You explain it to me, because I don't understand

She is looking to her future, wanting a better life, and a bunch of people who don't know her, or anything about her, think they have the right to control her uterus.

Its bullshit.

Her parents & the judges know her & are still molding her until she is an adult. They know way more about her than some activist or journalist does. They also have the right to control her & her entire body until she is of legal age.

They want to force her to endure a pregnancy, which could damage her physically and emotionally. Do they not give any thought to the effect it may have on her?

Parents & courts can incarcerate, force invasive surgery & even donate their children's organs without their consent. Making a minor naturally continue to carry a fetus (that is already naturally in her uterus) for a few more months is far less invasive or traumatic than taking away their organs for life.

You are being way over dramatic. Parents & judges know the minor personally & give the most thought to the effect it may have on her. Which is a hundred times more personal & thoughtful than some activist reporter pushing their agenda.
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Forget the abortion topic for a second, why don't you tell us why these young girls are having very early sex and often times multiple partners in their early years and getting pregnant?

It's our culture that none of you give a damn about. We have celebrities who these teenagers of the new generation look up to, and you know what examples these celebrities are setting to children? Dry humping on a concert stage.

Now every school dance in middle school and high school girls and guys are dry humping each other! I know because I'm part of this new generation and have seen this since middle school!

Then in high school people are getting drunk at private parties and having sex with whomever they feel like.

But, what do you guys care about this? You do the opposite and promote it!

Or... We could start educating the little bastards about reality and what choices life will actually be handing them as they mature. Sex education based in reality works.

Sex ed based in the wanna-be conservative world of "Leave it to Beaver" does not. Nor does ignoring the issue and tabling it 'till next time.
Forget the abortion topic for a second, why don't you tell us why these young girls are having very early sex and often times multiple partners in their early years and getting pregnant?

It's our culture that none of you give a damn about. We have celebrities who these teenagers of the new generation look up to, and you know what examples these celebrities are setting to children? Dry humping on a concert stage.

Now every school dance in middle school and high school girls and guys are dry humping each other! I know because I'm part of this new generation and have seen this since middle school!

Then in high school people are getting drunk at private parties and having sex with whomever they feel like.

But, what do you guys care about this? You do the opposite and promote it!

Nobody ever got pregnant dry-humping. And dirty dancing has been around for a very long time.

If this is freaking you out, I can't imagine how Elvis would have affected you! Women throwing their panties at Tom Jones?!

It's always something, kid.

By the way: teen pregnancy is DOWN.

Dirty dancing is a messed up thing. The culture is messed. Where is the Christianity in this country?

I hear people always speaking about their Christian values but they don't integrate those values into their daily lives.

Would Jesus allow dirty dancing or any kind of pre-marital relationships? Absolutely not!

You think only dirty dancing happens, I've known of people who have threesomes, sex for fun, oral sex is very common early.

This generation is worse than you think. And I know some past generations were like that. But, it's getting out of control.

Why do you want to turn our culture into a sex crazed fantasy. This is what it's become.

Christianity my ass, that's why Christians are a failed people. Judaism does nothing to solve this issue either.

Even though al the biblical prophets stressed this issue so much. It's major.

Well just thank (insert your preferred Deity here) that we aren't subjugated to the Christian version of Sharai Law.

The Christian Values in America are finally taking their rightful place in a secular, free society: The individual home. And it's about God-damned time.
I'm still wondering why she's worried about her foster parents giving her up. If they're a traditional family, then they sure did an awful job immersing her in tradition as an alternative to promiscuity as well as explaining to her how practicing tradition is useful for maturely judging a future partner's character and establishing a sustainable lifestyle.

If they're not a traditional family, then why is she worried?

Either way, cases like this show why underage promiscuity laws need to be tightened.

Legislating morality never works.

I mean - lay it out for me. Who would be charged? With what? What would the sentence be? How would it be enforceable?

"Every law we have is the result of someone legislating morality." My Tort's prof in law school.

All the more reason to aim for simplicity and educated individual choice, especially concerning the social questions.
Sex education based in reality works..

And just what does "Sex education based in reality" entail as you imagine it? Is this the condom on a banana show? Books with graphic lesbian sex for first graders? The "give homosexuality a try, you might like it!" or "we know you're going to do it, so go do it. don't be a loser, all the cool kids are doing it!" advice? And where is the evidence of it "working"? Teen pregnancy? STDs? Breakdown of the family? General moral decay? What?
Sex education based in reality works..

And just what does "Sex education based in reality" entail as you imagine it? Is this the condom on a banana show? Books with graphic lesbian sex for first graders? The "give homosexuality a try, you might like it!" or "we know you're going to do it, so go do it. don't be a loser, all the cool kids are doing it!" advice? And where is the evidence of it "working"? Teen pregnancy? STDs? Breakdown of the family? General moral decay? What?

I think you pretty much described it to a T.
"If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent."!

What a profound statement.

It isn't profound in the slightest, it is flat out common sense.

That said, her foster parents are currently certified by the state to raise children, which actually qualifies them to make the decisions, even if they make decisions you don't like.
I'm still wondering why she's worried about her foster parents giving her up. If they're a traditional family, then they sure did an awful job immersing her in tradition as an alternative to promiscuity as well as explaining to her how practicing tradition is useful for maturely judging a future partner's character and establishing a sustainable lifestyle.

If they're not a traditional family, then why is she worried?

Either way, cases like this show why underage promiscuity laws need to be tightened.

Legislating morality never works.

I mean - lay it out for me. Who would be charged? With what? What would the sentence be? How would it be enforceable?

The claim that legislating morality would make a lot more sense if you weren't so eager to legislate your morality on others.
Were you there in court to judge this young girls maturity when she testified? It was a 5 to 2 decision, so it wasn't even close. 5 very experienced judges decided she could not make that decision. You know just like the 7 to 2 Roe vs Wade decision to allow abortion. Do you wish to do away with the legal system?

When somebody says they are too young, or not ready to be a parent, that is a HUGE red flag that probably shouldn't be ignored.

Which is why the law says that adults are the legal guardians of minor children in their care. If this wasn't about abortion you would be right there cheering the judges on for not allowing a child to make a medical decision without the input of her parents.

Alternatively, you could actually present evidence that she is mature, which is an impression I did not get from reading the biased piece designed specifically to outrage me over the abuse of the legal system. In other words, if that writer couldn't find evidence that a girl who is totally dependent on her foster parents is going to graduate from high school, move into her own apartment, and go to college, why the fuck should I believe she is mature?

By the way, is it possible that the foster parents might actually support an abortion? Did she ask them? Or did she just go straight to the court because some activist told her she would be the perfect test case to challenge the parental notification laws?
Were you there in court to judge this young girls maturity when she testified? It was a 5 to 2 decision, so it wasn't even close. 5 very experienced judges decided she could not make that decision. You know just like the 7 to 2 Roe vs Wade decision to allow abortion. Do you wish to do away with the legal system?

Those idiots believe she isn't mature enough to have an abortion, but that she is mature enough to give birth to, and raise a child?

Are they insane?

Those idiots did not say she cannot have an abortion. What they said is that, if she wants one, she has to talk to her foster parents first. She is also free to look up a grandparent and get consent form them.
The people of Nebraska do not own this girls uterus.

They do, however, own the ability of the girl to legally consent to anything until she is 18 or declared legally an adult. Since you support that for voting, and even drinking, your argument is specious.
Were you there in court to judge this young girls maturity when she testified? It was a 5 to 2 decision, so it wasn't even close. 5 very experienced judges decided she could not make that decision. You know just like the 7 to 2 Roe vs Wade decision to allow abortion. Do you wish to do away with the legal system?

Those idiots believe she isn't mature enough to have an abortion, but that she is mature enough to give birth to, and raise a child?

Are they insane?

To expand Noomi's post..................if she can't be mature enough to have an abortion (meaning that she's smart enough to tell she's not smart enough to have kids), what makes her smart enough to raise children?)...................I mean she knew enough that she shouldn't have kids, so why force her?

Idiots will always be idiots.

She is perfectly free to get an abortion, all she has to do is talk to her foster parents about it and get their consent. Until you provide direct evidence that her foster parents have refused to allow her to get an abortion you are going to sound like an idiot every single time you misrepresent the decision.

Tell me again no one is pro abortion.
Those idiots believe she isn't mature enough to have an abortion, but that she is mature enough to give birth to, and raise a child?

Are they insane?

Will she still be immature or making decisions only based on how her parents treated her after 9 months of pregnancy? Or the entire time the child is being raised? 5 judges think she will grow up, love, protect & care for her child instead of treating it as her parents treated her. The people of Nebraska put these judges there to make this decision.

She is looking to her future, wanting a better life, and a bunch of people who don't know her, or anything about her, think they have the right to control her uterus.
Its bullshit.

Mind reading now, amazing.

If she was half as mature as you want to pretend she is she wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.
She is looking to her future, wanting a better life, and a bunch of people who don't know her, or anything about her, think they have the right to control her uterus.

Its bullshit.

Her parents & the judges know her & are still molding her until she is an adult. They know way more about her than some activist or journalist does. They also have the right to control her & her entire body until she is of legal age.

They want to force her to endure a pregnancy, which could damage her physically and emotionally. Do they not give any thought to the effect it may have on her?

All she had to do was ask her parents, or sign a statement that she would be abused by them if they knew she would get an abortion. Instead she tried to argue a legally untenable position that she should be exempted from the laws for the age of consent.

If she wanted to get plastic surgery to look like an ogre under the exact same circumstances you would be cheering the court on for their intelligence and restraint.

Generally, an abortion cannot be performed upon an
unemancipated pregnant woman under 18 years of age unless
a physician obtains the notarized written consent of both the
pregnant woman and one of her parents or a legal guardian.1

This proceeding was instituted under the provisions of Neb.
Rev. Stat. § 71-6901 et seq. (Cum. Supp. 2012) by a pregnant
16-year-old (petitioner) seeking authorization for an abortion
without consent of a parent or guardian. The district court
denied her request, and pursuant to the expedited procedures
1 Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-6902 (Cum. Supp. 2012).Nebraska advaNce sheets
Cite as 286 Neb. 640
outlined in § 71-6904, she appeals to this court. Because
we determine that petitioner did not establish by clear and
convincing evidence that she is a victim of abuse or neglect
under § 71-6903(3) or that she is sufficiently mature and well
informed to decide on her own whether to have an abortion, we
affirm the judgment of the district court.


Thank you Jon for the link....................


it always helps to have the actual case

not some blog sites version of it

Even the blog allowed me to see that the issue was parental consent, which she never asked for. Since there are triggers available that eliminate the need for consent, and she didn't take advantage of them, I see this as a case intended to attack the law, not a case of the courts taking away someone's right to kill their children.
Which does not negate what she is being forced to endure.

The law allows her to skip parental consent by signing a statement against her parents, and protects the doctor if they depend on said signed statement. She doesn't even have to go to court to get permission for an abortion, yet she did.

You cannot argue that she is being forced to endure something she chose to make happen.
In her shoes, I'd throw myself down the stairs until I wasn't pregnant anymore.

No, I'm not kidding. A woman who doesn't wish to be pregnant will go to any lengths to end the pregnancy, just as a woman who wants to be pregnant will go to any lengths to stay that way.

In which case, being a ward of the state or under Foster Care you would be admitted to a Psych ward for your own protection to prevent yourself from doing bodily harm to yourself.

The law in this case is clear. The Courts uphold the law, and that's the deal.

Right. Like anybody attempting to end a pregnancy would do so with an audience.

That was an incredibly stupid argument.

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