You explain it to me, because I don't understand

Also, she should be denigrated at every turn.

Punish the little whore for having sex!

Promiscuity laws! Promiscuity laws!

Can you imagine? I know some, but I can't. How would such a thing ever be enforced? And really?? She's the only one out to there. Nobody knows who the father knows, even when everybody knows.

Yes, taking a step back 50-100 years seems a swell idea.
Also, she should be denigrated at every turn.

Punish the little whore for having sex!

Promiscuity laws! Promiscuity laws!

Make it illegal for a woman to have more than three sexual partners through her lifetime! Everytime she enters a relationship it must be registered with the government, who will ensure she doesn't engage in any deviant sexual activity, or have sex more than three times a week!
I used to tell my daughter she goes in a convent at 12, and she can come out just as soon as she agrees to marry the man I've chosen for her. We aren't even Catholic, but I wasn't going to let a little thing like that stop me.
^how did that turn out? lol

She's amazing. The entire convent thing never happened. She didn't date in high school, or even for a few years after. She fell in love, got married, had two kids, ... husband blew up the marriage, she remarried, had another baby.

No Catholics were harmed in the making of this life story.

And this is my middle grandbaby girl.

Punish the little whore for having sex!

Promiscuity laws! Promiscuity laws!

Can you imagine? I know some, but I can't. How would such a thing ever be enforced? And really?? She's the only one out to there. Nobody knows who the father knows, even when everybody knows.

Yes, taking a step back 50-100 years seems a swell idea.

Actually I wasn't even making that up, but referring back to a post at the beginning of this thread. It caught my eye and I thought I was hallucinating. Asked for some explanation here but got bupkis.

Yeah, somebody actually suggested "promiscuity laws" should be "tightened". Possibly a Freudian slip.
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^how did that turn out? lol

She's amazing. The entire convent thing never happened. She didn't date in high school, or even for a few years after. She fell in love, got married, had two kids, ... husband blew up the marriage, she remarried, had another baby.

No Catholics were harmed in the making of this life story.

And this is my middle grandbaby girl.

Jeepers creepers! Where'd she get those peepers?
^how did that turn out? lol

She's amazing. The entire convent thing never happened. She didn't date in high school, or even for a few years after. She fell in love, got married, had two kids, ... husband blew up the marriage, she remarried, had another baby.

No Catholics were harmed in the making of this life story.

And this is my middle grandbaby girl.

Jeepers creepers! Where'd she get those peepers?

Her momma. =)
Sometimes I think you must be having a totally shit day, and come here to try to make everybody else miserable too.

Other times I think - well, maybe he's like Sheldon, and being right is more important than any particular person he may be speaking to.

You thought that was a stupid argument? Was what I was responding to ever-so-much more intelligent?

Unless you are advocating that women use coat hangers the only way to get an abortion is with an audience. That is what made that particular post an incredibly stupid argument.

No, it was not. And again - did you read what I was responding to.

Your post about deliberately hurting yourself, and the response that it could trigger a psych check? Is there some reason you think doctors are stupid?

By the way, did you ever respond to any of the posts where I pointed out that the story you cited totally misrepresented the court decision, and that, in reality, it had nothing to do with abortion?
She is looking to her future, wanting a better life, and a bunch of people who don't know her, or anything about her, think they have the right to control her uterus.

Its bullshit.

Her parents & the judges know her & are still molding her until she is an adult. They know way more about her than some activist or journalist does. They also have the right to control her & her entire body until she is of legal age.

Except they are NOT her parents! They are her FOSTER PARENTS, who are uber religious, and of course would never allow her to make the decision to abort regardless!

How the fuck do you know that? They were never asked, and the entire issue was not raised in court, yet you have all the fucking answers.
Unless you are advocating that women use coat hangers the only way to get an abortion is with an audience. That is what made that particular post an incredibly stupid argument.

No, it was not. And again - did you read what I was responding to.

Your post about deliberately hurting yourself, and the response that it could trigger a psych check? Is there some reason you think doctors are stupid?

By the way, did you ever respond to any of the posts where I pointed out that the story you cited totally misrepresented the court decision, and that, in reality, it had nothing to do with abortion?

No, I didn't. Mostly because Clayton already made that point, and I already acknowledged it there.

In addition, when people start talking to me like I'm the most special kind of stupid they ever met? I stop listening.
Those idiots did not say she cannot have an abortion. What they said is that, if she wants one, she has to talk to her foster parents first. She is also free to look up a grandparent and get consent form them.

Her foster parents are religious, meaning they would be anti abortion. How the fuck is she going to get them to agree to something they think is morally wrong? What right do they have to force their religious beliefs on a minor child?

How the fuck do you know that? Are you psychic? did you consult the Ouija board, or did you see it while watching the fries cook?
No, it was not. And again - did you read what I was responding to.

Your post about deliberately hurting yourself, and the response that it could trigger a psych check? Is there some reason you think doctors are stupid?

By the way, did you ever respond to any of the posts where I pointed out that the story you cited totally misrepresented the court decision, and that, in reality, it had nothing to do with abortion?

No, I didn't. Mostly because Clayton already made that point, and I already acknowledged it there.

In addition, when people start talking to me like I'm the most special kind of stupid they ever met? I stop listening.

For the record, if I point out that something you said is incredibly stupid, it is because I actually expect you to not make stupid arguments. I might not agree with you, and you can expect me to call you an idiot at times, but you are not stupid like the special posters that I regularly insult because they don't understand me when I try to reason with them.

By the way, the fact that most of the people I treat that way are left leaning does not mean I don't see the ones on the right, I just don't enjoy bashing the ones on the right as much. I think I should learn to enjoy it because they make it incredibly difficult for me to deal with the serious people on the left. If you know anyone that needs my special treatment, point them out.
Its amazing how you progressives go nuts when someone is held accountable for their own actions.

She choose to have sex, she can have the baby. Her reasoning for wanting an abortion is absolutely stupid, she is afraid the parents will be mean to her and the baby? Gee, I guess if they would just agree to kill it then that would prove they aren't the abusive types, right?

You pro-abortionists are fucking insane, you want to see the "invader" chopped up and thrown into the garbage. Telling a young 16-year old girl that an abortion is the killing of a live human being is telling her the truth, unless of course you liberals who claim to champion everything science would like to prove to us that the fetus isn't a human being or isn't alive.

Anyway, I see what this story is suggesting....that Christians should not be able to adopt girls because they might teach or enforce their "radical" beliefs such as abortion is murder.
Your post about deliberately hurting yourself, and the response that it could trigger a psych check? Is there some reason you think doctors are stupid?

By the way, did you ever respond to any of the posts where I pointed out that the story you cited totally misrepresented the court decision, and that, in reality, it had nothing to do with abortion?

No, I didn't. Mostly because Clayton already made that point, and I already acknowledged it there.

In addition, when people start talking to me like I'm the most special kind of stupid they ever met? I stop listening.

For the record, if I point out that something you said is incredibly stupid, it is because I actually expect you to not make stupid arguments. I might not agree with you, and you can expect me to call you an idiot at times, but you are not stupid like the special posters that I regularly insult because they don't understand me when I try to reason with them.

By the way, the fact that most of the people I treat that way are left leaning does not mean I don't see the ones on the right, I just don't enjoy bashing the ones on the right as much. I think I should learn to enjoy it because they make it incredibly difficult for me to deal with the serious people on the left. If you know anyone that needs my special treatment, point them out.

Oh come off it Windsock. You know as much about "reasoning" as I know about Tasmanian geology. Flaming hypocrite. All you do is attack, attack, attack, for no earthly purpose other than pure contrarianism. You're a hack, and everybody is fucking bored with it.

How's that two-day search to back up your accusation coming? The one on me I mean?
No, I didn't. Mostly because Clayton already made that point, and I already acknowledged it there.

In addition, when people start talking to me like I'm the most special kind of stupid they ever met? I stop listening.

For the record, if I point out that something you said is incredibly stupid, it is because I actually expect you to not make stupid arguments. I might not agree with you, and you can expect me to call you an idiot at times, but you are not stupid like the special posters that I regularly insult because they don't understand me when I try to reason with them.

By the way, the fact that most of the people I treat that way are left leaning does not mean I don't see the ones on the right, I just don't enjoy bashing the ones on the right as much. I think I should learn to enjoy it because they make it incredibly difficult for me to deal with the serious people on the left. If you know anyone that needs my special treatment, point them out.

Oh come off it Windsock. You know as much about "reasoning" as I know about Tasmanian geology. Flaming hypocrite. All you do is attack, attack, attack, for no earthly purpose other than pure contrarianism. You're a hack, and everybody is fucking bored with it.

How's that two-day search to back up your accusation coming? The one on me I mean?

Are you obsessing over something you think I care about again?
For the record, if I point out that something you said is incredibly stupid, it is because I actually expect you to not make stupid arguments. I might not agree with you, and you can expect me to call you an idiot at times, but you are not stupid like the special posters that I regularly insult because they don't understand me when I try to reason with them.

By the way, the fact that most of the people I treat that way are left leaning does not mean I don't see the ones on the right, I just don't enjoy bashing the ones on the right as much. I think I should learn to enjoy it because they make it incredibly difficult for me to deal with the serious people on the left. If you know anyone that needs my special treatment, point them out.

Oh come off it Windsock. You know as much about "reasoning" as I know about Tasmanian geology. Flaming hypocrite. All you do is attack, attack, attack, for no earthly purpose other than pure contrarianism. You're a hack, and everybody is fucking bored with it.

How's that two-day search to back up your accusation coming? The one on me I mean?

Are you obsessing over something you think I care about again?

Uh-- you brought it up, dood. I'm still waiting to see it.

That's your world -- all talk.. no action. You must be proud.

Who's posting out from under a gutter
Snarlin' at everybody he sees...
Who's reachin' out to hijack a good thread
Everyone knows it's Wind - bag.
Oh come off it Windsock. You know as much about "reasoning" as I know about Tasmanian geology. Flaming hypocrite. All you do is attack, attack, attack, for no earthly purpose other than pure contrarianism. You're a hack, and everybody is fucking bored with it.

How's that two-day search to back up your accusation coming? The one on me I mean?

Are you obsessing over something you think I care about again?

Uh-- you brought it up, dood. I'm still waiting to see it.

That's your world -- all talk.. no action. You must be proud.

Who's posting out from under a gutter
Snarlin' at everybody he sees...
Who's reachin' out to hijack a good thread
Everyone knows it's Wind - bag.

I brought it up? If I did, it wasn't in this thread, yet you are hear obsessing over it.


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