You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Speaking of left wing collapse......I see David Hogg is gone from the limelight already. I heard a rumor that Rachel Maddow is his real father. Is that true?

Looks to me like the RW is in trouble right now. Of course, as long as people were afraid things were good. But as people start to wake up things get worrisome. Even good old Ryan sees the writing on the Capital Hill bathroom walls.
Sure, as long as democrats have salacious sexual conduct rumors on the evening news every night. They can't attack Trump on the economy.

And Trump can't stand that. It takes away his news time.
It’s impossible to wrap one’s mind around just the astounding ineptitude of the failed left-wing ideology...
We have spent $28 trillion on welfare programs since the War on Poverty began, yet the ability of the poor to achieve self-sufficiency has actually decreased.
If you had handed me $28 trillion dollars, I literally (literally) could have solved all of the world’s problems. Every last one of them. There would be an abundance of food worldwide. There would be an abundance of jobs worldwide. Water would be readily available everywhere in the world.

And what do the Dumbocrats do with $28 trillion? They actually increase poverty. :eusa_doh:

Trump Issued a Call for Welfare Reform. Here Are 4 Actions Policymakers Can Take.
When you do it half assed you get a mess and that is what Obamacare ended up being.
So you admit that Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats did it half-assed? Good. Then we are in complete agreement.
Either don' thave it or do it all the way.
Well, since it is a failed concept and an egregious violation of the U.S. constitution, the obvious answer would he “don’t have it”. If only the left could grasp obvious.
Liberals always demand to be judged on their INTENT, never on the RESULT. The reason is obvious.....repeatedly.....
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, its supporters celebrated the legislation, calling it a landmark bill that would make Americans healthier and lower health care costs for families.

Eight years later, it’s clearer than ever the ACA’s “Obamacare” exchanges have done quite the opposite. Not only are health care costs skyrocketing, the health insurance provided by Obamacare is so expensive for people to use that millions more Americans are now choosing not to go to the doctor — even when they’re sick or injured.
Socialized medicine doesn’t work. It has never worked. It never will work. Government meddling in issues outside of their constitutional authority always ends in failure and suffering.

Commentary: Obamacare is now so terrible, people aren’t going to their doctors — even when sick
It works just fine in Denmark.
That would make sense since Denmark doesn’t have to deal with the failed progressive ideology. They enjoy exponentially more capitalism than the U.S. does.

We rank 18th in economic freedom. Denmark ranks 12th. That is a hefty 33% more capitalism than we enjoy (which results in more prosperity).

Index of Economic Freedom: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity by Country
Liberals always demand to be judged on their INTENT, never on the RESULT.
Which reminds me of a great quote warning about that type of idiotic mindset...
"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it."

- Milton Friedman
Big government, left-wing policy always ends the same.
A study published in the journal Royal Society Open Science found that being a former communist state had a significant negative impact on the health and income levels of nations.
More failure. More poverty. More misery.

Study: Communism makes nations poorer, less healthy

You have no idea what real communism is. You label dictatorships and Oclarchies that are corrupt that only make the ultra rich even richer as communism. Hell, we aren't far from that ourselves. It's when Capitalism is completely out of control. We are just better at making people think that they have free will than other countries are. And our misery isn't quite as miserable as others. The World is a corrupt place run by old white guys that you never hear from or see who constantly reap the benefits.
Policies need to be nursed along. That's they way things work.

But if it were up to Republicans, there would be no healthcare, seniors would be dying in the street. There would be no school lunches. There would be no safety regulations for cars or food or anything.

We would be living in the Wild West.

It’s not the Federal Government’s job. Why don’t you let the states’ budget handle Health Care, or are you afraid California would never find the funds to pass their own state single-payer idea?
California not find the funds? They don't need no stinking funds. They'd just pile it all atop the mountain of hundreds of billions of dollars of unfunded future liabilities they've been building up for decades.
We are just better at making people think that they have free will than other countries are.
Interesting. So you are essentially admitting that you progressives have destroyed the U.S. Constitution and engaged in propaganda to the point that we are no longer actually free, but that you have duped many Americans.
We are just better at making people think that they have free will than other countries are.
Interesting. So you are essentially admitting that you progressives have destroyed the U.S. Constitution and engaged in propaganda to the point that we are no longer actually free, but that you have duped many Americans.

Wrong, Bozo Breath. I am admitting that We are just better at making people think that they have free will than other countries are. You are making baseless BS statements. You can't have an intellegent conversation to save your own life. No wonder you think others wish for you to eat the business end of your gun. I, for one, would just settle breaking all your fingers so you can't use a keyboard. Not quite as drastic, I will admit.
So a conservative in the private sector has to step in to clean up the mess that progressives have made in the public sector.

Billionaire donates $10 million toward fighting crime in Chicago

ou've done it again. You've taken something goo and crapped all over it.
No - that’s what you parasites did with capitalism. All I did was simply speak the undeniable truth in a single sentence and then provide the link to confirm it.
So a conservative in the private sector has to step in to clean up the mess that progressives have made in the public sector.

Billionaire donates $10 million toward fighting crime in Chicago

ou've done it again. You've taken something goo and crapped all over it.
No - that’s what you parasites did with capitalism. All I did was simply speak the undeniable truth in a single sentence and then provide the link to confirm it.

You have politicized a grand gesture that more need to make. You belittle it. It isn't left or right, Dem or Rep, it's just the right thing to do. Now, please stop stinking up my America.
The first major endeavor of the left was our Revolutionary War; how did that turn out?
You have politicized a grand gesture that more need to make. You belittle it. It isn't left or right, Dem or Rep, it's just the right thing to do. Now, please stop stinking up my America.
I didn’t politicize the gesture. I pointed out how left-wing policy fails so badly, it requires conservatives in the free market to step in and save it.

And no - more people don’t need to “make” that “gesture”. What more people need to do is vote conservative so that the “gesture” isn’t necessary.
The first major endeavor of the left was our Revolutionary War; how did that turn out?
No dear...the first “major endeavor of the left” was the Civil War. How did that turn out?

160 years later, you people still hate your own country and still want to overthrow it.

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