You Democrats CANNOT Allow This!

Published: 13 hours ago

(Politico) Bernie Sanders’ campaign on Friday sued the Democratic National Committee for suspending its access to the national voter database, saying the move threatens to undermine the Vermont senator’s presidential run.

Read more at Bernie Sanders sues DNC

sue the pants suit off them Bernie!! :lmao:

Many of us voting for Bernie Sanders will not vote for the Democrats if he isn't running for president. All of the little jack asses that have decided that they are in the Hillary camp and are in Congress? We don't care. We know who they are.

The more games these little jackasses want to play the more that it will kick them in the ass. The Democrats don't see this coming. But, they will.
Like I said I do not agree with Bernie on politics. But he IS an honest man and I think a good man. And they ARE trying to destroy him in a back handed way.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.
The outrage is NOT fake. YOU want it to be so YOU can write it off. The theft was REAL and it DOES show the low life conniving of that "parties" front runner.

Theft is THEFT okay? I don't care WHO is stealing from WHO. Its theft its low life pond scum tactics alright?

Nothing was "stolen". This was politics - a game, in a sense, and Bernie won it. The fact that you're outraged about it is an example of his victory - and I doubt you even have the slightest idea of what the data and lists actually represent.
YOU are the one who has NO fucking idea about the "inside" of politics so lets break it down for you shall we? My dad worked for Maggie and Scoop. I as a ten year old was at their homes more times then I can count.

I used to play catch with Rick Bender in the halls of the state capital when Dan Evans was Gov. Rick is now a member of the house there.

I have worked FOR Booth Gardner on the ANWR project with Endicott industries. We met at a dinner held at the Smith tower in Seattle. You CAN'T even get politicos to PAY you and they bought MY dinner.

YOU WORKED for democrat party politics. I was BORN inside democrat party politics. BORN stupid, BORN. Ricks dad was Jim Bender and headed the cement masons. Check it out if you want. Seattle office. You want to talk about dirty politics between unions AND democrats? Do you?


That's cute. I'm a professional campaign consultant who specializes in voter data and targeting.
Who has WHINED about the party and the people NOT paying him on time or sometimes not at all. You know why? Work quality, if your work was worth a damn they would NEVER miss a payment. But you are a "ham and egger" so they pay when and IF they feel like it.
This is politics the way that you 'Conservatives' play it. And the result is that Bernie will be getting more votes. So go ahead and play faux outrage. The punishment for the Clinton camp is already being dealt out.

Many of us voting for Bernie Sanders will not vote for the Democrats if he isn't running for president. All of the little jack asses that have decided that they are in the Hillary camp and are in Congress? We don't care. We know who they are.

The more games these little jackasses want to play the more that it will kick them in the ass. The Democrats don't see this coming. But, they will.
Like I said I do not agree with Bernie on politics. But he IS an honest man and I think a good man. And they ARE trying to destroy him in a back handed way.

Of course they are. Let them. It might take a few election cycles but the Democrats and the DNC will be forced to get it.
This is politics the way that you 'Conservatives' play it. And the result is that Bernie will be getting more votes. So go ahead and play faux outrage. The punishment for the Clinton camp is already being dealt out.
Like I said no fake outrage here. Its a question of ethics and honesty. Bernie has it and the Clinton camp and the DNC does not.
Well, now that Trump has expressed his approval of Putin having journalists murdered, let us see how many of the other GOP candidates are willing to express outrage over that. In fact, willing to side with the US instead of Russia.

A much bigger issue than a minor dustup over some over enthusiastic minion stealing information that he knew would cause trouble. Had the Clinton camp expressed gratitude to the Sanders camp over their immediate firing of that person, this would not even be news. Instead, they tried to play politics with it, and made Sanders look real good to a lot of people. The result may be President Sanders taking the oath of office in 2017.
Check the updates at the top of the story. Access has be reinstated.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.

For me it is not that he lost access for a day but they attempted to take his access away because of a glitch that was their fault and not his fault.

That's cute. I'm a professional campaign consultant who specializes in voter data and targeting.

I admire you for the courage it takes to admit that in public. :D

Anywho, whether you agree with him or not, one thing you have to admit; ole Bernie is a trip (a trip to where I'm not quite certain but a trip none the less).
Sanders has done this all by himself. He's claimed he's Independent but voted with Democrats 100% of the time. who the hell want's some unremarkable 80 year old man for President, who has sat in our congress for over 30 years and has nothing to show for it. but sucking a living off us taxpayers? But I shouldn't ask maybe. they put some nobody community agitator who only had A HALF TERM in our Congress in as our President.
What can one conclude about a party that offers it's voters only two terribly flawed candidates, like Bern and Cankles?

The MSM is unconcerned, but would rather focus on the Rs.

I used to play catch with Rick Bender in the halls of the state capital when Dan Evans was Gov. Rick is now a member of the house there.

Pitch and catch with a bender? You?

Oh my, it all comes out eventually...
Jim and Rick Bender are people. Jim bender died years ago having a heart attack while driving his car.
Sanders has done this all by himself. He's claimed he's Independent but voted with Democrats 100% of the time. who the hell want's some unremarkable 80 year old man for President, who has sat in our congress for over 30 years and has nothing to show for it. but sucking a living off us taxpayers? But I shouldn't ask maybe. they put some nobody community agitator who only had A HALF TERM in our Congress in as our President.
What can one conclude about a party that offers it's voters only two terribly flawed candidates, like Bern and Cankles?

The MSM is unconcerned, but would rather focus on the Rs.
It's very sad but apparently those 2 candidates are the best that the Democrats have to offer, so what else can they do?

So the Democrat rank and file gets to choose:
option a: A mafia don in a skirt
option b: A wacky old dude trapped in the 1960's

Sanders has done this all by himself. He's claimed he's Independent but voted with Democrats 100% of the time. who the hell want's some unremarkable 80 year old man for President, who has sat in our congress for over 30 years and has nothing to show for it. but sucking a living off us taxpayers? But I shouldn't ask maybe. they put some nobody community agitator who only had A HALF TERM in our Congress in as our President.
What can one conclude about a party that offers it's voters only two terribly flawed candidates, like Bern and Cankles?

The MSM is unconcerned, but would rather focus on the Rs.
It's very sad but apparently those 2 candidates are the best that the Democrats have to offer, so what else can they do?

So the Democrat rank and file gets to choose:
option a: A mafia don in a skirt
option b: A wacky old dude trapped in the 1960's

Yes...but take out skirt and replace with pantsuit.
Seriously? Have you looked at the Republicans? You have nothing.
Seriously? Have you looked at the Republicans? You have nothing.
Let's party offers over a dozen candidates and the other two.

To the leftest, two is better than sixteen...the new math exposed.
Seriously? Have you looked at the Republicans? You have nothing.
Let's party offers over a dozen candidates and the other two.

To the leftest, two is better than sixteen...the new math exposed.

Yep. Let's review. One party offers sixteen that are crap ass candidates and not worth a damn.
Seriously? Have you looked at the Republicans? You have nothing.
Yeah they're pretty sad too but at least they have the Donald Trump Dog & Puppet show to keep things on the GOP side entertaining. :)

Call me crazy but I don't need to be entertained. As far as I can tell, Bernie Sanders is true to his word and actually has past legislation to back it up.

I'm tired of the shit and I am tired of the rah, rah, rah go team mentality. Let's get shit done.
Check the updates at the top of the story. Access has be reinstated.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.

It is the principle that this even happened in the first place, makes me really think about if I will give a vote to Hillary if Trump is out.
Seriously? Have you looked at the Republicans? You have nothing.
Yeah they're pretty sad too but at least they have the Donald Trump Dog & Puppet show to keep things on the GOP side entertaining. :)

Call me crazy but I don't need to be entertained. .

Of course not, you'd rather be lied to by a bunch of professional bullshit artists that are only interested in exploiting you to the greatest degree possible, try not to be too heartbroken when your miscreant of choice lets you down. :cool:

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope." -- George Carlin

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