You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Barack Insane Obama really did a number on U.S. He devasted us with $20 trillion in debt and drastically reduced our economic freedom...

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How did obama saddle you with $20 trillion when bush added a few trillion himself? Actually according to one link here, bush increased the debt by 101% while obama only increased it by 68%. bush couldn't destroy a country like iraq so his vice prezident's company could rebuild it without wasting trillions, you know.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

You forgot ACA. Interesting to note, Canada and Great Britain are fighting to reduce the debt their National Health Care System has generated. Also why do we need our Federal Government to be giving Federal taxpayer funds directly to insurance companies under Obama’s executive decision of insurance subsidies? I thought progressives said it was the Republicans who are in bed with the nasty big insurance providers? Which is why these providers have received their little addictive fix through progressive provided subsidies.
Policies need to be nursed along. That's they way things work.

But if it were up to Republicans, there would be no healthcare, seniors would be dying in the street. There would be no school lunches. There would be no safety regulations for cars or food or anything.

We would be living in the Wild West.

It’s not the Federal Government’s job. Why don’t you let the states’ budget handle Health Care, or are you afraid California would never find the funds to pass their own state single-payer idea?
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
More than half a million Californians have moved to other states since 2010. Every day since then, an average of 386 people moved from New York to other states.

And Illinois lost so many people in 2016 that it actually fell one spot in the population rankings, losing its place to Pennsylvania — which itself has watched more people leave than come.
This is what failed left-wing policy does. It ends in poverty and misery for everyone.

People Are Fleeing Blue Strongholds That Cost Too Much
You can always count on left-wing policy to end in bankruptcy...
The Democratic Party is carrying more than $6 million in debt, according to year-end filings — and has just $6.5 million in the bank. Do the math, and the party is working with just over $400,000 overall. Meanwhile, the Republicans are swimming in pools of money. The Republican National Committee had raised $132 million by the end of 2017 — about twice as much as the DNC — and entered 2018 with almost $40 million to spare, with not a penny of debt.
Perhaps spending over $1 billion on the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history wasn’t the best use of DNC funds.

The DNC is reportedly 'dead broke.' The RNC has nearly $40 million.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
You’re a joke.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
You’re a joke.
In other words - you’re outraged that I speak the truth? Well, you know what they say, unreasonable...

Evil always fails in the end. And there is nothing more evil than progressivism...
This assumption is reflected in the blindsided, startled unease of liberals in the era of President Trump: “There are moments when everything I have come to believe in — reasoned deliberation, mutual toleration, liberal democracy, free speech, honesty, decency, and moderation — seem as if they are in eclipse,” Andrew Sullivan recently lamented in New York magazine. “For the foreseeable future, nationalism is likely to remain a defining political force,” Yascha Mounk fretted this weekend in the New York Times; “liberals should strive to make nationalism as inclusive as possible,” he warned. Against this backdrop of liberal disquietude...
I practically orgasmed at progressives openly crying about the defeat of their ideology. They see absolutely no light on the horizon. The American people have taken their country back and the facists on the left are distraught. They thought they were so close to defeating the U.S. and the constitution. The entire progressive ideology is imploding.

Opinion | It’s time to give socialism a try
History has proven it over and over and over. Conservative policy ends in prosperity every time. Left-wing policy ends in poverty every time.
Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor.
Left-wing policy collapsed Detroit - resulting in an entire city filing for bankruptcy. It is about to do the same thing with the state of California.

Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!
Nothing lowers the bar like the failed left-wing ideology.
The scores are a particular indictment of Obama-era education policies, including historically high levels of spending, the addition of new programs, numerous federal directives, and perhaps most consequentially, Common Core.
The more money progressives have thrown at education and the more they have tried to control it, the worse the results have gotten.

Nation's 'Report Card' Shows Federal Intervention Has Not Helped Students
Nothing lowers the bar like the failed left-wing ideology.
When you attend an American university, you are taught to have contempt for America and its founders, to prefer socialism to capitalism, to divide human beings by race and ethnicity.
There is only one way to tear down American - by convincing people that it is “evil”. And there is only one reason to want to tear down America - because you hate it.

Whatever the Left Touches, It Ruins
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, its supporters celebrated the legislation, calling it a landmark bill that would make Americans healthier and lower health care costs for families.

Eight years later, it’s clearer than ever the ACA’s “Obamacare” exchanges have done quite the opposite. Not only are health care costs skyrocketing, the health insurance provided by Obamacare is so expensive for people to use that millions more Americans are now choosing not to go to the doctor — even when they’re sick or injured.
Socialized medicine doesn’t work. It has never worked. It never will work. Government meddling in issues outside of their constitutional authority always ends in failure and suffering.

Commentary: Obamacare is now so terrible, people aren’t going to their doctors — even when sick
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, its supporters celebrated the legislation, calling it a landmark bill that would make Americans healthier and lower health care costs for families.

Eight years later, it’s clearer than ever the ACA’s “Obamacare” exchanges have done quite the opposite. Not only are health care costs skyrocketing, the health insurance provided by Obamacare is so expensive for people to use that millions more Americans are now choosing not to go to the doctor — even when they’re sick or injured.
Socialized medicine doesn’t work. It has never worked. It never will work. Government meddling in issues outside of their constitutional authority always ends in failure and suffering.

Commentary: Obamacare is now so terrible, people aren’t going to their doctors — even when sick

It works just fine in Denmark. When you do it half assed you get a mess and that is what Obamacare ended up being. It became half assed because of the meddling of you rw nutjobs. Either don' thave it or do it all the way.
Speaking of left wing collapse......I see David Hogg is gone from the limelight already. I heard a rumor that Rachel Maddow is his real father. Is that true?
Speaking of left wing collapse......I see David Hogg is gone from the limelight already. I heard a rumor that Rachel Maddow is his real father. Is that true?

Looks to me like the RW is in trouble right now. Of course, as long as people were afraid things were good. But as people start to wake up things get worrisome. Even good old Ryan sees the writing on the Capital Hill bathroom walls.
Speaking of left wing collapse......I see David Hogg is gone from the limelight already. I heard a rumor that Rachel Maddow is his real father. Is that true?

Looks to me like the RW is in trouble right now. Of course, as long as people were afraid things were good. But as people start to wake up things get worrisome. Even good old Ryan sees the writing on the Capital Hill bathroom walls.
Sure, as long as democrats have salacious sexual conduct rumors on the evening news every night. They can't attack Trump on the economy.

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