You have to admit, Trump is one amazing scam artist. Look how well he plays the American People.

Trump is an amateur scam artist compared to 0bama.

Obama is not running for third term.

Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.
She's a much better scam artist....

Three lies? That's supposed to be funny?
Obama is not running for third term.

Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.
What was the scam?
Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.
What was the scam?

He made you people believe that nonsense. Very successful scam there.
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

And the Hikdebeast gives Trump a run for his money in that department.

Hillary Clinton has released her tax returns for the past 38 years. She submitted a complete medical report earlier this year, and an undated one after the incident at the 9/11 service. So no, she has been quite transpartent in that regard.

Trump submitted a letter his doctor says he wrote in 5 minutes, and reads like one of Trump's stump speeches. This last report had more information, much of it highly suspect, but it also indicated that Trump is taking Statins and blood thinners, which is indicative of a man with a serious heart problem. I was put on statins and blood thinners after my heart attack and the doctor insisted I take them because of my increased risk of a heart attack or stroke after the first heart attack even though my cholesteral level was low.. If Trump has no history of heart disease, no family history of heart disease, and a cholesteral levels of a 20 year old, why is he taking statins, (which lower cholesteral), and a blood thinner?

Frankly, I have a lot of trouble believing the doctor's test results. His blood pressure is 116/70???? That's comparable to a trained athlete, not an elderly, overweight, fast food junky, who is often red-faced and breathes heavily when agitated, which is often. Similarly, his cholesteral level about half of what mine is and I eat very little red meat, eat almost no fast food. If I go out to eat, I pick a soup and sandwich joint that makes their own soup and bread. And the 6' 3" and 236 pounds is just not believeable. My son in law is 6' 3" and 235 pounds, and he's a lot thinner than Trump. He wears a size 34 pant, and has no belly pouch at all. Other people have said that Trump is NOT 6' 3" and the numbers were adjusted so he wouldn't hit the "obese" level of the BMI, but one only has to look at him in profile with his jacket off to see that he is obese.

He is obese...... I don't believe his B/P 116/70......... or cholesterol level. He is lying again.
Obama is not running for third term.

Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.
Irrelevant. 0bama was elected POTUS so the point stands; Trump is an amateur scam artist in comparison.

Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.
Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.
Like science is a faith.
Evolution a lie.
Climate change a conspiracy.
Vaccines cause autism.
Obama was born in Kenya.

Right wingers don't need evidence. They only need to believe it and click their heels together three times.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.
Like science is a faith.
Evolution a lie.
Climate change a conspiracy.
Vaccines cause autism.
Obama was born in Kenya.

Right wingers don't need evidence. They only need to believe it and click their heels together three times.


irrelevant, idiot.
Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.
Like science is a faith.
Evolution a lie.
Climate change a conspiracy.
Vaccines cause autism.
Obama was born in Kenya.

Right wingers don't need evidence. They only need to believe it and click their heels together three times.

Obama said before he was elected to close Gitmo, you believed him, he said his administration would be the most transparent, you believed him, Obama said he would bring Washington together, Obama said he would repeal the tax cuts for the rich, immediately and you believed him. Obama said we would be out of Afghanistan by 2013 and you believed him.

Are you stupid.
Set aside your hatred and post where Obama is a scam artist. Im standing here at the gate waiting.

Trump is a professional scam artist and called him a fraud by republican.

Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.

We don't have to create our version. We are only reacting to hatred, racism, ignorance, deplorable and poorly informed right wing nuts.
You are a good example of that.
Not that anything I could say wpuld convince you but....

It's difficult to know just where to begin. His campaign in 2008 was the biggest scam, well, except for the scam in the campaign of 2012. Then there is the "I have made the world safer from terror! That little thingy in Benghazi was because of a video." That was a good scam there. Then there was the "stimulous" which was nothing but a payment to the unions who backed him. All if that "Hope and Change" nonsense when all he did was ruin everything, then he scammed Americans into believing otherwise so he could get a second term.

All the lies he has told us over 7 plus years, big and little scams right there.

I could go on and on.

For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.

We don't have to create our version. We are only reacting to hatred, racism, ignorance, deplorable and poorly informed right wing nuts.
You are a good example of that.

Yes, you have to. Like the totally made up version where the GOP is racist, deplorable, ignorant and uninformed. That only exists in your made up world. That is why reality always disagrees with you.
For people like you...... everything is bad no matter what directions he is going. Our economy was in shambles when he took office. He added millions of jobs, we are out of recession, economy is getting better. Etc. etc. etc.
From day one he stepped into Oval Office the republicans tried very hard to trashed him so won't get re-elected. Even today they continue to give him a hard time.................. Despite with all of that crap he is looking very good and his popularity is soaring at 58%. Good job Obama. He has 4 months left on his terms but deplorable people still don't recognize him as president or even American.

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

When he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama pointed to Ronald Reagan as a model for what kind of president he would like to be, not because he agreed with Reagan politically, but because Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." We won't know about America's long-term trajectory after the Obama years for some time, but as he begins his last year in office, it's not too early to say that Obama will probably turn out to be one of the most consequential presidents in recent history, if not of all time. This will be true even though his most important victories are partial and incomplete.

I use the word "consequential" and not something like "great" because we usually assign greatness only to those whose achievements most of us can agree were positive — Lincoln holding the Union together, FDR guiding the country through the Great Depression and World War II — or to those we think were great because they succeeded in achieving our own partisan goals. In this most polarized age (and in the midst of the administration itself), no president could be judged great by all, at least not for long.

But even many of Obama's opponents could probably agree that he has accomplished a great deal during his presidency. In October 2008, anticipating his victory, I wrote that he had four great tasks before him. "If he sees the country through the current economic crisis, brings the war in Iraq to an end, passes health-care reform that actually achieves something close to universal coverage, and sets the country on a course away from a reliance on fossil fuels, Obama would be considered the most important president since Franklin D. Roosevelt."

And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.

We don't have to create our version. We are only reacting to hatred, racism, ignorance, deplorable and poorly informed right wing nuts.
You are a good example of that.

Yes, you have to. Like the totally made up version where the GOP is racist, deplorable, ignorant and uninformed. That only exists in your made up world. That is why reality always disagrees with you.

All you have to do is look yourself in the mirror with Trump's picture next to you.
And there is Obama, the greatest scam artist of our day. Look how he has you hook, line, and sinker.

You don't even recognize that we have a black president. You even believed that he is not an American citizen......... Tell me if you make sense at all.

You leftists have to create your own version of reality. Often times you have to tell people what they think and believe.

We don't have to create our version. We are only reacting to hatred, racism, ignorance, deplorable and poorly informed right wing nuts.
You are a good example of that.

Yes, you have to. Like the totally made up version where the GOP is racist, deplorable, ignorant and uninformed. That only exists in your made up world. That is why reality always disagrees with you.

All you have to do is look yourself in the mirror with Trump's picture next to you.

How very childish and typical of you.
Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his tax returns?

Remember the times Trump said he would turn over his medical records?

Can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to run out the clock. It's how con artists work.

Partially true. I believe he said he'd turn over his tax returns after the audit. He is a scam artist, but judging from the polls, he is no better that the second best scam artist running for president.
Saying he would turn over his tax returns is part of the scam.
Lucky how he gets to actually break laws Hillary has only been accused of and then found innocent.

Exactly when has Hillary been found innocent of anything? When has she stood trial? Do you even understand how criminal justice works? No one is found innocent.

And being so corrupt you use political influence to avoid being prosecuted when the FBI says anyone else would have been is a far cry from innocence
If she's not found guilty, then she's presumed innocent. There is no such thing as guilty because you feel like it.

In the mean time,

Which Trump lie do you believe?

Trump says Obama born in Kenya?

Trump believes Obama born in the US?

A presumption of Innocence is not proven innocent. Nor does it mean there is actual innocence.

And I don't believe any of trumps lies. Which I'd why I'm not supporting him. See unlike you I'm not going to defend a corrupt politician because of a letter next to his or her name.

And both Hillary and trump are corrupt as hell. Hillary is so corrupt she even took money from Donald J Trump.

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