You Are A Bigot If You Think The NYC Mosque is Inappropriate.

Of course it is because Muslims are building it, but it is much more complicated than that. Everyone knows most Muslims are not Terrorist, But thinking people understand that those Radical Elements of Islam will see this Mosque and a sign of Victory. They will see its location and its name as a monument to what they did on 9/11. That is why people are against it. You guys can keep labeling the 66% of Americans opposed to this as Bigots, but saying it does not make it true. Sure some of them are Bigots, but most just think this location and this Name of this project is a clear political statement sent to our enemies. Period.

who gives a shit what those radical muslims think while it's being used by AMERICAN muslims? Should we get rid of catholic schools because pedo preists will see it as an icon of their domination over the sphincters of alterboys? Of course not. What you THINK it says is about as significant as your rebuke of my nomenclature. Guess what.. your ego doesn't get to trump our system of laws. Sorry to bum you out.

and yes, even if your percentage is 99% you are still a fucking bigot. Hell, 50 years ago, back when ******* were publically castigated, you'd haven't had to defend your position at all. GO FIGURE.

You see Soggy is going to stand guard at JFK and make sure none of them foreign Muslims get to go to the Cordoba House.

And, he makes a pederasty reference about Catholics never considering the history of pederasty by Muslims. :clap2: Classic.

No, i'm going to trust in our American system of laws and constitutional liberties while opening a path for westernized muslims to enjoy a superior culture rather than get hung up on a root word found in two spanish words..


I'm still laughing about that. THAT was fucking hilarious.

hey pussy.. want to count how many catholic schools there are to muslim schools in America before or after we consider how long the pope tried to keep all that childhood butt fucking peep?

Or, I guess.. we could compare some root words...

Islamic Center Backers Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia, Iran

The developers behind the Islamic center planned for a site near Ground Zero won't rule out accepting financing from the Mideast -- including from Saudi Arabia and Iran -- as they begin searching for $100 million needed to build the project.

The religious organization and the development company behind the center declined to say how much of the $100 million needed to build the facility has already been raised.

Islamic Center Backers Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia, Iran - ABC News

They refused to answer if they would take money from Iran or Saudi Arabia, etc.
Until you can show a causal relationship between muslims and spanish conquistadors I feel REAL sorry for the educators that failed to reach your brain.


By all means, tonto, if YOU think you've got some historic context to share then cite your source.... (or, do like we both know you'll do and run for the fucking hills)



Military culture in the medieval Iberian Peninsula

In a situation of constant conflict, warfare and daily life were strongly interlinked during this period. Small, lightly equipped armies reflected how the society had to be on the alert at all times. These forces were capable of moving long distances in short times, allowing a quick return home after sacking a target. Battles which took place were mainly between clans, expelling intruder armies or sacking expeditions.

The cultural context of the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula was different than that of the rest of Continental Europe in the Middle Ages, due to contact with the Moorish culture and the isolation provided by the Pyrenees (an exception to this is Catalonia, where Frankish influence remained strong). These cultural differences implied the use of doctrines, equipment, and tactics markedly different from those found in the rest of Europe during this period.

Reconquista - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't say I never gave you anything. And, pick up a book would ya?

Just to connect the last couple of dots for you. The Reconquista was completed in 1492. That year might sound familiar to you, because......that's right....Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Thus, the same year in which the 800 year Reconquista effort to take back the Iberian Peninsula was completed, the conquest of the Americas begin. Now, our little quote from above indicates that indeed, the isolation from the rest of Europe because of the Pyrenees Mountains and the constant engagement with the Moors changed the cultural and military tactics and doctrines of the Christian Kingdoms on the Iberian Peninsula.

I would have you believe that this influence, being unbroken in time, would have been carried forward into the conquest of the new world. You would have us believe that it didn't.

What are your sources for asking us to believe that the Spanish suddenly developed a new military doctrine when it began the conquest of the new world?

are you fucking kidding me?

what the hell does that have to do with HERNANDO CORTEZ the CONQUISTADOR (besides a common root word, of course)? Not one fucking mention of Cortez in your wiki article. NOT ONE.

so much for that education you were touting, fry boy!







oh man, I needed that gut laugh today!


OMFG!!! You are a 'tard.

Never mind. Newest person to make it to may ignore list. You are too stupid to engage with. I thought Sealybobo was hard to take, but he's fucking Einstein compared to you. Seriously. If you need a map to find your ass with both hands or a map to find Cortez from Columbus, you're flaming moron!

See ya!! Oh shit, no I won't. :lol: :lol: :lol:
who gives a shit what those radical muslims think while it's being used by AMERICAN muslims? Should we get rid of catholic schools because pedo preists will see it as an icon of their domination over the sphincters of alterboys? Of course not. What you THINK it says is about as significant as your rebuke of my nomenclature. Guess what.. your ego doesn't get to trump our system of laws. Sorry to bum you out.

and yes, even if your percentage is 99% you are still a fucking bigot. Hell, 50 years ago, back when ******* were publically castigated, you'd haven't had to defend your position at all. GO FIGURE.

You see Soggy is going to stand guard at JFK and make sure none of them foreign Muslims get to go to the Cordoba House.

And, he makes a pederasty reference about Catholics never considering the history of pederasty by Muslims. :clap2: Classic.

No, i'm going to trust in our American system of laws and constitutional liberties while opening a path for westernized muslims to enjoy a superior culture rather than get hung up on a root word found in two spanish words..


I'm still laughing about that. THAT was fucking hilarious.

hey pussy.. want to count how many catholic schools there are to muslim schools in America before or after we consider how long the pope tried to keep all that childhood butt fucking peep?

Or, I guess.. we could compare some root words...


This is painful and falls under the old adage not to argue with idiots because pretty soon you can't tell which is which.

Nevertheless, the Reconsquista or reconquest of the Iberian peninsula is only pertinent because you asked for proof that the Muslims influenced the actions of such Spanish Conquistadors as Cortez. The article I posted indicates that, in fact, the Muslim (Moorish) contact did influence the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in their culture and military doctrine among other things. Since there was no break in time between the Conquistador's conquest of the new world, that would include Cortez, moron, and the end of the Reconsquista, one can safely assume, in the absence of any other evidence, that the military doctrine did not change from one period to another.

Since the Moors influenced it in the first place, they influenced it in the second, unless you can show some evidence to the contrary. That include Cortez, whom you apparently have a hard on for.

Now you go on ignore. Moron.
Reconquista - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't say I never gave you anything. And, pick up a book would ya?

Just to connect the last couple of dots for you. The Reconquista was completed in 1492. That year might sound familiar to you, because......that's right....Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Thus, the same year in which the 800 year Reconquista effort to take back the Iberian Peninsula was completed, the conquest of the Americas begin. Now, our little quote from above indicates that indeed, the isolation from the rest of Europe because of the Pyrenees Mountains and the constant engagement with the Moors changed the cultural and military tactics and doctrines of the Christian Kingdoms on the Iberian Peninsula.

I would have you believe that this influence, being unbroken in time, would have been carried forward into the conquest of the new world. You would have us believe that it didn't.

What are your sources for asking us to believe that the Spanish suddenly developed a new military doctrine when it began the conquest of the new world?

are you fucking kidding me?

what the hell does that have to do with HERNANDO CORTEZ the CONQUISTADOR (besides a common root word, of course)? Not one fucking mention of Cortez in your wiki article. NOT ONE.

so much for that education you were touting, fry boy!







oh man, I needed that gut laugh today!


OMFG!!! You are a 'tard.

Never mind. Newest person to make it to may ignore list. You are too stupid to engage with. I thought Sealybobo was hard to take, but he's fucking Einstein compared to you. Seriously. If you need a map to find your ass with both hands or a map to find Cortez from Columbus, you're flaming moron!

See ya!! Oh shit, no I won't. :lol: :lol: :lol:

yea... I'd probably go run behind a rock and hide too if I were you. You clearly can't handle reality beyond the deep fryer.

then again, I probably wouldn't run behind the block user feature because I'm not a giant pussy like that.. especially one that *lol* makes giant assumptions about how evil MOOOOSLIMS are the reason Cortez found himself in South America...


oh shit that is STILL fucking hilarious!
Until you can show a causal relationship between muslims and spanish conquistadors I feel REAL sorry for the educators that failed to reach your brain.


By all means, tonto, if YOU think you've got some historic context to share then cite your source.... (or, do like we both know you'll do and run for the fucking hills)



Military culture in the medieval Iberian Peninsula

In a situation of constant conflict, warfare and daily life were strongly interlinked during this period. Small, lightly equipped armies reflected how the society had to be on the alert at all times. These forces were capable of moving long distances in short times, allowing a quick return home after sacking a target. Battles which took place were mainly between clans, expelling intruder armies or sacking expeditions.

The cultural context of the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula was different than that of the rest of Continental Europe in the Middle Ages, due to contact with the Moorish culture and the isolation provided by the Pyrenees (an exception to this is Catalonia, where Frankish influence remained strong). These cultural differences implied the use of doctrines, equipment, and tactics markedly different from those found in the rest of Europe during this period.

Reconquista - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't say I never gave you anything. And, pick up a book would ya?

Just to connect the last couple of dots for you. The Reconquista was completed in 1492. That year might sound familiar to you, because......that's right....Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Thus, the same year in which the 800 year Reconquista effort to take back the Iberian Peninsula was completed, the conquest of the Americas begin. Now, our little quote from above indicates that indeed, the isolation from the rest of Europe because of the Pyrenees Mountains and the constant engagement with the Moors changed the cultural and military tactics and doctrines of the Christian Kingdoms on the Iberian Peninsula.

I would have you believe that this influence, being unbroken in time, would have been carried forward into the conquest of the new world. You would have us believe that it didn't.

What are your sources for asking us to believe that the Spanish suddenly developed a new military doctrine when it began the conquest of the new world?

are you fucking kidding me?

what the hell does that have to do with HERNANDO CORTEZ the CONQUISTADOR (besides a common root word, of course)? Not one fucking mention of Cortez in your wiki article. NOT ONE.

so much for that education you were touting, fry boy!







oh man, I needed that gut laugh today!


I must think that's funny. :lol:
You see Soggy is going to stand guard at JFK and make sure none of them foreign Muslims get to go to the Cordoba House.

And, he makes a pederasty reference about Catholics never considering the history of pederasty by Muslims. :clap2: Classic.

No, i'm going to trust in our American system of laws and constitutional liberties while opening a path for westernized muslims to enjoy a superior culture rather than get hung up on a root word found in two spanish words..


I'm still laughing about that. THAT was fucking hilarious.

hey pussy.. want to count how many catholic schools there are to muslim schools in America before or after we consider how long the pope tried to keep all that childhood butt fucking peep?

Or, I guess.. we could compare some root words...


This is painful and falls under the old adage not to argue with idiots because pretty soon you can't tell which is which.

Nevertheless, the Reconsquista or reconquest of the Iberian peninsula is only pertinent because you asked for proof that the Muslims influenced the actions of such Spanish Conquistadors as Cortez. The article I posted indicates that, in fact, the Muslim (Moorish) contact did influence the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in their culture and military doctrine among other things. Since there was no break in time between the Conquistador's conquest of the new world, that would include Cortez, moron, and the end of the Reconsquista, one can safely assume, in the absence of any other evidence, that the military doctrine did not change from one period to another.

Since the Moors influenced it in the first place, they influenced it in the second, unless you can show some evidence to the contrary. That include Cortez, whom you apparently have a hard on for.

Now you go on ignore. Moron.




I've literally shown your post to 7 people in my office within the last 5 minutes. We are all laughing at your ignorance to the ole adage that "Correlation doesn't imply causation"... especially given how many OTHER European nations were out conquering too while not having some MOOOOOSLIM scapegoats to blame.

yea, dude. I'd go ahead and run your tuck-tailed ass under the porch or behind the block function. And, get a refund on your degree, son.



oh man.. must breath.. MUST breath!
If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

It has nothing to do with their faith. It's all about those funny little rags thy wear on their heads.

Have you offered your flesh and blood up to Mandingo yet? Tell me honestly. How are you going to feel when your little girl comes home dating Bubba?

Those would be called bath towels in English.
I refer to them as shop towels

Khomeini is to Islam what Pat Robertson is to Christianity.

Your ignorance is overwhelming.

The title of ayatollah, which means sign of God, is given to Shi'a clerics who have amassed many followers and become experts in religious, ethical, philosophical, and jurisprudence matters. It is the highest rank of Shi'a theologians. Ayatollahs do not exist in the Sunni Islamic sect; Sunni Islam does not have such a formal religious hierarchy as the Shi'a but they too have religious titles such as Mufti.

In order to become an ayatollah, a Shi'a cleric must study the Qur'an and Islam for many years. The title is not bestowed in an official manner, and the Islam faith has not laid out any requirements that a cleric must meet before becoming an ayatollah. Instead, the title is earned by studying, teaching, and preaching over a long period of time and also gathering followers and garnering the respect of other Shi'a clerics.

The name "ayatollah" originates from the Quran where human beings can also be regarded as signs of God, the literal translation of the title. 51:20–21 of the Quran states:

On the earth are signs (Ayat) for those of assured Faith,

As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?

Now how is that comparable to Pat Robertson?

All Muslims follow Ayatollah Khomeini? Are there are Muslims that are not radical nutcases? Any that have been living in the US for years without trying to overthrow the government or murdering anyone? Any? I think there are at least a few. Ya think?
CaféAuLait;2630609 said:
Islamic Center Backers Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia, Iran

The developers behind the Islamic center planned for a site near Ground Zero won't rule out accepting financing from the Mideast -- including from Saudi Arabia and Iran -- as they begin searching for $100 million needed to build the project.

The religious organization and the development company behind the center declined to say how much of the $100 million needed to build the facility has already been raised.

Islamic Center Backers Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia, Iran - ABC News

They refused to answer if they would take money from Iran or Saudi Arabia, etc.

Then where is the outcry when Bill Clinton took $10,000000 from Saudi Arabia,and others for his Clinton Library? WHERE IS THE OUTCRY?
From the German press:
Saudi billionaires Sheikh Mohammed Al-Amoudi and Nasser Al-Rashid, the Dubai Foundation, Nigerian businessman Gilbert Chagoury, British entrepreneur Richard Caring, the Friends of Saudi Arabia, Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk and singer Barbra Streisand's foundation gave between $1 and $5 million.

Donors gave Clinton's foundation at least $492 million from its inception in 1997 through last year, according to the most recent figures available. Bill Clinton did not release specific totals for each donor, providing only ranges of giving. Nor did he identify individual contributors' occupations or countries of residence.
Clinton's Donor List: Moguls, Arabs, supporters of Israel among donors - Nachrichten English-News - WELT ONLINE

From CBS June 2,2009
Clinton Charity Draws Eclectic Donors - CBS News

In my opinion:
Seems everyone is the 'enemy' of others until some of the 'elite' of those nations need their money, of course in exchange for 'something'. Two-faced SOB's all of them.

I've said it before, 'the citizens of the world are the fodder for the exploits of the 'wealthy elite' and most of them have all their 'backroom deals' at the expense of the others. There is another 'race' on the planet called "The Wealthy", Wealth knows only money, no race, no belief barriers, no nothing. The 'little people' are the vehicle they ride to achieve their goals. Nothing will ever change, it's been this way for eons. Only once in a while is there a revolution against this kind of oppression, but they have learned to make many very 'comfy' in order to keep the pot from boiling over. But I believe that mindset is changing on a daily basis. People are fed up with the B.S. from government officials.
If your opinion hinges on someone's faith then I guess the shoe fits, eh?

in other news, southerners who don't want their white daughter dating a black boy are racist. amazing how this works.

It has nothing to do with their faith. It's all about those funny little rags thy wear on their heads.

Have you offered your flesh and blood up to Mandingo yet? Tell me honestly. How are you going to feel when your little girl comes home dating Bubba?

I've dated many black women, you see, and do not hold the slightest issue with having a mulatto branch of my progeny. Sorry to deflate your overalls.

*Checks Overalls* Nope, not the least bit deflated. Sorry to inform you your opinion simply doesn't matter.

Now by date do you mean solicited on street corners and by bus terminals?
No, i'm going to trust in our American system of laws and constitutional liberties while opening a path for westernized muslims to enjoy a superior culture rather than get hung up on a root word found in two spanish words..


I'm still laughing about that. THAT was fucking hilarious.

hey pussy.. want to count how many catholic schools there are to muslim schools in America before or after we consider how long the pope tried to keep all that childhood butt fucking peep?

Or, I guess.. we could compare some root words...


This is painful and falls under the old adage not to argue with idiots because pretty soon you can't tell which is which.

Nevertheless, the Reconsquista or reconquest of the Iberian peninsula is only pertinent because you asked for proof that the Muslims influenced the actions of such Spanish Conquistadors as Cortez. The article I posted indicates that, in fact, the Muslim (Moorish) contact did influence the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in their culture and military doctrine among other things. Since there was no break in time between the Conquistador's conquest of the new world, that would include Cortez, moron, and the end of the Reconsquista, one can safely assume, in the absence of any other evidence, that the military doctrine did not change from one period to another.

Since the Moors influenced it in the first place, they influenced it in the second, unless you can show some evidence to the contrary. That include Cortez, whom you apparently have a hard on for.

Now you go on ignore. Moron.




I've literally shown your post to 7 people in my office within the last 5 minutes. We are all laughing at your ignorance to the ole adage that "Correlation doesn't imply causation"... especially given how many OTHER European nations were out conquering too while not having some MOOOOOSLIM scapegoats to blame.

yea, dude. I'd go ahead and run your tuck-tailed ass under the porch or behind the block function. And, get a refund on your degree, son.



oh man.. must breath.. MUST breath!

BS Alert! No way would 7 people work with Shogun. I'd fire him in two seconds for the language in his post.
Is it? How do you know? Because they told you?

I'll bet the used car dealer told you he was giving you a great deal on the clunker he was going to sell you too. Why would you not believe him, but you believe them? Because they are looking out for your best interests? Really?

Stop being simple. Look for the answers to the questions that I posed. Don't be afraid of the research. I won't hurt, I promise.
Them, who? You've made a claim. I say your claim is nonsense. If you don't wish to back it up, fine...I will continue to believe that it is nonsense.

When this story first broke months and months ago you were one of those claiming it wasn't true.

Your track record determining what is real and what isn't is not impressive.
What did I claim wasn't true?
btw, this has got to be the most ironic tagline ever.


Our Country,Not Ourselves
Member #11434

Too bad you think so. If you look carefully on the crest that is my Avatar, it says the same thing. I just put it out as the tagline because it's hard to see. The crest is from the US 30th Infantry Regiment, my old unit.

If you don't like it, you can kiss my Wild Boar Ass!
I have avatars turned off. I think it's ironic because in this issue you are Ourselves, Not Country.
Building a church in Mecca and calling it the Church of the Crusaders would be a bad thing.

Building a mosque at Ground Zero and calling it the Cordoba Center is a bad thing for the same reason.

EDIT: If you dont understand the implications of the name Cordoba let me know and I'll explain it for you.
There is a Cordoba cathedral in Spain that was formerly a Mosque. Christians and Muslims have prayed at that site together.

I think that would be wonderful in NYC near the 9/11 site. To remind us of the day when all Americans stood together united.

The funders and proponents of building the mosque are not Americans.

And the mosque at Cordoba was build over a razed church. Cordoba exemplified sharia - Christians and Jews were dhimmis and lived in subservience to Muslims. If they didn't, they were killed.
I don't think they razed it...but they remolded it. Cordoba was the seat of Muslim culture and learning and actually brought many benefits to the world (algebra ... though I'm sure you sucked at that).

So the name Cordoba might not mean what you think...once again you leap to conclusions because you're an idiot.

Khomeini is to Islam what Pat Robertson is to Christianity.

Your ignorance is overwhelming.

The title of ayatollah, which means sign of God, is given to Shi'a clerics who have amassed many followers and become experts in religious, ethical, philosophical, and jurisprudence matters. It is the highest rank of Shi'a theologians. Ayatollahs do not exist in the Sunni Islamic sect; Sunni Islam does not have such a formal religious hierarchy as the Shi'a but they too have religious titles such as Mufti.

In order to become an ayatollah, a Shi'a cleric must study the Qur'an and Islam for many years. The title is not bestowed in an official manner, and the Islam faith has not laid out any requirements that a cleric must meet before becoming an ayatollah. Instead, the title is earned by studying, teaching, and preaching over a long period of time and also gathering followers and garnering the respect of other Shi'a clerics.

The name "ayatollah" originates from the Quran where human beings can also be regarded as signs of God, the literal translation of the title. 51:20–21 of the Quran states:

On the earth are signs (Ayat) for those of assured Faith,

As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?

Now how is that comparable to Pat Robertson?

All Muslims follow Ayatollah Khomeini? Are there are Muslims that are not radical nutcases? Any that have been living in the US for years without trying to overthrow the government or murdering anyone? Any? I think there are at least a few. Ya think?

No because Khomeini is dead and has been for over 20 years.

Are there are Muslims that are.....? WTF?!?!

If you're asking are there muslims living in the US the answer is yes. But what does that have to do with your lame comparison? make some ridiculous statements. For instance that this a "victory" dance (the Islamic center) to be dedicated on 9/11/11. Bullshit...there is no evidence to support that whatsoever.

Especially when Khan has said there are no final construction plans, and there were never any start dates and final dates planned on 9/11.

Just to be clear, I never said anything about any construction dates or anything like that. That would be Ravi ascribing to me things I never said.
Yes, I was wrong about that. It was another of you wingers...I apologize.

But this highlights what I'm getting and many others are making wild assumptions and posting hysterical things that have no basis in fact.
Just wondering. Anyone think they will actually build a mosque/community center at that location? I think not.
Building a church in Mecca and calling it the Church of the Crusaders would be a bad thing.

Building a mosque at Ground Zero and calling it the Cordoba Center is a bad thing for the same reason.

EDIT: If you dont understand the implications of the name Cordoba let me know and I'll explain it for you.

Your going to have to "Splain" the Cordoba bit

I thought it was a car Chrysler built in the 70s with rich Corinthian leather

RIP Ricardo

No problemo sir.

Cordoba represents religious waring and hatred between Christians and Muslims. First the muslims conqured cordoba, tore down their church, and build a mosque on the ground. Then the christians re-conqured the area, tore down the mosque, and built another church.

Here is some light reading Great Mosque of Córdoba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Great Mosque of Córdoba, now known as the Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (English: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption) was a mosque built by the Umayyads on the site of a Christian Visigothic Church[1] in the Andalusian city of Córdoba, Spain. It is regarded as perhaps the most accomplished monument of the Umayyad dynasty of Córdoba. After the Spanish Reconquista, it was rebuilt as Roman Catholic church with a Gothic cathedral inserted into the centre of the large Moorish building. Today the entire building is used to house the Cathedral of the diocese of Córdoba in Spain.
Naming it the cordoba center is akin to building a memorial to the japanese air force at pearl harbor and calling it the "Tora Tora Tora Center" or building a memorial to fallen american soldiers at hiroshima and calling it the "Little Boy Memorial"

Or, like I said originally, building a church in mecca and calling it the "Church of the Crusades" or "The Crusaders Church of Christ" or something like that.
How so? We are not Spanish or Roman.

Especially when Khan has said there are no final construction plans, and there were never any start dates and final dates planned on 9/11.

Just to be clear, I never said anything about any construction dates or anything like that. That would be Ravi ascribing to me things I never said.
Yes, I was wrong about that. It was another of you wingers...I apologize.

But this highlights what I'm getting and many others are making wild assumptions and posting hysterical things that have no basis in fact.

I challenge you to name those that are making "wild assumptions and posting hysterical things that have no basis in fact" and give examples of these so-called "wild assumptions" and "hysterical things".

Because as you know, your credibility sucks.

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