You know, Trump is not that bad!

when the debate comes,,,Trump VS Hillary, will look like John F Kennedy vs Erkel in a pants suit
Erkel was smart but nerdy.

Are you sure you want that comparison? It is had to say who would win.....JFK due to having a positive message?
I'm not sure how to respond to such a crazy view of what is even possible. Your fears are not going to happen.

The best way for you to respond is to just have a big tall glass of shut the fuck up. Your radical liberal left-wing reassurances aren't cutting it for me. I am not crazy and I am not stupid. I am extremely pragmatic and very intelligent. You, on the other hand, have been brainwashed by the Socialists. You are what is known as a "useful idiot" who is bound to carry the water for your Marxist masters. Every waking moment of your obviously government-subsidized day is spent here spewing left-wing propaganda and promoting the "virtues" of liberalism. You don't intend to have an objective conversation. You people have collectively decided to push your ideological agenda on us whether we like it or not and you'll use any means necessary to do so. The one thing you will not do is compromise.

So yeah, the best way to respond to me is to ignore me. If you attempt to engage me in a debate of ideas and substance, I am going to embarrass you and make you look like a total idiot. I will leave you with no other option than to hurl accusations that I am crazy and unhinged.

Can't have objective conversations with a RWNJ. I just come here to laugh at you.
Trump Causes More Headaches for Republicans
June 13, 2016

The Lid: “Setting aside the impact that repeating his theories could have on his own electoral chances, Trump’s statements when it comes to national security could be the most consequential parts of his rhetoric when it comes to downballot races. For weeks or even months to come, Republican lawmakers will be asked by journalists and by their political opponents if they believe that Obama is somehow complicit in terror attacks. They’ll be peppered with questions about Trump’s suggestion that Obama should resign in the wake of the attack. They’ll face another round of inquiries about his proposed ban on Muslim immigration.”

“In press conferences, debates, and opposition research, Trump’s positions will be omnipresent for Republicans running for office at any level. If you’re a Republican in a contested race, it’s just about the last thing you probably want to spend the next 147 days doing.”
when the debate comes,,,Trump VS Hillary, will look like John F Kennedy vs Erkel in a pants suit
Erkel was smart but nerdy.

Are you sure you want that comparison? It is had to say who would win.....JFK due to having a positive message?
another comparison,,,,it will be like Ronny Reagan VS Alan Grayson

Saint Ronald, whose brain turned to jelly during his presidency, and his wife brought in fortune tellers to set policy? The same Saint Ronald whose son said Ronald, or anyone in his family would never vote for someone like trump? That saint Ronald?
Watch out. The sky is falling!
I am watching out...but not for the sky falling, and YOU KNOW what I'm watching out for , and if you don't, you're pretty stupid.(and brainwashed)

Wanna call yesterday's massacre in Orlando, "the sky falling" ?

Try to at least APPEAR smart, would you please ? Sheeesh!

Orlando was some disenfranchised loser trying to get on the bandwagon of ISIS. I don't believe for a minute it has anything to do with terrorism. Another mass murderer partially due to America's abnormal obsession with guns.

I know I've said some bad things about Trump. Like his campaign is a joke, he can be childish, mildly racist and a total jerk to people. Oh, and a con artist

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great. Maybe he does have plans to create jobs, increase production, improve schools and some feasible ideas on how to neutralize ISIS.

Lately, I have thought that I may have rush to a rash decision. Maybe I should reconsider voting for Trump.

So I ask others who made up their mind not to vote for Trump to reconsider the reasons why. If you think about it, there is no way he is as bad as the media protray him. Think about it.

Not that bad? He's not Hitler, or Stalin or Pol Pot, as far as we know, but he isn't that good either.

I know I've said some bad things about Trump. Like his campaign is a joke, he can be childish, mildly racist and a total jerk to people. Oh, and a con artist

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great. Maybe he does have plans to create jobs, increase production, improve schools and some feasible ideas on how to neutralize ISIS.

Lately, I have thought that I may have rush to a rash decision. Maybe I should reconsider voting for Trump.

So I ask others who made up their mind not to vote for Trump to reconsider the reasons why. If you think about it, there is no way he is as bad as the media protray him. Think about it.


Most people vote for a guy and hope he is not lying, you are considering voting for a guy cause he might be lying...

Apart from Trump's litany of reasons has said with his own mouth during the campaign for not voting for him, there is also his history... The Trump University is not a flash in the pan, this is the trail of destruction he has left behind him worldwide...

Trump is just a very poor candidate, he is exceptionally weak individual who has grasped US obsession for Conflict TV. If you think about it, he has poor support in his own party...

I know I've said some bad things about Trump. Like his campaign is a joke, he can be childish, mildly racist and a total jerk to people. Oh, and a con artist

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great. Maybe he does have plans to create jobs, increase production, improve schools and some feasible ideas on how to neutralize ISIS.

Lately, I have thought that I may have rush to a rash decision. Maybe I should reconsider voting for Trump.

So I ask others who made up their mind not to vote for Trump to reconsider the reasons why. If you think about it, there is no way he is as bad as the media protray him. Think about it.
You're right. Trump is not as bad as the media has portrayed him.

He's worse. Much, much worse.

This is a guy who ran one of those get-rich-quick scam operations which preyed on the elderly and stole their retirement nest eggs from them. He deliberately targeted old people to steal from. He is the sleaziest of the sleaze.

You know those telephone con artists who sweet talk lonely old people into giving them their credit card numbers and robbing them blind?

Trump is like that. Times ten to the tenth power.

And I am NOT speaking figuratively. Trump really did prey on the elderly and steal their nest eggs.

How is Hillary not as bad g5000
You are good at researched rebuttals:
Do you have responses to these arguments against Clinton:
1. making personal profits off the nonprofit foundation so it is more self-serving but credited as charity
2. purposely setting up and using the private server
to make millions in personal profits off state department foreign business dealings
^Can you help with these?^

I really think they both send the wrong message politically about how to get and use power.

Whoever is more unifying and about rewarding the working people
and reducing dependence on govt, by shifting power back to states and people,
that's the direction we need to go.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump, where the OP has unwittingly demonstrated Trump isn’t fit to be president.
Orlando was some disenfranchised loser trying to get on the bandwagon of ISIS. I don't believe for a minute it has anything to do with terrorism. Another mass murderer partially due to America's abnormal obsession with guns.

The terrorist phoned 911 and declared he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. So, even with a first hand testament from the culprit, you refuse to accept it was terrorism... or even had anything to do with terrorism (your words).

YOU are what is wrong.... YOU are the reason these people died.... not gun laws.

We need to stop worrying about radical Islam until we put down radical Liberalism.
YOU are what is wrong.... YOU are the reason these people died.... not gun laws.

And you wonder why some people think you are crazy. Or stupid. Or both.

You mean the guy who bought the guns and shot all those people, it's not his fault he did that eh? It's Dr. Gumps fault? Are you sure crazy person?
The terrorist phoned 911 and declared he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. So

So you want to believe what a crazy Muslim has to say about himself eh. Maybe you should consider the source of the info you find appealing.

You sure you ain't crazy?
I never heard any Bush use cuss words. The Bush family is from Texas and cussing down in the south is impolite from the bottom to the top of polite society.
YOU are what is wrong.... YOU are the reason these people died.... not gun laws.

And you wonder why some people think you are crazy. Or stupid. Or both.

You mean the guy who bought the guns and shot all those people, it's not his fault he did that eh? It's Dr. Gumps fault? Are you sure crazy person?

Yes. It's Gump's fault.... and your fault too. Any of you who have defended the policies of the left over the last 15 years is responsible in my opinion. Had it not been for YOUR policies, this man wouldn't have been walking the streets.
Yes. It's Gump's fault.... and your fault too. Any of you who have defended the policies of the left over the last 15 years is responsible in my opinion. Had it not been for YOUR policies, this man wouldn't have been walking the streets.

LMAO...again. If I don't quit reading your posts, I won't have an ass left.

But thank you for posting something that proves you are crazy.
I am responsible form the latest shooting eh......LMAO.

Now I am down to only my left cheek.
LMAO..says you. I bet I can find a few people who disagree with your opinion of yourself.

Oh, I am sure of it.

Weak minded people who can't make their arguments or who's arguments fail scrutiny from those more intelligent than them, will often resort to denigration and name calling. I've been doing this since you were shittin' yellow in your diapers, I am used to people calling me names and denigrating me. It doesn't bother me... in fact, it kinda gives me a little bit of an e-boner because I know I got under your skin. So go ahead punk, pop off a few more insults and show people how you're my little pet bitch.
Oh, I am sure of it.

I am as well. You ARE fucking crazy.
You think you are "under my skin" when I am calling you crazy and stupid......and you are defending yourself. But you got under my skin eh?

LMAO. There goes the rest of it. Carry on dude. Try and convince others you aren't crazy.......I know better.

But you are fun to fuck with. You take yourself SO seriously. Funny shit you write.

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