You have to admit, Trump is one amazing scam artist. Look how well he plays the American People.

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with.

Why no concern for Trump foundation and what he's done with Foreign govts?

Did I not suggest a side by side comparison? Which governments are each tied to? Are we talking Russia or Iran and Saudi Arabia? There is a big difference

Let me also add another fact. Prior to his running, Trunp was a businessman. Trump had no political influence that would benefit these foreign governments at the time if he made any foreign financial ties .... the Clinton's DO. That my friend makes all the difference under that situation

So again why is there no concern for the Trump foundation and what he's done with foreign govts? Because the potential POTUS was a businessman so its all cool and we dont need to know?
By tour own standard for Hillary, he hasn't been indicted.

He's not only been indicted but convicted as well.
Convicted of what?

Update yourself. We are not going to research it for you.
Hilarious. You tell a lie and then say "We are not going to research it for you"?

Do you understand how stupid that makes you look?

Trump has been convicted of racial discrimination in renting apartments in New York, and if the Trump U fraud suits (either of them) prevail, he'll be indicted for fraud. He's already been fined for making illegal campaign contributions by the IRS, and warned about soliciting donations from foreign countries for his political campaign.
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Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with.

Why no concern for Trump foundation and what he's done with Foreign govts?

Did I not suggest a side by side comparison? Which governments are each tied to? Are we talking Russia or Iran and Saudi Arabia? There is a big difference

Let me also add another fact. Prior to his running, Trunp was a businessman. Trump had no political influence that would benefit these foreign governments at the time if he made any foreign financial ties .... the Clinton's DO. That my friend makes all the difference under that situation

So again why is there no concern for the Trump foundation and what he's done with foreign govts? Because the potential POTUS was a businessman so its all cool and we dont need to know?

I would consider Trump's debts to Chinese banks and especially Russian Oligarchs, to be a huge problem. Trump has also been bailed out by the Saudi's on more than one occasion. American banks won't loan to Trump any more because of his history of bankruptcies, but the Chinese, Saudis and Russians are more than happy to help him out. Their money is keeping his businesses running, and if they call their loans, he's screwed.
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with.

Why no concern for Trump foundation and what he's done with Foreign govts?

Did I not suggest a side by side comparison? Which governments are each tied to? Are we talking Russia or Iran and Saudi Arabia? There is a big difference

Let me also add another fact. Prior to his running, Trunp was a businessman. Trump had no political influence that would benefit these foreign governments at the time if he made any foreign financial ties .... the Clinton's DO. That my friend makes all the difference under that situation

So again why is there no concern for the Trump foundation and what he's done with foreign govts? Because the potential POTUS was a businessman so its all cool and we dont need to know?

What does a foreign government have to gain in political influence with a businessman in the private sector? Show me how someone in the private sector has access to sensitive government information or can influence foreign governments politically. Let's just see how intelligent you are, by your concerns.
I find it amusing that anyone supporting Hillary Clinton can pretend outrage that Trump is a con man. You guys are a riot
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with.

Why no concern for Trump foundation and what he's done with Foreign govts?

Did I not suggest a side by side comparison? Which governments are each tied to? Are we talking Russia or Iran and Saudi Arabia? There is a big difference

Let me also add another fact. Prior to his running, Trunp was a businessman. Trump had no political influence that would benefit these foreign governments at the time if he made any foreign financial ties .... the Clinton's DO. That my friend makes all the difference under that situation

So again why is there no concern for the Trump foundation and what he's done with foreign govts? Because the potential POTUS was a businessman so its all cool and we dont need to know?

What does a foreign government have to gain in political influence with a businessman in the private sector?

Good question, one that we shouldnt have to muse about but one that should be clarified with tax returns since he's not running for businessman he's running for POTUS.
I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with.

Why no concern for Trump foundation and what he's done with Foreign govts?

Did I not suggest a side by side comparison? Which governments are each tied to? Are we talking Russia or Iran and Saudi Arabia? There is a big difference

Let me also add another fact. Prior to his running, Trunp was a businessman. Trump had no political influence that would benefit these foreign governments at the time if he made any foreign financial ties .... the Clinton's DO. That my friend makes all the difference under that situation

So again why is there no concern for the Trump foundation and what he's done with foreign govts? Because the potential POTUS was a businessman so its all cool and we dont need to know?

What does a foreign government have to gain in political influence with a businessman in the private sector?

Good question, one that we shouldnt have to muse about but one that should be clarified with tax returns since he's not running for businessman he's running for POTUS.

Well I think you are holding out on us ClosedCaption. Obviously you believe that an individual who makes his life as a businessman, who worked hard in his life to establish and maintain his own image (and corporate name) globally, can be a big influence to foreign governments politically. Yet they don't happen to work for the government. What "national interest" can a businessman offer a foreign government exactly, If they are not working in government? Seriously ClosedCaption, what could that be about an individual working in the private sector [specifically], that has you so worried and concerned?
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

Partially true. I believe he said he'd turn over his tax returns after the audit. He is a scam artist, but judging from the polls, he is no better that the second best scam artist running for president.
Saying he would turn over his tax returns is part of the scam.
Lucky how he gets to actually break laws Hillary has only been accused of and then found innocent.

Exactly when has Hillary been found innocent of anything? When has she stood trial? Do you even understand how criminal justice works? No one is found innocent.

And being so corrupt you use political influence to avoid being prosecuted when the FBI says anyone else would have been is a far cry from innocence
But his character and his history count - especially the bankruptcies, and yes, his taxes.

You can't argue, though, that one candidate's character and history counts and the other's does not.

It is being reported today that Hillary is STEALING money from the elderly and the poor to finance her campaign. She did so in 2007 as well and was forced to return hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The difference is liberals are fixating on a 'product' that is NOT required by law, one in which he has NOT broken the law by not complying with their wishes while Hillary is exposing her proven character by REPEATING her history of stealing from Americans.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors

Trump is not a criminal for not releasing his tax returns.
Hillary IS a criminal for stealing...again.

To be fair trump has swindled the elderly for decades
Bill's been bamboozling the coloreds for decades. Surprised they still listen to them.

Clinton gave the Coloreds Jobs, Prosperity, Safety from Crime & Hope. Repubtards take them all away to keep them poor & dying. It's no surprise they still listen to Clintons

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You are one lying deplorable human being....... technically yes but they didn't do it purposely.

You call me deplorable for pointing out that Hillary Clinton is STEALING money from the Elderly and the Poor to finance her Presidential campaign?!


'Technically Yes'?!
-- 'Technically'? No, She IS stealing from the elderly and the poor. Complaints have been filed with state Attorney Generals and the FEC!

'They didn't purposefully do it'?!
-- Now who is being dishonest? You INTENTIONALLY ignore the earlier NUMEROUS links I posted (on which you commented) to the SEVERAL cases from 2007 in which Hillary's campaign engaged in numerous violations of campaign finance law that included illegally taking money from convicted money bundlers, taking money from drug dealers, taking money from fronts for terrorist organizations....AND STEALING MONEY FROM THE ELDERLY AND THE POOR WITH THIS SAME 'MONEY-PULLING' SCAM!

One time is an 'accident', dear...getting caught REPEATING YOUR CRIME is NOT!

Oh dear. I gave you 2 links that Trump is also doing the same thing. And you failed to ignore because of your deplorable attitude.
Ask yourself.......... Why Fox News and Trump is not even bringing this up? I want you to explain that. Instead they keep coming out with conspiracies and portable potties attack in desperation. Like yourself.

Also where is trump tax returns?
Bill's been bamboozling the coloreds for decades. Surprised they still listen to them.

Clinton gave the Coloreds Jobs, Prosperity, Safety from Crime & Hope. Repubtards take them all away to keep them poor & dying. It's no surprise they still listen to Clintons

Yet Gingrich was speaker when Climton was President, and was the reason for the government shut down when President Clinton's cuts in spending weren't deep enough. As a result Clinton caved to end the shut down.
Trump is an amateur scam artist compared to 0bama.

Obama is not running for third term.

Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

Partially true. I believe he said he'd turn over his tax returns after the audit. He is a scam artist, but judging from the polls, he is no better that the second best scam artist running for president.
Saying he would turn over his tax returns is part of the scam.
Lucky how he gets to actually break laws Hillary has only been accused of and then found innocent.

Exactly when has Hillary been found innocent of anything? When has she stood trial? Do you even understand how criminal justice works? No one is found innocent.

And being so corrupt you use political influence to avoid being prosecuted when the FBI says anyone else would have been is a far cry from innocence

In order to stand trial, there needs to be evidence, witnesses, and a crime. Republicans have spent $100 million on investigations, hired Ken Starr and a staff of minions to take the Clintons down, and after $100 million dollars and 20 years, they have no evidence, no witnesses, and in many cases, no crimes.

But instead of admitting that their attacks on Hillary are nothing but witch hunts based on lies that Republicans themselves have made up, and even after the Republicans admit that they found nothing, they then say "She got away with it!!!". They persist with the old lies, start telling new ones, and repeat the process all over again.

As soon as the FBI cleared Hillary of any crimes in regard to her email server, Republicans, using Judicial Watch, filed a "pay or play" allegation against the Clinton Foundation, via the IRS. The IRS is bound by law to investigate every complaint they receive so here we go again.
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Trump is an amateur scam artist compared to 0bama.

Obama is not running for third term.

Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

So really, you have nothing. He has made the world safer from terror than it was before he was elected. 7 Republican reports have said he didn't lie about Benghazi.

The stimulous paid nothing to the unions. The money went to states and cities to build infrastruture. It contributed to infrastructure renewal, and to local jobs and suppliers, by putting good money into the hands of the construction workers who built the projects, and the suppliers who provided materials.

He didn't scam anyone into voting for him, and if he were able to run for a third term, I'm pretty sure he would win in a landslide.

What about all of the lies Trump told you. Today he admitted he liked to your faces for 8 years claiming Obama wasn't born in the United States. He knew the whole birther movement was based on a lie and he deliberately continued to lie to you, to claim that Obama had illegitimately stolen the Presidency, and he tried to undermine the legitimacy of Obama's Presidency. What kind of person does a thing like that?

I used to say to my kids "When you lie to me, you're calling me 'stupid' to my face. You're saying that I'm not smart enough to figure out you're lying and you won't get caught". Well in Trump's case, 60% believe still his lie that Obama wasn't born in the United States. So that tells me that 60% of his supporters really are that stupid, because any fool could have fact checked his lie, and proven him wrong. Just like all of his other lies like "I was always against the Iraq War", even though there's a tape of him saying he supported it.
Trump is an amateur scam artist compared to 0bama.

Obama is not running for third term.

Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

Partially true. I believe he said he'd turn over his tax returns after the audit. He is a scam artist, but judging from the polls, he is no better that the second best scam artist running for president.
Saying he would turn over his tax returns is part of the scam.
Lucky how he gets to actually break laws Hillary has only been accused of and then found innocent.

Exactly when has Hillary been found innocent of anything? When has she stood trial? Do you even understand how criminal justice works? No one is found innocent.

And being so corrupt you use political influence to avoid being prosecuted when the FBI says anyone else would have been is a far cry from innocence
If she's not found guilty, then she's presumed innocent. There is no such thing as guilty because you feel like it.

In the mean time,

Which Trump lie do you believe?

Trump says Obama born in Kenya?

Trump believes Obama born in the US?

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