You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

The problem is that you are talking about something that is not going to happen. Why even discuss a fantasy if it is not doable. The Republicans will NEVER agree to that as it would a death wound to them.

So, let's just go for the "Fuck Trump" "no, Fuck Biden" "no, Fuck Trump" "actually, fuck Biden" "well, to be honest, fuck Trump" then shall we?
So, let's just go for the "Fuck Trump" "no, Fuck Biden" "no, Fuck Trump" "actually, fuck Biden" "well, to be honest, fuck Trump" then shall we?
There are some basics in life that we all need to adhere to and if you don't, you earn the insult of "Fuck you". If you have no morals, ethics, principles, or humanity (like Trump) then "Fuck you:
There are some basics in life that we all need to adhere to and if you don't, you earn the insult of "Fuck you". If you have no morals, ethics, principles, or humanity (like Trump) then "Fuck you:

Well at least we're not talking about complex things that would improve the US..... hey?
What a BS question. You check it out and let us know.

Jobs are jobs

Government jobs are like robbing Peter to pay Paul. If government jobs were no different, why don’t we just hire everyone to work for the government. We would have 100% employment and things would be just fabulous, right?
Government jobs are like robbing Peter to pay Paul. If government jobs were no different, why don’t we just hire everyone to work for the government. We would have 100% employment and things would be just fabulous, right?

I know right, how dare those scum bag doctors and nurses work for the VA and take care of our Vets.
I know right, how dare those scum bag doctors and nurses work for the VA and take care of our Vets.

I didn’t say no government jobs were necessary. I was replying to the tard that said that government jobs were no different than private ones. That is patently false.
Government jobs are like robbing Peter to pay Paul. If government jobs were no different, why don’t we just hire everyone to work for the government. We would have 100% employment and things would be just fabulous, right?
When you go to the ridiculous and to the extreme, your are not responding to.
When you go to the ridiculous and to the extreme, your are not responding to.

You stated there was no difference between government jobs and private sector jobs. I was merely pointing out that is not the case. Increasing the employment numbers by further expanding our already bloated federal government is nothing to cheer about.
You stated there was no difference between government jobs and private sector jobs. I was merely pointing out that is not the case. Increasing the employment numbers by further expanding our already bloated federal government is nothing to cheer about.
Everything in life requires a "middle road". Extremes do not work. We all need to give a little and get a little. My way or the highway does not work.
Everything in life requires a "middle road". Extremes do not work. We all need to give a little and get a little. My way or the highway does not work.

The left should take their own advice. You can rest assured that if Trump wins the election, Democrats will burn, loot and riot because they didn’t get their way. How is that taking the “middle road”?
Having morals, ethics, principles and humanity AUTOMATICALLY things improve as those prevent anyone from trying to screw others.

Yeah, but a government system that runs on people trying to get as much money as possible, as opposed to a system where people get those choose... what could go wrong? Aside from EVERYTHING.
I didn’t say no government jobs were necessary. I was replying to the tard that said that government jobs were no different than private ones. That is patently false.

To the person working them they are no difference, except that they help to pay their own salary
The left should take their own advice. You can rest assured that if Trump wins the election, Democrats will burn, loot and riot because they didn’t get their way. How is that taking the “middle road”?

Like they did in 2016?
Yeah, but a government system that runs on people trying to get as much money as possible, as opposed to a system where people get those choose... what could go wrong? Aside from EVERYTHING.
Have you ever found anyone or any nation were greed does not exist? This is not about getting rid of it but controlling it..............on both sides.
Just because a state is blue doesn't imply that Dems control or determine all of the city ordinances that pertain to rental properties. Landlords and their cronies in city councils and throughout the state, make it extremely difficult to pass rental control laws, regardless of the residents of that state mostly voting Democrat. But I'm not here to defend the Dems or the Democratic Party USA. I'll say it now as I've repeatedly said it in the past, both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, are two sides of the same stinky turd, serving the same vested interests, to the detriment of the American people.

I'm a socialist/"commie", so I believe housing in a civil, modern society should be recognized as a human right. Landlordism should be banned, and eradicated, just like slavery and other forms of human exploitation and injustice. The only property that should be protected and allowed in our country, besides publicly owned and managed property, is property that is for personal use (i.e. One's personal property), not "private property", that's used to exploit other human beings for private profits.

"The war over rent regulations has long been waged between Democrats and Republicans. The state’s last Republican governor, George Pataki, threatened to eliminate tenant protections entirely. State Senate Republicans, who hail mostly from upstate but enjoyed the backing of New York City’s real estate titans, scaled back rent regulations while they were in control. Now that Democrats have seized all the levers of power in Albany, lawmakers this month are poised to not only renew but strengthen protections for downstate tenants."

"Rental housing is governed by a combination of state laws and local ordinances – often creating confusing differences between counties. In an effort to simplify this, Florida passed changes to the Florida Landlord and Tenant Act or Florida Statute 83.

As of July 1, 2024, more than 40 local ordinances across Florida became invalid by this change and were replaced with a statewide law. For example, this makes Orange County’s tenant bill of rights and fair notice requirements unenforceable.

This doesn’t mean that local counties can’t pass their own ordinances – but they can’t conflict with the Florida statutes. This can work to block measures such as rent increase caps or rent control measures, which are not legal in Florida."

What's your definition of "rent control" Protectionist? The above doesn't seem like genuine rent control at all. So be more specific, can you give me the # of the bill, and some links to read about it? The bill mentioned above, isn't really a rent control bill.

You're blaming the Dems for the lack of rent control when it's Republican legislators who constantly vote against such laws, not Dems. I'm no friend of the Democratic Party, but I do give credit where it's due. Dems are better than Republicans when it comes to rent control laws.

I'm not voting for anyone. They both suck.
The one ingredient you intentionally missed in your long drawn out diatribe is the fact that renters have the constant pressure to set rent at levels that don't stop potential renters from being interested in renting from them, but they also have a vested interest in having safe, clean rental properties that have rent set at the levels to insure that to be the case. Government needs to stop with the damned social engineering of societies, and get the hell out of the way.

The government can't provide the vetting that is needed to stop bad people from moving in on renter's, and then destroying their properties while also making the community around those properties unsafe. Not only that, but I'm tired as a taxpayer subsidizing the bull shite with my tax dollar's because the government then pays the renter for the damages incurred after convincing the renter to accept the bad renter's into the rental.

Their will always be slum lord's, and they are always willing to accept anyone, and their will always be government housing where the government is the slum lord, but it's time for the government to get the hell out of renter's business who want to provide safe clean environments to those that want to pay that renter for exactly that.

Go to hell with your commie/socialist one size fits all thinking.

We have a country to save now.
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Everything in life requires a "middle road". Extremes do not work. We all need to give a little and get a little. My way or the highway does not work.
Boy if you could just have a magic wand, then the world would just be all Lillie's and Rose's with a chicken in every pot, and and a house, car, and easy job for all participants, otherwise regardless of their sinful character's (some way more than other's), and then they could just do bad unto other's without any regard to how nice or good a person was to them.

When you get rid of your god complex, then maybe you can join the rest of common sense society that understands the complexities of all thing's being dealt with.
Boy if you could just have a magic wand, then the world would just be all Lillie's and Rose's with a chicken in every pot, and and a house, car, and easy job for all participants, otherwise regardless of their sinful character's (some way more than other's), and then they could just do bad unto other's without any regard to how nice or good a person was to them.

When you get rid of your god complex, then maybe you can join the rest of common sense society that understands the complexities of all thing's being dealt with.
You really do not understand the basics, do you.

Do you even understand the WORD Basic?

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