You have to wonder...

It doesn't celebrate death, it celebrates victory. The Japs attacked US, we didn't attack them.

Then let's reenact Iwo Jima, or Midway, or the Turkey Shoot. Not killing civilians.

Besides, you want to see what it was like for those civilians? HERE.

(Warning: This is extremely graphic, despite it being animated. You have been warned.)

Enjoy the most traumatizing nine minutes of existence in 1945.
Better them than us. They shouldn't have attacked Pearl Harbor.
Better them than us. They shouldn't have attacked Pearl Harbor.

Just because they attacked Pearl Harbor, doesn't mean you had the right to drop two bombs, killing more than ten times the number of people they killed. The punishment hardly fits the crime, does it?
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Better them than us. They shouldn't have attacked Pearl Harbor.

...I... you...
You son of a bitch.

Just because they attacked Pearl Harbor, doesn't mean you had the right to drop two bombs, killing more than ten times the number of people they killed. The punishment hardly fits the crime, does it?

First off, fix your quote tags, at first I thought that was you saying that and was about to fly all over you.

Killing civilians is never the right course of action. If we had to use nukes (and to this day there's debate on whether the use was the reason the war ended; not, you know, the rising war weariness and displeasure of the Japanese people, including an Admiral, the same one that ordered the attack on Pearl, knowing it was a bad idea), there were still military installations in Japan when we dropped the bombs.
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^To someone like SJ, killing civilians is always the answer - as long as those civilians aren't Americans, that is.
^To someone like SJ, killing civilians is always the answer - as long as those civilians aren't Americans, that is.
First off, I didn't drop the bombs, I hadn't been born yet. Second, when another country attacks you in an act of all out war, you don't worry about being "fair", you worry about your survival, and you do what you need to do to win. Sorry if that interferes with your notion that it wasn't "nice" to drop the bomb. Fuck that, payback's a bitch.
^To someone like SJ, killing civilians is always the answer - as long as those civilians aren't Americans, that is.
First off, I didn't drop the bombs, I hadn't been born yet. Second, when another country attacks you in an act of all out war, you don't worry about being "fair", you worry about your survival, and you do what you need to do to win. Sorry if that interferes with your notion that it wasn't "nice" to drop the bomb. Fuck that, payback's a bitch.

... Pearl Harbor was a military installation. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not. Now, if we had dropped the bombs on, say, Atsugi or Yokosuka, which were Imperial Japanese Military facilities, then it could be reasoned that civilians were in those military bases and died in the explosion.

There was no IJA presence in those cities aside from a token few MPs.
^To someone like SJ, killing civilians is always the answer - as long as those civilians aren't Americans, that is.
First off, I didn't drop the bombs, I hadn't been born yet. Second, when another country attacks you in an act of all out war, you don't worry about being "fair", you worry about your survival, and you do what you need to do to win. Sorry if that interferes with your notion that it wasn't "nice" to drop the bomb. Fuck that, payback's a bitch.

... Pearl Harbor was a military installation. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not. Now, if we had dropped the bombs on, say, Atsugi or Yokosuka, which were Imperial Japanese Military facilities, then it could be reasoned that civilians were in those military bases and died in the explosion.

There was no IJA presence in those cities aside from a token few MPs.
Oh, I see. Because Pearl Harbor was a military installation, the lives of all the servicemen who died in that cowardly attack were somehow fair game, even though the U.S. had done nothing to warrant such an attack? Then you want to cry "not fair" when we drop the bomb on their ass?
Oh, I see. Because Pearl Harbor was a military installation, the lives of all the servicemen who died in that cowardly attack were somehow fair game, even though the U.S. had done nothing to warrant such an attack? Then you want to cry "not fair" when we drop the bomb on their ass?

I'm glad that's totally not what I said.
In war you're supposed to minimize civilian casualties, even if the enemy doesn't. I mean, why else would conservatives be all up in a dizzy about Obama's drone strikes in the Middle East?

I am not diminishing the value of the lives lost in Pearl Harbor, and I have no idea how you got that from what I said. But every American soldier and sailor knows that death in service is a possibility. My dad told me they had it drilled into their head that every day could be his last, and that was during basic training years before Gulf War I.

>even though the U.S. had done nothing to warrant such an attack?

Isoroku Yamamoto didn't even want to attack the U.S.

This stance led him to oppose the invasion of China. He also opposed war against the United States partly because of his studies at Harvard University (1919–1921) and his two postings as a naval attaché in Washington, D.C.
-- Wikipedia

The only reason he devised the attack on Pearl Harbor was because he was trying to minimize civilian casualties. He knew that a prolonged war with the US would end badly for Japan, and so he tried to blitzkrieg us, despite the minimal chance of success.

And then in return we nuke cities miles away from the front line.
The nuclear bomb should never have been invented.
Oh, I see. Because Pearl Harbor was a military installation, the lives of all the servicemen who died in that cowardly attack were somehow fair game, even though the U.S. had done nothing to warrant such an attack? Then you want to cry "not fair" when we drop the bomb on their ass?

I'm glad that's totally not what I said.
In war you're supposed to minimize civilian casualties, even if the enemy doesn't. I mean, why else would conservatives be all up in a dizzy about Obama's drone strikes in the Middle East?

I am not diminishing the value of the lives lost in Pearl Harbor, and I have no idea how you got that from what I said. But every American soldier and sailor knows that death in service is a possibility. My dad told me they had it drilled into their head that every day could be his last, and that was during basic training years before Gulf War I.

>even though the U.S. had done nothing to warrant such an attack?

Isoroku Yamamoto didn't even want to attack the U.S.

This stance led him to oppose the invasion of China. He also opposed war against the United States partly because of his studies at Harvard University (1919–1921) and his two postings as a naval attaché in Washington, D.C.
-- Wikipedia

The only reason he devised the attack on Pearl Harbor was because he was trying to minimize civilian casualties. He knew that a prolonged war with the US would end badly for Japan, and so he tried to blitzkrieg us, despite the minimal chance of success.

And then in return we nuke cities miles away from the front line.
The nuclear bomb should never have been invented.
It was estimated that we would have lost 80,000 American lives if we had invaded Japan (which would have been necessary to end the war). Dropping the bomb prevented us from having to invade. Would you have preferred we suffered 80,000 casualties instead?
During War time I think it is important to have a president that is more concerned about his military than the enemy's civilians. In a time of war the president should be thinking about how quickly he can win the war with the least amount of american military casualties. I also don't like the idea of proportionate response. That's what we did in Vietnam. We need to retaliate disproportionately, quickly and decisively. The best part about scorching the earth is that our enemies don't grow back as quickly while other countries think twice about attacking us. If you're going to hell, it's best to lead the charge.
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It was estimated that we would have lost 80,000 American lives if we had invaded Japan (which would have been necessary to end the war). Dropping the bomb prevented us from having to invade. Would you have preferred we suffered 80,000 casualties instead?

So double the number of dead Japanese civilians is preferable to 80,000 dead Americans?

Are you really so full of yourself?
It was estimated that we would have lost 80,000 American lives if we had invaded Japan (which would have been necessary to end the war). Dropping the bomb prevented us from having to invade. Would you have preferred we suffered 80,000 casualties instead?

So double the number of dead Japanese civilians is preferable to 80,000 dead Americans?
Yes, that is preferable to me.
It was estimated that we would have lost 80,000 American lives if we had invaded Japan (which would have been necessary to end the war). Dropping the bomb prevented us from having to invade. Would you have preferred we suffered 80,000 casualties instead?

So double the number of dead Japanese civilians is preferable to 80,000 dead Americans?
Yes, that is preferable to me.

That makes you a sick human being.
^To someone like SJ, killing civilians is always the answer - as long as those civilians aren't Americans, that is.
First off, I didn't drop the bombs, I hadn't been born yet. Second, when another country attacks you in an act of all out war, you don't worry about being "fair", you worry about your survival, and you do what you need to do to win. Sorry if that interferes with your notion that it wasn't "nice" to drop the bomb. Fuck that, payback's a bitch.

Was the goal of the war to defeat the enemy's military and force their surrender, or was it to kill as many civilians as possible out of revenge?
^To someone like SJ, killing civilians is always the answer - as long as those civilians aren't Americans, that is.
First off, I didn't drop the bombs, I hadn't been born yet. Second, when another country attacks you in an act of all out war, you don't worry about being "fair", you worry about your survival, and you do what you need to do to win. Sorry if that interferes with your notion that it wasn't "nice" to drop the bomb. Fuck that, payback's a bitch.

Was the goal of the war to defeat the enemy's military and force their surrender, or was it to kill as many civilians as possible out of revenge?
I would guess the goal was to end the war, and it did.
First off, I didn't drop the bombs, I hadn't been born yet. Second, when another country attacks you in an act of all out war, you don't worry about being "fair", you worry about your survival, and you do what you need to do to win. Sorry if that interferes with your notion that it wasn't "nice" to drop the bomb. Fuck that, payback's a bitch.

Was the goal of the war to defeat the enemy's military and force their surrender, or was it to kill as many civilians as possible out of revenge?
I would guess the goal was to end the war, and it did.

You didn't answer my question. I gave you two options. Which was it?

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