You can tell who the Left fears by who their paid posters demonize. It's Fiorina and Carson

what part isnt true leftard??????

I'm a liberal and I would be elated if the GOP nominated anyone without a day of public service experience. It will make electing Hillary a near certainty while (likely) permanently casting the GOP and the TEA party into bush league status.

Please feel free to nominate to any of those three. Give your money to them....give liberally if you catch my drift.

your community organizer saw Poverty reach a FITY-YEAR HIGH on his watch

and oversaw the largest gains for Republicans in terms of House seats in SEVENTY YEARS

pardon me if i dont take you seriously, if you catch my drift??


You guys tried those arguments in'd that work out for you?
I personally don't give Obama much chance to win in 2016.

good point idiot. hillary isnt obama, none of your rich old white candidates are.
Your partys base is made up of pasty faced cross groveling tards with hick accents

so is your field of presidential candidates idiot

keep trying.................................
what part isnt true leftard??????

I'm a liberal and I would be elated if the GOP nominated anyone without a day of public service experience. It will make electing Hillary a near certainty while (likely) permanently casting the GOP and the TEA party into bush league status.

Please feel free to nominate to any of those three. Give your money to them....give liberally if you catch my drift.

your community organizer saw Poverty reach a FITY-YEAR HIGH on his watch

and oversaw the largest gains for Republicans in terms of House seats in SEVENTY YEARS

pardon me if i dont take you seriously, if you catch my drift??


You guys tried those arguments in'd that work out for you?
I personally don't give Obama much chance to win in 2016.

good point idiot. hillary isnt obama, none of your rich old white candidates are.
Your partys base is made up of pasty faced cross groveling tards with hick accents

You have one of the pastiest faces on the board, guano
i live in a northern, East Coast Blue state with my Haitian, BLACK (OF COURSE) FIRST GENERATION IMMIGRANT a neighborhood i'm willing to bet you're too much of a pussy to even enter.
Given your record, I don't really see why we should believe much of anything you have to say.

um yea; that wasnt predictable

i love it when LWNJs come here trying to hurl slurs and get their asses handed to them!!
keep up the good work clown-face losers!!
notice they have the same themes, the same memes, talking points

progs are such brainless lemmings
332-206: doing well.

Meanwhile the GOP can't organize a debate, can't name a speaker, can't put a bill on Obama's desk repealing Obamacare....
Fiorina and Carson have zero chance of winning the GOP nomination. For a couple of glaringly obvious reasons.

there's always some left-wing idiot that thinks he can put thoughts into the heads of others just because he has been ordered to regurgitate a false narrative
Remember this when neither of them finish in the top 3 for the nomination.

you mindless moron; who has put them ahead of the White and male candidates they already lead now idiot?

phantom left-wingers who secretly support them???
Herman Cain was in the lead too a few years back. :)
332-206: doing well.

Meanwhile the GOP can't organize a debate, can't name a speaker, can't put a bill on Obama's desk repealing Obamacare....

if you losers really believed any of that you would have stopped blaming obama's failures on the other guys a long time ago

it's been what 4 years? why isnt obamacare fully implemented yet leftardz??
332-206: doing well.

Meanwhile the GOP can't organize a debate, can't name a speaker, can't put a bill on Obama's desk repealing Obamacare....

if you losers really believed any of that you would have stopped blaming obama's failures on the other guys a long time ago


Believed what?

HE won 332-206. You had a different user name at the time but I'm sure you remembered that ass kicking.

YOU can't organize a debate among your own candidates.

YOU can't nominate a speaker to the House.

Nothing to believe except how unbelievably inept the GOP is.
right now not one Dem candidate leads ANY Republican by more than 8 points
332-206: doing well.

Meanwhile the GOP can't organize a debate, can't name a speaker, can't put a bill on Obama's desk repealing Obamacare....

if you losers really believed any of that you would have stopped blaming obama's failures on the other guys a long time ago


yeah,, It's Obama's fault the Right cant win a Presidential election.

332-206: doing well.

Meanwhile the GOP can't organize a debate, can't name a speaker, can't put a bill on Obama's desk repealing Obamacare....

if you losers really believed any of that you would have stopped blaming obama's failures on the other guys a long time ago


Believed what?

HE won 332-206. You had a different user name at the time but I'm sure you remembered that ass kicking.

YOU can't organize a debate among your own candidates.

YOU can't nominate a speaker to the House.

Nothing to believe except how unbelievably inept the GOP is.

what was my username then conspiracy nut?

what year is it idiot?

are you not the same one who just cracked a joke reminding us obama isnt running/

short-term memory losse leftard?


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