You Can't Win When 1/5th of Your Voters Think You Should Drop Out

Pardon us smarter people for laughing at you..:lol:
You? Come on bro. You're kidding right?

Today I talked to 4 kids who's parents are all Republicans. I asked them if they liked trump and they said no. No? Not even Republicans like trump

Do you think smart Americans like trump? Lol
Nobody likes Hillary either.

So what's your point?
true I just dislike Hillary ,trump on the other hand is genetically programed to be disgusting.
Yep....that's the feeling the corrupt media wanted.
Too bad you're not bright enough to make your own mind up.

I've been reading about the inside story of the Clinton White House. Hillary was a terrible First Lady who drove alot of Secret Service officers into alcoholism and drug use. Sort of a "Fuck it" reaction to constant abuse from the Hildebeast.
You just keep telling yourself that.
The not bright enough line is sheer desperation.
Anyone who buys what dump is selling is not bright enough to know what brightness is.'s apparent that Hillary supporters are too dumb to recognize they're being lied to.

Hillary should be in jail. If I had done what she's guilty of I would be doing 30 years.
Hillary has the worst temper and anyone who knows her knows it. They just don't want you liberals to know it. She's trying to pass herself off as a nice person, but she is an unholy bitch.
I find it extremely unseemly for the media to act as campaigners for any candidate, much less Hillary. They don't deserve our trust and whenever they say anything it has to be questioned. You're not smart enough to do that. Period.

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It's a simple poll which has grounding in fact. This is a clear sign that something is going on and many people are going to be mighty disappointed over it.

Poll: 71 percent of Dems think Clinton should keep running even if indicted
Published June 01, 2016

A strong majority of Democratic voters think Hillary Clinton should keep running for president even if she is charged with a felony in connection with her private email use while secretary of state, according to a new poll.

Clinton was strongly criticized in a State Department inspector general report last week about her email use.

The report found repeated warnings about cybersecurity were ignored and staffers who expressed concerns were told “never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again.”

Yet, this seems not to be a big issue among Democrats. The Rasmussen poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of Democratic voters believe she should keep running even if indicted, a view shared by only 30 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of unaffiliated voters. Overall, 50 percent of those polled said she should keep running.

Poll: 71 percent of Dems think Clinton should keep running even if indicted | Fox News

Let's see now: 1/4 vs 1/5 hmmmmm..
the indictment is a non issue...
it's a fantasy hail Mary thrown by a blind quarterback
You? Come on bro. You're kidding right?

Today I talked to 4 kids who's parents are all Republicans. I asked them if they liked trump and they said no. No? Not even Republicans like trump

Do you think smart Americans like trump? Lol
Nobody likes Hillary either.

So what's your point?
true I just dislike Hillary ,trump on the other hand is genetically programed to be disgusting.
Yep....that's the feeling the corrupt media wanted.
Too bad you're not bright enough to make your own mind up.

I've been reading about the inside story of the Clinton White House. Hillary was a terrible First Lady who drove alot of Secret Service officers into alcoholism and drug use. Sort of a "Fuck it" reaction to constant abuse from the Hildebeast.
You just keep telling yourself that.
The not bright enough line is sheer desperation.
Anyone who buys what dump is selling is not bright enough to know what brightness is.'s apparent that Hillary supporters are too dumb to recognize they're being lied to.

Hillary should be in jail. If I had done what she's guilty of I would be doing 30 years.
Hillary has the worst temper and anyone who knows her knows it. They just don't want you liberals to know it. She's trying to pass herself off as a nice person, but she is an unholy bitch.
I find it extremely unseemly for the media to act as campaigners for any candidate, much less Hillary. They don't deserve our trust and whenever they say anything it has to be questioned. You're not smart enough to do that. Period.

if that lie makes you feel better go for it ..
Nobody likes Hillary either.

So what's your point?
true I just dislike Hillary ,trump on the other hand is genetically programed to be disgusting.
Yep....that's the feeling the corrupt media wanted.
Too bad you're not bright enough to make your own mind up.

I've been reading about the inside story of the Clinton White House. Hillary was a terrible First Lady who drove alot of Secret Service officers into alcoholism and drug use. Sort of a "Fuck it" reaction to constant abuse from the Hildebeast.
You just keep telling yourself that.
The not bright enough line is sheer desperation.
Anyone who buys what dump is selling is not bright enough to know what brightness is.'s apparent that Hillary supporters are too dumb to recognize they're being lied to.

Hillary should be in jail. If I had done what she's guilty of I would be doing 30 years.
Hillary has the worst temper and anyone who knows her knows it. They just don't want you liberals to know it. She's trying to pass herself off as a nice person, but she is an unholy bitch.
I find it extremely unseemly for the media to act as campaigners for any candidate, much less Hillary. They don't deserve our trust and whenever they say anything it has to be questioned. You're not smart enough to do that. Period.

if that lie makes you feel better go for it ..

Yup.....people who support liars are so funny.
Let this be a lesson then. Next time, get a candidate who can win and get a campaign that will fight not a scampaign that doesn't even run ads.

What's funny is she has deluged this area with ads. Absolutely flooded us with them. And her support is no better than it was before.

I don't know where you live, but she is doing remarkably well with three months to go.
Pardon us smarter people for laughing at you..:lol:
You? Come on bro. You're kidding right?

Today I talked to 4 kids who's parents are all Republicans. I asked them if they liked trump and they said no. No? Not even Republicans like trump

Do you think smart Americans like trump? Lol
Nobody likes Hillary either.

So what's your point?
Bull. Us liberals like hillary enough we are going to show up in November. Many many Republicans are not going to show up for trump. In fact Republicans are going to vote for hillary or not at all.

And trump has lost most independents and undecideds.

But I'm glad you're sticking with trump
You? Come on bro. You're kidding right?

Today I talked to 4 kids who's parents are all Republicans. I asked them if they liked trump and they said no. No? Not even Republicans like trump

Do you think smart Americans like trump? Lol
Nobody likes Hillary either.

So what's your point?
true I just dislike Hillary ,trump on the other hand is genetically programed to be disgusting.
Yep....that's the feeling the corrupt media wanted.
Too bad you're not bright enough to make your own mind up.

I've been reading about the inside story of the Clinton White House. Hillary was a terrible First Lady who drove alot of Secret Service officers into alcoholism and drug use. Sort of a "Fuck it" reaction to constant abuse from the Hildebeast.
You just keep telling yourself that.
The not bright enough line is sheer desperation.
Anyone who buys what dump is selling is not bright enough to know what brightness is.'s apparent that Hillary supporters are too dumb to recognize they're being lied to.

Hillary should be in jail. If I had done what she's guilty of I would be doing 30 years.
Hillary has the worst temper and anyone who knows her knows it. They just don't want you liberals to know it. She's trying to pass herself off as a nice person, but she is an unholy bitch.
I find it extremely unseemly for the media to act as campaigners for any candidate, much less Hillary. They don't deserve our trust and whenever they say anything it has to be questioned. You're not smart enough to do that. Period.

There is no difference between McCain Romney Sarah Palin trump Paul Ryan or Mike pence. None
the indictment is a non issue...
it's a fantasy hail Mary thrown by a blind quarterback

It is now since the fix was in. But isn't strange how the reporting differs between candidates? One-fifth of Republicans won't support Trump so he is doomed because 80% will support him. Yet less than 75% would support Hillary, and you had to dig around the internet to find it.
Here's more fuel for the fire:

“Of all the tribulations facing Donald J. Trump, perhaps none is stirring as much anxiety inside his campaign as the precipitous decline of support from Republican women, an electoral cornerstone for the party’s past nominees that is starting to crumble,” the New York Times reports.

“In a striking series of defections, high-profile Republican women are abandoning decades of party loyalty and vowing to oppose Mr. Trump, calling him emotionally unfit for the presidency and a menace to national security.”


Trump Falling Way Behind Among GOP Women
My dad said he thinks a lot of women are going to vote for hillary and not tell anyone.
What's funny is she has deluged this area with ads. Absolutely flooded us with them. And her support is no better than it was before.

I don't know where you live, but she is doing remarkably well with three months to go.
Pardon us smarter people for laughing at you..:lol:
You? Come on bro. You're kidding right?

Today I talked to 4 kids who's parents are all Republicans. I asked them if they liked trump and they said no. No? Not even Republicans like trump

Do you think smart Americans like trump? Lol
Nobody likes Hillary either.

So what's your point?
Bull. Us liberals like hillary enough we are going to show up in November. Many many Republicans are not going to show up for trump. In fact Republicans are going to vote for hillary or not at all.

And trump has lost most independents and undecideds.

But I'm glad you're sticking with trump

Yes, you're a bunch of lemurs, agreed
Here's more fuel for the fire:

“Of all the tribulations facing Donald J. Trump, perhaps none is stirring as much anxiety inside his campaign as the precipitous decline of support from Republican women, an electoral cornerstone for the party’s past nominees that is starting to crumble,” the New York Times reports.

“In a striking series of defections, high-profile Republican women are abandoning decades of party loyalty and vowing to oppose Mr. Trump, calling him emotionally unfit for the presidency and a menace to national security.”


Trump Falling Way Behind Among GOP Women
My dad said he thinks a lot of women are going to vote for hillary and not tell anyone.
You're dad is probably right.
Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?
Here's more fuel for the fire:

“Of all the tribulations facing Donald J. Trump, perhaps none is stirring as much anxiety inside his campaign as the precipitous decline of support from Republican women, an electoral cornerstone for the party’s past nominees that is starting to crumble,” the New York Times reports.

“In a striking series of defections, high-profile Republican women are abandoning decades of party loyalty and vowing to oppose Mr. Trump, calling him emotionally unfit for the presidency and a menace to national security.”


Trump Falling Way Behind Among GOP Women
My dad said he thinks a lot of women are going to vote for hillary and not tell anyone.
You're dad is probably right.

Conservative women are ... way ... smarter than you are
Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?

Hillary admitted she lied about her statement that Comey said everything she said was honest. It was on page ... A ... 16 ...

Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?
You've left off about 20 other stupid things trump has said. And what about all the people he hired and never paid? And trump u?

You should ha ve picked a better candidate.
Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?
Did you forget the 5,000 people who got taken for big bucks over Trump University? Did you forget the 4 bankruptcies that put people out of work so Trump could save himself and no one else? Did you forget the 3,500 lawsuits he has against him for non payment of services? all those people out big money for doing business with Donald Trump What about the numerous times he has been sued over racial discrimination in his projects? How about the contractors he stiffed at Wolfman rink after he told them it was a public service project yet he was paid 10 million? The list goes on and on, obviously you don't know much about your candidate do you?
Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?

Hillary admitted she lied about her statement that Comey said everything she said was honest. It was on page ... A ... 16 ...

Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?

Hillary admitted she lied about her statement that Comey said everything she said was honest. It was on page ... A ... 16 ...


Sure. But first a question. What will you do about it when I provide one? Will you admit Hillary is a lying psychopathic bitch?

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