances in short times, allowing a quick return home after sacking a target. Battles which took place were mainly between clans, expelling intruder armies or sacking expeditions.

The cultural context of the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula was different than that of the rest of Continental Europe in the Middle Ages, due to contact with the Moorish culture and the isolation provided by the Pyrenees (an exception to this is Catalonia, where Frankish influence remained strong). These cultural differences implied the use of doctrines, equipment, and tactics markedly different from those found in the rest of Europe during this period.

Reconquista - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't say I never gave you anything. And, pick up a book would ya?

Just to connect the last couple of dots for you. The Reconquista was completed in 1492. That year might sound familiar to you, because......that's right....Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Thus, the same year in which the 800 year Reconquista effort to take back the Iberian Peninsula was completed, the conquest of the Americas begin. Now, our little quote from above indicates that indeed, the isolation from the rest of Europe because of the Pyrenees Mountains and the constant engagement with the Moors changed the cultural and military tactics and doctrines of the Christian Kingdoms on the Iberian Peninsula.

I would have you believe that this influence, being unbroken in time, would have been carried forward into the conquest of the new world. You would have us believe that it didn't.

What are your sources for asking us to believe that the Spanish suddenly developed a new military doctrine when it began the conquest of the new world?

are you fucking kidding me?

what the hell does that have to do with HERNANDO CORTEZ the CONQUISTADOR (besides a common root word, of course)? Not one fucking mention of Cortez in your wiki article. NOT ONE.

so much for that education you were touting, fry boy!







oh man, I needed that gut laugh today!


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