You Can Be One Of The Cool People Too If You Publically Trash Trump

When Dem's won the White House in 2008 they told the other half of American to STFU. Obama told us to, "sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking". Then team Trump won back the White House and now the Dem's are all butthurt because they are getting a dose of their own medicine.
LOL! And yet they took the House. DJT lost the House hugely. Deal with it.

Yes many Dem's who won seats LIED and pretended to support Trump's policies to win districts where GOP rep's retired. Come here snowflake...:itsok:
LOL! Go ahead and believe that malarkey. It is painfully evident that you listen to way too much Hannity and Carolanne Conway.
Trump is merely a symptom.
A very troubling symptom.
A system of what....
Nothing that someone like you would understand.
Then explain yourself!...If you can.
Happy to!

First, the degree to which his fans have dropped their standards in defending him is troubling, and a further indication of how binary partisan politics is both divisive and destructive. But second, and to a deeper extent, it's an example of an overall culture in decay, as politics is not the only realm in which we are racing to lower our standards. On a macro scale, his popularity is a symptom of an overall culture in decay. Not at all unlike the Kardashians.

Now -- just between you and me -- I know that talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, so I realize you're not going to get it. So issue your denials and insults and we'll all get on with our lives. Cool!

This is a head scratcher. I'm not sure which standards I have dropped, nor what I am defending him from. Are we supposed to be defending him from the 90% attack of the talking heads? Is this another race thing? I know you guys are beating the racist drums, but he hasn't done anything racist. Far from it, his policies are giving opportunities to everyone. So far, he is doing what Republican's who have been represented by spineless people have been praying for. I agree our culture is weakening, but Trump's policies are neither divisive nor destructive. I'm not sure you can blame the Democrats going nuts on Trump. He is just enacting standard conservative policies, unlike most Republican Representatives.
It's pretty bad.
But you know what? The fact Maxine Waters can stand there and bald face lie to those people and they just stand there and applause her... are they that stupid? Do these people, who are supposed to be protesting immigration treatment, know a damn thing about what they are protesting?
They are all idiots.
They're protesting a strong economy and a better life.
Things are going great.....and they feel terrible about it.

Things aren't going great for 40% of the population. They don't own stocks, they don't have 401K's, and they STILL haven't had a raise.

80% of population doesn't have $500 in savings, and would have to go into debt to pay for a $500 emergency. 5 million people have lost their health insurance. How is this a better life?

Look at the results of the 2018 mid-Terms. Those voters don't think that things are going great.
Depends on what you think is better.
I don't think you will admit to anything being better as long as a (R) is in the WH.
We have lower taxes, more employment opportunity, and higher wages. But you think this is bad because you don't have gun confiscation and we aren't paying a carbon tax.

YOU personally are paying lower taxes? How much lower?

Given the size of both the tax cuts and the deficits, the economy SHOULD be running like a toddler on a sugar high, but it's not. Trump is desperate to distract you from everything that's going to hell in a handbasket, starting with the Southern Border, and proceeding to the tariff wars, Syria, Iran, and the continuing attempts to kill Obamacare with NOTHING to replace it.

There are currently 7 million job openings and 4 million unemployed. Wages are 3% higher for middle class people. Low wage workers, not so much. Executive wages are up 300%. The President of MacDonald's makes more than 2000 times as much as his average workers.

Every time I see the TV show "Undercover Boss" at the end of the show, the boss calls in all of the hard working low wage people he encountered undercover and rewards them with college tuition, new cars, and all sorts of things they could never afford on the wages he's paying them. It's always to help them unlocked their considerable potential and increase their contributions to their employers.

America is FILLED with those kinds of workers. People who could do amazing things but are hampered by having low skills and not making enough money to provide to support themselves, or dependant family members, and fulfill their primary obligations, much less save, pay tuition and child care, so they can return to school and advance their careers. It never seems to occur to these bosses that ALL of their employees should be properly compensated, not just the handful he/she happens to encounter while filming the show.

40% of workers are seeing no improvement in their situations. 80% don't have enough savings to cover a $500 emergency expense, and 60% are living paycheck to paycheck. We did a LOT better back in the 70's, but then the rich were paying decent wages back then.
Trump is merely a symptom.
A very troubling symptom.
A system of what....
Nothing that someone like you would understand.
Then explain yourself!...If you can.
Happy to!

First, the degree to which his fans have dropped their standards in defending him is troubling, and a further indication of how binary partisan politics is both divisive and destructive. But second, and to a deeper extent, it's an example of an overall culture in decay, as politics is not the only realm in which we are racing to lower our standards. On a macro scale, his popularity is a symptom of an overall culture in decay. Not at all unlike the Kardashians.

Now -- just between you and me -- I know that talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, so I realize you're not going to get it. So issue your denials and insults and we'll all get on with our lives. Cool!

This is a head scratcher. I'm not sure which standards I have dropped, nor what I am defending him from. Are we supposed to be defending him from the 90% attack of the talking heads? Is this another race thing? I know you guys are beating the racist drums, but he hasn't done anything racist. Far from it, his policies are giving opportunities to everyone. So far, he is doing what Republican's who have been represented by spineless people have been praying for. I agree our culture is weakening, but Trump's policies are neither divisive nor destructive. I'm not sure you can blame the Democrats going nuts on Trump. He is just enacting standard conservative policies, unlike most Republican Representatives.
Well, it may be that you actually haven't dropped your standards, and that his behaviors, tweets, name-calling, childish taunts, mockery, insults, "I don't know who David Duke is" and overall temperament are well within your range of acceptable comportment.

That just isn't the case for all of us.
It's pretty bad.
But you know what? The fact Maxine Waters can stand there and bald face lie to those people and they just stand there and applause her... are they that stupid? Do these people, who are supposed to be protesting immigration treatment, know a damn thing about what they are protesting?
They are all idiots.
They're protesting a strong economy and a better life.
Things are going great.....and they feel terrible about it.

Things aren't going great for 40% of the population. They don't own stocks, they don't have 401K's, and they STILL haven't had a raise.

80% of population doesn't have $500 in savings, and would have to go into debt to pay for a $500 emergency. 5 million people have lost their health insurance. How is this a better life?

Look at the results of the 2018 mid-Terms. Those voters don't think that things are going great.
Depends on what you think is better.
I don't think you will admit to anything being better as long as a (R) is in the WH.
We have lower taxes, more employment opportunity, and higher wages. But you think this is bad because you don't have gun confiscation and we aren't paying a carbon tax.

YOU personally are paying lower taxes? How much lower?

Given the size of both the tax cuts and the deficits, the economy SHOULD be running like a toddler on a sugar high, but it's not. Trump is desperate to distract you from everything that's going to hell in a handbasket, starting with the Southern Border, and proceeding to the tariff wars, Syria, Iran, and the continuing attempts to kill Obamacare with NOTHING to replace it.

There are currently 7 million job openings and 4 million unemployed. Wages are 3% higher for middle class people. Low wage workers, not so much. Executive wages are up 300%. The President of MacDonald's makes more than 2000 times as much as his average workers.

Every time I see the TV show "Undercover Boss" at the end of the show, the boss calls in all of the hard working low wage people he encountered undercover and rewards them with college tuition, new cars, and all sorts of things they could never afford on the wages he's paying them. It's always to help them unlocked their considerable potential and increase their contributions to their employers.

America is FILLED with those kinds of workers. People who could do amazing things but are hampered by having low skills and not making enough money to provide to support themselves, or dependant family members, and fulfill their primary obligations, much less save, pay tuition and child care, so they can return to school and advance their careers. It never seems to occur to these bosses that ALL of their employees should be properly compensated, not just the handful he/she happens to encounter while filming the show.

40% of workers are seeing no improvement in their situations. 80% don't have enough savings to cover a $500 emergency expense, and 60% are living paycheck to paycheck. We did a LOT better back in the 70's, but then the rich were paying decent wages back then.

Agree to pretty much everything you say in your last 4 paragraphs.
But Trump has nothing to do with any of it. Nothing.
All this began 40 years ago. And the wealth gap grew at a faster pace and wider gap under Obama than at anytime in American history.
The people who are to blame is a fairly long list, and are absolutely on both sides of the political line.
Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin are at the top of that list and two worked under Democrat Presidents.
Trump is far, far, far too recent to have made any real effect....yet.

What all of this TDS amounts to is herd mentality. You can belong to the cool crowd if you hate Trump and say it in public.
This is like the mental midgets in H.S. that all wanted to be part of the popular crowd. You may be a total jerk by doing and saying things that make you one of the cool kids, but who cares. There's plenty of people out there that think just like you.


So if you want friends....if you don't want to die and have nobody show up at your funeral.....make sure you openly cuss out Donald J. Trump.


Paint “Trump Sucks “ on the rock and Democrats would buy them all up. Why? Because it takes someone with the IQ of a rock to spend $20.00 on one.
Pet Rocks! The Most Hilarious Toy Fad of the 70s
It's pretty bad.
But you know what? The fact Maxine Waters can stand there and bald face lie to those people and they just stand there and applause her... are they that stupid? Do these people, who are supposed to be protesting immigration treatment, know a damn thing about what they are protesting?
They are all idiots.
They're protesting a strong economy and a better life.
Things are going great.....and they feel terrible about it.

Things aren't going great for 40% of the population. They don't own stocks, they don't have 401K's, and they STILL haven't had a raise.

80% of population doesn't have $500 in savings, and would have to go into debt to pay for a $500 emergency. 5 million people have lost their health insurance. How is this a better life?

Look at the results of the 2018 mid-Terms. Those voters don't think that things are going great.
Depends on what you think is better.
I don't think you will admit to anything being better as long as a (R) is in the WH.
We have lower taxes, more employment opportunity, and higher wages. But you think this is bad because you don't have gun confiscation and we aren't paying a carbon tax.

YOU personally are paying lower taxes? How much lower?

Given the size of both the tax cuts and the deficits, the economy SHOULD be running like a toddler on a sugar high, but it's not. Trump is desperate to distract you from everything that's going to hell in a handbasket, starting with the Southern Border, and proceeding to the tariff wars, Syria, Iran, and the continuing attempts to kill Obamacare with NOTHING to replace it.

There are currently 7 million job openings and 4 million unemployed. Wages are 3% higher for middle class people. Low wage workers, not so much. Executive wages are up 300%. The President of MacDonald's makes more than 2000 times as much as his average workers.

Every time I see the TV show "Undercover Boss" at the end of the show, the boss calls in all of the hard working low wage people he encountered undercover and rewards them with college tuition, new cars, and all sorts of things they could never afford on the wages he's paying them. It's always to help them unlocked their considerable potential and increase their contributions to their employers.

America is FILLED with those kinds of workers. People who could do amazing things but are hampered by having low skills and not making enough money to provide to support themselves, or dependant family members, and fulfill their primary obligations, much less save, pay tuition and child care, so they can return to school and advance their careers. It never seems to occur to these bosses that ALL of their employees should be properly compensated, not just the handful he/she happens to encounter while filming the show.

40% of workers are seeing no improvement in their situations. 80% don't have enough savings to cover a $500 emergency expense, and 60% are living paycheck to paycheck. We did a LOT better back in the 70's, but then the rich were paying decent wages back then.

Agree to pretty much everything you say in your last 4 paragraphs.
But Trump has nothing to do with any of it. Nothing.
All this began 40 years ago. And the wealth gap grew at a faster pace and wider gap under Obama than at anytime in American history.
The people who are to blame is a fairly long list, and are absolutely on both sides of the political line.
Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin are at the top of that list and two worked under Democrat Presidents.
Trump is far, far, far too recent to have made any real effect....yet.

You missed the BIGGEST name of all - Milton Friedman, who's belief that social programs were the root of all evil in a free market economy, and to which millions of Americans under the leadership of successive Republican fans of Friedman, starting with Richard Nixon, have sought to impose his purist ideal of freemarket capitalism on Americans. The problem is that all of Friedmans ideas have now been debunked and discredited. In every country where his freemarket policies were implemented, prices rose, wages dropped, and the working poor were left to scavenge for scraps in garbage heaps.

Reagan was a true believer, but Friedman was disappointed that Reagan didn't go far enough in ending the "War on Poverty", and wanted both Food Stamps and Medicaid cancelled, but Ronnie couldn't do it, and in fairness, I don't think Congress would have gone along with him.

But while the people don't really see the harm Trump has done, his tax cuts are accelerating the transfer of wealth to the top. BIGLY. His massive deficit means that when the inevitable crash comes, who ever is President at that time won't be in a position to increase spending, because it's already way too high, and he can't raise taxes to raise income, because that will kill any chance of recovery.

What kind of idiot cuts taxes when you're running a billion dollar deficit, and then increases that deficit by a trillion dollars, in a boom economy? You already have 3 million more jobs than you have people to fill them, and you're running around screaming "Illegals are taking our jobs!!!!". Well fuck, somebody has to fill those jobs. You can't fill them.
A system of what....
Nothing that someone like you would understand.
Then explain yourself!...If you can.
Happy to!

First, the degree to which his fans have dropped their standards in defending him is troubling, and a further indication of how binary partisan politics is both divisive and destructive. But second, and to a deeper extent, it's an example of an overall culture in decay, as politics is not the only realm in which we are racing to lower our standards. On a macro scale, his popularity is a symptom of an overall culture in decay. Not at all unlike the Kardashians.

Now -- just between you and me -- I know that talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, so I realize you're not going to get it. So issue your denials and insults and we'll all get on with our lives. Cool!

This is a head scratcher. I'm not sure which standards I have dropped, nor what I am defending him from. Are we supposed to be defending him from the 90% attack of the talking heads? Is this another race thing? I know you guys are beating the racist drums, but he hasn't done anything racist. Far from it, his policies are giving opportunities to everyone. So far, he is doing what Republican's who have been represented by spineless people have been praying for. I agree our culture is weakening, but Trump's policies are neither divisive nor destructive. I'm not sure you can blame the Democrats going nuts on Trump. He is just enacting standard conservative policies, unlike most Republican Representatives.
Well, it may be that you actually haven't dropped your standards, and that his behaviors, tweets, name-calling, childish taunts, mockery, insults, "I don't know who David Duke is" and overall temperament are well within your range of acceptable comportment.

That just isn't the case for all of us.

So Trump being mean and defending himself, and tweeting has caused the Democrats to go nuts?
Nothing that someone like you would understand.
Then explain yourself!...If you can.
Happy to!

First, the degree to which his fans have dropped their standards in defending him is troubling, and a further indication of how binary partisan politics is both divisive and destructive. But second, and to a deeper extent, it's an example of an overall culture in decay, as politics is not the only realm in which we are racing to lower our standards. On a macro scale, his popularity is a symptom of an overall culture in decay. Not at all unlike the Kardashians.

Now -- just between you and me -- I know that talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, so I realize you're not going to get it. So issue your denials and insults and we'll all get on with our lives. Cool!

This is a head scratcher. I'm not sure which standards I have dropped, nor what I am defending him from. Are we supposed to be defending him from the 90% attack of the talking heads? Is this another race thing? I know you guys are beating the racist drums, but he hasn't done anything racist. Far from it, his policies are giving opportunities to everyone. So far, he is doing what Republican's who have been represented by spineless people have been praying for. I agree our culture is weakening, but Trump's policies are neither divisive nor destructive. I'm not sure you can blame the Democrats going nuts on Trump. He is just enacting standard conservative policies, unlike most Republican Representatives.
Well, it may be that you actually haven't dropped your standards, and that his behaviors, tweets, name-calling, childish taunts, mockery, insults, "I don't know who David Duke is" and overall temperament are well within your range of acceptable comportment.

That just isn't the case for all of us.

So Trump being mean and defending himself, and tweeting has caused the Democrats to go nuts?
If that is your perception, great.

I'm not trying to change your perception.
The Democrats have a meltdown and the Republicans are supposed to apologize? I'm not sure what to tell you. At least Republican's don't attack fellow voters.
They're protesting a strong economy and a better life.
Things are going great.....and they feel terrible about it.

Things aren't going great for 40% of the population. They don't own stocks, they don't have 401K's, and they STILL haven't had a raise.

80% of population doesn't have $500 in savings, and would have to go into debt to pay for a $500 emergency. 5 million people have lost their health insurance. How is this a better life?

Look at the results of the 2018 mid-Terms. Those voters don't think that things are going great.
Depends on what you think is better.
I don't think you will admit to anything being better as long as a (R) is in the WH.
We have lower taxes, more employment opportunity, and higher wages. But you think this is bad because you don't have gun confiscation and we aren't paying a carbon tax.

YOU personally are paying lower taxes? How much lower?

Given the size of both the tax cuts and the deficits, the economy SHOULD be running like a toddler on a sugar high, but it's not. Trump is desperate to distract you from everything that's going to hell in a handbasket, starting with the Southern Border, and proceeding to the tariff wars, Syria, Iran, and the continuing attempts to kill Obamacare with NOTHING to replace it.

There are currently 7 million job openings and 4 million unemployed. Wages are 3% higher for middle class people. Low wage workers, not so much. Executive wages are up 300%. The President of MacDonald's makes more than 2000 times as much as his average workers.

Every time I see the TV show "Undercover Boss" at the end of the show, the boss calls in all of the hard working low wage people he encountered undercover and rewards them with college tuition, new cars, and all sorts of things they could never afford on the wages he's paying them. It's always to help them unlocked their considerable potential and increase their contributions to their employers.

America is FILLED with those kinds of workers. People who could do amazing things but are hampered by having low skills and not making enough money to provide to support themselves, or dependant family members, and fulfill their primary obligations, much less save, pay tuition and child care, so they can return to school and advance their careers. It never seems to occur to these bosses that ALL of their employees should be properly compensated, not just the handful he/she happens to encounter while filming the show.

40% of workers are seeing no improvement in their situations. 80% don't have enough savings to cover a $500 emergency expense, and 60% are living paycheck to paycheck. We did a LOT better back in the 70's, but then the rich were paying decent wages back then.

Agree to pretty much everything you say in your last 4 paragraphs.
But Trump has nothing to do with any of it. Nothing.
All this began 40 years ago. And the wealth gap grew at a faster pace and wider gap under Obama than at anytime in American history.
The people who are to blame is a fairly long list, and are absolutely on both sides of the political line.
Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin are at the top of that list and two worked under Democrat Presidents.
Trump is far, far, far too recent to have made any real effect....yet.

You missed the BIGGEST name of all - Milton Friedman, who's belief that social programs were the root of all evil in a free market economy, and to which millions of Americans under the leadership of successive Republican fans of Friedman, starting with Richard Nixon, have sought to impose his purist ideal of freemarket capitalism on Americans. The problem is that all of Friedmans ideas have now been debunked and discredited. In every country where his freemarket policies were implemented, prices rose, wages dropped, and the working poor were left to scavenge for scraps in garbage heaps.

Reagan was a true believer, but Friedman was disappointed that Reagan didn't go far enough in ending the "War on Poverty", and wanted both Food Stamps and Medicaid cancelled, but Ronnie couldn't do it, and in fairness, I don't think Congress would have gone along with him.

But while the people don't really see the harm Trump has done, his tax cuts are accelerating the transfer of wealth to the top. BIGLY. His massive deficit means that when the inevitable crash comes, who ever is President at that time won't be in a position to increase spending, because it's already way too high, and he can't raise taxes to raise income, because that will kill any chance of recovery.

What kind of idiot cuts taxes when you're running a billion dollar deficit, and then increases that deficit by a trillion dollars, in a boom economy? You already have 3 million more jobs than you have people to fill them, and you're running around screaming "Illegals are taking our jobs!!!!". Well fuck, somebody has to fill those jobs. You can't fill them.

He had no power whatsoever. He had absolutely zero to do with the housing crises for instance. Zero to do with virtually any policies. Any.
Larry Summers is without a doubt the most corrupt official to ever walk the halls of Washington. He was an advisor and chair in two capacities for Obama. and Obama sought to actually make this piece of shit Secy. Treas. but relented due to howls in his own party. This is the man who convinced Bill Clinton to remove the derivative markets from SEC oversight. Never heard that have you? Then he went on to make $millions off of those same markets.
My point in telling you this is not to attempt to say "Democrats did it". That would be disingenuous and wrong. Only to point out to you the lie that is so often stated by Democrats that Republicans are for the rich.
All of the things you mention, every single one of them, was done to us by the government on both sides. PERIOD.
It's pretty bad.
But you know what? The fact Maxine Waters can stand there and bald face lie to those people and they just stand there and applause her... are they that stupid? Do these people, who are supposed to be protesting immigration treatment, know a damn thing about what they are protesting?
They are all idiots.
They're protesting a strong economy and a better life.
Things are going great.....and they feel terrible about it.

They would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven.....
Things aren't going great for 40% of the population. They don't own stocks, they don't have 401K's, and they STILL haven't had a raise.

80% of population doesn't have $500 in savings, and would have to go into debt to pay for a $500 emergency. 5 million people have lost their health insurance. How is this a better life?

Look at the results of the 2018 mid-Terms. Those voters don't think that things are going great.
Depends on what you think is better.
I don't think you will admit to anything being better as long as a (R) is in the WH.
We have lower taxes, more employment opportunity, and higher wages. But you think this is bad because you don't have gun confiscation and we aren't paying a carbon tax.

YOU personally are paying lower taxes? How much lower?

Given the size of both the tax cuts and the deficits, the economy SHOULD be running like a toddler on a sugar high, but it's not. Trump is desperate to distract you from everything that's going to hell in a handbasket, starting with the Southern Border, and proceeding to the tariff wars, Syria, Iran, and the continuing attempts to kill Obamacare with NOTHING to replace it.

There are currently 7 million job openings and 4 million unemployed. Wages are 3% higher for middle class people. Low wage workers, not so much. Executive wages are up 300%. The President of MacDonald's makes more than 2000 times as much as his average workers.

Every time I see the TV show "Undercover Boss" at the end of the show, the boss calls in all of the hard working low wage people he encountered undercover and rewards them with college tuition, new cars, and all sorts of things they could never afford on the wages he's paying them. It's always to help them unlocked their considerable potential and increase their contributions to their employers.

America is FILLED with those kinds of workers. People who could do amazing things but are hampered by having low skills and not making enough money to provide to support themselves, or dependant family members, and fulfill their primary obligations, much less save, pay tuition and child care, so they can return to school and advance their careers. It never seems to occur to these bosses that ALL of their employees should be properly compensated, not just the handful he/she happens to encounter while filming the show.

40% of workers are seeing no improvement in their situations. 80% don't have enough savings to cover a $500 emergency expense, and 60% are living paycheck to paycheck. We did a LOT better back in the 70's, but then the rich were paying decent wages back then.

Agree to pretty much everything you say in your last 4 paragraphs.
But Trump has nothing to do with any of it. Nothing.
All this began 40 years ago. And the wealth gap grew at a faster pace and wider gap under Obama than at anytime in American history.
The people who are to blame is a fairly long list, and are absolutely on both sides of the political line.
Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin are at the top of that list and two worked under Democrat Presidents.
Trump is far, far, far too recent to have made any real effect....yet.

You missed the BIGGEST name of all - Milton Friedman, who's belief that social programs were the root of all evil in a free market economy, and to which millions of Americans under the leadership of successive Republican fans of Friedman, starting with Richard Nixon, have sought to impose his purist ideal of freemarket capitalism on Americans. The problem is that all of Friedmans ideas have now been debunked and discredited. In every country where his freemarket policies were implemented, prices rose, wages dropped, and the working poor were left to scavenge for scraps in garbage heaps.

Reagan was a true believer, but Friedman was disappointed that Reagan didn't go far enough in ending the "War on Poverty", and wanted both Food Stamps and Medicaid cancelled, but Ronnie couldn't do it, and in fairness, I don't think Congress would have gone along with him.

But while the people don't really see the harm Trump has done, his tax cuts are accelerating the transfer of wealth to the top. BIGLY. His massive deficit means that when the inevitable crash comes, who ever is President at that time won't be in a position to increase spending, because it's already way too high, and he can't raise taxes to raise income, because that will kill any chance of recovery.

What kind of idiot cuts taxes when you're running a billion dollar deficit, and then increases that deficit by a trillion dollars, in a boom economy? You already have 3 million more jobs than you have people to fill them, and you're running around screaming "Illegals are taking our jobs!!!!". Well fuck, somebody has to fill those jobs. You can't fill them.

He had no power whatsoever. He had absolutely zero to do with the housing crises for instance. Zero to do with virtually any policies. Any.
Larry Summers is without a doubt the most corrupt official to ever walk the halls of Washington. He was an advisor and chair in two capacities for Obama. and Obama sought to actually make this piece of shit Secy. Treas. but relented due to howls in his own party. This is the man who convinced Bill Clinton to remove the derivative markets from SEC oversight. Never heard that have you? Then he went on to make $millions off of those same markets.
My point in telling you this is not to attempt to say "Democrats did it". That would be disingenuous and wrong. Only to point out to you the lie that is so often stated by Democrats that Republicans are for the rich.
All of the things you mention, every single one of them, was done to us by the government on both sides. PERIOD.

You don't have to hold office to have your ideas implemented and to have enormous influence. You still hear the echos of Friedman's ethos in the "no socialism" rants. In the idea that all social programs are doomed to failure, and they encourage sloth. In fact, the opposite is true. A social safety net is a necessity if a mixed economy. It protects the most vulnlerable and poor during times of economic contraction, and enables people to take risks and try ideas.

Tying healthcare to employment in the USA, has tied employees to their employers in order to keep their healthcare. Universal single payer means that I have the same healthcare regardless of where I work. My insurance will always cover the same basic care, and employers can't decide my healthcare choices on the basis of their religion. More freedom for me.

Not only has the USA attacked unions, and given employments immense power over their workers, lack of basic workers protections, like overtime for any workers required to work more than 44 hour weeks, mandated vacation time, maternity leave and job protections for pregnant women, and other benefits that workers in other first world nations enjoy as a right.

Americans complain that all the people wanted to emmigrate to America come from shit hole countries. That's because no First Worlder in his or her right mind, aspires to live and work in the USA. Your country has been completely taken over by the wealthy and governed for their benefit and their benefit alone.

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