You have to wonder...

As I said, you are too much of a pussy to answer a question.
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. The Japs attacked US, we didn't attack them.

That's incorrect. The Japanese gov't attacked us and instead of attacking their leadership back, we took it out on their innocent citizens in the most disproportionate response in human history.

So everyone in Pear Harbor deserved what they got? Boy are you and idiot.
I think you are the one who needs to grow up.
They started a fucking war with us in the most cowardly way and they got what they asked for. You think Pearl Harbor wasn't a good enough reason to nuke the bastards?

Japan bombed Pearl Habor, and an estimated 2402 Americans were killed.

America drops a nuclear bomb on Japan, and an estimated 200,000 innocent civilians are killed.

I know which tragedy angers me more. Get fucked.

I bet Japan never sneaks up on America again.
... Pearl Harbor was a military installation. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not. Now, if we had dropped the bombs on, say, Atsugi or Yokosuka, which were Imperial Japanese Military facilities, then it could be reasoned that civilians were in those military bases and died in the explosion.

There was no IJA presence in those cities aside from a token few MPs.

Incorrect. While Nagasaki was primarily a "civilian" city", Hiroshima was quite plainly was not. Hiroshima was primarily a military town at the time of the bombing... being the headquarters of the 2nd Army Group, the 5th Division of the 59th Army, and most of the 224th Division. While the military presence was intensified during the war, the civilian presence was lessened due to Japanese policy of partial civilian evacuation of cities beginning in 1944. Most of the civilians present in Hiroshima at the time of the bombing were there as being necessary for the continued operation of manufacturing plants located in Hiroshima, and about 1/3rd of the total population of 340,000 was composed of military personnel.

Side note on Nagasaki. It had a much higher civilian population ratio but was the home of some crucial war industries, including the famous Mitsubishi Shipyards and Arms Works. It is this plant that produced the innovative torpedoes that could be used in shallow water and which made the attack on Pearl Harbor possible. Thus, the beginning of the war is tied directly to the end.

You are correct that Pearl was primarily a military target. That does not excuse the Japanese for the Rape of Nanking, Unit 731, the mass execution of Chinese civilians following the Doolittle Raid, etc, etc.... Please do not pretend that the Japanese were noble warriors, they were not. That, of course, is not a reason for dropping the bomb which is justified primarily for bringing a quick end to the war and thereby saving many more lives than were lost as a result of the bombings.
It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. The Japs attacked US, we didn't attack them.

That's incorrect. The Japanese gov't attacked us and instead of attacking their leadership back, we took it out on their innocent citizens in the most disproportionate response in human history.

So everyone in Pear Harbor deserved what they got? Boy are you and idiot.

He never said that.
Better them than us. They shouldn't have attacked Pearl Harbor.

Just because they attacked Pearl Harbor, doesn't mean you had the right to drop two bombs, killing more than ten times the number of people they killed. The punishment hardly fits the crime, does it?

We had every right.

How do you think wars are won? By killing less of them than they kill of us?

You aren't very bright, are you?

The way to end a war is to inflict so many deaths upon your enemy that they beg for you to stop.
So, the idea is to kill as many civilians as possible?
You act as if civilians never die in war.

I never said that. Now answer my question.
I also never said the idea was to kill as many civilians as possible.

Now, answer MY question.

Did Japan sue for peace right after the bombs were dropped?
Oh look, Unkie has taken a liking to your leg, Darkwind. You're gonna have to kick him to get him off, he doesn't give up easily.

So, the idea is to kill as many civilians as possible?

Actually, and unfortunately, yes. Killing soldiers really doesn't affect the moral of the country. It just makes them angrier and induces more to join the fight. Killing 100,000 civilians with a single bomb demoralizes the enemy, making them realize the battle is lost and surrender is preferable to continued loss of life.
After we bombed Japan, warfare changed. The world came to believe that killing huge numbers of civilians was horrible, so war became a politically correct game that no one wins.

Was IS horrible, and it SHOULD be! We should never enter into it without a damned good reason and the resolve to win, at all cost.

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