You explain it to me, because I don't understand

This young girl will eventually mature & get her right to make her own decisions. The male who got her pregnant never gets any rights to prevent the killing of his child or to terminate her pregnancy or not have to pay child support.

The male who got her pregnant has no rights because that fetus does not reside in his body.

Of course, resorting to torture to get a child to give birth is what Republicans have been pushing for, isn't it?

It is only in her body a very short time. The father will be forced under threat of incarceration to pay support for 22 years. He should have a say in what happens.

You activist idiots are the ones who said she should throw herself down the stairs until she was not pregnant any more. She went against her parents & got pregnant proving immaturity in decision making. She is a ward of her parents who have still must make decisions for her & have legal control over her body.

Her parents may see that the father is wanting the child. Or see that he may have a good income that will support both her & the child through child support bettering her future. She is not mature enough to make that decision yet. Her parents know her future better than she knows herself or any of you activist know.
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In her shoes, I'd throw myself down the stairs until I wasn't pregnant anymore.

No, I'm not kidding. A woman who doesn't wish to be pregnant will go to any lengths to end the pregnancy, just as a woman who wants to be pregnant will go to any lengths to stay that way.

Hmm. Yeah. That's what I thought.

I said what I WOULD do. Not what she SHOULD do.

Revisionism is such fun - but I'm not going to let it stand if I know that's not what I said.

And now, you know too!

This young girl will eventually mature & get her right to make her own decisions. The male who got her pregnant never gets any rights to prevent the killing of his child or to terminate her pregnancy or not have to pay child support.

The male who got her pregnant has no rights because that fetus does not reside in his body.

Of course, resorting to torture to get a child to give birth is what Republicans have been pushing for, isn't it?

It is only in her body a very short time. The father will be forced under threat of incarceration to pay support for 22 years.

You activist idiots are the ones who said she should throw herself down the stairs until she was not pregnant any more. She went against her parents & got pregnant proving immaturity in decision making. She is a ward of her parents who have still must make decisions for her & have legal control over her body.

Her parents may see that the father is wanting the child. Or see that he may have a good income that will support both her & the child through child support bettering her future. She is not mature enough to make that decision yet. Her parents know her future better than she knows herself or any of you activist know.

You keep referring to her parents. What part of "THEY BAILED" are you not understanding.
The male who got her pregnant has no rights because that fetus does not reside in his body.

Of course, resorting to torture to get a child to give birth is what Republicans have been pushing for, isn't it?

It is only in her body a very short time. The father will be forced under threat of incarceration to pay support for 22 years. He should have a say.

You activist idiots are the ones who said she should throw herself down the stairs until she was not pregnant any more. She went against her parents & got pregnant proving immaturity in decision making. She is a ward of her parents who have still must make decisions for her & have legal control over her body.

Her parents may see that the father is wanting the child. Or see that he may have a good income that will support both her & the child through child support bettering her future. She is not mature enough to make that decision yet. Her parents know her future better than she knows herself or any of you activist know.

You keep referring to her parents. What part of "THEY BAILED" are you not understanding.

She still has foster parents, case workers & Judges that know her future better than she does.
It is only in her body a very short time. The father will be forced under threat of incarceration to pay support for 22 years. He should have a say.

You activist idiots are the ones who said she should throw herself down the stairs until she was not pregnant any more. She went against her parents & got pregnant proving immaturity in decision making. She is a ward of her parents who have still must make decisions for her & have legal control over her body.

Her parents may see that the father is wanting the child. Or see that he may have a good income that will support both her & the child through child support bettering her future. She is not mature enough to make that decision yet. Her parents know her future better than she knows herself or any of you activist know.

You keep referring to her parents. What part of "THEY BAILED" are you not understanding.

She still has foster parents, case workers & Judges that know her future better than she does.

No, they really don't. Because anything they thought they knew just got derailed by the probability she will be on welfare for a very long time. And whenever she isn't, she'll be struggling to make ends meet.

That's the reality for teen parents.
You keep referring to her parents. What part of "THEY BAILED" are you not understanding.

She still has foster parents, case workers & Judges that know her future better than she does.

No, they really don't. Because anything they thought they knew just got derailed by the probability she will be on welfare for a very long time. And whenever she isn't, she'll be struggling to make ends meet.

That's the reality for teen parents.

You don't know that. She does not have to keep the child. The parents may want it. It can be adopted, the father could take it, she could visit on weekends, etc. She only has to obey a few months. The father is on the hook for 22 years of support. He may be loaded.

She has no clue how to not get pregnant if she didn't want a child. Had no self control & did not obey. :( She will be inconvenienced a few months for being stupid. :(
People who are not her biological parents do not have the right to force their religious beliefs on this child. They are looking after her for a short time, they are not her parents and never will be. They need to put aside their religious beliefs and let her make her own decisions.

Otherwise I will consider strongly opposing religious people from fostering or adopting children.
She still has foster parents, case workers & Judges that know her future better than she does.

No, they really don't. Because anything they thought they knew just got derailed by the probability she will be on welfare for a very long time. And whenever she isn't, she'll be struggling to make ends meet.

That's the reality for teen parents.

You don't know that. She does not have to keep the child. The parents may want it. It can be adopted, the father could take it, she could visit on weekends, etc. She only has to obey a few months. The father is on the hook for 22 years of support. He may be loaded.

She has no clue how to not get pregnant if she didn't want a child. Had no self control & did not obey. :( She will be inconvenienced a few months for being stupid. :(

Of course, having sex is 'stupid' and its only an 'inconvenience' that she will have to suffer through the agony of childbirth, and suffer the aftereffects of childbirth for the rest of her life. Never mind that there is a risk of serious injury or death to her, but lets not worry about that, shall we?
People who are not her biological parents do not have the right to force their religious beliefs on this child. They are looking after her for a short time, they are not her parents and never will be. They need to put aside their religious beliefs and let her make her own decisions.

Otherwise I will consider strongly opposing religious people from fostering or adopting children.

Oh, YOU will? Well, alert the U-fucking-N! :rolleyes:
Of course, having sex is 'stupid' and its only an 'inconvenience' that she will have to suffer through the agony of childbirth, and suffer the aftereffects of childbirth for the rest of her life. Never mind that there is a risk of serious injury or death to her, but lets not worry about that, shall we?

Such self-righteousness is a little hard to take seriously from someone who advocates the outright killing of innocent human beings and has openly demonstrated - many times - a callous disregard for human life.
In her shoes, I'd throw myself down the stairs until I wasn't pregnant anymore.

Well, there goes any respect I ever might have had or ever would have for you. I am forced to conclude that you are not only self-destructive but utterly reprehensible.
Daily Kos: You won't believe this new abortion decision, or who decided it.

If a 16 y/o isn't mature enough to make her own decisions regarding family planning, then how on earth is she mature enough to parent.

As is undoubtedly typical in such cases, the only testimony we have to review is that of petitioner. She will turn 17 years old in October 2013 and is unemancipated. She testified that she mostly raised her younger siblings because her parents “were never around.” Petitioner will be a senior in high school and plans to graduate early—in December—but she did not adduce any evidence about the grades that she has received. She wants to move out of her foster parents’ house after she graduates and has saved enough money to live on her own. Petitioner has not lived on her own, and she is dependent upon her foster parents for financial support. She plans to attend college, either in December or after working for “a little bit.” Petitioner did not testify about any work experience. “‘Experience, perspective and judgment are often lacking in unemancipated minors who are wholly dependent and have never lived away from home or had any significant employment experience.’” We find that to be true in this case.

Petitioner has engaged in counseling regarding abortion. She first testified that she had been to counseling three times, then said that she had five sessions, and later testified that she “went three times at, um, one center and then went once at another and then had two on the phone.” Petitioner’s attorney clarified that petitioner had six sessions where she either had counseling or a medical procedure. She has had three ultrasounds and has heard the unborn child’s heartbeat. She understands that an abortion would “kill the [unborn] child inside [of her].” Petitioner testified that someone discussed the risks associated with terminating a pregnancy, including bleeding and a possibility of death, but petitioner did not otherwise expound on the substance of the counseling. Nor did she elaborate on a discussion she had with a cousin’s mother. She presented no evidence regarding her understanding of the emotional and psychological consequences of abortion or of the immediate and long-range implications of the procedure.

Upon our de novo review, we conclude that petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that she is sufficiently mature and well informed.

I am hereby implementing the TK rule, whereby I inform you ahead of any possible debate that I will not respond to your posts if I find you have either a) not read the article in its entirety, or b) you're just verbally vomiting what you say in every abortion thread you've ever encountered.

If you're planning a family, where does abortion come into play?

Seems to me this 16 year old isn't mature at all and that of course makes her a perfect fit in liberal circles.
People who are not her biological parents do not have the right to force their religious beliefs on this child. They are looking after her for a short time, they are not her parents and never will be. They need to put aside their religious beliefs and let her make her own decisions.

Otherwise I will consider strongly opposing religious people from fostering or adopting children.

You keep spouting this like you know something the rest of the planet is unaware of, so I have a few questions, what religion are her foster parents? What church, synagogue, ashram or mosque do they attend? How the fuck do you know what her foster parents believe when the issue never came up in court?
No, they really don't. Because anything they thought they knew just got derailed by the probability she will be on welfare for a very long time. And whenever she isn't, she'll be struggling to make ends meet.

That's the reality for teen parents.

You don't know that. She does not have to keep the child. The parents may want it. It can be adopted, the father could take it, she could visit on weekends, etc. She only has to obey a few months. The father is on the hook for 22 years of support. He may be loaded.

She has no clue how to not get pregnant if she didn't want a child. Had no self control & did not obey. :( She will be inconvenienced a few months for being stupid. :(

Of course, having sex is 'stupid' and its only an 'inconvenience' that she will have to suffer through the agony of childbirth, and suffer the aftereffects of childbirth for the rest of her life. Never mind that there is a risk of serious injury or death to her, but lets not worry about that, shall we?

If she drove drunk and killed someone you wouldn't have a problem with her having to deal with the consequences. If she stole something you would be saying she needs to understand that actions have consequences. Fuck, if she called a black person a derogatory word you you would be arguing that she needs to understand that just because she can say it doesn't mean she should. Why the fuck should having sex be the only human activity that does not carry a negative consequence if you do it stupidly?
In her shoes, I'd throw myself down the stairs until I wasn't pregnant anymore.

Well, there goes any respect I ever might have had or ever would have for you. I am forced to conclude that you are not only self-destructive but utterly reprehensible.

/giant crocodile tears

OMG! Some nameless, faceless s/h/it on the internet that I couldn't pick out of the proverbial line-up is disappointed in me for a decision I'm not actually making!

Oh, the HUMANITY!!!11!!1!!!1!!eleventeen!!1!1!1!1!!!!1!

</symphony of sarcasm>
In her shoes, I'd throw myself down the stairs until I wasn't pregnant anymore.

Well, there goes any respect I ever might have had or ever would have for you. I am forced to conclude that you are not only self-destructive but utterly reprehensible.

/giant crocodile tears

OMG! Some nameless, faceless s/h/it on the internet that I couldn't pick out of the proverbial line-up is disappointed in me for a decision I'm not actually making!

Oh, the HUMANITY!!!11!!1!!!1!!eleventeen!!1!1!1!1!!!!1!

</symphony of sarcasm>

It's nice you can pretend that you can live with yourself. That must help.
Well, there goes any respect I ever might have had or ever would have for you. I am forced to conclude that you are not only self-destructive but utterly reprehensible.

/giant crocodile tears

OMG! Some nameless, faceless s/h/it on the internet that I couldn't pick out of the proverbial line-up is disappointed in me for a decision I'm not actually making!

Oh, the HUMANITY!!!11!!1!!!1!!eleventeen!!1!1!1!1!!!!1!

</symphony of sarcasm>

It's nice you can pretend that you can live with yourself. That must help.

Jesus. It's like I looked in the dictionary for 'butt hurt', and there you were.

You can pass judgment all day, every day. There is not a pregnant woman out there who knows you even exist.
[There is not a pregnant woman out there who knows you even exist.

What a strange and ridiculous thing to say. I'm learning that, in addition to your other problems, you're not very bright. Unfortunate.

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