You know the best part of a presidency that I didn't even support?

Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

Any fool can stimulate the economy with tax cuts and deregulation; however, there will be a price to be paid later. There are times when the economy needs stimulation by government actions - but now is not one of them. Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the good economy - but it will not last. The next recession could even be worse than the Great Bush Recession. Enjoy it while you can...

It was more then 1 day, but that doesn’t matter. All you need is one day to understand the market didn’t like the election results.

On the contrary ---- see the chart I put up in post 5. It seems to have liked the results for eight years. And counting.

You don’t get it. There was a lot of uncertainty in the ‘08 election. After the dust settled the market responded. And then other factors took effect. Such as tarp working, no interest rates, strong corporate earnings, quantitative easing, and so on. The market is just contingent on who the president is. Hussein’s polices were bad for business.

Of course. That explains that steady 45 degree angle rise in the chart over eight years.


Yeah there was a lot of uncertainty in late '08, but none of it was about the election.
so genius, why didn't he ever get a year of 3% growth? explain that to us. You do understand that is an economic marker right? and obummer failed.
Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

Any fool can stimulate the economy with tax cuts and deregulation; however, there will be a price to be paid later. There are times when the economy needs stimulation by government actions - but now is not one of them. Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the good economy - but it will not last. The next recession could even be worse than the Great Bush Recession. Enjoy it while you can...
name one time that ever happened. even the new deal died. dude, you are a partisan blabber. learn to discuss facts.
Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

Any fool can stimulate the economy with tax cuts and deregulation; however, there will be a price to be paid later. There are times when the economy needs stimulation by government actions - but now is not one of them. Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the good economy - but it will not last. The next recession could even be worse than the Great Bush Recession. Enjoy it while you can...
name one time that ever happened. even the new deal died. dude, you are a partisan blabber. learn to discuss facts.
yo lakota sweetie, have you got that data? LOL notice I'm laughing at you!!!!
One day?

Who cares?

It was more then 1 day, but that doesn’t matter. All you need is one day to understand the market didn’t like the election results.

On the contrary ---- see the chart I put up in post 5. It seems to have liked the results for eight years. And counting.

You don’t get it. There was a lot of uncertainty in the ‘08 election. After the dust settled the market responded. And then other factors took effect. Such as tarp working, no interest rates, strong corporate earnings, quantitative easing, and so on. The market is just contingent on who the president is. Hussein’s polices were bad for business.

Of course. That explains that steady 45 degree angle rise in the chart over eight years.


Yeah there was a lot of uncertainty in late '08, but none of it was about the election.
so genius, why didn't he ever get a year of 3% growth? explain that to us. You do understand that is an economic marker right? and obummer failed.
He got eight quarters above three percent .
30 straight quarters of growth

None negative

Something republicans can’t brag about
Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

Any fool can stimulate the economy with tax cuts and deregulation; however, there will be a price to be paid later. There are times when the economy needs stimulation by government actions - but now is not one of them. Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the good economy - but it will not last. The next recession could even be worse than the Great Bush Recession. Enjoy it while you can...
name one time that ever happened. even the new deal died. dude, you are a partisan blabber. learn to discuss facts.
yo lakota sweetie, have you got that data? LOL notice I'm laughing at you!!!!

What data? Data for what?
Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

It's not going to change a thing Obama has done in terms of history. It's just going to make him look like a petulant toddler.

Some of the regulations he is dismantling are good ones for public health and safety. I think his supporters will end up regretting it when it starts to effect them directly.

The attitude that - anything Obama must go is the ultimate petulance.
Shows you that righties are real scum . How about doing what’s best for America instead of obsessing over your anger of a black man being president .
I never mentioned skin color you racist piece of shit.

You didn't.

But it's all about hating Obama.
I didn't hate him. I despised him with every ounce of my being. Worst president in history hands down.
In his passion to destroy American ingenuity and self reliance my business struggled mightily.
Shows you that righties are real scum . How about doing what’s best for America instead of obsessing over your anger of a black man being president .
I never mentioned skin color you racist piece of shit.

You didn't.

But it's all about hating Obama.
I didn't hate him. I despised him with every ounce of my being. Worst president in history hands down.
In his passion to destroy American ingenuity and self reliance my business struggled mightily.

Apparently your study of US history goes back all of eight years.

You might want to continue looking further back -- there's actually several more years. You'll thrill to how not-O'bama let regional factionalism deteriorate into Civil War. You'll marvel at how not-O'bama presided over the Great Depression of 1929, the worst in history. You'll be amazed at how not-O'bama thumbed his nose at the Constitution, suspending habeus corpus, suspending civil liberties, deporting people for their politics in the infamous Palmer Raids, and meddling incessantly in other countries including the Middle East, Latin America and even within Russia after its revolution was over with. You'll be stupefied at not-O'bama's ineptitude that forced the victors of World War Two into unnecessarily adversarial postures. You'll gape in awe at how not-O'bama dropped billions of taxpayer bucks into attacking a country that never attacked us, simply because they "had better targets". And you'll shake your head at multitudinous not-O'bamas' political scandals, corruption, and not to forget alcoholism in office.

Who knew this country is more than eight years old right? Check its birth certificate. You can borrow my copy.
Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang
From cnn
:blahblah:Obama stock market.....:badgrin: the market took off when the Obama term was winding down,,,the Market said anyone but that M-Fer....

Actually it took off in '09. I'm invested so I know exactly where it is.


Draw a straight line from that trough to the present. Nice continuous upward angle.

That upward trend is one thing Rump FAILED to deconstruct. And more FAILING power to him.
Seems to me it shows a decline at the prospect of a Hillary presidency that would continue Obama policies then a sharp spike upon her defeat.

I'm looking at my portfolio history and no I'm not seeing that at all.

Actually what I remember in the short term is that on election night when it started to look like Rump was gonna pull his upset, that's when the market took a nosedive. Fortunately it recovered.

The market was up more in Obama's first 11 months than in Trump's.
Damn well should have been considering there was nowhere to go but up.
Trump is dismantling Obama's deficit reduction success.
That’s really funny. 10 trillion added to the debt in a successful debt reduction progran. HaHaHa. Where do you libs come up with this crap and do you really believe it or are you just spouting theparty line?

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