You Can Not Be Civil

There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

Republicans haven't done any of those things for quite a while. No reason to expect them to start now.
This look familiar?
View attachment 221683
Shitstain obama in his street clothes. He was and is a national insult.

Of course you are convinced of that. No self respecting RWNJ would disagree with you. Of course that is completely crazy, but you seem to believe it.
I believe thst shitstain obama is an enemy agent. As such anything can be said about him. He was born in Kenya, eats dogs, well he really does eat dogs, frequently dresses like the savage he is and sold his daughter's virginity to Harvey Weinstein for campaign contributions, well, he really did turn his daughter over to good buddy Harvey.
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

Republicans haven't done any of those things for quite a while. No reason to expect them to start now.
This look familiar?
View attachment 221683
Shitstain obama in his street clothes. He was and is a national insult.

Of course you are convinced of that. No self respecting RWNJ would disagree with you. Of course that is completely crazy, but you seem to believe it.
I believe thst shitstain obama is an enemy agent. As such anything can be said about him. He was born in Kenya, eats dogs, well he really does eat dogs, frequently dresses like the savage he is and sold his daughter's virginity to Harvey Weinstein for campaign contributions, well, he really did turn his daughter over to good buddy Harvey.

Is there any lie you won't tell? I've seen nasty little bitches before, but you are special.
What do you expect from a traitorous bitch who compromised national security, abandoned Americans to die, paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and colluded and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election?

(And this bitch is who Democrats / Snowflakes wanted as our President...)

Gee, I would love to be as civil to you are you are to us, but I just can't find the words that are as appropriate to civility as yours are!
The words I speak about Hillary Clinton are far kinder than she deserves, as what I stated was fact. I am sorry that the truth of what this woman is, who she is, and what she has done offends you.

She is a self-important, self-elevated, elitist who truly believes she is better than everyone else.

The ARROGANCE to declare that she truly believed being the next President was HER TURN, as if she did not have to do anything to earn it, was demonstrated by her intentionallyagainping entire states while campaigning because she thought those states were already here without having to do anything to earn their votes. - it was truly amazing...and cost her the election in the end.

She did not DESERVE to be President.

Rigging Primaries.

Cheating in debates.

Engaging in election fraud.

Violating election & campaign finance laws.

Colluding with / paying foreign spies / Russians.

Paying groups to beat and bloody American citizens - whose President she claimed to want to be - just because they wanted someone else...

You think such a person deserves respect?

This person deserved ... deserves Prison.

What? Does this mean that she didn't kill Vince Foster?

Of course she did in the minds of RWNJs. Trying to deal with them in terms of reality just doesn't work. Their reality is not the same as sane people.
HAlf a dozen links to articles and interviews where DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazil's admits Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and failed to win the DNC nomination, and you are so stupid you won't even believe the DNC's leaders when they public declare how they screwed other candidates, played you for a fool, broke laws, and rigged their nomination process to give their nomination to an un-deserving proven elitist felon...

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Damn! Not one word about the jack-offs who took over the Federal Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, with guns, and threatened the lives of anyone who opposed them!
A word? A judge ordered them all freed. There's your word.
Never take the word of a rightard. If they’re speaking, typing, using sign language, or any form of communication, they’re lying.

In reality, of the 26 people indicted, 4 were convicted and 14 others accepted plea deals. 7 were acquitted following a trial. One additional rightard was shot and killed while resisting arrest. And only one had their charges dropped.

Acquitted, convicted, fined or free: after the Oregon standoff
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

I disagree.

The vast majority of Americans I think are sensible and detest such behavior as ANTIFA.

The best method for destroying them is to show Americans who the real bad guys are by acting like decent human beings. Otherwise, Americans will feel like there is no opposing group to join to defeat them, and won't much care which side loses.
We didn't treat the British that way, the Indians, the Japanese or Nazis. Democrats are a greater enemy than any of those.

Perhaps there was a little integrity left during those times. Unfortunately, the right is out of that today.
Says the dumbass who supports / defends the disgraceful scum bags who paid thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, who spewed vile rhetoric that inspired an assassination attempt of GOP politicians, called for the illegal stalking and harassment of GOP politicians, and just got busted again attempting to 'Herman Cain' a good man ... again.
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

Republicans haven't done any of those things for quite a while. No reason to expect them to start now.
This look familiar?
View attachment 221683
Shitstain obama in his street clothes. He was and is a national insult.

Of course you are convinced of that. No self respecting RWNJ would disagree with you. Of course that is completely crazy, but you seem to believe it.
I believe thst shitstain obama is an enemy agent. As such anything can be said about him. He was born in Kenya, eats dogs, well he really does eat dogs, frequently dresses like the savage he is and sold his daughter's virginity to Harvey Weinstein for campaign contributions, well, he really did turn his daughter over to good buddy Harvey.

Is there any lie you won't tell? I've seen nasty little bitches before, but you are special.
Oh you didn't know that obammy shipped his oldest off to his good buddy Harvey Weinstein. Look it up.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.

You should know by now that if you cannot provide a credibile verifiable link to your statement it goes into the :bsflag:file on this board.

So take your crayons and coloring books and head back to your FOX NEWS Facebook page where you can get away with saying anything you want, and everyone will believe you--:gives:
Nobody who watches Fox or is conservative uses coloring books and crayons as an adult.

That would be you retards:
U. of Michigan Gives Students Play-Doh, Coloring Books To Cope With Trump
This is a very old Dem double standard. Dem's can say what they want, lie, cheat, there are no rules. Meanwhile Rep's have to be as clean as a fresh winter snow, remain civil at all times, and sit there like a punching bag and take it. Trump gave these liberal pukes a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it.

Remain civil at all times? You mean like Trump and Hannity, and Carlson?
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

I disagree.

The vast majority of Americans I think are sensible and detest such behavior as ANTIFA.

The best method for destroying them is to show Americans who the real bad guys are by acting like decent human beings. Otherwise, Americans will feel like there is no opposing group to join to defeat them, and won't much care which side loses.
If that is the case then Democrats are going to get slaughtered next month.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Regarding uncivil, apparent HATEFUL American citizens...

Hillary Clinton Beyonce Knowles, Jay Z Carter.jpg

There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.

You should know by now that if you cannot provide a credibile verifiable link to your statement it goes into the :bsflag:file on this board.

So take your crayons and coloring books and head back to your FOX NEWS Facebook page where you can get away with saying anything you want, and everyone will believe you--:gives:
Nobody who watches Fox or is conservative uses coloring books and crayons as an adult.

That would be you retards:
U. of Michigan Gives Students Play-Doh, Coloring Books To Cope With Trump
What! No puppies?
I have to say, one of the things that distinguishes the DNC from the RNC is that you have sitting Congressmen like Maxine Waters going public advocating that people get in the faces of other citizens and chase them off if you disagree with them politically. This same person colludes with known racists and anti-Semites in Farrakhan. Yet the DNC does nothing about it.

There is no equal in the RNC.
No one is forced to be uncivil, dishonest, nasty, hateful, violent.

That's a choice we all make.

Unless you're so weak that some right winger or left winger makes you lose control.

Poor you.
Manipulation, especially of emotion, is one of the things Democrats do best...

....which is how they affected the attempted assassination of GOP politicians practicing softball...
No one is forced to be uncivil, dishonest, nasty, hateful, violent.
That's a choice we all make.
Unless you're so weak that some right winger or left winger makes you lose control.
Poor you.
Manipulation, especially of emotion, is one of the things Democrats do best...
....which is how they affected the attempted assassination of GOP politicians practicing softball...
My point remains.
Thank to Hillary, Feinstein and Soros, the democrats have alienated the entire American middle class; their base consists of Illegals and the nonliving. On this glide path, they should rightly continue to lose which will only increase their insanity and drive even more legitimate voters away
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.
Let's all remember that the subject of this thread demonized and bullied into silence her husband's sexual crimes victims for years ... paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to physically beat and bloody Trump Supporters - Americans who she claimed she wanted to represent as their President...

'Nuff said.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.

can't recall any conservatives being civil to liberals or democrats or rinos lately........Seems to me YOU want to mock and ridicule liberals and decent people while you demand respect for your ignorant and loathsome you conservative snowflake....
Let's all remember that the subject of this thread demonized and bullied into silence her husband's sexual crimes victims for years ... paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to physically beat and bloody Trump Supporters - Americans who she claimed she wanted to represent as their President...

'Nuff said.

none of which was ever proven! a person is NOT a conservative then they are GUILTY! evidence required?

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