You know it’s fine if GOP want to be self-serving assholes, but it’s downright pathetic...

Uh-huh.... the sumbitch said HELP the poor

Not have gub'mint forcibly confiscate the fruits of other peoples labor, subject it to massive waste and graft and then hand some subsistence level crumbs to the poor in order to buy their votes.

You care about helping the poor? then get off your fat, lazy ass and go HELP the poor instead of expecting the kleptocrats in government to do it for you.
Lol you do know we have billionaires in this country right? They do just fine. Of course, according to Jesus, they have no passage into heaven so your argument makes no sense either way.
The eye of a needle was a passage into a city. What Jesus was stating was that the more you have, the harder it is to get into heaven, because you have more that you can put before Jesus. Having wealth isn't against Christianity, loving your wealth above Jesus is.

Besides, people are free to believe as they wish. Some of us choosing to believe in God doesn't give us passage to steal their belongings and give it to those we believe deserve it more.
When do democrats ever preach steal one’s belongings?
Anytime they state that taxes should be increased, as that's involuntary exchange, thus theft. Increasing business taxes, or increasing personal taxes on a specific amount of income is stealing more, and handing it to others through government programs is ALSO theft. So, regularly, actually.

Uh-huh.... the sumbitch said HELP the poor

Not have gub'mint forcibly confiscate the fruits of other peoples labor, subject it to massive waste and graft and then hand some subsistence level crumbs to the poor in order to buy their votes.

You care about helping the poor? then get off your fat, lazy ass and go HELP the poor instead of expecting the kleptocrats in government to do it for you.
Lol you do know we have billionaires in this country right? They do just fine.
Yeah and?

The next time one of those billionaires stops by and starts bitching about how the Republicrats are preventing the gub'mint from "helping the poor" then let me know and I'll give them the same dressing down I just gave you, K?

Of course, according to Jesus, they have no passage into heaven so your argument makes no sense either way.
Why would I give a fuck about anybody's "passage into heaven"?

The reason that my argument "makes no sense either way" to you is that I lack the patience to frame it in a way that a Labrador retriever can understand.
Lol if you don’t give a fuck about whether or not they get into heaven then you really are a fake Christian.

LOL, "Fake Christian"

I'm not a Christian AT ALL and never have been.
What do you think gives you the right to decide what a Christian is or acts like?
Judge not...
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!


Are you a Christian?
Nope, but I was raised Christian so I know his teachings. Hell I know them better than wannabe republican Christians.

I see. So what is the central matter of Christian philosophy?

What have you yourself done for the poor lately?
I give to charity every month and I’m not even Christian.
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!


Are you a Christian?
Nope, but I was raised Christian so I know his teachings. Hell I know them better than wannabe republican Christians.

I see. So what is the central matter of Christian philosophy?

What have you yourself done for the poor lately?
I give to charity every month and I’m not even Christian.

Hmmm ... what charity? How much?

Uh-huh.... the sumbitch said HELP the poor

Not have gub'mint forcibly confiscate the fruits of other peoples labor, subject it to massive waste and graft and then hand some subsistence level crumbs to the poor in order to buy their votes.

You care about helping the poor? then get off your fat, lazy ass and go HELP the poor instead of expecting the kleptocrats in government to do it for you.
Lol you do know we have billionaires in this country right? They do just fine. Of course, according to Jesus, they have no passage into heaven so your argument makes no sense either way.
The eye of a needle was a passage into a city. What Jesus was stating was that the more you have, the harder it is to get into heaven, because you have more that you can put before Jesus. Having wealth isn't against Christianity, loving your wealth above Jesus is.

Besides, people are free to believe as they wish. Some of us choosing to believe in God doesn't give us passage to steal their belongings and give it to those we believe deserve it more.
When do democrats ever preach steal one’s belongings?
Anytime they state that taxes should be increased, as that's involuntary exchange, thus theft. Increasing business taxes, or increasing personal taxes on a specific amount of income is stealing more, and handing it to others through government programs is ALSO theft. So, regularly, actually.
You do know that taxes pays for programs that people use on a daily basis right. That’s the entire point. Of course, i do agree a lot of tax payer money is given to bullshit that only benefits corporations.
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!


They've forcefully swung the pendulum to the right so hard that when it swings back left, it's going to fucking break off. Maybe then we can finally kill the terrorist Conservative movement off for good.
hey many rich democrats will follow this quote from Jesus?.......

Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me......probably just as many of those rich republicans will...right?....

Indeed, he said "... go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor ...".

He did not say "... go, take from thy neighbor and sell what he owns, and give the money to the poor ..."

Clear yet?
Lol when do democrats ever preach giving one’s possessions to someone else?

Obama care mandate
Anytime they state that taxes should be increased, as that's involuntary exchange, thus theft. Increasing business taxes, or increasing personal taxes on a specific amount of income is stealing more, and handing it to others through government programs is ALSO theft. So, regularly, actually.

The government isn't an entity that sits outside the economy. So when you cut government spending, and don't replace that spending with anything, you end up contracting the economy.
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!


Are you a Christian?
Nope, but I was raised Christian so I know his teachings. Hell I know them better than wannabe republican Christians.

I see. So what is the central matter of Christian philosophy?

What have you yourself done for the poor lately?
I give to charity every month and I’m not even Christian.

Hmmm ... what charity? How much?
lol I make a significant monthly donation to St. Jude’s hospital. What’s nauseating about this question is that you think you are entitled to know how much I spend per month on charity just for the sake of argument. Trust me, I’m sure I give more to charity than you do.
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!


Are you a Christian?
Nope, but I was raised Christian so I know his teachings. Hell I know them better than wannabe republican Christians.

I see. So what is the central matter of Christian philosophy?

What have you yourself done for the poor lately?
I give to charity every month and I’m not even Christian.

Thanks to Conservatives, charitable giving is going to decline because they eliminated it as an itemized deduction.

Uh-huh.... the sumbitch said HELP the poor

Not have gub'mint forcibly confiscate the fruits of other peoples labor, subject it to massive waste and graft and then hand some subsistence level crumbs to the poor in order to buy their votes.

You care about helping the poor? then get off your fat, lazy ass and go HELP the poor instead of expecting the kleptocrats in government to do it for you.
Lol you do know we have billionaires in this country right? They do just fine.
Yeah and?

The next time one of those billionaires stops by and starts bitching about how the Republicrats are preventing the gub'mint from "helping the poor" then let me know and I'll give them the same dressing down I just gave you, K?

Of course, according to Jesus, they have no passage into heaven so your argument makes no sense either way.
Why would I give a fuck about anybody's "passage into heaven"?

The reason that my argument "makes no sense either way" to you is that I lack the patience to frame it in a way that a Labrador retriever can understand.
Lol if you don’t give a fuck about whether or not they get into heaven then you really are a fake Christian.

LOL, "Fake Christian"

I'm not a Christian AT ALL and never have been.

Right, because being a Christian would entail helping the poor, healing the sick, loving thy neighbor, and turning the other cheek...Conservatives are incapable of doing any of that.
They are self-identifying as Christians.

Therefore, we must accept it at face value.

Just as we do for the mentally ill transgendered.

Right LWNJ's?
enabling is not helping. Help those who physically , mentally or emotionally cannot help themselves. Not 3 quarters of the nation!
Um okay, but if the GOP has the power to help the poor, why do they choose not to on any level?

They just did, plus you're a mildly smart individual. I'll leave that to you to figure out.
I give to my local bean's cafe, homeless shelter (mostly helps natives who get stuck in the big city when the tribal council throws them out, they got nowhere to go and its a huge problem we don't know how to solve - we encourage them to follow their ancient traditions/lifestyle/culture then shit on them when they get bounced to us because they've got no real education - mess without a real solution.) Also Covenant House, shelter for teens & children... The later is kind of an odd one really, since its somewhat rightfully argued that it encourages kids to run away from home, but my best friend back in HS ended up in covenant house for a few years; her folks were shitbags, beat the crap out of her all the time. I guess I have a soft spot for them even all these decades later ~shrug~

I don't really have any other "set" donations I make, I tend to be "opportunistic" in my giving I suppose, like I donate money to "individuals" I think merit it, rather than catch all charity groups. I like to be personally involved in the decisions about who gets help I guess - call me a bit of a control freak when it comes to how my money is spent, guilty. Agnostic capitalist here though so maybe my donation habits aren't relevant to the topic heh
Are you a Christian?
Nope, but I was raised Christian so I know his teachings. Hell I know them better than wannabe republican Christians.

I see. So what is the central matter of Christian philosophy?

What have you yourself done for the poor lately?
I give to charity every month and I’m not even Christian.

Hmmm ... what charity? How much?
lol I make a significant monthly donation to St. Jude’s hospital. What’s nauseating about this question is that you think you are entitled to know how much I spend per month on charity just for the sake of argument. Trust me, I’m sure I give more to charity than you do.

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

Matthew 6:1-4
They are self-identifying as Christians.

Therefore, we must accept it at face value.

Just as we do for the mentally ill transgendered.

Right LWNJ's?

What I find so bizarre is how you're so willing to drop to your knees for any random anonymous Tom, Dick, or Harry with a fake Obamacare sob story, yet you won't accept when someone tells you they're transgendered or was sexually assaulted.

That's because you're a partisan hack and general piece of dog shit.
Uh-huh.... the sumbitch said HELP the poor

Not have gub'mint forcibly confiscate the fruits of other peoples labor, subject it to massive waste and graft and then hand some subsistence level crumbs to the poor in order to buy their votes.

You care about helping the poor? then get off your fat, lazy ass and go HELP the poor instead of expecting the kleptocrats in government to do it for you.
Lol you do know we have billionaires in this country right? They do just fine. Of course, according to Jesus, they have no passage into heaven so your argument makes no sense either way.
The eye of a needle was a passage into a city. What Jesus was stating was that the more you have, the harder it is to get into heaven, because you have more that you can put before Jesus. Having wealth isn't against Christianity, loving your wealth above Jesus is.

Besides, people are free to believe as they wish. Some of us choosing to believe in God doesn't give us passage to steal their belongings and give it to those we believe deserve it more.
When do democrats ever preach steal one’s belongings?
Anytime they state that taxes should be increased, as that's involuntary exchange, thus theft. Increasing business taxes, or increasing personal taxes on a specific amount of income is stealing more, and handing it to others through government programs is ALSO theft. So, regularly, actually.
You do know that taxes pays for programs that people use on a daily basis right. That’s the entire point. Of course, i do agree a lot of tax payer money is given to bullshit that only benefits corporations.
I think, last I checked, it was somewhere over 800 government agencies and I never counted the number of programs. Of course, the 'reason' for stealing someone's money doesn't excuse stealing someone's money. Besides, most of those programs are neither needed nor wanted. The government wastes millions of dollars for no reason in addition to paying for these programs they can't afford already.

You know, they wouldn't be giving special treatment to corporations if they didn't have power to lobby in the first place. The more the government expands, the more power they have to sell. If you're not okay with any one specific person in America having power over something, the government shouldn't have that power. For example, how much power do you want Trump to have over your healthcare?
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!

Response To Today's Trump Victory



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