You know it’s fine if GOP want to be self-serving assholes, but it’s downright pathetic...

The Democratic Party's form of "Social Justice" is what destroys the middle class, spreads poverty and misery.
We can see it in Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.
Go to CNN's website and check out the hilarious video of the Pervert and his cabinet sanctimoniously "praying" while carson thanks God for their wonderful, courageous Dear Leader. You can't make this up.
Most Democrat Voters are hardcore religious bigots just like the Nazis were.Democrats hate Christians and the Nazis hated the Jews.It's the same kind of darkside of humanity hate.

Christians are the ones full of hate...and the ones who institutionalize molesting children...and the ones who support child molesters.
Most Democrat Voters are hardcore religious bigots just like the Nazis were.Democrats hate Christians and the Nazis hated the Jews.It's the same kind of darkside of humanity hate.

Christians are the ones full of hate...and the ones who institutionalize molesting children...and the ones who support child molesters.

Hey thanks for helping prove the point.
Christians are not welcomed in the racist and corrupt Democratic Party.
It's simply amazing how the most godless among us presume to instruct everyone else in the finer points of Christianity. Especially Trump who has never been a particularly religious man.

Watching the Conservatives sneakily try to walk back their support of Trump is like watching a slow-motion trainwreck. They think because they goofed people into thinking they opposed Bush the Dumber after supporting him for 8 years and never being held accountable for it, they can get away with it with Trump.

Not gonna happen this time.

You are confusing yourself. Because Trump is not a particularly religious man doesn't mean the religious even the hard right evangelicals will not support him. They will. They have. They are. No one is walking back support for Trump. The tax bill, the decent judges he has appointed, opening ANWR to development, the support he has shown for people of faith are all reasons for faith based support. After all, what's the alternative, the evil, abortion on demand democrats. Donald Trump does not have to be a religious man to get the support of religious men. He supports the religious and that's just fine.
False, you can't name a single instance in which the government improved the economy with their interference.

The New Deal, Obamacare, NASA, Interstate Highway System, Medicare, Social Security, airport and seaport construction, any form of Keynesian economic stimulus improves the economy. Every. Single. Time.
In fact, your shitty tax plan that you support is being sold as a means by which the economy is "improved" by complicating the tax code to favor the rich. Obamacare was passed in March 2010, and for the next 75 consecutive months, there was positive job creation. In fact, Trump's job creation for 2017 lags behind Obama's 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 jobs numbers. So Trump's harming job growth that was great through Obama's second term.

"The rich" typically own businesses, which means they employ others and buy supplies for said business, and invest in said business. Expanding businesses have always and will always improve the economy, unlike the government stealing more money from us.

A business decides they're going to create a job before a single cent of profit is taxed. So cutting corporate profit tax rate has no bearing on whether or not a business will hire a worker. You economic illiterates still haven't figured that out; and that's because you lack any experience or knowledge of business.
I ask for examples of things the government did to help the economy, and you named things that crippled it. Good to know leftists are always backwards in the name of consistency. Obamacare has always been collapsing on itself, the New Deal prevented the economy from recovering under FDR, Social Security helped nothing, Keynesian Economics flat-out don't work:

Government jobs are jobs there's no demand for, and use tax dollars rather than being paid for a service, they actually don't provide any circulation. Government jobs are no substitute for actual private sector jobs.

Says the guy who lacks any knowledge of business. Just because they decide that because the taxes occur doesn't mean they're not accounted for in future planning. Having more money means they can invest more in their business. Of course, you can try to argue that having less money means businesses would spend more, but I fear few people take you seriously here already.
hey many rich democrats will follow this quote from Jesus?.......

Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me......probably just as many of those rich republicans will...right?....

Indeed, he said "... go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor ...".

He did not say "... go, take from thy neighbor and sell what he owns, and give the money to the poor ..."

Clear yet?
its clear to me...tell that to billy....
hey many rich democrats will follow this quote from Jesus?.......

Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me......probably just as many of those rich republicans will...right?....
There probably are a few hypocritical democrat Christians in power, but it’s still a huge false equivalency. Republicans in power in general actually pretend their political philosophy is based on Christianity. My god no one is a bigger fraud than Ted Cruz.
a few?....they sure stuck a flag in your ass billy....
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!

Response To Today's Trump Victory

View attachment 167045

What does this have to do with tax legislation that Trump had next to nothing to do with composing?
...they call themselves Christians. McConnell is a what a Baptist? How so? Just because he calls himself one? Maybe he goes to church, but nothing else in his behavior or philosophy makes him Christian besides that. Of course no GOP politician claiming to be Christian is more pathetic than Trump who makes up his own Bible verses like some toddler.

Why can’t republicans in general be honest with themselves and admit their political philosophy is the antithesis of the Christian philosophy? Most wannabe Christian republicans are self-righteous, selfish assholes who don’t give a shit about any level of social justice. Are you people really going to tell me with a straight face that Jesus didn’t preach a social justice philosophy?

Christianity now has its own brand in the good ole USA: Republican Jesus!


Are you a Christian?
Nope, but I was raised Christian so I know his teachings. Hell I know them better than wannabe republican Christians.

You're a Stalinist, you follow a genocidal maniac.

But you'll still tell Christians how they should live...
Most Democrat Voters are hardcore religious bigots just like the Nazis were.Democrats hate Christians and the Nazis hated the Jews.It's the same kind of darkside of humanity hate.

Christians are the ones full of hate...and the ones who institutionalize molesting children...and the ones who support child molesters.

Oh, we see that Comrade.. :eusa_whistle:

You Stalinist have nuthin but luv.. :lmao:

Did Jesus say "Charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor," Comrade?

So what are the odds that if I look around I find posts of yours promoting radical Atheism and your bitter hatred of Christians?

100%? 99.9999999999%?

I love it when you hypocrite Stalinists start telling Christians how to live...
Lol actually yeah. He had the expectations anyone was selfless and helped the poor.

Lol go ahead. You won’t find any thread of me bashing Christianity itself.

Did Jesus say "Charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor," Comrade?

So what are the odds that if I look around I find posts of yours promoting radical Atheism and your bitter hatred of Christians?

100%? 99.9999999999%?

I love it when you hypocrite Stalinists start telling Christians how to live...
Lol actually yeah. He had the expectations anyone was selfless and helped the poor.

Lol go ahead. You won’t find any thread of me bashing Christianity itself.

I've seen you spew hatred at Christians repeatedly. You are a hate filled Stalinist.

As for Jesus, he advocated that people care for the poor on their own, not use guns to force their betters to care for the poor as you of the Khmer Rouge do.

Did Jesus say "Charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor," Comrade?

So what are the odds that if I look around I find posts of yours promoting radical Atheism and your bitter hatred of Christians?

100%? 99.9999999999%?

I love it when you hypocrite Stalinists start telling Christians how to live...
Lol actually yeah. He had the expectations anyone was selfless and helped the poor.

Lol go ahead. You won’t find any thread of me bashing Christianity itself.

I've seen you spew hatred at Christians repeatedly. You are a hate filled Stalinist.

As for Jesus, he advocated that people care for the poor on their own, not use guns to force their betters to care for the poor as you of the Khmer Rouge do.
Lol Jesus wouldn’t have liked guns at all, but that doesn’t stop you douches stock piling them because your dicks are small.

Did Jesus say "Charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor," Comrade?

So what are the odds that if I look around I find posts of yours promoting radical Atheism and your bitter hatred of Christians?

100%? 99.9999999999%?

I love it when you hypocrite Stalinists start telling Christians how to live...
Lol actually yeah. He had the expectations anyone was selfless and helped the poor.

Lol go ahead. You won’t find any thread of me bashing Christianity itself.

I've seen you spew hatred at Christians repeatedly. You are a hate filled Stalinist.

As for Jesus, he advocated that people care for the poor on their own, not use guns to force their betters to care for the poor as you of the Khmer Rouge do.
Also, it doesn’t matter if people are forced to pay taxes. Republicans wouldn’t do jack shit for the poor if it was completely voluntary. The GOP certainly has the ability to but don’t.
Lol Jesus wouldn’t have liked guns at all, but that doesn’t stop you douches stock piling them because your dicks are small.

Really Comrade?

His disciples carried swords.

But, that doesn't stop you form lying. Hey, you're a Communist...

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