You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

It’s comical watching progressives attempt to rewrite history out of shame for their own history. They don’t seem to comprehend that future generations will look back on them with the exact same shame.

Celebrating the mass murder of babies. Rejecting science and biology in favor of the feelings of the severely mentally ill (then making laws to accommodate the desires of those mentally ill). Using violence to oppress the right of free speech.

Sadly, they will probably use the same tactic 100 years from now and claim that it was conservatives who supported abortion and that everyone just “switched” parties.
You have politicized a grand gesture that more need to make. You belittle it. It isn't left or right, Dem or Rep, it's just the right thing to do. Now, please stop stinking up my America.
I didn’t politicize the gesture. I pointed out how left-wing policy fails so badly, it requires conservatives in the free market to step in and save it.

And no - more people don’t need to “make” that “gesture”. What more people need to do is vote conservative so that the “gesture” isn’t necessary.

There you go again. Leaving a big burning bag of Dog Poo on the door stop of America.
The first major endeavor of the left was our Revolutionary War; how did that turn out?
No dear...the first “major endeavor of the left” was the Civil War. How did that turn out?

160 years later, you people still hate your own country and still want to overthrow it.

Let's see. You don't have any respect for the Cops, the Government therefore the government. You wish to do another Revolution. That same bunch that brought us the Civil War now vote Republican and want a redo on the Civil War if they believe that they stood more than an even chance of winning. Please stop stinking up America with your posts.
It’s comical watching progressives attempt to rewrite history out of shame for their own history. They don’t seem to comprehend that future generations will look back on them with the exact same shame.

Celebrating the mass murder of babies. Rejecting science and biology in favor of the feelings of the severely mentally ill (then making laws to accommodate the desires of those mentally ill). Using violence to oppress the right of free speech.

Sadly, they will probably use the same tactic 100 years from now and claim that it was conservatives who supported abortion and that everyone just “switched” parties.

Since it's your bunch that rejects science on a broad scale, that means that everything you printed applies to your own bunch. Please stop stinking up America with your posts.
Leaving a big burning bag of Dog Poo on the door stop of America.
That should literally be the slogan of the Dumbocrat Party... :lmao:

Let's see. You don't have any respect for the Cops
Nothing could be further from the truth. Just check my posts about law enforcement. They have no bigger supporter. You clearly have me confused with someone else.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
Would you rather have the economy Obama left Trump or the economy Bush left Obama?
You wish to do another Revolution.
Here are the only things I wish for (with regards to politics and my country):

1. Uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution at all costs

2. Politicians of the highest impeccable character

3. For the law to be enforced properly, equally, and without bias

That’s it. That is literally all I want. Nothing less. Nothing more. One would think that all U.S. citizens would want that, but sadly, the left doesn’t want any of that. They want the U.S. Constitution shredded (because it prevents them from having power over others), they want left-wing politicians who will do anything (lie, cheat, steal) to advance the progressive agenda, they vehemently oppose the law being enforced in 95% of all cases, and they want government to provide for all of their wants and needs.
People are finally starting to see how these left wing idiots are destroying communities.
Would you rather have the economy Obama left Trump or the economy Bush left Obama?
I would rather have the economy that Republicans (House, Senate, and states) left Trump, instead of the economy that Democrats left Obama (who in turn made it exponentially worse).

Obama’s economy was from 2009 - 2010. It was among the worst economies in U.S. history. Then the American people turned to the Republican Party and things started to get better. After 8 years of Republican control, the economy is hitting record highs in the market and near record lows in unemployment.

Of course, if this “blue wave” actually crashes down on America (appropriate analogy), things will go to shit as the Dumbocrats fuck everything up. And of course, they will try to blame it all on Trump.

That’s why I pray that Republicans gain even more seats in the November 2018 election (as is expected). If we have at least 4 years of complete Republican control (and the prosperity that invariably goes with it), it will make progressives look even more absurd when they try to blame their failures on conservative policy once the left is back in control.
People are finally starting to see how these left wing idiots are destroying communities.
That’s one of the reasons why they hate constitutional government so much. In our proper form of government, they can’t hide it when progressive policy collapses cities and states.

If everything is under complete and total control of the federal government, then the entire nation is “equal” in poverty and progressives can dupe the dumb, deaf, and blind by blaming the weather, foreign nations, conservatives, insects, and a billion other scapegoats.
You wish to do another Revolution.
Here are the only things I wish for (with regards to politics and my country):

1. Uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution at all costs

2. Politicians of the highest impeccable character

3. For the law to be enforced properly, equally, and without bias

That’s it. That is literally all I want. Nothing less. Nothing more. One would think that all U.S. citizens would want that, but sadly, the left doesn’t want any of that. They want the U.S. Constitution shredded (because it prevents them from having power over others), they want left-wing politicians who will do anything (lie, cheat, steal) to advance the progressive agenda, they vehemently oppose the law being enforced in 95% of all cases, and they want government to provide for all of their wants and needs.

You support only the parts that you want to support. You throw the rest to the curb

I don't see any Politicos right now with any character after the first 2 years. The ones that have that trait either throw it away or leave the office shaking their heads in disbelief.

As for the Law Enforcement, only when it benefits your sick uses and not anyone elses when it goes against your sick ways.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

And yet not a dime has been spent on building Industries which has a large ready to work workforce that needs jobs and training. Then you complain about the crime in places like that and the spending money in combating crime there. So keep cutting the funding to those areas so that crime is the only income that will increase. Jesus is coming and boy, is he going to be pissed.
You wish to do another Revolution.
Here are the only things I wish for (with regards to politics and my country):

1. Uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution at all costs

2. Politicians of the highest impeccable character

3. For the law to be enforced properly, equally, and without bias

That’s it. That is literally all I want. Nothing less. Nothing more. One would think that all U.S. citizens would want that, but sadly, the left doesn’t want any of that. They want the U.S. Constitution shredded (because it prevents them from having power over others), they want left-wing politicians who will do anything (lie, cheat, steal) to advance the progressive agenda, they vehemently oppose the law being enforced in 95% of all cases, and they want government to provide for all of their wants and needs.
# 2 is clearly not a reality for you as you support the liar in chief and his gang of thugs and thieves.
Leaving a big burning bag of Dog Poo on the door stop of America.
That should literally be the slogan of the Dumbocrat Party... :lmao:

View attachment 189140

You can't even come up with your own slogans. You have to steal mine. Well, just leave the burning dog shit on my doorstep and head back to the basement and hug your guns. I know that's about all that will allow you to hug it since even the dog bit you and ran away in fear of it's life.

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