You have to wonder...

. It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.-Admiral William D. Leahy( Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War II)
Admiral William D. Leahy
Note the first four words you your quote......

There are others that disagree with equal credentials. Try looking them up sometime.

They could have surrendered after Hiroshima, but they didn't. Nagasaki convinced them we were serious.
They could have surrendered after Hiroshima, but they didn't. Nagasaki convinced them we were serious.

It was not necessary to drop the bomb and kill 1000 times more of them than they killed of you.

How the fuck does that punishment fit the crime? What happened to hunting down the people responsible, why kill innocent people to prove a point?
They could have surrendered after Hiroshima, but they didn't. Nagasaki convinced them we were serious.

It was not necessary to drop the bomb and kill 1000 times more of them than they killed of you.

How the fuck does that punishment fit the crime? What happened to hunting down the people responsible, why kill innocent people to prove a point?

The idea was to end the war and stop the killing. The dropping of the bombs allowed this to occur.

Would you have preferred the war to continue?
. It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.-Admiral William D. Leahy( Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War II)

Admiral William D. Leahy

This is predicated upon the continuance of the blockade and fire bombing campaign. Those who espouse this theory conclude that Japan would have been forced to surrender as early as November of 1945. In the interim, it is also estimated that 800,000 civilians in China would have died and 400,000 in Japan would have died... both from direct casualties of war and from indirect impact, such as starvation. About 150,000 died in the 2 atomic bomb attacks.

The Leahy prediction is doubtful as Japan's very culture dicated against surrender. At Iwo Jima, a Japanese force of 22,000 resulted in a grand total of 216 who were captured alive... most of these were alive only because of battle wounds which prevented them from committing suicide. The remainder were killed or committed suicide. At Okinawa, a Japanese force of 120,000 resulted in a grand total of 7,500 captured alive.. and this is the largest percentage of Japanese surredered soldiers in WWII. .. additionally, an estimated 150,000 civilians were killed, many of them by suicide. At Okinawa, the first large scale use of the Kamakazi suicide attacks were employed. Japan could NOT accept surrender...

This is demonstrated by the dliberations of the Japanese Cabinet, which resisted surrender even after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki... It took the unprecedented intervention of Hirohito himself to force Japan to surrender. Evem then, the decision was resisted, as a military coup was organized to prevent the surrender in the evening hours of the day before Hirohito was to deliver a recorded announcement of the decision to the Japanese people... and that coup probably would have succeded but for the the intervention of an American bombing mission which flew over Tokyo on its way to bomb oil refineries. This caused a blackout which prevent the coup from locating the Hirohito recording and the coup collapsed. This amazing story is the subject of a very good History Channel documentary entitled "The Last Mission"

Four days AFTER the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki; American airmen are flying the last and longest bombing mission of the war. In Tokyo, a fanatical group of Japanese officers stage a daring coup d'etat in an effort to prolong the war. As the rebels take over Japan's Imperial Palace, and with it - Emperor Hirohito; radio operator Jim Smith and the men of the 315th Bomb Wing are facing their own dangers in the sky above Japan. In a development not anticipated by generals or world leaders - the Last Mission and the coup d'etat converge, helping to bring an end to the most destructive war the world has ever known.
The Last Mission (TV 2003) - IMDb

The atomic bomb provided an excuse for Japan to surrender and still save face. In their eyes, it was not their soldiers or their people who had failed, they had been overcome by a scientific super weapon and it was not a disgrace to surrender under those circumstances.

The fact is, even under Leahy's optimistic appraisal, more than 1,000,000 people were saved because the atomic bombs were dropped.
How many of the 200,000+ civilians were your enemy?

Unit 731.. The Japanese chemical and germ warfare research center..

Plague fleas, infected clothing, and infected supplies encased in bombs were dropped on various targets. The resulting cholera, anthrax, and plague were estimated to have killed around 400,000 Chinese civilians...Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in different positions. Flame throwers were tested on humans. Humans were tied to stakes and used as targets to test germ-releasing bombs, chemical weapons, and explosive bombs. ...Prisoners of war were subjected to vivisection without anesthesia.[1][16] Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Scientists performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. These were conducted while the patients were alive because it was feared that the decomposition process would affect the results. The infected and vivisected prisoners included men, women, children, and infants

Unit 731 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rape of Nanking:

The Nanking Massacre or Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was a mass murder and war rape that occurred during the six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of Nanking (Nanjing), the former capital of the Republic of China, on December 13, 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. During this period, hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army. Widespread rape and looting also occurred. Historians and witnesses have estimated that 250,000 to 300,000 people were killed

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battaan Death March

The 128 km (80 mi) march was characterized by wide-ranging physical abuse and murder, and resulted in very high fatalities inflicted upon prisoners and civilians alike by the Japanese Army, and was later judged by an Allied military commission to be a Japanese war crime.

Bataan Death March - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japanese retaliation for Doolittle raid.

The Japanese military began the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Campaign to intimidate the Chinese from helping downed American airmen. All airfields in a range of some 20,000 square miles (50,000 km2) in the areas where the Raiders had landed were torn up. The use of germ warfare and other atrocities were committed, and those found with American items were shot. The Japanese killed an estimated 250,000 Chinese civilians during their search for Doolittle's men.

Doolittle Raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you want to hear more about of kindly Japanese adversaries during WWII? I asume your solution would have been to allow them to retain their conquests in China?
They could have surrendered after Hiroshima, but they didn't. Nagasaki convinced them we were serious.

It was not necessary to drop the bomb and kill 1000 times more of them than they killed of you.

How the fuck does that punishment fit the crime? What happened to hunting down the people responsible, why kill innocent people to prove a point?
It was a fucking war, not a crime, you idiot. I guess you don't know the difference.
. It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.-Admiral William D. Leahy( Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War II)

Admiral William D. Leahy

This is predicated upon the continuance of the blockade and fire bombing campaign. Those who espouse this theory conclude that Japan would have been forced to surrender as early as November of 1945. In the interim, it is also estimated that 800,000 civilians in China would have died and 400,000 in Japan would have died... both from direct casualties of war and from indirect impact, such as starvation. About 150,000 died in the 2 atomic bomb attacks.

The Leahy prediction is doubtful as Japan's very culture dicated against surrender. At Iwo Jima, a Japanese force of 22,000 resulted in a grand total of 216 who were captured alive... most of these were alive only because of battle wounds which prevented them from committing suicide. The remainder were killed or committed suicide. At Okinawa, a Japanese force of 120,000 resulted in a grand total of 7,500 captured alive.. and this is the largest percentage of Japanese surredered soldiers in WWII. .. additionally, an estimated 150,000 civilians were killed, many of them by suicide. At Okinawa, the first large scale use of the Kamakazi suicide attacks were employed. Japan could NOT accept surrender...

This is demonstrated by the dliberations of the Japanese Cabinet, which resisted surrender even after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki... It took the unprecedented intervention of Hirohito himself to force Japan to surrender. Evem then, the decision was resisted, as a military coup was organized to prevent the surrender in the evening hours of the day before Hirohito was to deliver a recorded announcement of the decision to the Japanese people... and that coup probably would have succeded but for the the intervention of an American bombing mission which flew over Tokyo on its way to bomb oil refineries. This caused a blackout which prevent the coup from locating the Hirohito recording and the coup collapsed. This amazing story is the subject of a very good History Channel documentary entitled "The Last Mission"

Four days AFTER the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki; American airmen are flying the last and longest bombing mission of the war. In Tokyo, a fanatical group of Japanese officers stage a daring coup d'etat in an effort to prolong the war. As the rebels take over Japan's Imperial Palace, and with it - Emperor Hirohito; radio operator Jim Smith and the men of the 315th Bomb Wing are facing their own dangers in the sky above Japan. In a development not anticipated by generals or world leaders - the Last Mission and the coup d'etat converge, helping to bring an end to the most destructive war the world has ever known.
The Last Mission (TV 2003) - IMDb

The atomic bomb provided an excuse for Japan to surrender and still save face. In their eyes, it was not their soldiers or their people who had failed, they had been overcome by a scientific super weapon and it was not a disgrace to surrender under those circumstances.

The fact is, even under Leahy's optimistic appraisal, more than 1,000,000 people were saved because the atomic bombs were dropped.

Whenever people feel the need to present speculation as 'fact,' and play amateur anthropologist you know they are trying to simplify something complex and difficult in order to justify a position they aren't really all that comfortable with.
Oh please. Get a life people. It was war, the dropping of the bomb ended the war and probably saved many many more lives than were taken. It's a reason to celebrate.

Jeez you people are narrow minded.
How many of the 200,000+ civilians were your enemy?

Unit 731.. The Japanese chemical and germ warfare research center..

Plague fleas, infected clothing, and infected supplies encased in bombs were dropped on various targets. The resulting cholera, anthrax, and plague were estimated to have killed around 400,000 Chinese civilians...Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in different positions. Flame throwers were tested on humans. Humans were tied to stakes and used as targets to test germ-releasing bombs, chemical weapons, and explosive bombs. ...Prisoners of war were subjected to vivisection without anesthesia.[1][16] Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Scientists performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. These were conducted while the patients were alive because it was feared that the decomposition process would affect the results. The infected and vivisected prisoners included men, women, children, and infants

Unit 731 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rape of Nanking:

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battaan Death March

The 128 km (80 mi) march was characterized by wide-ranging physical abuse and murder, and resulted in very high fatalities inflicted upon prisoners and civilians alike by the Japanese Army, and was later judged by an Allied military commission to be a Japanese war crime.

Bataan Death March - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japanese retaliation for Doolittle raid.

The Japanese military began the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Campaign to intimidate the Chinese from helping downed American airmen. All airfields in a range of some 20,000 square miles (50,000 km2) in the areas where the Raiders had landed were torn up. The use of germ warfare and other atrocities were committed, and those found with American items were shot. The Japanese killed an estimated 250,000 Chinese civilians during their search for Doolittle's men.

Doolittle Raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you want to hear more about of kindly Japanese adversaries during WWII? I asume your solution would have been to allow them to retain their conquests in China?

So now it's revenge against civilians? How many justifications are you gonna try out?
Oh please. Get a life people. It was war, the dropping of the bomb ended the war and probably saved many many more lives than were taken. It's a reason to celebrate.

Jeez you people are narrow minded.

Whatever your view on using the atomic bomb, "celebrating" the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians is utterly inhuman.
So now it's revenge against civilians? How many justifications are you gonna try out?

Totally incorrect. We had to stop that evil. This was the best way to stop it with a minimum loss of life. I suppose your solution was to allow them to continue? How about the Nazis? Should we have not attempted to stop them even though by doing so innocents would die?

The only way for evil to win is for good people to do nothing... you would allow evil to win.

Have anice day.
Whenever people feel the need to present speculation as 'fact,' and play amateur anthropologist you know they are trying to simplify something complex and difficult in order to justify a position they aren't really all that comfortable with.

Yes indeed. I am glad you are criticisizing Trithseeker for his baseless speculation when ithe facts clearly demonstrate that a minimum of over 1,000,000 people were saved by droppint the two A-Bombs even if we assume the correctness of that wild speculation.

Have a nice day.
They could have surrendered after Hiroshima, but they didn't. Nagasaki convinced them we were serious.

It was not necessary to drop the bomb and kill 1000 times more of them than they killed of you.

How the fuck does that punishment fit the crime? What happened to hunting down the people responsible, why kill innocent people to prove a point?

Im glad you're not American. We have enough pussies in this country.
Whenever people feel the need to present speculation as 'fact,' and play amateur anthropologist you know they are trying to simplify something complex and difficult in order to justify a position they aren't really all that comfortable with.

Yes indeed. I am glad you are criticisizing Trithseeker for his baseless speculation when ithe facts clearly demonstrate that a minimum of over 1,000,000 people were saved by droppint the two A-Bombs even if we assume the correctness of that wild speculation.

Have a nice day.
Unkie attacks everybody. He's just here to stir up shit.
Whenever people feel the need to present speculation as 'fact,' and play amateur anthropologist you know they are trying to simplify something complex and difficult in order to justify a position they aren't really all that comfortable with.

Yes indeed. I am glad you are criticisizing Trithseeker for his baseless speculation when ithe facts clearly demonstrate that a minimum of over 1,000,000 people were saved by droppint the two A-Bombs even if we assume the correctness of that wild speculation.

Have a nice day.

Gosh, that was super clever since I was clearly referring to YOUR speculation. Did you think of that all by yourself? What a clever boy! :rolleyes:
I suppose your solution was to allow them to continue? How about the Nazis? Should we have not attempted to stop them even though by doing so innocents would die?

The only way for evil to win is for good people to do nothing... you would allow evil to win.


Does this kind of transparent attempt at lies and misrepresentation work well for you on the playground? Maybe it's time for you to grow up a little.
So now it's revenge against civilians? How many justifications are you gonna try out?

Totally incorrect. We had to stop that evil. This was the best way to stop it with a minimum loss of life. I suppose your solution was to allow them to continue? How about the Nazis? Should we have not attempted to stop them even though by doing so innocents would die?

The only way for evil to win is for good people to do nothing... you would allow evil to win.

Have anice day.

Minimum loss of life my butt. The only reason you dropped that bomb was because you were too gutless to fight a war the proper way. You took the easy way out.

Not that that is the point - the point is that celebrating a bombing that killed thousands of innocent people is fucking sick - how did you feel when you saw hundreds of Muslim extremists dancing in the streets after 9/11? Its offensive to see someone celebrate when you have suffered, isn't it?

You insensitive twat.
The only reason you dropped that bomb was because you were too gutless to fight a war the proper way. You took the easy way out...

That was a very stupid thing to say.

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