You Know It's Bad When Chris Matthews Says This About Barack Obama

The AP and Liberal media have been his only protection all these years. He took a crap on them and they're turning like a pack of dogs. What an idiot.
Matthews actually did a good job of expressing a non-partisan complaint of Obama.

The only thing, he said in voting for Obama, you voted to turn the steering wheel slightly to the left.

It wasn't "slightly". It was a radical turn.
Any sitting POTUS that can jet off to a fundraiser while men are dying is way short of anyone I would vote for.

Of course Barry could give shit one about four dead men. He got re-elected and we are now stuck with that asshole for another four years. I wonder what all his supporters are gonna say when his ACA hits em in the chops??

AS for Mathews. Guess that tingle is turning into a leg cramp. Who knew??

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