You can tell who the Left fears by who their paid posters demonize. It's Fiorina and Carson


Remember this when neither of them finish in the top 3 for the nomination.

How will you keep them from being nominated? Hold your breath? Call Dr. Carson a "coon?"
Lol Democrats won't have to do anything. The GOP base will take care of that.

what IS the GOP base dummy??

arent Dems losing independents too??
The GOP base is dumb bible thumping redbecks who are scared of brown people and think women belong in the kitchen. I thought this was common knowledge?

you're a loser who cant begin to back up what he is saying

your parents must be proud they raised an ignorant hypocrite guilty of the very stereoptyping he accuses others of

congrats moron ;)
the more left-wing losers that come here to this thread to try and act smug the easier it is to make my point.

libs are losers who lie to themselves lie.

House and Senate back to Republicans, 30 governor's seats too

no lie

keep trying

Did that sound as feckless in your little head before you wrote it looks on the screen?

we are talking about basic truths arent we dummy???

what the problem is???

I guess not since you've now apparently stopped using English in favor of Yoda-isms.

the butthurt is strong with this one ^^^^^^^^
because the whole nation votes for California's congressional seats

idiot. go back to drooling

You'll make him cry!

He is convinced that because Fiorina lost to a radical leftist in the most leftwing state in the nation, this will equate to a loss among the sane...

She'll lose because most Americans and every grown up fully realize that one's first job in government shouldn't be President of the United States. Hillary would likely get 400 EVs against Fiorina. She may actually lose the central and upper mid-west where common-sense voters. It'd be a stretch but KY, MO, KS, NE, ND, SD, MT....Hillary will be close. lie.

House and Senate back to Republicans, 30 governor's seats too

no lie

keep trying

Did that sound as feckless in your little head before you wrote it looks on the screen?

we are talking about basic truths arent we dummy???

what the problem is???

I guess not since you've now apparently stopped using English in favor of Yoda-isms.

the butthurt is strong with this one ^^^^^^^^


Remember this when neither of them finish in the top 3 for the nomination.

How will you keep them from being nominated? Hold your breath? Call Dr. Carson a "coon?"
Lol Democrats won't have to do anything. The GOP base will take care of that.

what IS the GOP base dummy??

arent Dems losing independents too??
The GOP base is dumb bible thumping redbecks who are scared of brown people and think women belong in the kitchen. I thought this was common knowledge?

it IS common every weak-minded, easily brainwashed left-wing loser!! ;)
Remember. Not even in the top 3.
Believed what?

HE won 332-206. You had a different user name at the time but I'm sure you remembered that ass kicking.

YOU can't organize a debate among your own candidates.

YOU can't nominate a speaker to the House.

Nothing to believe except how unbelievably inept the GOP is.

So you think he'll win again?

The next 8 years are going to be rough for you Communists...
Believed what?

HE won 332-206. You had a different user name at the time but I'm sure you remembered that ass kicking.

YOU can't organize a debate among your own candidates.

YOU can't nominate a speaker to the House.

Nothing to believe except how unbelievably inept the GOP is.

So you think he'll win again?

The next 8 years are going to be rough for you Communists...

No...he can't run. If he did, he would win.
But it looks like HRC has it lined up as well as it possibly could be.
Lol I dare you all to run Bush. It'll be a massacre.

More like you're begging, pouting, demanding, and throwing a tantrum that Bush be the nominee.

The ONLY way that Hillary can win is against BOOOSSSSHH, and every sentient creature here knows it.

Standard Disclaimer: You drones don't have ability to actually know anything, but your masters at the Soros hate sites are well aware.
Lol Democrats won't have to do anything. The GOP base will take care of that.

So you think that fantasy will save you?

"You can tell who the Left fears by who their paid posters demonize. It's Fiorina and Carson"


The ridiculous right.

lol! what's really funny is you always come with some short one-liner trying to laugh at people or dismiss something when you cant even back up why you think that way!!
Fiorina, Carson and Trump....supposedly we're scared of them.

What is there to be afraid of? Nothing. It's doubtful that any of them will be around as of March 1.
Fiorina, Carson and Trump....supposedly we're scared of them.

What is there to be afraid of? Nothing. It's doubtful that any of them will be around as of March 1.

another one. what are you basing that on?
while no less a kowtowing, politically-correct dirtbag, at least obama being more of a smooth talker, and half Black, would have been able to nuance those racist Black Lives Matter demonstrators and made it SEEM like he wasnt kissing their ass or running away from them.

that's why idiots like candy comparing what obama was able to do and equating that by thinking hillary or others can repeat that just arent making any sense
She'll lose because most Americans and every grown up fully realize that one's first job in government shouldn't be President of the United States.

You mean like it was with the community organizer in chief?


America hates Hillary, as well we should. Hillary is gutter scum, a crook, a career criminal.


Hillary would likely get 400 EVs against Fiorina. She may actually lose the central and upper mid-west where common-sense voters. It'd be a stretch but KY, MO, KS, NE, ND, SD, MT....Hillary will be close.

Of course she would, and her unicorn will shit out fairy dust to make all the little bois and grills happy...
candycorn said:
She'll lose because most Americans and every grown up fully realize that one's first job in government shouldn't be President of the United States.

obama has no record of achievment as Illinois State Senator or as US Senator for less than one term. Many of the things he DID vote on, when he as actually present, are things you can find the Left screaming at the top of their collective lungs about every day here; i.e voted for the "bush bailout", AGAINST RAISING THE DEBT CEILING, FOR the "bridge to nowhere".......etc

like i say libs are losers who lie to themselves
Jeebus what a Pubtroll lol....STUPID talking points and idiotic insults...

Of course Franco hater dupe, Hillary is guaranteed - just like your master tells you.

Let's start with the bad news for Clinton. Fully, 53 percent have an unfavorable impression of her, the highest since April 2008 in Post-ABC surveys. That mark is eight percentage points higher than in July, though not as far from a Post-ABC poll in late May (49 percent). Intense views also run clearly against Clinton, with almost twice as many having a "strongly unfavorable" view of her (39 percent) as "strongly favorable" (21 percent).

Concerns about Clinton's falling popularity have fed uncertainty among Democrats about her electability, as well as speculation that Vice President Biden will challenge her for the Democratic nod. But the Post-ABC poll finds Biden's image before starting a campaign is far from stellar, at 46 percent favorable to 46 percent unfavorable.}

Hillary Clinton’s image continues to decline

All is well Franco hater dupe, you have nothing to worry about and should continue to be a

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