You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

lol so in other words, you don't have any evidence? Got it.

I have posted PLENTY of proof.......go back and read my posts and use the search feature.........educate yourself because I am the teacher, you are the pupil and I know infinitely more than you.........we are going to have to take baby steps in order to help you along but I am here to help.

Dale, you don't have the proof of what I just requested from you. Just admit it.

Oh wow. So if i can't pay my car payments to a private lender and they repo it, or if i beat my child and the child is taken away by social services, it is the government's fault and not MY fault? Wow no wonder you're dumb enough to believe this bullshit. You're a victim and a snowflake in ANY situation that would involve law enforcement. Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to you.

You are too fucking stupid and too much of a commie sack of shit that loves "the state" to even comprehend what has been done to you. You deserve what you get.......

No, Dale, you just lack basic critical thinking skills. It's just easy for you to believe the US government has total control of you because being so cynical is a safe mentality. You don't need real evidence. You just believe whatever narrative sounds the best and gives you a false sense of being completely un-naive
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
Bullllllll.....shit! Not on my watch.
You do know social security is a leftwing policy right?
You do know that Social Security is insolvent...don't you?
And obviously that's fixable. It's simply been recently set up to fail by republicans.
Bwahahahahaha! Conspiracy theorists of the world, unite!

It must be nice to get to ignore facts and blindly follow an absurd ideology. Ignorance truly is bliss.

(Psst...genius...there are more baby boomers collecting SS than people entering the work force. There is no "fixing" the undeniable, indisputable logistics of the situation)
You do know social security is a leftwing policy right?
You do know that Social Security is insolvent...don't you?
And obviously that's fixable. It's simply been recently set up to fail by republicans.
Bwahahahahaha! Conspiracy theorists of the world, unite!

It must be nice to get to ignore facts and blindly follow an absurd ideology. Ignorance truly is bliss.

(Psst...genius...there are more baby boomers collecting SS than people entering the work force. There is no "fixing" the undeniable, indisputable logistics of the situation)
No political party is about to let Social Security fail.
This is exactly why left-wing policy always fails...
"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." - Ronald Reagan
That perfectly encompasses the progressive approach. If it moves (produces) tax the shit out of it. If it continues moving (continues to prosper even after the taxes to destroy it), regulate the shit out of it. If it stops moving (stops producing), then subsidized (give it everything for refusing to produce).
Left wing policy created the United States. Historians call the policy
;the "Age of Enlightenment" or "The Age of Reason." It is a fascinating period and out of the period emerges not just a new focus on people, governments; sciences, and nature but the purpose of governments, This new left wing ideology can be found in our Declaration of Independence.
This was the headline in the London Daily Telegraph today. Over 1 million people per day in England can't even see a general practitioner. It would be absolutely comical - SNL skit like comical - if it wasn't so tragic. And this is the type of failed healthcare that LWNJ's want to bring here to America.

View attachment 137747
Soon, very soon, this will be solved. Robots will take over the role of doctor for GP. Think about what your GP actually does and why couldn't that be performed by AI?

Walkin, sit in a booth, get scanned asked the same questions your doctor asks and you're done.
This is what left-wing policy does: it destroys everything in its path. It forces society into extreme poverty. Which in turn forces even the educated to debase, defile, and degrade themselves just to survive.

What a tragedy that these educated women have been forced to resort to this just to survive simply because the left is made up of greedy - and lazy - individuals who believe they are entitled to what other people have. It always ends this way with left-wing policy.

In Venezuela, they were teachers and doctors. To buy food, they became prostitutes.
This was the headline in the London Daily Telegraph today. Over 1 million people per day in England can't even see a general practitioner. It would be absolutely comical - SNL skit like comical - if it wasn't so tragic. And this is the type of failed healthcare that LWNJ's want to bring here to America.

View attachment 137747
Soon, very soon, this will be solved. Robots will take over the role of doctor for GP. Think about what your GP actually does and why couldn't that be performed by AI?

Walkin, sit in a booth, get scanned asked the same questions your doctor asks and you're done.
No argument there at all. I've been saying that for years. I've even had first-hand experience with something similar as a consultant. But that doesn't change the fact that left-wing policy ends in collapse.

And what created the technology that is going to rescue us from failed, left-wing policy? The free market!
You do know social security is a leftwing policy right?
You do know that Social Security is insolvent...don't you?
And obviously that's fixable. It's simply been recently set up to fail by republicans.

It was setup to fail the day it was passed. SS is a Ponzi scheme. It always has been.
When Bernie Madoff did it - the left lost their shit. When the government did it, the left cheered. It shows their limited intellect that they cannot understand BOTH are pure Ponzi schemes.

It's also amazing that the left would openly admit that it needs to be fixed. That means government is implementing broken policy to begin with.
You do know social security is a leftwing policy right?
You do know that Social Security is insolvent...don't you?
And obviously that's fixable. It's simply been recently set up to fail by republicans.

It was setup to fail the day it was passed. SS is a Ponzi scheme. It always has been.
When Bernie Madoff did it - the left lost their shit. When the government did it, the left cheered. It shows their limited intellect that they cannot understand BOTH are pure Ponzi schemes.

It's also amazing that the left would openly admit that it needs to be fixed. That means government is implementing broken policy to begin with.

The reality is that government under democracy is a Ponzi scheme. It's doomed to blow up. Elected politicians have no incentive to worry about anything past the next election.
Even if the left-wing lies were true and illegal aliens generated more in tax revenue to the government than they cost the government - it wouldn't matter. They broke the law. Bernie Madoff generated a shit-ton of tax revenue for the government too but the left still wanted his head on a spear. Just another example of how they contradict themselves.
  • The staggering total costs of illegal immigrants and their children outweigh the taxes paid to federal and state governments by a ratio of roughly 7 to 1, with costs at nearly $135 billion compared to tax revenues at nearly $19 billion.
  • The nearly $135 billion paid out by federal and state and local taxpayers to cover the cost of the presence of 12.5 million illegal aliens and their 4.2 million citizen children amounts to approximately $8,075 per illegal alien and citizen child prior to taxes paid, or $6,940 per person after taxes are paid.
  • On the federal level, medical ($17.14 billion) is by far the highest cost, with law enforcement coming second ($13.15 billion) and general government services ($8 billion) third.
  • At the state and local level, education ($44.4 billion) was by far the largest expense, followed by general public services ($18.5 billion) and medical ($12.1 billion).
  • The top three states based on total cost to state taxpayers for illegal immigrants and their children: California ($23 billion); Texas ($10.9 billion), and New York ($7.5 billion).
The truth is - illegal aliens are an unbearable burden to the U.S. tax payer and the national debt.

How Much Is Illegal Immigration Costing You? Here Are The Numbers.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming

you know her husband isn't a democrat,and had no right to the democratic nomination.

worry more about your orange sociopath handing the country to Russia.

you loons are so funny

Considering there are left-wing idiots like Obama and Hillary who have given 20% of our uranium to a nation who’s nuclear warheads are pointed right at the United States, it’s not Trump we should worry about.

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