‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

Take it to London and tell all the Muslims Tommy. What are you doing telling a bunch of Americans on US message board???
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history[?]

50 years after the Stonewall riots, it would be about time, one would think.

But then, what are you doing, Tom? You are going to trigger dozens of homophobes who couldn't help unloading their filth on Others if their life depended on it. Shame on your for torturing those fragile souls, and for nothing more than their inability to learn a single thing of any import in five decades.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.
Sorry Tom....when it hits the fan as it always does, there will be repercussions. Someone always pays. That soccer team over the years has been one of the most arrogant organizations ever. This woman represents that. One of many. The goalie she may be gone now, her name was Hope Solo was a princess to the max. Maybe we will get lucky and one of your terrorist friends will introduce himself to the team. And Gerber baby food will be provided.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history[?]

50 years after the Stonewall riots, it would be about time, one would think.

But then, what are you doing, Tom? You are going to trigger dozens of homophobes who couldn't help unloading their filth on Others if their life depended on it. Shame on your for torturing those fragile souls, and for nothing more than their inability to learn a single thing of any import in five decades.
It seems absurd that any proud American would want to see these girls killed like one has just advocated on here. Very often sports stars can breakthrough barriers because of their celebrity. I would like to think that this would be the case here.
Rubbish premise. Completely stupid 'reasoning', but what can one expect from the mentally ill but that sort of idiotic nonsense. Claiming there would be no soccer without sexual fetishists is just dumbassery.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history[?]

50 years after the Stonewall riots, it would be about time, one would think.

But then, what are you doing, Tom? You are going to trigger dozens of homophobes who couldn't help unloading their filth on Others if their life depended on it. Shame on your for torturing those fragile souls, and for nothing more than their inability to learn a single thing of any import in five decades.
It seems absurd that any proud American would want to see these girls killed like one has just advocated on here. Very often sports stars can breakthrough barriers because of their celebrity. I would like to think that this would be the case here.

Soccer is for weenies
Rubbish premise. Completely stupid 'reasoning', but what can one expect from the mentally ill but that sort of idiotic nonsense. Claiming there would be no soccer without sexual fetishists is just dumbassery.
That isnt what she said.

She said that -
‘You can’t win without gay players,’

It was in the post title.

I think she was inferring that if we work as a team then we can achieve greater things.

Isnt that a great lesson for a world that is so divided ?
It seems absurd that any proud American would want to see these girls killed like one has just advocated on here. Very often sports stars can breakthrough barriers because of their celebrity. I would like to think that this would be the case here.

Yep. Speaking of "absurd": It almost - ALMOST - seems when they are not advocating in favor of murdering scores of Muslims (for some of them killing women and gays) they are arguing for Muslims to murder scores of women and gays.
Everyone should be held to the same standard. Megan Rapinoe is a bigot because she said “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team”. If you substitute the word “gay” with the words like man, straight, black, white, latino, Christian, Jew, Muslim…..etc, it would be considered to be bigoted. She should be forced to resign because of her hate mongering.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.
Everyone should be held to the same standard.
Megan Rapinoe is a bigot because she said “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team”. If you substitute the word “gay” with words like man, straight, black, white, latino, Christian, Jew, Muslim…..etc, it would be considered to be bigoted. She should be forced to resign because of her hate mongering. BTW, could she win without the straights on her team?
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.
What an ass. If she was a guy I'd sat she was a self righteous flaming douche. Part of the "look at me" era. "Look at me because a great athlete?" No look at me because I'm gay! No really I'm gay look at me, "I"M GAY LOOK AT ME. IF YOU DON'T LOOK AT ME YOU"RE A HOMOPHOBE. YOU NAZI. FASCIST. LOOK AT ME! NO REALLY LOOK AT ME I"M GAY. I'M GAY LOOK AT ME. LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME. Gee, if only she was a minority, or disabled, or rather what's acceptable, "differently abled"

Yeah, that's it, if only she was a minority, differently abled, dating a guy that thinks he's a woman so that they could be a really cool lesbian couple that occasionally think that the're straight.

Also, please tell me that she doesn't really believe that you can't win a championship without gays. Really? Science? Kind of the state of thought these days.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

Tommy we just had a gay couple in the White House for 8 years while your brothers in Jihad throw gay men off rooftops.

The hijab is way too too tight
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.
Are you confusing "gay" women with transgender -- really screwed up men?
I'm special I'm gay. You can't do anything if I'm not gay! What a freaking snowflake. Who cares if you're gay. Live your life and shut up.
It seems absurd that any proud American would want to see these girls killed like one has just advocated on here. Very often sports stars can breakthrough barriers because of their celebrity. I would like to think that this would be the case here.

Yep. Speaking of "absurd": It almost - ALMOST - seems when they are not advocating in favor of murdering scores of Muslims (for some of them killing women and gays) they are arguing for Muslims to murder scores of women and gays.
So many targets. Gays,Muslims.........the poor blacks are being crowded out.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

Take it to London and tell all the Muslims Tommy. What are you doing telling a bunch of Americans on US message board???
Why is there a tone of envy whenever CRCs talk about how muslims hate gays and want to do them harm?
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history[?]

50 years after the Stonewall riots, it would be about time, one would think.

But then, what are you doing, Tom? You are going to trigger dozens of homophobes who couldn't help unloading their filth on Others if their life depended on it. Shame on your for torturing those fragile souls, and for nothing more than their inability to learn a single thing of any import in five decades.
It seems absurd that any proud American would want to see these girls killed like one has just advocated on here. Very often sports stars can breakthrough barriers because of their celebrity. I would like to think that this would be the case here.

Soccer is for weenies
Well, if you can't play..............................................

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