You have to wonder...

It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. The Japs attacked US, we didn't attack them.

That's incorrect. The Japanese gov't attacked us and instead of attacking their leadership back, we took it out on their innocent citizens in the most disproportionate response in human history.

That's how you win a war. We were so horrified by killing a quarter million civilians in defeating Japan, that we decided to fight governments and armies, not countries. As a result, we settled for compromise in Korea, Viet Nam and twice in Iraq.
We beat the living shit and the will to continue out of Germany, Italy and Japan and as a result, we have those countries as allies, while half of Korea, and all of Viet Nam hate our guts.

War is hell and it damned well SHOULD be!
War should be so horrible that we don't start one without a damned good reason and a will to win at any cost.
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. The Japs attacked US, we didn't attack them.

That's incorrect. The Japanese gov't attacked us and instead of attacking their leadership back, we took it out on their innocent citizens in the most disproportionate response in human history.

We warned them before we bombed them.
We dropped leaflets written in Japanese
They did not believe us, they believed the lies that their leader told them, who said that we did not have the capability.
The Japanese themselves said it was not Americans fault. They blamed and still do blame their leader.
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I didn't know we bombed General Tojo and Emperor Hirohito and yadda yadda.

We did not.... primarily because persons other than Tojo and Hirohito carried out the attacks I described and it was necessary to defeat those who were supporting the government which attacked us in order to take down Hirohito and Tojo and yes even Yadda Yadda himself!

So is it the fault of FDR or Truman? Should we have confined our response to attacking only Hirohito and Tojo (not to mention Yadda Yadda)? How would that have been accomplished, since we really could not attack mainland Japan until securing bases in the Mariana Islands and we did not have smart bombs to take out individual targets. Perhaps we should have waited until we had invented smart bombs before doing anything? Yeah thats the ticket.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge ...............................

You are welcome.
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It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. .

NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.
Oh yeah, that would be real entertaining.

But the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians is "entertaining" for you?
NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.
Oh yeah, that would be real entertaining.

But the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians is "entertaining" for you?
If you were one of those civilians, it would be very entertaining.
Ah, grow up.

I think you are the one who needs to grow up.
They started a fucking war with us in the most cowardly way and they got what they asked for. You think Pearl Harbor wasn't a good enough reason to nuke the bastards?

Japan bombed Pearl Habor, and an estimated 2402 Americans were killed.

America drops a nuclear bomb on Japan, and an estimated 200,000 innocent civilians are killed.

I know which tragedy angers me more. Get fucked.
Why the fuck would you want to stage a re-enactment of a bombing that killed tens of thousands of people?

Yeah, this is sick, and I'm glad they dropped it.

what's the problem.., it was NOT dropped !! and should have been !

the problem you kids have is you have NO historical knowledge of the facts of why the A-bombs were dropped in the first place, Harry S. Truman is the only democRAT i ever had any respect for :up: that action saved the life of several of my Uncles and Aunts.., a great big THANK YOU HARRY :clap2:
I think you are the one who needs to grow up.
They started a fucking war with us in the most cowardly way and they got what they asked for. You think Pearl Harbor wasn't a good enough reason to nuke the bastards?

Japan bombed Pearl Habor, and an estimated 2402 Americans were killed.

America drops a nuclear bomb on Japan, and an estimated 200,000 innocent civilians are killed.

I know which tragedy angers me more. Get fucked.
Oh, I'm sure you're more angered by the deaths of our enemies than the deaths of our own citizens. Fuck you too.
They started a fucking war with us in the most cowardly way and they got what they asked for. You think Pearl Harbor wasn't a good enough reason to nuke the bastards?

Japan bombed Pearl Habor, and an estimated 2402 Americans were killed.

America drops a nuclear bomb on Japan, and an estimated 200,000 innocent civilians are killed.

I know which tragedy angers me more. Get fucked.
Oh, I'm sure you're more angered by the deaths of our enemies than the deaths of our own citizens. Fuck you too.

How many of the 200,000+ civilians were your enemy?
Japan bombed Pearl Habor, and an estimated 2402 Americans were killed.

America drops a nuclear bomb on Japan, and an estimated 200,000 innocent civilians are killed.

I know which tragedy angers me more. Get fucked.
Oh, I'm sure you're more angered by the deaths of our enemies than the deaths of our own citizens. Fuck you too.

How many of the 200,000+ civilians were your enemy?

All of them.
Japan bombed Pearl Habor, and an estimated 2402 Americans were killed.

America drops a nuclear bomb on Japan, and an estimated 200,000 innocent civilians are killed.

I know which tragedy angers me more. Get fucked.
Oh, I'm sure you're more angered by the deaths of our enemies than the deaths of our own citizens. Fuck you too.

How many of the 200,000+ civilians were your enemy?
And how many of the Americans were YOUR enemies, bitch?
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. The Japs attacked US, we didn't attack them.

That's incorrect. The Japanese gov't attacked us and instead of attacking their leadership back, we took it out on their innocent citizens in the most disproportionate response in human history.
I see they are still peddling this lie and nonsense. Get a refund on your education.
Japan bombed Pearl Habor, and an estimated 2402 Americans were killed.

America drops a nuclear bomb on Japan, and an estimated 200,000 innocent civilians are killed.

I know which tragedy angers me more. Get fucked.
Oh, I'm sure you're more angered by the deaths of our enemies than the deaths of our own citizens. Fuck you too.

How many of the 200,000+ civilians were your enemy?
You really know nothing at all about the Japanese culture in the first half of the 20th century, do you?

Each and every one of those 200k, including the children old enough to hold a gun, would have been conscripted into the defense of the mainland to repel our invasion force. The light estimates of the dead on both sides was nearly 1 million people.

I realize that making hard choices during a war, or even in choosing a dress, is a moral hazard for people like you. But the world has hard edges and decisions must be made. Our leaders make decisions that favor us and create great harm to our enemy. Even the civilians.

The leadership of Japan, and the Emperor are wholly responsible for the two incidents in Japan. They could have surrendered at any time prior to their delivery.
. It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.-Admiral William D. Leahy( Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War II)

Admiral William D. Leahy

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