You know the best part of a presidency that I didn't even support?

Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

That’s what it all boils down to with you and other nutbag idiots. Spite and taking pleasure in watching people get upset. Good on ya.

That's all they have. They elect a troll, and monkey see monkey do ensues.
Shows you that righties are real scum . How about doing what’s best for America instead of obsessing over your anger of a black man being president .
Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

That’s what it all boils down to with you and other nutbag idiots. Spite and taking pleasure in watching people get upset. Good on ya.

:clap2: Well said. That's more like what I was going for originally.
That’s what it all boils down to with you and other nutbag idiots. Spite and taking pleasure in watching people get upset. Good on ya.
Nothing could be finer than to watch the dems go nuts with anger and rage...
Shows you that righties are real scum . How about doing what’s best for America instead of obsessing over your anger of a black man being president .
Obama was a disaster in any color...don't be such a racist....
Isn't it interesting that since Trump became president, the deficit has already started back up?
In fact, during the two days after Obama was elected in 2008, the Dow plunged more than 900 points, or 10%

Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang
From cnn

:blahblah:Obama stock market.....:badgrin: the market took off when the Obama term was winding down,,,the Market said anyone but that M-Fer....

Actually it took off in '09. I'm invested so I know exactly where it is.


Draw a straight line from that trough to the present. Nice continuous upward angle.

That upward trend is one thing Rump FAILED to deconstruct. And more FAILING power to him.
Seems to me it shows a decline at the prospect of a Hillary presidency that would continue Obama policies then a sharp spike upon her defeat.

I'm looking at my portfolio history and no I'm not seeing that at all.

Actually what I remember in the short term is that on election night when it started to look like Rump was gonna pull his upset, that's when the market took a nosedive. Fortunately it recovered.

The market was up more in Obama's first 11 months than in Trump's.
What did he cost you?
I almost went out of business...damn near had to close up due to a poor one was spending money and it went that way for 8 years...two months after Trump won the phone started to ring and it has not stopped since...Many businesses went under during Obama's reign of terror...stores were empty mall stores were turned into gymnastic classes and dance was bad...wake up! and to dupes like you it was the new normal just like Obama told you...
Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang
From cnn
Better hope he doesn't deconstruct that O'bama stock market hm?
:blahblah:Obama stock market.....:badgrin: the market took off when the Obama term was winding down,,,the Market said anyone but that M-Fer....

Actually it took off in '09. I'm invested so I know exactly where it is.


Draw a straight line from that trough to the present. Nice continuous upward angle.

That upward trend is one thing Rump FAILED to deconstruct. And more FAILING power to him.
Seems to me it shows a decline at the prospect of a Hillary presidency that would continue Obama policies then a sharp spike upon her defeat.

I'm looking at my portfolio history and no I'm not seeing that at all.

Actually what I remember in the short term is that on election night when it started to look like Rump was gonna pull his upset, that's when the market took a nosedive. Fortunately it recovered.

>> NEW YORK — Stock futures took a nosedive as states reported Tuesday night, revealing a tightly-contested 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

With each state Trump took, Dow futures dropped – plunging 800 points, according to CNBC.

At 10 p.m. MST, the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 futures halted at the limit-down until the market opens Wednesday morning, CNBC reported.

Wall Street, like the rest of America, is nervously waiting for the wild and crazy 2016 election season to finally come to a close.

....Market analysts blamed Trump’s rising poll numbers for the market’s first nine-day losing streak since 1980. But that trend reversed on Monday, with the Dow roaring nearly 400 points after the FBI once again cleared Clinton in the email investigation.

Monday’s dramatic rally was the clearest evidence yet that Wall Street feels more comfortable with the idea of Clinton winning than Trump.

That was never more obvious than it was Tuesday night when Trump was projected winner in a string of states and took the lead in battleground Florida, sending the markets into free-fall. << --- Stock Futures Halted After Plummeting on Election Night

Basically the market doesn't like uncertainty, loose cannons and wild cards. It likes to be able to see what's ahead. So this was a harbinger of a world that could be described in a single word as "iffy".

In the big picture what it means is we're in for dramatic mood swings, of which this was the first. Bettere buckle up.
What did he cost you?
I almost went out of business...damn near had to close up due to a poor one was spending money and it went that way for 8 years...two months after Trump won the phone started to ring and it has not stopped since...Many businesses went under during Obama's reign of terror...stores were empty mall stores were turned into gymnastic classes and dance was bad...wake up! and to dupes like you it was the new normal just like Obama told you...

lol, the recession ended in June of 2009.

And oh, btw, retail stores have been turning into 'gym classes' for many many years. Hardly a post 2008 phenomenon.
Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang
From cnn
:blahblah:Obama stock market.....:badgrin: the market took off when the Obama term was winding down,,,the Market said anyone but that M-Fer....

Actually it took off in '09. I'm invested so I know exactly where it is.


Draw a straight line from that trough to the present. Nice continuous upward angle.

That upward trend is one thing Rump FAILED to deconstruct. And more FAILING power to him.
Seems to me it shows a decline at the prospect of a Hillary presidency that would continue Obama policies then a sharp spike upon her defeat.

I'm looking at my portfolio history and no I'm not seeing that at all.

Actually what I remember in the short term is that on election night when it started to look like Rump was gonna pull his upset, that's when the market took a nosedive. Fortunately it recovered.

>> NEW YORK — Stock futures took a nosedive as states reported Tuesday night, revealing a tightly-contested 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

With each state Trump took, Dow futures dropped – plunging 800 points, according to CNBC.

At 10 p.m. MST, the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 futures halted at the limit-down until the market opens Wednesday morning, CNBC reported.

Wall Street, like the rest of America, is nervously waiting for the wild and crazy 2016 election season to finally come to a close.

....Market analysts blamed Trump’s rising poll numbers for the market’s first nine-day losing streak since 1980. But that trend reversed on Monday, with the Dow roaring nearly 400 points after the FBI once again cleared Clinton in the email investigation.

Monday’s dramatic rally was the clearest evidence yet that Wall Street feels more comfortable with the idea of Clinton winning than Trump.

That was never more obvious than it was Tuesday night when Trump was projected winner in a string of states and took the lead in battleground Florida, sending the markets into free-fall. << --- Stock Futures Halted After Plummeting on Election Night

Basically the market doesn't like uncertainty, loose cannons and wild cards. It likes to be able to see what's ahead. So this was a harbinger of a world that could be described in a single word as "iffy".

In the big picture what it means is we're in for dramatic mood swings, of which this was the first. Bettere buckle up.
Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
As part of the broader economic legacy of President Barack Obama, from jobs to the stock market, one of the most notable changes has been the increase in the national debt.

Based on quarterly data released by the US Treasury, the debt at the end of 2008 — just before Obama took office — stood at roughly $10,699,805,000,000.

As of the third quarter of 2016, the most recent data available, the debt as Obama is set to leave office stood at $19,573,445,000,000.

I don't want to hear one word on the debt going up from you libtards...not one!
What did he cost you?
I almost went out of business...damn near had to close up due to a poor one was spending money and it went that way for 8 years...two months after Trump won the phone started to ring and it has not stopped since...Many businesses went under during Obama's reign of terror...stores were empty mall stores were turned into gymnastic classes and dance classes....

Bet Roy Moore had a blast there though. :eusa_dance:

God bless yoga pants.
Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
As part of the broader economic legacy of President Barack Obama, from jobs to the stock market, one of the most notable changes has been the increase in the national debt.

Based on quarterly data released by the US Treasury, the debt at the end of 2008 — just before Obama took office — stood at roughly $10,699,805,000,000.

As of the third quarter of 2016, the most recent data available, the debt as Obama is set to leave office stood at $19,573,445,000,000.

I don't want to hear one word on the debt going up from you libtards...not one!

You support deficits and running up debt now? lol, of course you do.
Shows you that righties are real scum . How about doing what’s best for America instead of obsessing over your anger of a black man being president .

And pogo thanked your post. Liberals see racism everywhere

Or many because it’s true . When u say somthing irrational like “undo everything Obama did “ , what else should we think ?

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