You know the best part of a presidency that I didn't even support?

Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

Gee, I guess if Trump's success is 100% we'll be back to 2008.

Remember 2008?
When the left crashed the economy? How can anyone forget...
Better hope he doesn't deconstruct that O'bama stock market hm?
:blahblah:Obama stock market.....:badgrin: the market took off when the Obama term was winding down,,,the Market said anyone but that M-Fer....

Actually it took off in '09. I'm invested so I know exactly where it is.


Draw a straight line from that trough to the present. Nice continuous upward angle.

That upward trend is one thing Rump FAILED to deconstruct. And more FAILING power to him.

Some of these idiots really believe that Trump just existing causes the stock market to jump. It’s pathetic.
Republicans took healthcare and beat the Democrats over the head with it
Just like Democrats beat up Republicans over Iraq and the Great Bush Recession

Now, Democrats get to beat up Republicans over Trump and his tax cuts for billionaires (especially himself)
Good luck with that....what are you going to say? that tax cuts are bad? that a good economy is dangerous?
Obama lied about healthcare costs and keeping your one is lying about the tax bill except democrats and libs...

Republicans get to run on what they have accomplished now that they control government

Where is that replacement for Obamacare?
Why are my insurance bills so high?
What ever happened to that wall?
You said you would balance the budget

Republicans will brag about the tax cut and Democrats will counter with how they sold out to Billionaires
You support deficits and running up debt now? lol, of course you do
I support a growing economy and I do not believe tax cuts increase the's the exact opposite and you will witness it very soon...
There’s a lot of moving parts to the economy and stock market, but one thing we know is the market immediately crashed when obozo was elected potus, and the market rallied when trump was elected. Like I said there’s a lot of moving parts and who knows if it will continue to climb, but what’s there not to like? Tax cuts ? Deregulation? The market hates those things /sarcasm

You are insane.
Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
As part of the broader economic legacy of President Barack Obama, from jobs to the stock market, one of the most notable changes has been the increase in the national debt.

Based on quarterly data released by the US Treasury, the debt at the end of 2008 — just before Obama took office — stood at roughly $10,699,805,000,000.

As of the third quarter of 2016, the most recent data available, the debt as Obama is set to leave office stood at $19,573,445,000,000.

I don't want to hear one word on the debt going up from you libtards...not one!

You support deficits and running up debt now? lol, of course you do.

Or how the unemployment numbers were all lies . But now they are all true ? What happened to the 100,000,000 out of Work?
Isn't it interesting that since Trump became president, the deficit has already started back up?

The Great Obama cut the deficit by more than half
Crooked Donnie just raised it 25% to give money to the rich (including himself)
Some of these idiots really believe that Trump just existing causes the stock market to jump. It’s pathetic.
It's all about attitude and rallying the nation...Obama told us the poor economy was the new normal and then he went and played golf for 8 years...Trump said no it's not the new normal and he is proving it...
Trump will be known for destroying the Republican Party

His short term executive orders will be quickly will this tax cut
What did he cost you?
I almost went out of business...damn near had to close up due to a poor one was spending money and it went that way for 8 years...two months after Trump won the phone started to ring and it has not stopped since...Many businesses went under during Obama's reign of terror...stores were empty mall stores were turned into gymnastic classes and dance was bad...wake up! and to dupes like you it was the new normal just like Obama told you...

What’s your business? NAZI paraphernalia and Gadsden flags?

You are full of shit.
The Great Obama cut the deficit by more than half
Crooked Donnie just raised it 25% to give money to the rich (including himself)
How can a deficit be cut in half when the debt doubles? it is mathematically impossible to have both...
Some of these idiots really believe that Trump just existing causes the stock market to jump. It’s pathetic.
It's all about attitude and rallying the nation...Obama told us the poor economy was the new normal and then he went and played golf for 8 years...Trump said no it's not the new normal and he is proving it...

Trump told us the economy was in the shitter while it was growing at a steady clip and you think he was helping the nation by doing that.

You’re an idiot.
Shows you that righties are real scum . How about doing what’s best for America instead of obsessing over your anger of a black man being president .

And pogo thanked your post. Liberals see racism everywhere

Or many because it’s true . When u say somthing irrational like “undo everything Obama did “ , what else should we think ?

Imagine this: in a world far far away, maybe, just maybe, there are a few people not enamord with Obama’s polices as you are.
Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
As part of the broader economic legacy of President Barack Obama, from jobs to the stock market, one of the most notable changes has been the increase in the national debt.

Based on quarterly data released by the US Treasury, the debt at the end of 2008 — just before Obama took office — stood at roughly $10,699,805,000,000.

As of the third quarter of 2016, the most recent data available, the debt as Obama is set to leave office stood at $19,573,445,000,000.

I don't want to hear one word on the debt going up from you libtards...not one!

Gee . And you never fail to mention it . And the gop pols always use it as a talking point . YOU were going to address it right ? But now you suddenly forget !?
Watching him systematically dismantle Obama's entire legacy. At the rate Trump is going Obama's library will fit in a Cracker Jacks box.

Fun times watching the Dims pull their hair out.

It can be easily reassembled (and it will)
What Trump is doing is disassembling Republican chances in 2018 and 2020

Trumps legacy will be the destruction he caused the Republican Party

That only exists in your fantasies. Reality as always, disagrees with you.
Shows you that righties are real scum . How about doing what’s best for America instead of obsessing over your anger of a black man being president .

And pogo thanked your post. Liberals see racism everywhere

Or many because it’s true . When u say somthing irrational like “undo everything Obama did “ , what else should we think ?

Imagine this: in a world far far away, maybe, just maybe, there are a few people not enamord with Obama’s polices as you are.

Fine . Let’s talk specifics . Instead of “everything “ .
Trump told us the economy was in the shitter while it was growing at a steady clip and you think he was helping the nation by doing that.

You’re an idiot.
Growing at a steady clip???? My grandma moves at a steady clip in her walker but it doesn't get her very far...dumbshit!
There’s a lot of moving parts to the economy and stock market, but one thing we know is the market immediately crashed when obozo was elected potus, and the market rallied when trump was elected. Like I said there’s a lot of moving parts and who knows if it will continue to climb, but what’s there not to like? Tax cuts ? Deregulation? The market hates those things /sarcasm

The market crashed in September of 2008. There's nothing revisionist historians can do about that, since it's numbers, and numbers are quantifiable.

That's exactly why O'bama had such an easy slip 'n' slide into office. A box of Snickerdoodles could have won against the status quo.
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Trump told us the economy was in the shitter while it was growing at a steady clip and you think he was helping the nation by doing that.

You’re an idiot.
Growing at a steady clip???? My grandma moves at a steady clip in her walker but it doesn't get her very far...dumbshit!

Got us a stable economy and reduced deficits. Asshole.

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