You Know Pelosi's '25th Amerndment' Legislation Is All About BIDEN, Nt Trump, Right?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Here We Go: Pelosi Will Re-Unveil 'How to Remove a President Without an Election' Legislation Friday

Now we know what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre 25th Amendment comments were really about.

During her Thursday press conference, Pelosi told media to come on back Friday to hear something regarding the constitutional amendment by which a president may be removed from office. Passed in the wake of President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, the 25th spells out what may be lawfully done when a sitting president is deemed no longer fit to serve.

"The 25th Amendment to our august Constitution was never intended to be a partisan cudgel. It was intended to bring order out of chaos for a nation reeling from some tragedy."

Based on the polls and the overwhelming (criminal) activity we have already seen with Mail-In voting the Democrats seem pretty confident they will take the WH in the up-coming election. If that happens, as President Trump just predicted, Pelosi and the Leftist Democrats will most probably not allow Joe Biden to remain President past 3 months in office. Not long after that they will remove him from office via the '25th Amendment', citing his mental inability to run the country, making Harris - who only 2% of Democrats wanted as their President during the primaries - President.

Of course, should Biden lose, the proven traitors will come for Trump...AGAIN.

The way Sleepy Joe is being abused by the Leftards is shameful.

Jill should just pull her husband out of the race and end this charade if she has any compassion for old guys.

Mr. Biden should be on the bocce courts of Boca Raton , shooting the shit with the other oldtimers who are starting to go goofy.

Not running for President.
The left is absolutely in panic mode. They pushed mail in voting in the hopes it would save them. Then turned around and realized that in person might get them more votes. They see the handwriting on the wall and are terrified
The left is absolutely in panic mode. They pushed mail in voting in the hopes it would save them. Then turned around and realized that in person might get them more votes. They see the handwriting on the wall and are terrified

Yup, and now that president Trump has for sure realized that they are nothing more than Satan's servants... they should be. No more Mr. nice Trump.
The left is absolutely in panic mode. They pushed mail in voting in the hopes it would save them. Then turned around and realized that in person might get them more votes. They see the handwriting on the wall and are terrified

Yup, and now that president Trump has for sure realized that they are nothing more than Satan's servants... they should be. No more Mr. nice Trump.

Do you mean this has been Rump being nice? Heaven Help us all.
The left is absolutely in panic mode. They pushed mail in voting in the hopes it would save them. Then turned around and realized that in person might get them more votes. They see the handwriting on the wall and are terrified

Yup, and now that president Trump has for sure realized that they are nothing more than Satan's servants... they should be. No more Mr. nice Trump.

Do you mean this has been Rump being nice? Heaven Help us all.

Actually, Mr. Trump is a tremendously nice guy. Always has been.
The left is absolutely in panic mode. They pushed mail in voting in the hopes it would save them. Then turned around and realized that in person might get them more votes. They see the handwriting on the wall and are terrified

Yup, and now that president Trump has for sure realized that they are nothing more than Satan's servants... they should be. No more Mr. nice Trump.

Do you mean this has been Rump being nice? Heaven Help us all.

Yes, extremely nice. He has been negotiating with Satan's servants instead of making an appointment for an exorcist.
I buy into Democrats not really wanting to see Biden stick around for 4 years, they probably would like to see Harris as the incumbent in 2024. If Trump wins I'll cross my fingers that the Democrats will figure, "well that crap didn't work" and pursue a more mature posture. I believe they've been stuck on imitating the Benghazi Strategy these last 4 years.
If you want to divert attention from what's now coming out about the Obama Administration's (which includes Joe Biden) abuse of power trying to smear an opposing political party's candidate for President with a phony "Russian collusion" scandal...what better way than to declare that you're going to invoke the 25th Amendment!

Pelosi knows that's not going to happen. She also knows that if she gives the media a bright shiny object to chase...they'll all act like cats chasing a laser beam on the floor.

We have a REAL that's been right in front of the media for the better part of four years and what do they want to talk about? A fly on Mike Pense's head during the debate? We don't have real journalists any more...we have talking heads with nothing between their ears but open space!
Pelosi's hatred of Trump has driven her insane!

"you took your sweet time
and i waited by you without complaint
until all the pipe dreams
made me insane!"

President Trump NAILS IT, points out to Americans Pelosi's suggested '25th Amendment' legislation has absolutely ZERO to do with him and EVERYTHING to do with Removing Biden from office and making Harris President should Biden win....AS I POINTED OUT / AM POINTING OUT IN THIS THREAD.

"Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris," Trump tweeted. "The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!"


"This is not about President Trump," Pelosi said Friday. "He will face the judgment of the voters. But he shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents."

The bitch is admitting to the American people that she is already planning a COUP against the Democratic Party's own President, should Joe win!

This is a declaration to the American people that the Democrats KNOW Biden is not mentally fit to be President and should he win they intend to replace him with the rabid Leftist only 2% of all Democrats signaled they wanted as President during the Primaries.

Remember you heard it HERE 1st, before Pelosi's presser and admission, before Trump called it...

"This is not about President Trump," Pelosi said Friday. "He will face the judgment of the voters. But he shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents."

If it's not about TRUMP, who else do you think she means?!

Joe Biden's struggles more worrisome than laughable
Joe Biden - Alpha News
What the Democrats and his handlers...and his WIFE...are doing to Joe is despicable. tantamount to elderly abuse, running this poor man from office only to plan on disgracing him by removing him from office based on his being unfit to serve.
'Joe Biden Has An Un-expected Moment Of Clarity'...

Joe Biden: Confused, dazed and dead wrong | Rockstanding

"So you are saying the Democrats just
chose me to run...and win...only to declare
me mentally incompetent, remove me from
office, and make Harris the President.


Just curious.....where is the snowflake outrage?
Rush did a great job talking about this on his show after Trump left.

Biden is nothing more than a puppet for the left Wing assholes that have the agenda to turn this country into a socialist shithole.

They are setting the stage to remove him from office (if heaven forbid he wins) and having that extreme far left kook Harris take his place.

Our country is in deep do-do if Trump doesn't win.
The left is absolutely in panic mode. They pushed mail in voting in the hopes it would save them. Then turned around and realized that in person might get them more votes. They see the handwriting on the wall and are terrified

Yup, and now that president Trump has for sure realized that they are nothing more than Satan's servants... they should be. No more Mr. nice Trump.

Do you mean this has been Rump being nice? Heaven Help us all.
Idiots like you are still running around loose aren't you? If Trump were anywhere near as mean as I am dumbasses like yourself would be locked up or dead.
She has some serious mental issues. Her hate and rage against the people of the country is out there for everyone to see.

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