You know, Trump is not that bad!

If Hillary gets those picks you can forget seeing Conservatism again in your lifetime. Everything we recognize as our nation will crumble to the ground if we don't get these people out of power.

That's a good thing - never seeing the type of GoP conservatism again. It sucks donkey balls. Your nation will not crumble. It will progress and finally fulfil its potential instead of wallowing in the past.
The media doesn't have to portray him as anything. They just need to show the video of him talking. The media didn't create a negative impression of him or sue him for fraud, Trump did that all by himself.
BULL! The media has hyped up many things he has said, and changed the meaning of his words to become something nasty, in attempt to derail his campaign. This has been going on for months.
If Hillary gets those picks you can forget seeing Conservatism again in your lifetime. Everything we recognize as our nation will crumble to the ground if we don't get these people out of power.

That's a good thing - never seeing the type of GoP conservatism again. It sucks donkey balls. Your nation will not crumble. It will progress and finally fulfil its potential instead of wallowing in the past.
"Progress" ? To what ?

An Islamic state run by the Muslim Brotherhood ?

To a country that is part of Mexico ?

To more advantages for blacks (at the expense of whites) than there is already with Affirmative Action. ?

To more Americans killed in gun-free zones, left unarmed & defenseless by airhead liberals imposing gun-free zone laws ?

To more people being killed by convicted murderers who should have gotten the death penalty, and didn't ?

To more sex perversion lunacy with so-called transgender men beating up woman in professional fights, and beating them in other competitive sports, as well as attacking them in public restrooms ?

I could go on, but I'm beginning to get sick, just thinking about Democrats' mentality of what constitutes "progress"
"Progress" ? To what ?

An Islamic state run by the Muslim Brotherhood ?

To a country that is part of Mexico ?

To more advantages for blacks (at the expense of whites) than there is already with Affirmative Action. ?

To more Americans killed in gun-free zones, left unarmed & defenseless by airhead liberals imposing gun-free zone laws ?

To more people being killed by convicted murderers who should have gotten the death penalty, and didn't ?

To more sex perversion lunacy with so-called transgender men beating up woman in professional fights, and beating them in other competitive sports, as well as attacking them in public restrooms ?

I could go on, but I'm beginning to get sick, just thinking about Democrats' mentality of what constitutes "progress"

None of the above Chicken Little...
Watch out. The sky is falling!
I am watching out...but not for the sky falling, and YOU KNOW what I'm watching out for , and if you don't, you're pretty stupid.(and brainwashed)

Wanna call yesterday's massacre in Orlando, "the sky falling" ?

Try to at least APPEAR smart, would you please ? Sheeesh!
How is Hillary not as bad g5000
1. Why does someone always feel the need to post a tu quoque fallacy about Clinton in every Trump topic? Are you retarded enough to think this diminishes Trump's filthiness?

2. Why does someone always assume a person who hates Trump supports Clinton? I detest Clinton. Always have, always will. I've hated the Clintons long, long before Trump decided to change his party affiliation to Republican and prey on the rubes on the Right.

Stop wasting time talking about Clinton in a topic about Trump,.

Trump is a piece of shit. A predator of the elderly and the stupid. He is a sickening character. And I will hate to the end of time him and the retards, hypocrites, bigots, liars, and hypocrites who have hijacked my party and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands.

The problem is, a new president will be elected in November and it will be Trump or Hillary. They will get 3 or 4 Supreme Court picks. If Hillary gets those picks you can forget seeing Conservatism again in your lifetime. Everything we recognize as our nation will crumble to the ground if we don't get these people out of power.

Ok . Name some specifics you think will happen when Hillary wins, and the time frame for those things to happen. I keep hearing all this end of the world as we know it crap, but nothing specific. At what point will you be willing to admit you were wrong?.
Ok . Name some specifics you think will happen when Hillary wins, and the time frame for those things to happen. I keep hearing all this end of the world as we know it crap, but nothing specific. At what point will you be willing to admit you were wrong?.

Well,the 3-4 SCOTUS picks are going to influence society for the next 50-75 years. We already have a left-leaning Supreme Court. Hillary is never going to nominate an originalist to the court, it will always be a left-wing ideologue. So you add 4 more nutballs on the court and virtually every liberal issue is rubber stamped into constitutionality for the next 20-30 years at least. We're going to be turned from a free market capitalist republic into a socialist democracy. Our gun rights will go, our private property rights will go, our freedom of speech and religion will go... and we will cease to be the nation we have been for more than 200 years.

And I will never be admitting I am wrong because I'm not wrong. Elect this woman president and the America we know will no longer exist. It's not the end of the world, we'll simply have to endure a century of harsh struggle the likes we've never comprehended, but we'll survive. We will one day rise up again and throw off the shackles of tyranny, and maybe next time we can weed out the idiots and morons who gravitate toward the failed ideology of Socialism.
Ok . Name some specifics you think will happen when Hillary wins, and the time frame for those things to happen. I keep hearing all this end of the world as we know it crap, but nothing specific. At what point will you be willing to admit you were wrong?.
Within one year >>

Syrian refugees would be admitted by the tens of thousands. Among them hundreds of Trojan horse ISIS killers. At first we think it's really bad when they do a few more attacks like Orlando, Florida.

Then later, that becomes trivial when they detonate nuclear bombs in 15 large US cities, essentially annihilating the US.
I can agree with Boss and protectionist minus the nuclear part.

The SCOTUS need balance.. Not slanted one way or the other. If it has to be slanted,I would suggest a libertarian bias.

Letting Syrians in without vetting them will lead to more terrorist attacks. Although it looks like Americans are actually more dangerous than foreigners.

I know I've said some bad things about Trump. Like his campaign is a joke, he can be childish, mildly racist and a total jerk to people. Oh, and a con artist

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great. Maybe he does have plans to create jobs, increase production, improve schools and some feasible ideas on how to neutralize ISIS.

Lately, I have thought that I may have rush to a rash decision. Maybe I should reconsider voting for Trump.

So I ask others who made up their mind not to vote for Trump to reconsider the reasons why. If you think about it, there is no way he is as bad as the media protray him. Think about it.
Donald Trump showing empathy for the families of the 50 shot by a crazed gunman:

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great.

If it's all a cover then he is a shrewd, manipulative bastard.
Ok . Name some specifics you think will happen when Hillary wins, and the time frame for those things to happen. I keep hearing all this end of the world as we know it crap, but nothing specific. At what point will you be willing to admit you were wrong?.

Well,the 3-4 SCOTUS picks are going to influence society for the next 50-75 years. We already have a left-leaning Supreme Court. Hillary is never going to nominate an originalist to the court, it will always be a left-wing ideologue. So you add 4 more nutballs on the court and virtually every liberal issue is rubber stamped into constitutionality for the next 20-30 years at least. We're going to be turned from a free market capitalist republic into a socialist democracy. Our gun rights will go, our private property rights will go, our freedom of speech and religion will go... and we will cease to be the nation we have been for more than 200 years.

And I will never be admitting I am wrong because I'm not wrong. Elect this woman president and the America we know will no longer exist. It's not the end of the world, we'll simply have to endure a century of harsh struggle the likes we've never comprehended, but we'll survive. We will one day rise up again and throw off the shackles of tyranny, and maybe next time we can weed out the idiots and morons who gravitate toward the failed ideology of Socialism.

I'm not sure how to respond to such a crazy view of what is even possible. Your fears are not going to happen.
Ok . Name some specifics you think will happen when Hillary wins, and the time frame for those things to happen. I keep hearing all this end of the world as we know it crap, but nothing specific. At what point will you be willing to admit you were wrong?.
Within one year >>

Syrian refugees would be admitted by the tens of thousands. Among them hundreds of Trojan horse ISIS killers. At first we think it's really bad when they do a few more attacks like Orlando, Florida.

Then later, that becomes trivial when they detonate nuclear bombs in 15 large US cities, essentially annihilating the US.

So nuclear bombs within a year? Gotcha. Will you admit that you're nuts and then seek help if there aren't nuclear bombs within a year?

I know I've said some bad things about Trump. Like his campaign is a joke, he can be childish, mildly racist and a total jerk to people. Oh, and a con artist

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great. Maybe he does have plans to create jobs, increase production, improve schools and some feasible ideas on how to neutralize ISIS.

Lately, I have thought that I may have rush to a rash decision. Maybe I should reconsider voting for Trump.

So I ask others who made up their mind not to vote for Trump to reconsider the reasons why. If you think about it, there is no way he is as bad as the media protray him. Think about it.

That's a lot of maybes. What did Trump read off a TelePrompTer that "maybe" has you reconsidering?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I know I've said some bad things about Trump. Like his campaign is a joke, he can be childish, mildly racist and a total jerk to people. Oh, and a con artist

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great. Maybe he does have plans to create jobs, increase production, improve schools and some feasible ideas on how to neutralize ISIS.

Lately, I have thought that I may have rush to a rash decision. Maybe I should reconsider voting for Trump.

So I ask others who made up their mind not to vote for Trump to reconsider the reasons why. If you think about it, there is no way he is as bad as the media protray him. Think about it.
I think the media has given him a pass, but it's coming to an end.
How to "vet" a Syrian:

1. Make them choose a Koran or a Bible. If they take the Bible, send them home.
2. Ask them to sear on the Koran that they will always vote Democrat. If they refuse, send them home.

See how simple it is?
I'm not sure how to respond to such a crazy view of what is even possible. Your fears are not going to happen.

The best way for you to respond is to just have a big tall glass of shut the fuck up. Your radical liberal left-wing reassurances aren't cutting it for me. I am not crazy and I am not stupid. I am extremely pragmatic and very intelligent. You, on the other hand, have been brainwashed by the Socialists. You are what is known as a "useful idiot" who is bound to carry the water for your Marxist masters. Every waking moment of your obviously government-subsidized day is spent here spewing left-wing propaganda and promoting the "virtues" of liberalism. You don't intend to have an objective conversation. You people have collectively decided to push your ideological agenda on us whether we like it or not and you'll use any means necessary to do so. The one thing you will not do is compromise.

So yeah, the best way to respond to me is to ignore me. If you attempt to engage me in a debate of ideas and substance, I am going to embarrass you and make you look like a total idiot. I will leave you with no other option than to hurl accusations that I am crazy and unhinged.

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