You explain it to me, because I don't understand

Generally, an abortion cannot be performed upon an
unemancipated pregnant woman under 18 years of age unless
a physician obtains the notarized written consent of both the
pregnant woman and one of her parents or a legal guardian.1

This proceeding was instituted under the provisions of Neb.
Rev. Stat. § 71-6901 et seq. (Cum. Supp. 2012) by a pregnant
16-year-old (petitioner) seeking authorization for an abortion
without consent of a parent or guardian. The district court
denied her request, and pursuant to the expedited procedures
1 Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-6902 (Cum. Supp. 2012).Nebraska advaNce sheets
Cite as 286 Neb. 640
outlined in § 71-6904, she appeals to this court. Because
we determine that petitioner did not establish by clear and
convincing evidence that she is a victim of abuse or neglect
under § 71-6903(3) or that she is sufficiently mature and well
informed to decide on her own whether to have an abortion, we
affirm the judgment of the district court.


Thank you Jon for the link....................


it always helps to have the actual case

not some blog sites version of it

Thank you for not being a dick about this. I appreciate it.

no problem
In her shoes, I'd throw myself down the stairs until I wasn't pregnant anymore.

No, I'm not kidding. A woman who doesn't wish to be pregnant will go to any lengths to end the pregnancy, just as a woman who wants to be pregnant will go to any lengths to stay that way.

Baloney. it is only your hysterical perception of YOUR world.

stop projecting.
Forget the abortion topic for a second, why don't you tell us why these young girls are having very early sex and often times multiple partners in their early years and getting pregnant?

It's our culture that none of you give a damn about. We have celebrities who these teenagers of the new generation look up to, and you know what examples these celebrities are setting to children? Dry humping on a concert stage.

Now every school dance in middle school and high school girls and guys are dry humping each other! I know because I'm part of this new generation and have seen this since middle school!

Then in high school people are getting drunk at private parties and having sex with whomever they feel like.

But, what do you guys care about this? You do the opposite and promote it!
Daily Kos: You won't believe this new abortion decision, or who decided it.

If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent.

As is undoubtedly typical in such cases, the only testimony we have to review is that of petitioner. She will turn 17 years old in October 2013 and is unemancipated. She testified that she mostly raised her younger siblings because her parents “were never around.” Petitioner will be a senior in high school and plans to graduate early—in December—but she did not adduce any evidence about the grades that she has received. She wants to move out of her foster parents’ house after she graduates and has saved enough money to live on her own. Petitioner has not lived on her own, and she is dependent upon her foster parents for financial support. She plans to attend college, either in December or after working for “a little bit.” Petitioner did not testify about any work experience. “‘Experience, perspective and judgment are often lacking in unemancipated minors who are wholly dependent and have never lived away from home or had any significant employment experience.’” We find that to be true in this case.

Petitioner has engaged in counseling regarding abortion. She first testified that she had been to counseling three times, then said that she had five sessions, and later testified that she “went three times at, um, one center and then went once at another and then had two on the phone.” Petitioner’s attorney clarified that petitioner had six sessions where she either had counseling or a medical procedure. She has had three ultrasounds and has heard the unborn child’s heartbeat. She understands that an abortion would “kill the [unborn] child inside [of her].” Petitioner testified that someone discussed the risks associated with terminating a pregnancy, including bleeding and a possibility of death, but petitioner did not otherwise expound on the substance of the counseling. Nor did she elaborate on a discussion she had with a cousin’s mother. She presented no evidence regarding her understanding of the emotional and psychological consequences of abortion or of the immediate and long-range implications of the procedure.

Upon our de novo review, we conclude that petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that she is sufficiently mature and well informed.

I am hereby implementing the TK rule, whereby I inform you ahead of any possible debate that I will not respond to your posts if I find you have either a) not read the article in its entirety, or b) you're just verbally vomiting what you say in every abortion thread you've ever encountered.

Ok, here's your explanation:

If she has the baby, there is time for her to learn how to be a parent. There is also people who can help her, I assume. Abortion is a one-time decision, no learning curve, no possibility for assistance in the future.

Make sense?
Forget the abortion topic for a second, why don't you tell us why these young girls are having very early sex and often times multiple partners in their early years and getting pregnant?

It's our culture that none of you give a damn about. We have celebrities who these teenagers of the new generation look up to, and you know what examples these celebrities are setting to children? Dry humping on a concert stage.

Now every school dance in middle school and high school girls and guys are dry humping each other! I know because I'm part of this new generation and have seen this since middle school!

Then in high school people are getting drunk at private parties and having sex with whomever they feel like.

But, what do you guys care about this? You do the opposite and promote it!

Nobody ever got pregnant dry-humping. And dirty dancing has been around for a very long time.

If this is freaking you out, I can't imagine how Elvis would have affected you! Women throwing their panties at Tom Jones?!

It's always something, kid.

By the way: teen pregnancy is DOWN.
Forget the abortion topic for a second, why don't you tell us why these young girls are having very early sex and often times multiple partners in their early years and getting pregnant?

It's our culture that none of you give a damn about. We have celebrities who these teenagers of the new generation look up to, and you know what examples these celebrities are setting to children? Dry humping on a concert stage.

Now every school dance in middle school and high school girls and guys are dry humping each other! I know because I'm part of this new generation and have seen this since middle school!

Then in high school people are getting drunk at private parties and having sex with whomever they feel like.

But, what do you guys care about this? You do the opposite and promote it!

Nobody ever got pregnant dry-humping. And dirty dancing has been around for a very long time.

If this is freaking you out, I can't imagine how Elvis would have affected you! Women throwing their panties at Tom Jones?!

It's always something, kid.

By the way: teen pregnancy is DOWN.

Dirty dancing is a messed up thing. The culture is messed. Where is the Christianity in this country?

I hear people always speaking about their Christian values but they don't integrate those values into their daily lives.

Would Jesus allow dirty dancing or any kind of pre-marital relationships? Absolutely not!

You think only dirty dancing happens, I've known of people who have threesomes, sex for fun, oral sex is very common early.

This generation is worse than you think. And I know some past generations were like that. But, it's getting out of control.

Why do you want to turn our culture into a sex crazed fantasy. This is what it's become.

Christianity my ass, that's why Christians are a failed people. Judaism does nothing to solve this issue either.

Even though al the biblical prophets stressed this issue so much. It's major.
Forget the abortion topic for a second, why don't you tell us why these young girls are having very early sex and often times multiple partners in their early years and getting pregnant?

It's our culture that none of you give a damn about. We have celebrities who these teenagers of the new generation look up to, and you know what examples these celebrities are setting to children? Dry humping on a concert stage.

Now every school dance in middle school and high school girls and guys are dry humping each other! I know because I'm part of this new generation and have seen this since middle school!

Then in high school people are getting drunk at private parties and having sex with whomever they feel like.

But, what do you guys care about this? You do the opposite and promote it!

Nobody ever got pregnant dry-humping. And dirty dancing has been around for a very long time.

If this is freaking you out, I can't imagine how Elvis would have affected you! Women throwing their panties at Tom Jones?!

It's always something, kid.

By the way: teen pregnancy is DOWN.

Dirty dancing is a messed up thing. The culture is messed. Where is the Christianity in this country?

I hear people always speaking about their Christian values but they don't integrate those values into their daily lives.

Would Jesus allow dirty dancing or any kind of pre-marital relationships? Absolutely not!

You think only dirty dancing happens, I've known of people who have threesomes, sex for fun, oral sex is very common early.

This generation is worse than you think. And I know some past generations were like that. But, it's getting out of control.

Why do you want to turn our culture into a sex crazed fantasy. This is what it's become.

Christianity my ass, that's why Christians are a failed people. Judaism does nothing to solve this issue either.

Even though al the biblical prophets stressed this issue so much. It's major.

I think you need to start your own thread.
Daily Kos: You won't believe this new abortion decision, or who decided it.

If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent.

As is undoubtedly typical in such cases, the only testimony we have to review is that of petitioner. She will turn 17 years old in October 2013 and is unemancipated. She testified that she mostly raised her younger siblings because her parents “were never around.” Petitioner will be a senior in high school and plans to graduate early—in December—but she did not adduce any evidence about the grades that she has received. She wants to move out of her foster parents’ house after she graduates and has saved enough money to live on her own. Petitioner has not lived on her own, and she is dependent upon her foster parents for financial support. She plans to attend college, either in December or after working for “a little bit.” Petitioner did not testify about any work experience. “‘Experience, perspective and judgment are often lacking in unemancipated minors who are wholly dependent and have never lived away from home or had any significant employment experience.’” We find that to be true in this case.

Petitioner has engaged in counseling regarding abortion. She first testified that she had been to counseling three times, then said that she had five sessions, and later testified that she “went three times at, um, one center and then went once at another and then had two on the phone.” Petitioner’s attorney clarified that petitioner had six sessions where she either had counseling or a medical procedure. She has had three ultrasounds and has heard the unborn child’s heartbeat. She understands that an abortion would “kill the [unborn] child inside [of her].” Petitioner testified that someone discussed the risks associated with terminating a pregnancy, including bleeding and a possibility of death, but petitioner did not otherwise expound on the substance of the counseling. Nor did she elaborate on a discussion she had with a cousin’s mother. She presented no evidence regarding her understanding of the emotional and psychological consequences of abortion or of the immediate and long-range implications of the procedure.

Upon our de novo review, we conclude that petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that she is sufficiently mature and well informed.

I am hereby implementing the TK rule, whereby I inform you ahead of any possible debate that I will not respond to your posts if I find you have either a) not read the article in its entirety, or b) you're just verbally vomiting what you say in every abortion thread you've ever encountered.

Ok, here's your explanation:

If she has the baby, there is time for her to learn how to be a parent. There is also people who can help her, I assume. Abortion is a one-time decision, no learning curve, no possibility for assistance in the future.

Make sense?

No, but I do appreciate your civil tone.
Nobody ever got pregnant dry-humping. And dirty dancing has been around for a very long time.

If this is freaking you out, I can't imagine how Elvis would have affected you! Women throwing their panties at Tom Jones?!

It's always something, kid.

By the way: teen pregnancy is DOWN.

Dirty dancing is a messed up thing. The culture is messed. Where is the Christianity in this country?

I hear people always speaking about their Christian values but they don't integrate those values into their daily lives.

Would Jesus allow dirty dancing or any kind of pre-marital relationships? Absolutely not!

You think only dirty dancing happens, I've known of people who have threesomes, sex for fun, oral sex is very common early.

This generation is worse than you think. And I know some past generations were like that. But, it's getting out of control.

Why do you want to turn our culture into a sex crazed fantasy. This is what it's become.

Christianity my ass, that's why Christians are a failed people. Judaism does nothing to solve this issue either.

Even though al the biblical prophets stressed this issue so much. It's major.

I think you need to start your own thread.

I know it sounds like a rant, but, hey, I'm sorry. You don't know how this society is, whenever I go out with my more 'popular' friends these things happen. Drinking, smoking, girls making out with each other.

If this is how Americans want the culture to be. And that is the very least of what goes on. So be it.

But, I don't want to hear a single Christian preach American 'Christian' values to me while promoting a culture consisting of extremely anti Christian values.

Fact is, people are a disgrace to Jesus in this country.
I'm still wondering why she's worried about her foster parents giving her up. If they're a traditional family, then they sure did an awful job immersing her in tradition as an alternative to promiscuity as well as explaining to her how practicing tradition is useful for maturely judging a future partner's character and establishing a sustainable lifestyle.

If they're not a traditional family, then why is she worried?

Either way, cases like this show why underage promiscuity laws need to be tightened.

Legislating morality never works.

I mean - lay it out for me. Who would be charged? With what? What would the sentence be? How would it be enforceable?

Well the kids should be expected to do extensive community service from neglecting how future children are forced to assume the risk of being brought into a dysfunctional household. It would preferably be assigned towards group homes, retirement homes, day care centers, or some other family oriented environment so they get their heads screwed on straight.

I guess the parents should be checked out by the local social work office too from failing to uphold due diligence towards the rest of the community. They didn't parent their own kids effectively to refrain from potentially having kids until they've established a functional household. We should remember that kids brought up in dysfunctional households burden externalities upon everyone around them. There might be some monetary damages at stake there to compensate for those potential externalities.

IMO age appropriate health curriculum, including procreation and human sexuality would go far in preventing unwanted pregnancies, abortions and STD's and should commence at the earliest age.

Most parents are too uptight or too ignorant to provide comprehensive education.
Were you there in court to judge this young girls maturity when she testified? It was a 5 to 2 decision, so it wasn't even close. 5 very experienced judges decided she could not make that decision. You know just like the 7 to 2 Roe vs Wade decision to allow abortion. Do you wish to do away with the legal system?

Good points. The article is from the Daily Kos, a vey hard left organization which has long manipulated its reportage. There's no way to tell from such dishonest reporting what actually happened or what went into the judges' decision.
I'm still wondering why she's worried about her foster parents giving her up. If they're a traditional family, then they sure did an awful job immersing her in tradition as an alternative to promiscuity as well as explaining to her how practicing tradition is useful for maturely judging a future partner's character and establishing a sustainable lifestyle.

If they're not a traditional family, then why is she worried?

Either way, cases like this show why underage promiscuity laws need to be tightened.

Legislating morality never works.

I mean - lay it out for me. Who would be charged? With what? What would the sentence be? How would it be enforceable?

Well the kids should be expected to do extensive community service from neglecting how future children are forced to assume the risk of being brought into a dysfunctional household. It would preferably be assigned towards group homes, retirement homes, day care centers, or some other family oriented environment so they get their heads screwed on straight.

I guess the parents should be checked out by the local social work office too from failing to uphold due diligence towards the rest of the community. They didn't parent their own kids effectively to refrain from potentially having kids until they've established a functional household. We should remember that kids brought up in dysfunctional households burden externalities upon everyone around them. There might be some monetary damages at stake there to compensate for those potential externalities.

Spoken like a true totalitarian conservative – more government, more government involvement in citizens’ private lives, more punitive measures based on a presumption of guilt absent due process.

The irony, of course, is these same totalitarian conservatives refuse to pay for the intrusive government they advocate.
I'm still wondering why she's worried about her foster parents giving her up. If they're a traditional family, then they sure did an awful job immersing her in tradition as an alternative to promiscuity as well as explaining to her how practicing tradition is useful for maturely judging a future partner's character and establishing a sustainable lifestyle.

If they're not a traditional family, then why is she worried?

Either way, cases like this show why underage promiscuity laws need to be tightened.

Legislating morality never works.

I mean - lay it out for me. Who would be charged? With what? What would the sentence be? How would it be enforceable?

"Every law we have is the result of someone legislating morality." My Tort's prof in law school.
Daily Kos: You won't believe this new abortion decision, or who decided it.

If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent.

As is undoubtedly typical in such cases, the only testimony we have to review is that of petitioner. She will turn 17 years old in October 2013 and is unemancipated. She testified that she mostly raised her younger siblings because her parents “were never around.” Petitioner will be a senior in high school and plans to graduate early—in December—but she did not adduce any evidence about the grades that she has received. She wants to move out of her foster parents’ house after she graduates and has saved enough money to live on her own. Petitioner has not lived on her own, and she is dependent upon her foster parents for financial support. She plans to attend college, either in December or after working for “a little bit.” Petitioner did not testify about any work experience. “‘Experience, perspective and judgment are often lacking in unemancipated minors who are wholly dependent and have never lived away from home or had any significant employment experience.’” We find that to be true in this case.

Petitioner has engaged in counseling regarding abortion. She first testified that she had been to counseling three times, then said that she had five sessions, and later testified that she “went three times at, um, one center and then went once at another and then had two on the phone.” Petitioner’s attorney clarified that petitioner had six sessions where she either had counseling or a medical procedure. She has had three ultrasounds and has heard the unborn child’s heartbeat. She understands that an abortion would “kill the [unborn] child inside [of her].” Petitioner testified that someone discussed the risks associated with terminating a pregnancy, including bleeding and a possibility of death, but petitioner did not otherwise expound on the substance of the counseling. Nor did she elaborate on a discussion she had with a cousin’s mother. She presented no evidence regarding her understanding of the emotional and psychological consequences of abortion or of the immediate and long-range implications of the procedure.

Upon our de novo review, we conclude that petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that she is sufficiently mature and well informed.

I am hereby implementing the TK rule, whereby I inform you ahead of any possible debate that I will not respond to your posts if I find you have either a) not read the article in its entirety, or b) you're just verbally vomiting what you say in every abortion thread you've ever encountered.

Unfortunately the petitioner committed a number of technical and procedural errors in the context of her appeal, such as failing to bring forth an argument in a timely manner, which allowed for the ruling against her. The issue of the trial judge’s bias against privacy rights was consequently mitigated by these errors.

In order for the law to be respected and perceived as legitimate, it must be applied in a consistent manner pursuant to established and accepted rules, guidelines, and procedures. Failure to abide by these accepted rules, guidelines, and procedures will often result in the failure of one’s case in court, regardless how just the cause.
Daily Kos: You won't believe this new abortion decision, or who decided it.

If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent.

As is undoubtedly typical in such cases, the only testimony we have to review is that of petitioner. She will turn 17 years old in October 2013 and is unemancipated. She testified that she mostly raised her younger siblings because her parents “were never around.” Petitioner will be a senior in high school and plans to graduate early—in December—but she did not adduce any evidence about the grades that she has received. She wants to move out of her foster parents’ house after she graduates and has saved enough money to live on her own. Petitioner has not lived on her own, and she is dependent upon her foster parents for financial support. She plans to attend college, either in December or after working for “a little bit.” Petitioner did not testify about any work experience. “‘Experience, perspective and judgment are often lacking in unemancipated minors who are wholly dependent and have never lived away from home or had any significant employment experience.’” We find that to be true in this case.

Petitioner has engaged in counseling regarding abortion. She first testified that she had been to counseling three times, then said that she had five sessions, and later testified that she “went three times at, um, one center and then went once at another and then had two on the phone.” Petitioner’s attorney clarified that petitioner had six sessions where she either had counseling or a medical procedure. She has had three ultrasounds and has heard the unborn child’s heartbeat. She understands that an abortion would “kill the [unborn] child inside [of her].” Petitioner testified that someone discussed the risks associated with terminating a pregnancy, including bleeding and a possibility of death, but petitioner did not otherwise expound on the substance of the counseling. Nor did she elaborate on a discussion she had with a cousin’s mother. She presented no evidence regarding her understanding of the emotional and psychological consequences of abortion or of the immediate and long-range implications of the procedure.

Upon our de novo review, we conclude that petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that she is sufficiently mature and well informed.

I am hereby implementing the TK rule, whereby I inform you ahead of any possible debate that I will not respond to your posts if I find you have either a) not read the article in its entirety, or b) you're just verbally vomiting what you say in every abortion thread you've ever encountered.

Unfortunately the petitioner committed a number of technical and procedural errors in the context of her appeal, such as failing to bring forth an argument in a timely manner, which allowed for the ruling against her. The issue of the trial judge’s bias against privacy rights was consequently mitigated by these errors.

In order for the law to be respected and perceived as legitimate, it must be applied in a consistent manner pursuant to established and accepted rules, guidelines, and procedures. Failure to abide by these accepted rules, guidelines, and procedures will often result in the failure of one’s case in court, regardless how just the cause.

And when you say petitioner, do you mean her attorney?

Is this the end of the road for this young lady, legally?
Daily Kos: You won't believe this new abortion decision, or who decided it.

If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent.

I am hereby implementing the TK rule, whereby I inform you ahead of any possible debate that I will not respond to your posts if I find you have either a) not read the article in its entirety, or b) you're just verbally vomiting what you say in every abortion thread you've ever encountered.

Ok, here's your explanation:

If she has the baby, there is time for her to learn how to be a parent. There is also people who can help her, I assume. Abortion is a one-time decision, no learning curve, no possibility for assistance in the future.

Make sense?

No, but I do appreciate your civil tone.

Lol, I promised I'd be nice today.

What don't you understand? She's sixteen now, and abortion is one time and permanent. A very good case could be made for her being too young to make that decision. The same could rightly be said for her being too young to raise a child, but if she chooses to keep the baby, there is time for her to become a good parent. Also she will most likely have adult help.

Ok, here's your explanation:

If she has the baby, there is time for her to learn how to be a parent. There is also people who can help her, I assume. Abortion is a one-time decision, no learning curve, no possibility for assistance in the future.

Make sense?

No, but I do appreciate your civil tone.

Lol, I promised I'd be nice today.

What don't you understand? She's sixteen now, and abortion is one time and permanent. A very good case could be made for her being too young to make that decision. The same could rightly be said for her being too young to raise a child, but if she chooses to keep the baby, there is time for her to become a good parent. Also she will most likely have adult help.


What basis do you have for believing that she will most likely have adult help? Where is her family? Why is she in foster care, if there is any? Who do you think is going to want to take on the additional burden of a child raising a child?
Daily Kos: You won't believe this new abortion decision, or who decided it.

If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent.

As is undoubtedly typical in such cases, the only testimony we have to review is that of petitioner. She will turn 17 years old in October 2013 and is unemancipated. She testified that she mostly raised her younger siblings because her parents “were never around.” Petitioner will be a senior in high school and plans to graduate early—in December—but she did not adduce any evidence about the grades that she has received. She wants to move out of her foster parents’ house after she graduates and has saved enough money to live on her own. Petitioner has not lived on her own, and she is dependent upon her foster parents for financial support. She plans to attend college, either in December or after working for “a little bit.” Petitioner did not testify about any work experience. “‘Experience, perspective and judgment are often lacking in unemancipated minors who are wholly dependent and have never lived away from home or had any significant employment experience.’” We find that to be true in this case.

Petitioner has engaged in counseling regarding abortion. She first testified that she had been to counseling three times, then said that she had five sessions, and later testified that she “went three times at, um, one center and then went once at another and then had two on the phone.” Petitioner’s attorney clarified that petitioner had six sessions where she either had counseling or a medical procedure. She has had three ultrasounds and has heard the unborn child’s heartbeat. She understands that an abortion would “kill the [unborn] child inside [of her].” Petitioner testified that someone discussed the risks associated with terminating a pregnancy, including bleeding and a possibility of death, but petitioner did not otherwise expound on the substance of the counseling. Nor did she elaborate on a discussion she had with a cousin’s mother. She presented no evidence regarding her understanding of the emotional and psychological consequences of abortion or of the immediate and long-range implications of the procedure.

Upon our de novo review, we conclude that petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that she is sufficiently mature and well informed.

I am hereby implementing the TK rule, whereby I inform you ahead of any possible debate that I will not respond to your posts if I find you have either a) not read the article in its entirety, or b) you're just verbally vomiting what you say in every abortion thread you've ever encountered.

Maybe I missed it (and if I did, please inform me), but I didn't see how far along the pregnancy had progressed. For me, that does influence the decision I would make on abortion. I believe that should also influence the judges' decision. If she is six weeks pregnant, that is vastly different than six months pregnant.

<begin speculation>
Perhaps the reason the judges' called it an "unborn child" instead of "an embryo" or "a fetus" is because the pregnancy has already progressed to the point that the child could now survive outside the womb.
<end speculation>
If that is the case, yes, I would say a 16 year old isn't mature enough to decide to end that life.
No, but I do appreciate your civil tone.

Lol, I promised I'd be nice today.

What don't you understand? She's sixteen now, and abortion is one time and permanent. A very good case could be made for her being too young to make that decision. The same could rightly be said for her being too young to raise a child, but if she chooses to keep the baby, there is time for her to become a good parent. Also she will most likely have adult help.


What basis do you have for believing that she will most likely have adult help? Where is her family? Why is she in foster care, if there is any? Who do you think is going to want to take on the additional burden of a child raising a child?

You think that her whole life and the life of her child she will have no one? Ok fine, but you are ignoring the fact that if she chooses to keep the baby, she has time to learn how to be a parent. She won't be 16 for the life of the child. Otoh, she'll never get another chance to change her mind on aborting the baby. She will always be 16 when she made that decision.
I'm still wondering why she's worried about her foster parents giving her up. If they're a traditional family, then they sure did an awful job immersing her in tradition as an alternative to promiscuity as well as explaining to her how practicing tradition is useful for maturely judging a future partner's character and establishing a sustainable lifestyle.

If they're not a traditional family, then why is she worried?

Either way, cases like this show why underage promiscuity laws need to be tightened.

Uh.... "promiscuity laws"?? Wtf are you talking about? :eek:

Where do you see any reference to "promiscuity" in this case anyway? For all we know this girl had sex once.


This isn't a story on "promiscuity". It has to do with a pregnancy.

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