You have to wonder...

At the time we dropped the bombs, it looked as if we would have to invade Japan to defeat them. One of the Marines that fought through the whole of Okinawa was one of my uncles. Whatever it took to put the Japanese in the mind to surrender without the neccessity of an invasion was a very neccessary thing.
Gosh, that was super clever since I was clearly referring to YOUR speculation. Did you think of that all by yourself? What a clever boy! :rolleyes:

Since my post was not based upon speculation while truthseeker's was, I asumed you were criticizing truthseeker. Apparently you are unable to discern fact from speculation.
Does this kind of transparent attempt at lies and misrepresentation work well for you on the playground? Maybe it's time for you to grow up a little.

Since when does asking a question become misrepresentation? I merely asked what alternative you would choose. Apparently you have no alternative so now you wish to throw a conniption fit in order to shift the attention from your own failure.
Minimum loss of life my butt. The only reason you dropped that bomb was because you were too gutless to fight a war the proper way. You took the easy way out.

The proper way to fight a war is to end it as early as possible with a minimum loss of life. There is no nobility in fighting a war.

Not that that is the point - the point is that celebrating a bombing that killed thousands of innocent people is fucking sick.

Since I do not --and did not ---your comment is without merit. My interest in this thread is to debunk the historical revisionism that asserts that the dropping of the a-bomb was not necessary. It was "not necessary" ONLY if you do not care about a minimum of 1,000,000 additional casualties which would have occured but for the dropping of the bomb under the most generous circumstnaces advocated by the naysayers... But I assume the deaths of 1,000,000 additional people mean absolutely nothing to you because the USA did not "play fair" and took "the easy way out". Well that, my dear Noomi is, in your words, "fucking sick"

You insensitive twat.

You you ignorant slut.
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. .

NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.
Oh yeah, that would be real entertaining.

It isn't supposed to be "entertaining". How shallow can you be?

Do you think obliterating a city full of civilians is super-cool and awesome?
NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.
Oh yeah, that would be real entertaining.

It isn't supposed to be "entertaining". How shallow can you be?

Do you think obliterating a city full of civilians is super-cool and awesome?
Don't put words in my mouth, asshole. The purpose of these re-enactments is entertainment. Otherwise, they wouldn't do them. People would be bored watching a couple of people signing a document, but war and destruction sells. Did you ever watch a movie like "Saving Private Ryan"? Should they not have made it? Does it mean Tom Hanks is a sick son of a bitch for being a part of it?
Oh yeah, that would be real entertaining.

It isn't supposed to be "entertaining". How shallow can you be?

Do you think obliterating a city full of civilians is super-cool and awesome?
Don't put words in my mouth, asshole. The purpose of these re-enactments is entertainment. Otherwise, they wouldn't do them. People would be bored watching a couple of people signing a document, but war and destruction sells. Did you ever watch a movie like "Saving Private Ryan"? Should they not have made it? Does it mean Tom Hanks is a sick son of a bitch for being a part of it?
How can I fit any words in your mouth when you've got your foot stuffed into it?

Saving Private Ryan is a Hollywood movie dipshit. Reenactments are for educational and commemorative purposes. You want entertainment? Then go to a movie you fucking 8 year old idiot.
Do you think obliterating a city full of civilians is super-cool and awesome?

With absolutely no intention of getting into this argument, a slight clarification. Hiroshima was primarily a military town at the time of the bombing... being the headquarters of the 2nd Army Group, the 5th Division of the 59th Army, and most of the 224th Division. While the military presence was intensified during the war, the civilian presence was lessened due to Japanese policy of partial civilian evacuation of cities begining in 1944. Most of the civilians present in Hiroshima at the time of the bombing were there as being necessary for the continued operation of manufacturing plants located in Hiroshima, and about 1/3rd of the total population of 340,000 was composed of military personel.

Side note on Nagasaki. It had a much higher civilian population ratio but was the home of some crucial war industries, including the famous Mitsubishi Shipyards and Arms Works. It is this plant that produced the innovative torpedos that could be used in shallow water and which made the attack on Pearl Harbor possible. Thus, the beginning of the war is tied directly to the end.
It isn't supposed to be "entertaining". How shallow can you be?

Do you think obliterating a city full of civilians is super-cool and awesome?
Don't put words in my mouth, asshole. The purpose of these re-enactments is entertainment. Otherwise, they wouldn't do them. People would be bored watching a couple of people signing a document, but war and destruction sells. Did you ever watch a movie like "Saving Private Ryan"? Should they not have made it? Does it mean Tom Hanks is a sick son of a bitch for being a part of it?
How can I fit any words in your mouth when you've got your foot stuffed into it?

Saving Private Ryan is a Hollywood movie dipshit. Reenactments are for educational and commemorative purposes. You want entertainment? Then go to a movie you fucking 8 year old idiot.
And how do they expect to "educate" anyone if no one wants to watch? I think you're more interested in attacking people than you are in making a valid point.
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. .

NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.

Ghoulish is the japs refusal to apologise for their war crimes, crimes they celebrate today.
They are just like rabbits.

The word is "Japanese," they have apologized many times since the end of the war, and they don't "celebrate" war crimes, you ignorant douche.
The purpose of these re-enactments is entertainment.

How the fuck can you be 'entertained' by watching a re-enactment of the deaths of thousands of innocent people?

Would you be happy to watch a re-enactment of the 9/11 attacks?
NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.

Ghoulish is the japs refusal to apologise for their war crimes, crimes they celebrate today.
They are just like rabbits.

The word is "Japanese," they have apologized many times since the end of the war, and they don't "celebrate" war crimes, you ignorant douche.
Shove your political correctness up your ass, dog breath.
The purpose of these re-enactments is entertainment.

How the fuck can you be 'entertained' by watching a re-enactment of the deaths of thousands of innocent people?

Would you be happy to watch a re-enactment of the 9/11 attacks?
That's all we saw every day for several weeks after it happened.
Spare us the righteous indignation. If you've ever been entertained by a violent movie, you're a hypocrite. But we already knew that, didn't we?
The purpose of these re-enactments is entertainment.

How the fuck can you be 'entertained' by watching a re-enactment of the deaths of thousands of innocent people?

Would you be happy to watch a re-enactment of the 9/11 attacks?
That's all we saw every day for several weeks after it happened.
Spare us the righteous indignation. If you've ever been entertained by a violent movie, you're a hypocrite. But we already knew that, didn't we?

That's all you saw? That ain't good enough. I want a full scale re-enactment - because the murders of nearly 3000 of your own people must be pretty damned entertaining to you, right?

I bet you drool when you watch those buildings fall.
How the fuck can you be 'entertained' by watching a re-enactment of the deaths of thousands of innocent people?

Would you be happy to watch a re-enactment of the 9/11 attacks?
That's all we saw every day for several weeks after it happened.
Spare us the righteous indignation. If you've ever been entertained by a violent movie, you're a hypocrite. But we already knew that, didn't we?

That's all you saw? That ain't good enough. I want a full scale re-enactment - because the murders of nearly 3000 of your own people must be pretty damned entertaining to you, right?

I bet you drool when you watch those buildings fall.
No, but I would have liked to have seen you jumping out of the window.

Ghoulish is the japs refusal to apologise for their war crimes, crimes they celebrate today.
They are just like rabbits.

The word is "Japanese," they have apologized many times since the end of the war, and they don't "celebrate" war crimes, you ignorant douche.
They have NEVER offered an apology , show me where a full apology has been made.

Japan has apologized many times since the end of the war, you ignorant fool.

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. .
NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.

Interesting that you pulled your neg.
Too late to pull my payback neg.

This edits out my original thoughts on the matter.
Last edited:
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. .
NO, a reenactment of the signing of surrender documents on the deck of the USS Missouri would have celebrated that. Playing games about the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is just ghoulish and stupid.

Interesting that you pulled your neg.
Too late to pull my payback neg.

This edits out my original thoughts on the matter.

I didn't pull any neg, you idiot. Lay off the bathtub gin.
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. The Japs attacked US, we didn't attack them.

Then let's reenact Iwo Jima, or Midway, or the Turkey Shoot. Not killing civilians.

Besides, you want to see what it was like for those civilians? HERE.

(Warning: This is extremely graphic, despite it being animated. You have been warned.)

Enjoy the most traumatizing nine minutes of existence in 1945.

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