You Have Awoken A Sleeping Giant

The Sleeping Giant is the people who now realize that Corporate shills are the reasons for low wages and a severe lack of employment opportunities.
Correll, how are white people being screwed?

That is a generalization of the silliest sort.


YOu didn't address whether or not Sharpton is a racist and whether Hillary and Sanders both are pandering to him for black votes.
:lol: All politicians pander, Correll. You just trot along with your generalizations

Mmm are you pretending to forget that the question was does the dems pander to anti-white racists.

Hence my posting of HIllary and Sanders both kowtowing to Al Sharpton, a huge anti-white racism who is a respected leader in the black community and the dem party.
Correll, how are white people being screwed?

That is a generalization of the silliest sort.


YOu didn't address whether or not Sharpton is a racist and whether Hillary and Sanders both are pandering to him for black votes.
:lol: All politicians pander, Correll. You just trot along with your generalizations

Mmm are you pretending to forget that the question was does the dems pander to anti-white racists.

Hence my posting of HIllary and Sanders both kowtowing to Al Sharpton, a huge anti-white racism who is a respected leader in the black community and the dem party.
Question is immaterial. You are acting as if a great anti-white conspiracy is a foot in this country. I doubt there is, and you can't prove different. But you can generalize.
You mean awaken the weak midgets aka white supremacists.

67% of Americans are white.

The non-stop hatred of white people that comes from the left, particularly the democratic - socialist party, might not be the wisest move.

I'm just sayin...

If you count hispanics, the percentage goes to about 87% white.

What is it about speaking spanish that changes a persons race?
You morons think that if you just keep shouting that 'Democrats are the racists' suddenly minorities will stop identifying Republicans as the racists.......
Do you deny democrats started the KKK, implemented Jim Crow, supported slavery, was against civil right, voting right? Your liberal policies are designed to keep the black man on the plantation. Blacks are no better off than when LBJ started that policy to keep the "******* voting democrat for 200 years." That's a fact, Jack!
Do you deny the Dems with the minority GOP's help passed CR and voting rights and repudiated the KKK?

Do you deny the GOP % of southern reps and Senators were higher than southern Dems in Congress in voting against the CR and voting rights

That is how it is taught in the schools and no indication at all previews any changes.

AvyGuyIA, your opinioon is the small minority opinion, nothing more, and that won't change.

Blacks as a whole are far better off than they were in 1964, but you can give us all of the evidence pro and con to try and prove your point.
Correll, how are white people being screwed?

That is a generalization of the silliest sort.


YOu didn't address whether or not Sharpton is a racist and whether Hillary and Sanders both are pandering to him for black votes.
:lol: All politicians pander, Correll. You just trot along with your generalizations

Mmm are you pretending to forget that the question was does the dems pander to anti-white racists.

Hence my posting of HIllary and Sanders both kowtowing to Al Sharpton, a huge anti-white racism who is a respected leader in the black community and the dem party.
Question is immaterial. You are acting as if a great anti-white conspiracy is a foot in this country. I doubt there is, and you can't prove different. But you can generalize.

Conspiracy implies secrecy.

The long term polices of the Dems are very open and clear in that they want to discriminate in favor of minorities at the expense of whites.
You morons think that if you just keep shouting that 'Democrats are the racists' suddenly minorities will stop identifying Republicans as the racists.......
Do you deny democrats started the KKK, implemented Jim Crow, supported slavery, was against civil right, voting right? Your liberal policies are designed to keep the black man on the plantation. Blacks are no better off than when LBJ started that policy to keep the "******* voting democrat for 200 years." That's a fact, Jack!
And that is why minorities are democrats?

The mind of a bloated, milkface cross humper is a thing to behold
You morons think that if you just keep shouting that 'Democrats are the racists' suddenly minorities will stop identifying Republicans as the racists.......
Do you deny democrats started the KKK, implemented Jim Crow, supported slavery, was against civil right, voting right? Your liberal policies are designed to keep the black man on the plantation. Blacks are no better off than when LBJ started that policy to keep the "******* voting democrat for 200 years." That's a fact, Jack!
LBJ started that policy to keep the "******* voting democrat for 200 years

He never said that, stop lying for your jesus,

Putting down his pen after signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, Johnson grimly said to an aide "We have lost the South for a generation". The Great Society legislation provided significant backlash later. Being a world-famous pragmatist and immovably stubborn, can you imagine Johnson focusing only on the positive side in such a manner, ignoring the reality? Johnson knew that each piece of legislation would likely result in net loss of votes for Democrats.

what he did say;

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