You Can't Win When 1/5th of Your Voters Think You Should Drop Out

This is going to be worse than when LBJ beat Goldwater by a landslide.

I'm really concerned about the republican party, though. I mean, the downhill slide is going to end up in the cesspool. First Palin, then Romney (who the republicans apparently decided was not rich enough), Then Trump. Who next, Ventura?
Do you hear that? Give up Trump supporters. That is the real message here.
No keep talking. Hillary could go into hiding for 3 months and come out potus.

There's nothing trump can say to undo the damage. Are you seeing the other threads where Republicans are saying trumps throwing this? They think no one could possibly be this stupid.

Before Republicans were saying trump was the lesser of two evils but even they're having second thoughts
When people agree that you are a national menace and a threat to national security you are done whether you know it or not. The votes are no longer there and people are turning their backs.

"Nearly one-fifth of registered Republicans want Donald Trump to drop out of the race for the White House, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday, reflecting the turmoil his candidacy has sown within his party.

Some 19 percent think the New York real estate magnate should drop out, 70 percent think he should stay in and 10 percent say they "don't know," according to the Aug. 5-8 poll of 396 registered Republicans. The poll has a confidence interval of six percentage points.

Among all registered voters, some 44 percent want Trump to drop out. That is based on a survey of 1,162 registered voters, with a confidence interval of 3 percentage points. That is 9 points higher than his support for the presidency in the latest Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll registered on Monday." One-in-five U.S. Republicans want Trump to drop out: Reuters/Ipsos poll

You meant to say

You can't win when 1/5 of the voters allow the biased news media to define who the good candidate is.


LOL, they're Republicans and they watch Fox News LOL, LOL


they should not let the media set priorities.

1. You gun nuts have been crying about guns since Carter. The only assault gun ban I remember was the Brady bill. No ones taking your guns.
2. The debt. Both sides will double the debt. Trumps tax plan will triple it

No because since the Republicans took over Congress, the deficit has been going down--way down. Without DumBama, we may even have a balanced budget today. However the threat of a government shutdown is always in the air when Republicans are trying to lower spending.

The only reason the Commies haven't been able to take our guns is because of our Constitution and how it's been interpreted by our courts. Once that changes because of the leftist tilt in the Supreme Court, they will rule that we don't have that constitutional right except for those in a militia which doesn't even exist any longer.

That would mean cities and states would have unlimited ability to regulate firearms. The could tax ammo at $3.00 per round, they would be able to hold gun manufacturers liable for gun deaths which would stop them from selling guns in the US. They may make guns totally illegal in their city or state. Nothing could stop them since it would no longer be a right of American citizens.

That would give us an armed criminal element and a disarmed public, because criminals don't obey laws; that's why they are criminals in the first place.

If you want to see what kind of country that would be like, get a huge sign made for your front porch. The sign should read THIS HOME HAS NO FIREARMS and let us know how that works out for you, because that's exactly what it will be like once we are no longer able to protect ourselves.
What is really a laugh riot is that there are still people sending money to Trump!
No there isn't. Only millionaires and billionaires. And even a lot of them aren't giving him money. Only the most extreme right wingers.

But it only takes a couple billionaires. I heard trump just received a lot of $ and the attack ads are coming soon
This is going to be worse than when LBJ beat Goldwater by a landslide.

I'm really concerned about the republican party, though. I mean, the downhill slide is going to end up in the cesspool. First Palin, then Romney (who the republicans apparently decided was not rich enough), Then Trump. Who next, Ventura?
But they will win 2018 because stupid independents moderate and undecideds only vote every 4 years
1. You gun nuts have been crying about guns since Carter. The only assault gun ban I remember was the Brady bill. No ones taking your guns.
2. The debt. Both sides will double the debt. Trumps tax plan will triple it

No because since the Republicans took over Congress, the deficit has been going down--way down. Without DumBama, we may even have a balanced budget today. However the threat of a government shutdown is always in the air when Republicans are trying to lower spending.

The only reason the Commies haven't been able to take our guns is because of our Constitution and how it's been interpreted by our courts. Once that changes because of the leftist tilt in the Supreme Court, they will rule that we don't have that constitutional right except for those in a militia which doesn't even exist any longer.

That would mean cities and states would have unlimited ability to regulate firearms. The could tax ammo at $3.00 per round, they would be able to hold gun manufacturers liable for gun deaths which would stop them from selling guns in the US. They may make guns totally illegal in their city or state. Nothing could stop them since it would no longer be a right of American citizens.

That would give us an armed criminal element and a disarmed public, because criminals don't obey laws; that's why they are criminals in the first place.

If you want to see what kind of country that would be like, get a huge sign made for your front porch. The sign should read THIS HOME HAS NO FIREARMS and let us know how that works out for you, because that's exactly what it will be like once we are no longer able to protect ourselves.
Australia and Canada seem pretty nice.

No hunting guns? Get serious
1. You gun nuts have been crying about guns since Carter. The only assault gun ban I remember was the Brady bill. No ones taking your guns.
2. The debt. Both sides will double the debt. Trumps tax plan will triple it

No because since the Republicans took over Congress, the deficit has been going down--way down. Without DumBama, we may even have a balanced budget today. However the threat of a government shutdown is always in the air when Republicans are trying to lower spending.

The only reason the Commies haven't been able to take our guns is because of our Constitution and how it's been interpreted by our courts. Once that changes because of the leftist tilt in the Supreme Court, they will rule that we don't have that constitutional right except for those in a militia which doesn't even exist any longer.

That would mean cities and states would have unlimited ability to regulate firearms. The could tax ammo at $3.00 per round, they would be able to hold gun manufacturers liable for gun deaths which would stop them from selling guns in the US. They may make guns totally illegal in their city or state. Nothing could stop them since it would no longer be a right of American citizens.

That would give us an armed criminal element and a disarmed public, because criminals don't obey laws; that's why they are criminals in the first place.

If you want to see what kind of country that would be like, get a huge sign made for your front porch. The sign should read THIS HOME HAS NO FIREARMS and let us know how that works out for you, because that's exactly what it will be like once we are no longer able to protect ourselves.

There is a commie under my bed who has been trying to take my gun for months, but is being held in check by my guard cat.
Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?
You've left off about 20 other stupid things trump has said. And what about all the people he hired and never paid? And trump u?

You should ha ve picked a better candidate.

Wow. Trump has said stupid things. hilary has sold her office for cash and lowered the safety of the American people. She has lied repeatedly about her actions and you ignore all of that. Why?
Australia and Canada seem pretty nice.

No hunting guns? Get serious

Nope, not if a city or state makes a law against it. But if they allow hunting rifles, what good would that do for self defense against a criminal with a semi-automatic handgun? You can't carry a rifle walking down the street or in your car.

As for Australia or Canada, it's the people there that make the difference. Their gun restrictions (historically) didn't reduce gun violence or death because they never had as much of a problem with it to begin with like we have here in the states. It's the same results we had here with the Brady bill which is why it was never renewed.
Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?
You've left off about 20 other stupid things trump has said. And what about all the people he hired and never paid? And trump u?

You should ha ve picked a better candidate.

Wow. Trump has said stupid things. hilary has sold her office for cash and lowered the safety of the American people. She has lied repeatedly about her actions and you ignore all of that. Why?
Did she?
Australia and Canada seem pretty nice.

No hunting guns? Get serious

Nope, not if a city or state makes a law against it. But if they allow hunting rifles, what good would that do for self defense against a criminal with a semi-automatic handgun? You can't carry a rifle walking down the street or in your car.

As for Australia or Canada, it's the people there that make the difference. Their gun restrictions (historically) didn't reduce gun violence or death because they never had as much of a problem with it to begin with like we have here in the states. It's the same results we had here with the Brady bill which is why it was never renewed.
Show me the last time someone used
Australia and Canada seem pretty nice.

No hunting guns? Get serious

Nope, not if a city or state makes a law against it. But if they allow hunting rifles, what good would that do for self defense against a criminal with a semi-automatic handgun? You can't carry a rifle walking down the street or in your car.

As for Australia or Canada, it's the people there that make the difference. Their gun restrictions (historically) didn't reduce gun violence or death because they never had as much of a problem with it to begin with like we have here in the states. It's the same results we had here with the Brady bill which is why it was never renewed.
I don't even mind semi auto handguns. It's those assault rifles.
How many supporters did Sanders have?

Poll: 1 in 4 Sanders supporters won't vote for Clinton

Poll: 1 in 4 Sanders supporters won't vote for Clinton
One poll that is 4 months old. LOL

Current polling is showing about 90% of Sanders supporters backing Clinton.

Link it and not some left poll like CNN
Ok, I was slightly off. It is 85%.

Bernie Sanders voters will support Hillary Clinton en masse — while holding their noses
the indictment is a non issue...
it's a fantasy hail Mary thrown by a blind quarterback

It is now since the fix was in. But isn't strange how the reporting differs between candidates? One-fifth of Republicans won't support Trump so he is doomed because 80% will support him. Yet less than 75% would support Hillary, and you had to dig around the internet to find it.
the indictment is a non issue...
it's a fantasy hail Mary thrown by a blind quarterback

It is now since the fix was in. But isn't strange how the reporting differs between candidates? One-fifth of Republicans won't support Trump so he is doomed because 80% will support him. Yet less than 75% would support Hillary, and you had to dig around the internet to find it.
The old the fix is in ploy .the desperation is thick.
Most of them yes.
They understand the lesser of two evils

Lesser of two evils? So what evil has Trump been involved with?

Hillary lied under oath to Congress multiple times; perjury. She transmitted and received confidential and crucial information about our country on her toy sever and cell phone while overseas. She destroyed evidence that the FBI wanted. Not only did she lie to the American people, she lied about her lies once again in the Chris Wallace interview. And now the possibility of her mixing her so-called charity organization with the State Department.

Trump? He said that the Second Amendment people will have something to say about Hillary picking anti-gun Supreme Court justices, and criticized a gold star father who attacked him first.

With that (and the more mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons) who is more evil?
The it's a Crapspiracy ploy ...... Yawn.
The following is an ad from the 1964 presidential election.
It's uncanny how it mirrors this one in regards to trump.
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