You have to admit, Trump is one amazing scam artist. Look how well he plays the American People.

You are one lying deplorable human being....... technically yes but they didn't do it purposely.

You call me deplorable for pointing out that Hillary Clinton is STEALING money from the Elderly and the Poor to finance her Presidential campaign?!


'Technically Yes'?!
-- 'Technically'? No, She IS stealing from the elderly and the poor. Complaints have been filed with state Attorney Generals and the FEC!

'They didn't purposefully do it'?!
-- Now who is being dishonest? You INTENTIONALLY ignore the earlier NUMEROUS links I posted (on which you commented) to the SEVERAL cases from 2007 in which Hillary's campaign engaged in numerous violations of campaign finance law that included illegally taking money from convicted money bundlers, taking money from drug dealers, taking money from fronts for terrorist organizations....AND STEALING MONEY FROM THE ELDERLY AND THE POOR WITH THIS SAME 'MONEY-PULLING' SCAM!

One time is an 'accident', dear...getting caught REPEATING YOUR CRIME is NOT!
This isnt about me or libs...Its about Trump lying to you about his taxes and you defending every lie even when it goes against the previous one
I am not defending Trump because he doesn't need me to defend him. He is not required by law to release them - that's all the defense he needs. I haven't asked for his tax returns. I don't want to see his tax returns. I don't care. THIS is about whiny liberals demanding something they are not entitled to and not getting it. Please, though, continue to whine about not getting what YOU want, though. Let me know how that goes for you.

How could you care about selling influence when it comes to one person and then say you dont care if someone sells influence for another person? This has nothing to do with what is required by law.

You believing every lie isnt required by law either yet you're doing it.
"the donald".....
Donald Trump: America’s 'Wages Too High'
Donald Trump: America’s 'Wages Too High' (VIDEO)
Dream On!!!!


Dream on!

He is a scammer but more he is a liar and a charlatan to the Nth degree.
Only those that have no concept of reality think this man is their savior.

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

We don't think he is our savior, far from it. And there are no bigger liars or scam artists that the Democrats, not even close.

It's not even close.

Irrelevant. Trump is an amateur compared to 0bama and Hillary.
But his character and his history count - especially the bankruptcies, and yes, his taxes.

You can't argue, though, that one candidate's character and history counts and the other's does not.

It is being reported today that Hillary is STEALING money from the elderly and the poor to finance her campaign. She did so in 2007 as well and was forced to return hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The difference is liberals are fixating on a 'product' that is NOT required by law, one in which he has NOT broken the law by not complying with their wishes while Hillary is exposing her proven character by REPEATING her history of stealing from Americans.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors

Trump is not a criminal for not releasing his tax returns.
Hillary IS a criminal for stealing...again.

Your link doesn't work.

The media is downplaying Trump's lies, gaffes and history in an attempt to make this election closer and drive ratings up.

Clinton has been investigated almost annually for the last 20 years. $100 million dollars of taxpayers' money has been spent investigating the Clintons and after all of those investigations, all based on rumours started by Republicans, and pushed and repeated by Republicans, there is no one piece of evidence that shows either Bill or Hillary are lying or corrupt, with the exception of his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Not one charge, one indictment, one whistle blower turning on either of them, despite your assertions that eveyone hates Hillary and she treats people badly. In fact her emails show just the opposite. That she is a decent caring individual who is very serious about her job. Try reading her emails. They're all on WikiLeaks.
What law is making you not care about his taxes? Is it the same law that says I cant care?
You can care all you want. You can whine all you want. You can throw a tantrum like a child in the middle of a supermarket not getting his way for all I care.

Show me the law that says Trump has to show you his tax returns.

Have fun throwing that tantrum.
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

Well I think the "real" Republicans are out in force, especially on FOX News facebook page. I was on there last night and it was 5 to 1 anti-comments about Trump. IOW the smart ones have come out and they're now supporting Gary Johnson for President--(they aren't going to vote for TRUMP.)

I think what finally did it--was Trump proposing another Obamacare type program, called Child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies

Any other Republican that would have proposed that would have had to sit down and write their own political obituary. Trump gets away with it, because he's Trump and he has his own group of Trumpets.

The Trumpet's have mentality that no one has ever seen in politics, and it's well described in this article. There are actually people that are too dumb to realize their dumb.

    • The Dunning-Kruger Effect:
Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


What law is making you not care about his taxes? Is it the same law that says I cant care?
You can care all you want. You can whine all you want. You can throw a tantrum like a child in the middle of a supermarket not getting his way for all I care.

Show me the law that says Trump has to show you his tax returns.

Have fun throwing that tantrum.

Show me where a law says you have to care. If you cant its really silly to say that I shouldnt care because the law doesnt require it
Media: ‘We all got Rickrolled’ by Trump

"We got played, again, by the Trump campaign, because that's what they do. … Voters can know what to do with that," CNN's John King said.

"We all got Rickrolled and played," lamented CNN's Jake Tapper, referring to a popular bait-and-switch internet meme.

Press enraged over Trump

Reporters bristled at their treatment during Donald Trump's campaign event Friday, where the GOP nominee only briefly addressed his past skepticism of President Obama's birthplace and abruptly left without taking any questions.

Trump then barred reporters from joining a tour of his new hotel, which prompted the pooled television reporter to erase their video from the tour, according to multiple reporters.


Well Duh! The press has been played by him since the beginning. It was estimated he got 2 billion in free press. And that was months ago.
If you cant its really silly to say that I shouldnt care because the law doesnt require it

Is reading a liberal defect or is it just YOU? If you are saying I said you should not care that is a LIE.

Post #87: "You can care all you want. You can whine all you want. You can throw a tantrum like a child in the middle of a supermarket not getting his way for all I care."

I asked you to show me a law that says Trump must release his taxes to show YOU...and this is what you responded with? You dodged better than Hillary trying to get away from sniper fire. :p
Hillary has passed out, had a concussion, has had blood clots, has admitted to having passed out numerous times and has memory problems yet refuses to release her full medical records, which at this point are a lot more important than Trump's tax returns.

Not only that, she's already DEAD. And I am STILL voting for her.
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with.

Why no concern for Trump foundation and what he's done with Foreign govts?

Did I not suggest a side by side comparison? Which governments are each tied to? Are we talking Russia or Iran and Saudi Arabia? There is a big difference
I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with. That's a lot of money tied up in foreign interests without expecting to provide something in return. I'sd love to see a side by side comparison of international funding each candidate may (or may not) have under their name and which specific regions they are tied to. Do the Clintons really want to open this door and are they capable of being completely transparent of their foreign donors that (most likely) reveals a conflict of national interest? She is already looking pretty incompetent through her list of private email excuses.
Forget foreign donors - it's being reported today her campaign is stealing money right out of the elderly and poor's bank accounts over and over after they donate to her ONCE! If she's illegally F*ing over the poor and elderly like this NOW, imagine what she's going to do when she gets in.

That's the first I've heard about it, I'd have to investigate that further. I do know Hillary Clinton is really only about her own self interests in achieving political power, which is why she didn't divorce Bill when all those years of allegations and victims started to trickle forward (like her emails coincidentally) Any woman to go through all those adultery allegations is not staying with their husband strictly for the relationship or the kids, but for political opportunity. The left wants to talk about Trump switching positions? What about Hillary when she was seen publicly defending DOMA, and I'm sure NAFTA as well. Now she will lie and say she never supported either one, and that it's the reporters that are being dishonest. Seriously, after supposedly running to dodge sniper fire, and now changing her story over the release of those emails as well as her knowledge of classified information, when has she EVER told the truth? Some would like to think she isn't stupid, which only leads you to believe making that many excuses for your decision while saying you simply "did not know" makes you look rather incompetent - pick your poison. She is just incapable of admitting when she simply "fucked up", because ... here she goes again trying to pin it on something or someone.
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

I'm more concerned what government favors Hillary Clinton will have to perform from among these foreign governments her Foundations is having dealings with.

Why no concern for Trump foundation and what he's done with Foreign govts?

Did I not suggest a side by side comparison? Which governments are each tied to? Are we talking Russia or Iran and Saudi Arabia? There is a big difference

Let me also add another fact. Prior to his running, Trunp was a businessman. Trump had no political influence that would benefit these foreign governments at the time if he made any foreign financial ties .... the Clinton's DO. That my friend makes all the difference under that situation

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