you don't have a right to know' what's going on in government


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting congressional delegate for the District of Columbia, angrily sputtered during a congressional hearing Friday that the White House should not be held up to scrutiny, saying that there was no right to know what it was doing behind closed doors.

Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting congressional delegate for the District of Columbia, angrily sputtered during a congressional hearing Friday that the White House should not be held up to scrutiny, saying that there was no right to know what it was doing behind closed doors.

Eleanor Holmes Norton says 'you don't have a right to know' what's going on in government |

Why don't black people want us to know what they are doing?
To the Most Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton,

Who the Hell do you think you are!?

...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
And who can forget Maxine Waters letting it slip that "this liberal is all for socializing uh er uh er uh the government taking over and running businesses."

[ame=]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]
What she says is technically correct as outlined in the constitution, no branch is entirely accountable to the others and has the right to keep it's internal deliberations and actions to itself.
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What she says is technically correct as outlined in the constitution, no branch is entirely accountable to the others and has the right to keep it's internal deliberations and actions to itself.


Nigga protectin nigga.
What she says is technically correct as outlined in the constitution, no branch is entirely accountable to the others and has the right to keep it's internal deliberations and actions to itself.

And here is today's Democratic Party for you in action, oppressive, authoritarian scum

You have a right to know, but you may not have a need to know.

In any matter you become aware of, there is:

-- what someone thinks happened

-- what the media reports that happened

-- what really happened

If it is of great importance to the government, only the government will know what happened. If it can't be revealed it will be classified by the government, and the people will never know.
What she says is technically correct as outlined in the constitution, no branch is entirely accountable to the others and has the right to keep it's internal deliberations and actions to itself.

Technically correct or not, fuck Eleanor Holmes Norton.

"I don't care whether or not she's right, I dislike hyr because syxysm!" Really, conservatard? This is what you stoop to?
What she says is technically correct as outlined in the constitution, no branch is entirely accountable to the others and has the right to keep it's internal deliberations and actions to itself.

Technically correct or not, fuck Eleanor Holmes Norton.

"I don't care whether or not she's right, I dislike hyr because syxysm!" Really, conservatard? This is what you stoop to?

I never said that.

Stop trying to put words in people's mouths, when you clearly need something other than words in yours, "womyn".
Technically correct or not, fuck Eleanor Holmes Norton.

"I don't care whether or not she's right, I dislike hyr because syxysm!" Really, conservatard? This is what you stoop to?

I never said that.

Stop trying to put words in people's mouths, when you clearly need something other than words in yours, "womyn".

There were 'code words' somewhere in your post, I just know it, because I have learned so many since Obama became president! :eek:
The need to know is the key. If it is Classified Information.

If it is just BS information then that is a different story.

Nigga protectin nigga.

Like when nigga Bush wouldn't let nigga Rove testify.

About what?
One particular incident was when Justice Dept lawyers were fired for no reason, and Rove was deemed possibly involved. But executive privilege was invoked , and Rove never testified.

What do you think Ms Norton was talking about? You don't know because the video was hacked down to 18 seconds. Do you think she only spoke for 18 seconds ? Don't think you might be missing important information?

She's talking about executive privilege. Same thing all Presidents have invoked, even Bush.

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