You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

You are correct that allowing landlords to spike rents as much as possible is not good for the economy.

It may interest you to know that I have authored multiple threads and hundreds of posts saying that same thing you just said, about spiking rents being bad for the economy, only in greater detail.

As for Dems being better than Republicans on rent control, that is a tough case to make, when 15 blue states that voted for Biden in 2020, have bans on rent control. Another 5 blue states have no law, thereby allowing landlords to escalate rents indiscriminately.
In fact, only 4 states have a state rent control law.

View attachment 1022128
Think about it - BLUE state's are the worst states, and it's because the Democrat's are running them.

Once an owner was told that he or she must tolerate thing's that people shouldn't have to tolerate when renting, and the government took away the owner's rights to throw someone out on their ace if they are destroying his or her property, then the only weapon the owner had left in hopes to battle the situation, was these price spikes or the retaining of the freedom to raise or lower rents if looking to either get rid of a major problem, and to help another stay if they are a model Tennant and not a problem.
High density housing full of what type of renter's ? We've seen the broken model of filling high density housing with broke spirited citizen's. What a nightmare it can become, especially if government puts it's left dealing hand's in it.
High density housing full of those who work for a living, and obey the law, but who cannot afford to own houses in the suburbs.
High density housing full of those who work for a living, and obey the law, but who cannot afford to own houses in the suburbs.
Yeah well, I've seen your idea play out in this new and/or actually old modern unstable way of thinking in a "woke" Democrat led society for over 50 years or more now, and it has destroyed communities and in some cases entire cities or towns. The blight and destruction has been epic. Then you add in hollywierd blasting the TV and glorifying twisted and strange cultures that end up slowly grooming and perverting society, and you get exactly the results we are seeing today in a lot of this stuff.

Man, if the left could just erase the past, then there would be no measure that anyone could use in order to know the differences, but oh wait, that's what the left is attempting too do as we speak. No one is fooled by it all, and especially if one has lived long enough to see the slow decay of society take shape right before one's very eye's.
Yeah well, I've seen your idea play out in this new and/or actually old modern unstable way of thinking in a "woke" Democrat led society for over 50 years or more now, and it has destroyed communities and in some cases entire cities or towns. The blight and destruction has been epic. Then you add in hollywierd blasting the TV and glorifying twisted and strange cultures that end up slowly grooming and perverting society, and you get exactly the results we are seeing today in a lot of this stuff.

Man, if the left could just erase the past, then there would be no measure that anyone could use in order to know the differences, but oh wait, that's what the left is attempting too do as we speak. No one is fooled by it all, and especially if one has lived long enough to see the slow decay of society take shape right before one's very eye's.
You seem to think that everyone who cannot afford to buy a house in the suburbs is a member of the urban underclass, who supports himself by a combination of welfare and crime. That assumption is inaccurate.
You leave out the most valuable ingredients in capitalism, and that is these two ingredients - "rewarding merit" and "good character".

Your idea's work great if building a standing army of millions in hopes to conquer the world with them, but that shouldn't be the goal of our nation.

The future is to continue modernizing our military in order to make it an efficient killing machine that can protect this nation without sending wave after wave after wave of our citizen's into a meat grinder that has no end.


A professional quality modernized citizenry, otherwise that is built up off of merit and recognizes character when they are being educated, and it recognizes merit that rewards quality and skill in their workmanship (when applied), is the best model that any nation can have.

Recognizing character, and having or keeping the building blocks in place to reward merits + good character, and to feed it, is essential in a capitalistic merit based society.

However, we must always remember that we aren't perfect, and we will slip, stumble, and fall, so we must always be humble, empathetic, and compassionate for those who might need a helping hand in life, otherwise just a little lift to help them get back on track, but not in a way that it encourages dependency or creates it.
You leave out the most valuable ingredients in capitalism, and that is these two ingredients - "rewarding merit" and "good character".

More like insatiable greed and selfishness. Lust for power, to the detriment of everyone else. Capitalism always leads to cronyism and making disease and war profitable, creating a quagmire of pain and suffering for most people. Technology allowed the mercantile class to become powerful industrialists, replacing the royal aristocracy of Europe, with its financial prowess and Republican constitutions. The UK with its powerful merchant corporations under the authority of the crown, later the United States and France, advanced capitalism further, replacing monarchs with their own power based on wealth, cronyism, within a Republican plutocratic system. It took technology to empower the mercantile class to industrialize.

Now thanks to advanced automation and AI, we're entering into the age of socialism. Just as capitalism replaced chattel slavery and feudalism, improving people's access to power, democratic socialism (i.e. council high- communism), will succeed capitalism. The means of production (i.e. All of the facilities, machinery, advanced autonomous systems, robotics, AI, quantum-supercomputers, nanotechnology.etc), will be owned collectively, becoming public property (i.e. Our commonwealth), no longer in the hands of a few wealthy capitalists.

A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]
Source: Communism - Wikipedia

No private property (only personal property is permitted), no socioeconomic classes, no need for money or the state. The state, while it exists, is always a dictatorship, representing one class at the expense of the other. We believe in the state of the people (i.e. The dictatorship of the proletariat - working class - 94% of the population). This state serves the common good, and eventually withers away thanks to the consumer being fully empowered with advanced technology, no longer needing government infrastructure or anyone else to produce anything for them. The individual consumer will own the means of production, thanks to advanced technology.

Withering away of the state is a Marxist concept coined by Friedrich Engels referring to the idea that, with the realization of socialism, the state will eventually become obsolete and cease to exist as society will be able to govern itself without the state and its coercive enforcement of the law.

Origin of the phrase:


The phrase stems from Friedrich Engels,[1] who wrote in part 3, chapter 2 of Anti-Dühring (1878):

The interference of the state power in social relations becomes superfluous in one sphere after another, and then ceases of itself. The government of persons is replaced by the administration of things and the direction of the processes of production. The state is not "abolished", it withers away. (‹See Tfd›German: Der Staat wird nicht „abgeschafft“, er stirbt ab., lit. 'The state is not "abolished", it atrophies.')[2]

A related quote from Engels comes from Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1884):

The society which organizes production anew on the basis of free and equal association of the producers will put the whole state machinery where it will then belong, into the museum of antiquities, next to the spinning wheel and the bronze axe.[1]

Source: Withering away of the state - Wikipedia.

Your idea's work great if building a standing army of millions in hopes to conquer the world with them, but that shouldn't be the goal of our nation.

Our goal as a nation is to survive and thrive, and become as independent as possible. There are patterns of thought and behavior that contribute to that objective and others that don't. Socialism is a mode of production and economic system that doesn't rely on markets or wages to mass produce all of the goods and services that we, as a nation, need to survive and thrive, hence, it's clearly the successor of capitalism, just as capitalism succeeded chattel slavery and feudalism.

Capitalism was a great improvement from the economic systems that preceded it and was the natural, inevitable result of the material (technological) conditions of the 19th century, allowing us to free ourselves from chattel slavery and feudalism, affording people more rights and opportunities for upward social mobility (moving up the social ladder), improving people's standard of living. However, every socioeconomic system eventually due to technology, "has its day", when it kicks the bucket and is replaced by another mode of production. Today we're entering into the age of advanced automation and AI, hence the need for a marketless system of production, that doesn't rely on wages (human wage-labor) and its purchasing power (paying consumers).

Democratic socialism, or council-high-communism is the natural successor of capitalism. As material conditions continue to move in the direction of advanced automation and artificial intelligence, the need for socialism will become much more apparent. You can deny it, but that's because you're either misinformed or suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance.

The future is to continue modernizing our military in order to make it an efficient killing machine that can protect this nation without sending wave after wave after wave of our citizen's into a meat grinder that has no end.A PROFFESIONAL QUALITY MODERNIZED MILITARY IS KEY.

The MIC - Military Industrial Complex = Big Money Capitalists, love their wars. War is a lucrative business for the wealthy ruling elites of this country, so I doubt you're ever going to see the end of the "meat grinder" without first eliminating the profit motive behind war. I suggest you read the following book, written by one of the most decorated combat veterans in US history:


Having a powerful military is indeed important, but our most pressing challenge today as Americans isn't getting invaded by another power as we were in 1812, but economics. How the hell are we going to overcome the replacement of human wage labor by advanced automation and AI? We're doomed as a nation if we don't answer that question. Our country is going to become balkanized, broken into different countries. We're not going to continue as the "United" States of America, if we fail to resolve this crisis. How the heck are we going to deal with the replacement of human wage labor by advanced, fully-automated technology? The answer is democratic socialism/council-communism.

A professional quality modernized citizenry, otherwise that is built up off of merit and recognizes character when they are being educated, and it recognizes merit that rewards quality and skill in their workmanship (when applied), is the best model that any nation can have.
Recognizing character, and having or keeping the building blocks in place to reward merits + good character, and to feed it, is essential in a capitalistic merit based society.

However, we must always remember that we aren't perfect, and we will slip, stumble, and fall, so we must always be humble, empathetic, and compassionate for those who might need a helping hand in life, otherwise just a little lift to help them get back on track, but not in a way that it encourages dependency or creates it.

Capitalism, thanks to advanced automation and artificial intelligence, is going the way of the dodo.


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You are correct that allowing landlords to spike rents as much as possible is not good for the economy.

It may interest you to know that I have authored multiple threads and hundreds of posts saying that same thing you just said, about spiking rents being bad for the economy, only in greater detail.

As for Dems being better than Republicans on rent control, that is a tough case to make, when 15 blue states that voted for Biden in 2020, have bans on rent control. Another 5 blue states have no law, thereby allowing landlords to escalate rents indiscriminately.
In fact, only 4 states have a state rent control law.

View attachment 1022128
Go to the state legislatures, and look at who voted against rent controls, or the city councils. Who voted against rent controls? Dems? Most likely not, it was the Republicans who constantly voted against rent controls, because they felt the "invisible hand" of the "free market" should handle everything and capitalists, including landlords should have free-reign, "carte blanche" control over what they do with their assets.

Sure I like the idea of having the power to control my personal property, what I own, but can I allow my pool to turn green, and become a vector for Dengue disease, a malaria-like deadly illness, transmitted by mosquitoes in places like Florida, where I'm originally from? Can I raise a giant statue of Donald Trump on my front lawn wrapped in Christmas tree lights, blinking night and day, with a giant yellow toupee? Why can't I do that? It's my property, my front yard, I should be able to do whatever I want. I can let my front and back yards go completely feral, full of weeds, rodents, snakes, and spiders. You, my neighbor, have children. Do you want your kids getting bit by snakes and spiders? What effect do my unkept yards have on your property value? Not good.

What effect does laissez-faire, "free market" capitalism have upon the public? Not good. Allowing capitalists, including landlords, to do whatever they want, business-wise isn't a good idea. The profit motive can do good things, sometimes, but it can also cause havoc. It needs to be properly regulated. I'm regulated, I can't let my pool turn green, full of mosquito larvae, or let my yard go to crap. Right? We're all regulated because none of us live in a vacuum. We live in a community, with other human beings.

Workers need affordable housing and it behooves the capitalists to not be against rent control because it ensures that their workforce remains close to their jobs, rather than having to live 50, or 70 miles away in a small town where rents are cheap. I would rather have my employees live near my business. Here in Manhattan, there are a lot of people working low-salary jobs, in retail, restaurants..etc, where do these people live? Do you want them to live in another state? In New Jersey across the river? That's a hell of a commute to work every day. If I were a capitalist, I would want my employees as close as possible to my business.
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It wasn't that long ago, that I was spending hundreds of dollars, sometimes thousands, on hiring freelancers on, to code plugins for my WordPress websites and write articles for them. I have several "niche websites", that need plugins, calculators, industry-relevant content..etc. Now thanks to artificial intelligence, I haven't spent more than a $21 subscription fee for all of my new plugins and website content. We're living in one of the most unique eras in human history, when human labor, which we've had for thousands of years, is being replaced by advanced, intelligent automation.

Do people understand what that entails for capitalism? Unfortunately, too many people don't understand or refuse to accept the reality of the situation. I spent three years training the AI, that eventually took my job. I'm still employed as a consultant, but my CNC coding days are over. Gone. Millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs, as a result of advanced, intelligent automation. This technology runs diagnostic maintenance on itself, and then debugs and fixes the problem, without human intervention. The human operator is out of the picture.

Capitalism is grounded upon wages. Eliminate wages and there's no market. The paying consumer doesn't have the means to pay for the goods and services that they need to live. Without a paying customer, there's no capitalism. Do you understand the plight we're in? The supply chain, and all of the logistical processes with its infrastructure, is going to be fully automated. From the mines to the factories, to the warehouses and outlet stores, all of the shipping involved in that process, is going to be intelligently automated. It's happening right now.

I have capitalists hiring me to automate their CNC operations, and if you knew what they were planning to do, you would panic. They're competing with one another, on how fast they can automate their factories and "free themselves" from human labor and their unions. This is across the board, not just in manufacturing but in retail as well. Capitalists are moving towards 100% automation.

Eventually advanced AI, will replace the remote mining human operators.

Copy of Copy of Black Modern Girl Youtube Profile Picture (500 × 500 px) (800 × 500 px) (800 ×...gif
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You seem to think that everyone who cannot afford to buy a house in the suburbs is a member of the urban underclass, who supports himself by a combination of welfare and crime. That assumption is inaccurate.
Your assumption is inaccurate.. Do better.
Go to the state legislatures, and look at who voted against rent controls, or the city councils. Who voted against rent controls? Dems? Most likely not, it was the Republicans who constantly voted against rent controls, because they felt the "invisible hand" of the "free market" should handle everything and capitalists, including landlords should have free-reign, "carte blanche" control over what they do with their assets.

Sure I like the idea of having the power to control my personal property, what I own, but can I allow my pool to turn green, and become a vector for Dengue disease, a malaria-like deadly illness, transmitted by mosquitoes in places like Florida, where I'm originally from? Can I raise a giant statue of Donald Trump on my front lawn wrapped in Christmas tree lights, blinking night and day, with a giant yellow toupee? Why can't I do that? It's my property, my front yard, I should be able to do whatever I want. I can let my front and back yards go completely feral, full of weeds, rodents, snakes, and spiders. You, my neighbor, have children. Do you want your kids getting bit by snakes and spiders? What effect do my unkept yards have on your property value? Not good.

What effect does laissez-faire, "free market" capitalism have upon the public? Not good. Allowing capitalists, including landlords, to do whatever they want, business-wise isn't a good idea. The profit motive can do good things, sometimes, but it can also cause havoc. It needs to be properly regulated. I'm regulated, I can't let my pool turn green, full of mosquito larvae, or let my yard go to crap. Right? We're all regulated because none of us live in a vacuum. We live in a community, with other human beings.

Workers need affordable housing and it behooves the capitalists to not be against rent control because it ensures that their workforce remains close to their jobs, rather than having to live 50, or 70 miles away in a small town where rents are cheap. I would rather have my employees live near my business. Here in Manhattan, there are a lot of people working low-salary jobs, in retail, restaurants..etc, where do these people live? Do you want them to live in another state? In New Jersey across the river? That's a hell of a commute to work every day. If I were a capitalist, I would want my employees as close as possible to my business.
1. Apparently in dozens of blue states, it was Democrats who voted against rent control. If they had not done that, they wouldn't have the bans on rent control that they have. Duh!

2. Also, here in Florida a pro rent control legislation was passed in July 2023, in a legislature that is overwhelmingly Republican.

3. The skyrocketed rents in America are the #1 enemy of small businesses. When renters (112 Million strong) get finished paying their now astronomical Biden inflated rents, they no longer have any money to pay for the things we are trying to sell. I'm an artist. I used to sell an average of 8 paintings a year, before 2021. I havent sold a single one since.

Sam Ash Music, the #1 seller of musical instruments for 100 years, just went out of business. Tell that to your Democrat friends in all those rent control ban states.

Anybody who would vote this Biden/Harris train wreck back into office for another 4 years, is dumber than a box of rocks. :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
It wasn't that long ago, that I was spending hundreds of dollars, sometimes thousands, on hiring freelancers on, to code plugins for my WordPress websites and write articles for them. I have several "niche websites", that need plugins, calculators, industry-relevant content..etc. Now thanks to artificial intelligence, I haven't spent more than a $21 subscription fee for all of my new plugins and website content. We're living in one of the most unique eras in human history, when human labor, which we've had for thousands of years, is being replaced by advanced, intelligent automation.

Do people understand what that entails for capitalism? Unfortunately, too many people don't understand or refuse to accept the reality of the situation. I spent three years training the AI, that eventually took my job. I'm still employed as a consultant, but my CNC coding days are over. Gone. Millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs, as a result of advanced, intelligent automation. This technology runs diagnostic maintenance on itself, and then debugs and fixes the problem, without human intervention. The human operator is out of the picture.

Capitalism is grounded upon wages. Eliminate wages and there's no market. The paying consumer doesn't have the means to pay for the goods and services that they need to live. Without a paying customer, there's no capitalism. Do you understand the plight we're in? The supply chain, and all of the logistical processes with its infrastructure, is going to be fully automated. From the mines to the factories, to the warehouses and outlet stores, all of the shipping involved in that process, is going to be intelligently automated. It's happening right now.

I have capitalists hiring me to automate their CNC operations, and if you knew what they were planning to do, you would panic. They're competing with one another, on how fast they can automate their factories and "free themselves" from human labor and their unions. This is across the board, not just in manufacturing but in retail as well. Capitalists are moving towards 100% automation.

Eventually advanced AI, will replace the remote mining human operators.

View attachment 1022382

Consumers have been eliminated already, by astronomical prices in housing, gas, & food.
More like insatiable greed and selfishness. Lust for power, to the detriment of everyone else. Capitalism always leads to cronyism and making disease and war profitable, creating a quagmire of pain and suffering for most people. Technology allowed the mercantile class to become powerful industrialists, replacing the royal aristocracy of Europe, with its financial prowess and Republican constitutions. The UK with its powerful merchant corporations under the authority of the crown, later the United States and France, advanced capitalism further, replacing monarchs with their own power based on wealth, cronyism, within a Republican plutocratic system. It took technology to empower the mercantile class to industrialize.

Now thanks to advanced automation and AI, we're entering into the age of socialism. Just as capitalism replaced chattel slavery and feudalism, improving people's access to power, democratic socialism (i.e. council high- communism), will succeed capitalism. The means of production (i.e. All of the facilities, machinery, advanced autonomous systems, robotics, AI, quantum-supercomputers, nanotechnology.etc), will be owned collectively, becoming public property (i.e. Our commonwealth), no longer in the hands of a few wealthy capitalists.

A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]
Source: Communism - Wikipedia

No private property (only personal property is permitted), no socioeconomic classes, no need for money or the state. The state, while it exists, is always a dictatorship, representing one class at the expense of the other. We believe in the state of the people (i.e. The dictatorship of the proletariat - working class - 94% of the population). This state serves the common good, and eventually withers away thanks to the consumer being fully empowered with advanced technology, no longer needing government infrastructure or anyone else to produce anything for them. The individual consumer will own the means of production, thanks to advanced technology.

Withering away of the state is a Marxist concept coined by Friedrich Engels referring to the idea that, with the realization of socialism, the state will eventually become obsolete and cease to exist as society will be able to govern itself without the state and its coercive enforcement of the law.

Origin of the phrase:


The phrase stems from Friedrich Engels,[1] who wrote in part 3, chapter 2 of Anti-Dühring (1878):

A related quote from Engels comes from Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1884):

Source: Withering away of the state - Wikipedia.

Our goal as a nation is to survive and thrive, and become as independent as possible. There are patterns of thought and behavior that contribute to that objective and others that don't. Socialism is a mode of production and economic system that doesn't rely on markets or wages to mass produce all of the goods and services that we, as a nation, need to survive and thrive, hence, it's clearly the successor of capitalism, just as capitalism succeeded chattel slavery and feudalism.

Capitalism was a great improvement from the economic systems that preceded it and was the natural, inevitable result of the material (technological) conditions of the 19th century, allowing us to free ourselves from chattel slavery and feudalism, affording people more rights and opportunities for upward social mobility (moving up the social ladder), improving people's standard of living. However, every socioeconomic system eventually due to technology, "has its day", when it kicks the bucket and is replaced by another mode of production. Today we're entering into the age of advanced automation and AI, hence the need for a marketless system of production, that doesn't rely on wages (human wage-labor) and its purchasing power (paying consumers).

Democratic socialism, or council-high-communism is the natural successor of capitalism. As material conditions continue to move in the direction of advanced automation and artificial intelligence, the need for socialism will become much more apparent. You can deny it, but that's because you're either misinformed or suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance.

The MIC - Military Industrial Complex = Big Money Capitalists, love their wars. War is a lucrative business for the wealthy ruling elites of this country, so I doubt you're ever going to see the end of the "meat grinder" without first eliminating the profit motive behind war. I suggest you read the following book, written by one of the most decorated combat veterans in US history:

Having a powerful military is indeed important, but our most pressing challenge today as Americans isn't getting invaded by another power as we were in 1812, but economics. How the hell are we going to overcome the replacement of human wage labor by advanced automation and AI? We're doomed as a nation if we don't answer that question. Our country is going to become balkanized, broken into different countries. We're not going to continue as the "United" States of America, if we fail to resolve this crisis. How the heck are we going to deal with the replacement of human wage labor by advanced, fully-automated technology? The answer is democratic socialism/council-communism.

Capitalism, thanks to advanced automation and artificial intelligence, is going the way of the dodo.

America has been invaded by other countries continually for decades. This imperialism (1970-2024) isn't military. It is being done with migration.

The migrants arrive, take jobs, and send hundreds of remittances Billions$$ to their home country. No bullets, bombs, or tanks needed. The Pew Research link shows the US having been raided for $148 Billion/year by a variety of 21st century imperialist countries ($30 Billion/yr to Mexico alone)

This an old figure form 7 years ago. Last week I heard it mentioned that the figure is now more than double that (about $400 billion/yr)
The Vikings would be envious.

1. Apparently in dozens of blue states, it was Democrats who voted against rent control. If they had not done that, they wouldn't have the bans on rent control that they have. Duh!

2. Also, here in Florida a pro rent control legislation was passed in July 2023, in a legislature that is overwhelmingly Republican.

3. The skyrocketed rents in America are the #1 enemy of small businesses. When renters (112 Million strong) get finished paying their now astronomical Biden inflated rents, they no longer have any money to pay for the things we are trying to sell. I'm an artist. I used to sell an average of 8 paintings a year, before 2021. I havent sold a single one since.

Sam Ash Music, the #1 seller of musical instruments for 100 years, just went out of business. Tell that to your Democrat friends in all those rent control ban states.

Anybody who would vote this Biden/Harris train wreck back into office for another 4 years, is dumber than a box of rocks. :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
So you are for rent controls eh ?
Yes anything government owned sure.

Anything privately owned "HELL TO THE NO".

Infact government needs to get the hell out of the private sector when it comes to telling it how or what to do with it's investment rental properties.

Yes, maybe intervene if a case of abuse can be proven against an owner, but that should be so limited that it doesn't deter other rental investor's to come into the market place and provide shelters and housing.

Bad "government intervention" has just about destroyed this country, because it has been set up by bad activist and con artist for failure.

Then we have to deal with the fall out while government runs to hide and wash it's sorry ace hands.
1. Apparently in dozens of blue states, it was Democrats who voted against rent control. If they had not done that, they wouldn't have the bans on rent control that they have. Duh!

2. Also, here in Florida a pro rent control legislation was passed in July 2023, in a legislature that is overwhelmingly Republican.

3. The skyrocketed rents in America are the #1 enemy of small businesses. When renters (112 Million strong) get finished paying their now astronomical Biden inflated rents, they no longer have any money to pay for the things we are trying to sell. I'm an artist. I used to sell an average of 8 paintings a year, before 2021. I havent sold a single one since.

Sam Ash Music, the #1 seller of musical instruments for 100 years, just went out of business. Tell that to your Democrat friends in all those rent control ban states.

Anybody who would vote this Biden/Harris train wreck back into office for another 4 years, is dumber than a box of rocks. :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
1. Apparently in dozens of blue states, it was Democrats who voted against rent control. If they had not done that, they wouldn't have the bans on rent control that they have. Duh!

Just because a state is blue doesn't imply that Dems control or determine all of the city ordinances that pertain to rental properties. Landlords and their cronies in city councils and throughout the state, make it extremely difficult to pass rental control laws, regardless of the residents of that state mostly voting Democrat. But I'm not here to defend the Dems or the Democratic Party USA. I'll say it now as I've repeatedly said it in the past, both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, are two sides of the same stinky turd, serving the same vested interests, to the detriment of the American people.

I'm a socialist/"commie", so I believe housing in a civil, modern society should be recognized as a human right. Landlordism should be banned, and eradicated, just like slavery and other forms of human exploitation and injustice. The only property that should be protected and allowed in our country, besides publicly owned and managed property, is property that is for personal use (i.e. One's personal property), not "private property", that's used to exploit other human beings for private profits.

"The war over rent regulations has long been waged between Democrats and Republicans. The state’s last Republican governor, George Pataki, threatened to eliminate tenant protections entirely. State Senate Republicans, who hail mostly from upstate but enjoyed the backing of New York City’s real estate titans, scaled back rent regulations while they were in control. Now that Democrats have seized all the levers of power in Albany, lawmakers this month are poised to not only renew but strengthen protections for downstate tenants."

2. Also, here in Florida a pro rent control legislation was passed in July 2023, in a legislature that is overwhelmingly Republican.

"Rental housing is governed by a combination of state laws and local ordinances – often creating confusing differences between counties. In an effort to simplify this, Florida passed changes to the Florida Landlord and Tenant Act or Florida Statute 83.

As of July 1, 2024, more than 40 local ordinances across Florida became invalid by this change and were replaced with a statewide law. For example, this makes Orange County’s tenant bill of rights and fair notice requirements unenforceable.

This doesn’t mean that local counties can’t pass their own ordinances – but they can’t conflict with the Florida statutes. This can work to block measures such as rent increase caps or rent control measures, which are not legal in Florida."

What's your definition of "rent control" Protectionist? The above doesn't seem like genuine rent control at all. So be more specific, can you give me the # of the bill, and some links to read about it? The bill mentioned above, isn't really a rent control bill.

3. The skyrocketed rents in America are the #1 enemy of small businesses. When renters (112 Million strong) get finished paying their now astronomical Biden inflated rents, they no longer have any money to pay for the things we are trying to sell. I'm an artist. I used to sell an average of 8 paintings a year, before 2021. I havent sold a single one since. Sam Ash Music, the #1 seller of musical instruments for 100 years, just went out of business. Tell that to your Democrat friends in all those rent control ban states.

You're blaming the Dems for the lack of rent control when it's Republican legislators who constantly vote against such laws, not Dems. I'm no friend of the Democratic Party, but I do give credit where it's due. Dems are better than Republicans when it comes to rent control laws.

Anybody who would vote this Biden/Harris train wreck back into office for another 4 years, is dumber than a box of rocks

I'm not voting for anyone. They both suck.
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You're blaming the Dems for the lack of rent control when it's Republican legislators who constantly vote against such laws, not Dems. I'm no friend of the Democratic Party, but I do give credit where it's due. Dems are better than Republicans when it comes to rent control laws.
Here we go again. Sorry, but I just cant let this pass by again.
AGAIN, most of the 50 states are Democrat, who voted for Biden in 2020, and are anti-rent control. So NO, it so NOT Republicans that are the obstacle to rent control. If any party is the obstacle, it is Democrats, and if they dont want to be known as such, then let them revise their rent control bans, and pass rent control laws.
I'm not voting for anyone. They both suck.
Not hardly. The economy was good with Trump. Now it's mess.

Immigration was under control and the border was secure. Now illegal aliens are streaming in, taking jobs from Americans, running up welfare budgets, and killing Americans, all to provide VOTES for Biden.

The contrast couldn't be more diametric & severe.
So you are for rent controls eh ?
Yes anything government owned sure.

Anything privately owned "HELL TO THE NO".

Infact government needs to get the hell out of the private sector when it comes to telling it how or what to do with it's investment rental properties.

Yes, maybe intervene if a case of abuse can be proven against an owner, but that should be so limited that it doesn't deter other rental investor's to come into the market place and provide shelters and housing.

Bad "government intervention" has just about destroyed this country, because it has been set up by bad activist and con artist for failure.

Then we have to deal with the fall out while government runs to hide and wash it's sorry ace hands.
I'm sick and tired of conservatives running to the defense of landlords (who hav been gouging renters, who are also OUR CUSTOMERS. How about the other 99.9% of business owners, who are NOT landlords ?

What are we ? Chopped liver ? When states enact bans on rent control, and allow rents to go sky high, they are killing all the rest of us businesses. The pro business states are those who DON'T have bans on rent control, and who DO have rent control. Then consumers have money in their pockets to buy our stuff. See post # 1749.

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