You Know Democrats Are Totally Desperate When They Bring Out AL GORE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Democrats Drag Out a Clearly PANICKED Al Gore to Attack

Arizona Audit as Officials Prepare to Release Preliminary

Evaluation this Week

On Sunday a clearly PANICKED Al Gore went on CNN to attack the Arizona Audit....

Since when do innocent people put up such a fight to thwart an audit that “should” prove the election results in their favor?


View attachment 506471

Democrats Drag Out a Clearly PANICKED Al Gore to Attack

Arizona Audit as Officials Prepare to Release Preliminary

Evaluation this Week

On Sunday a clearly PANICKED Al Gore went on CNN to attack the Arizona Audit....

Since when do innocent people put up such a fight to thwart an audit that “should” prove the election results in their favor?


Seems to have gotten your attention, eh?
Bringing out Gore makes sense to me. I believe any president shouldn't lower himself getting into childish games with opponents. To do so elevates the situation and allows his opponents to set the media's agenda (they love covering a fight). Thus for quite a while I thought it best to evaluate these things and present the minimal level necessary to counter the situation. Thus it makes sense to me that Gore was brought out for he's likely as low as they should go.
The worst thing is this. For two decades the worst losers of any election were Democrats. Al Gore with his dimpled dented and hanging chads. Hillary with her refusal to speak when she lost.

Now Trump topped them. And that is impressive. In fact it is hard to imagine. I can’t really imagine how anyone will top this ever. Thanks. You have made the petulant Democrats seem adult and rational.
View attachment 506471

Democrats Drag Out a Clearly PANICKED Al Gore to Attack

Arizona Audit as Officials Prepare to Release Preliminary

Evaluation this Week

On Sunday a clearly PANICKED Al Gore went on CNN to attack the Arizona Audit....

Since when do innocent people put up such a fight to thwart an audit that “should” prove the election results in their favor?


Seems to have gotten your attention, eh?

Yup, watching you people panic over an audit of an election you SWEAR was legitimate is definitely attention-getting. Just not for the reason you want...
Again, since when do innocent people so rabidly oppose an audit that is supposed to definitive prove they are right / won?

Kinda says it all....

In Georgia they are down to demanding microscopic examination of the paper and folds to prove the ballots were generated by a third party.

That’s where we are. Seriously. Is that now the conspiracy theory? The others were all disproven.

The Republicans have no time left to save their chances for the Midterm. They have to drop this now to be competitive. Otherwise the Democrats will have a complete control of the house and senate. And I don’t want to see that.
View attachment 506471

Democrats Drag Out a Clearly PANICKED Al Gore to Attack

Arizona Audit as Officials Prepare to Release Preliminary

Evaluation this Week

On Sunday a clearly PANICKED Al Gore went on CNN to attack the Arizona Audit....

Since when do innocent people put up such a fight to thwart an audit that “should” prove the election results in their favor?


That nitwit is more orange than Trump ever was.
Again, since when do innocent people so rabidly oppose an audit that is supposed to definitive prove they are right / won?

Kinda says it all....

In Georgia they are down to demanding microscopic examination of the paper and folds to prove the ballots were generated by a third party.

That’s where we are. Seriously. Is that now the conspiracy theory? The others were all disproven.

The Republicans have no time left to save their chances for the Midterm. They have to drop this now to be competitive. Otherwise the Democrats will have a complete control of the house and senate. And I don’t want to see that.

The old, KKK wing of the Democrat party (Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, etc.) is at war with the new, Nazi wing of the party (Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, etc.). They're going to have to fight it out to see who will lead the party going into the midterms. I think the Nazi wing will win out, they're younger, more violent, and have the support of the corporate media.
Again, since when do innocent people so rabidly oppose an audit that is supposed to definitive prove they are right / won?

Kinda says it all....

In Georgia they are down to demanding microscopic examination of the paper and folds to prove the ballots were generated by a third party.

That’s where we are. Seriously. Is that now the conspiracy theory? The others were all disproven.

The Republicans have no time left to save their chances for the Midterm. They have to drop this now to be competitive. Otherwise the Democrats will have a complete control of the house and senate. And I don’t want to see that.

The old, KKK wing of the Democrat party (Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, etc.) is at war with the new, Nazi wing of the party (Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, etc.). They're going to have to fight it out to see who will lead the party going into the midterms. I think the Nazi wing will win out, they're younger, more violent, and have the support of the corporate media.

And if you want to stop them the Republicans need to be competitive. There is no way for them to be competitive with the level of crazy we are dealing with.

Microscopic examination of the paper and folds? Really? That will prove it. We swear to God it will.

How are the Republicans competitive in 2022 with this insanity? Seriously.

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