You Can Be One Of The Cool People Too If You Publically Trash Trump


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

What all of this TDS amounts to is herd mentality. You can belong to the cool crowd if you hate Trump and say it in public.
This is like the mental midgets in H.S. that all wanted to be part of the popular crowd. You may be a total jerk by doing and saying things that make you one of the cool kids, but who cares. There's plenty of people out there that think just like you.


So if you want friends....if you don't want to die and have nobody show up at your funeral.....make sure you openly cuss out Donald J. Trump.


Here's another benefit for joining the Democrat Party.
You can be any race or any sex you want.
Just pick one.
If you always wanted to be you can.
Just vote Democrat.

If you're a man and want to be a Democrat.
This is wonderful stuff.
But don't expect anyone to give you free health care.
That's reserved for illegals.
It's pretty bad.
But you know what? The fact Maxine Waters can stand there and bald face lie to those people and they just stand there and applause her... are they that stupid? Do these people, who are supposed to be protesting immigration treatment, know a damn thing about what they are protesting?
They are all idiots.
You Can Be One Of The Dumb People Too If You Publicly Support Trump
It's pretty bad.
But you know what? The fact Maxine Waters can stand there and bald face lie to those people and they just stand there and applause her... are they that stupid? Do these people, who are supposed to be protesting immigration treatment, know a damn thing about what they are protesting?
They are all idiots.
They're protesting a strong economy and a better life.
Things are going great.....and they feel terrible about it.
Rep Waters is an example of bombast on the left. It seems antithetical to listen to an elected official who discusses the President using the phrase “Take him out”. I’m the first one to excoriate Trumps words and tweets, but Waters shouldn’t be blowing her horn.
The "cool kids" when I was growing up were individuals who questioned authority, broke rules and dealt with the consequences rather than cry and worm their way out.

We weren't the trendy conformist drones.

It's pretty bad.
But you know what? The fact Maxine Waters can stand there and bald face lie to those people and they just stand there and applause her... are they that stupid? Do these people, who are supposed to be protesting immigration treatment, know a damn thing about what they are protesting?
They are all idiots.
They're protesting a strong economy and a better life.
Things are going great.....and they feel terrible about it.

Things aren't going great for 40% of the population. They don't own stocks, they don't have 401K's, and they STILL haven't had a raise.

80% of population doesn't have $500 in savings, and would have to go into debt to pay for a $500 emergency. 5 million people have lost their health insurance. How is this a better life?

Look at the results of the 2018 mid-Terms. Those voters don't think that things are going great.
Trump is merely a symptom.

A very troubling symptom.

Trump, in some regard, is a blessing in disguise. The thing is, as disgusting as he may be to those of us with eyes and ears, he's not Hitler. But his supporters are real fascists. They would support someone much more dangerous than Trump if they came power. As it is, we're saddled with a buffoon who gives (mostly) lip service to assholes. He keeps them entertained, and convinced that they're "winning". Maybe we got off easy?

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