Zone1 You KNOW something is messed up


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
When Noam Chomsky says the American mainstream media NOW is more oppressive than under Communism, (from a Russel Brand interview), you know something's wrong here. I recently watched a review of Chomsky's "manufacturing consent" Perhaps you wonder where this sudden shift of focus went from normal American traditional norms 5 years ago to this Gender-racial identity issues NOW the democrats push is funded by China and international bankers. Because who ever funds THEM, whomever pays the piper, calls the tune. And they want to destroy the west, normality and capitalism.
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I don't think most Dems are even aware of their recent complete flip flops on long held beliefs.
Make love not war is now let's pick a fight with Russia & start WWIII with nukes.
Don't trust the man is now believe anything the govt tells you.
Freedom of choice is now do as your told by authorities.
Due process is now banana republic style political persecutions.

No wonder they make no sense, the circular logic in the abandonment of core principles is enough make you dizzy & puke
"Who is driving this society is in the hands of small well funded network of groups, they have a predominate control of government. One group has to be DEEPLY indoctrinated, the teachers, then they indoctrinate the masses". -Noam Chomsky
We are witnessing how easily the masses are manipulated and distracted. The news has long ceased trying to inform and be a watchdog for the Republic and it's citizens. ALL mainstream media is beholden to one political party or the other.

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