You know, Trump is not that bad!

Man bossy, if only you could PROVE all the happy horseshit you believe.

Well.... the video thing and bimbo thing have already been proved. The FBI is still criminally investigating the server thing. I think it will be proven as well... hang in there Bernie!
I'll take my chances with Trump over Billary ANY day.

Of course you would say that. What choice do you have? Besides not voting. Which is fine by me if don't vote.

If it were Clinton vs Bush as I expected, I might not have voted.
But Trump is so fucking crazy and dangerous I have to vote against him. So I will hold my nose and vote Hillary. So will enough other Americans to get her elected.

Up your meds.
How is Hillary not as bad g5000
1. Why does someone always feel the need to post a tu quoque fallacy about Clinton in every Trump topic? Are you retarded enough to think this diminishes Trump's filthiness?

2. Why does someone always assume a person who hates Trump supports Clinton? I detest Clinton. Always have, always will. I've hated the Clintons long, long before Trump decided to change his party affiliation to Republican and prey on the rubes on the Right.

Stop wasting time talking about Clinton in a topic about Trump,.

Trump is a piece of shit. A predator of the elderly and the stupid. He is a sickening character. And I will hate to the end of time him and the retards, hypocrites, bigots, liars, and hypocrites who have hijacked my party and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands.

The problem is, a new president will be elected in November and it will be Trump or Hillary. They will get 3 or 4 Supreme Court picks. If Hillary gets those picks you can forget seeing Conservatism again in your lifetime. Everything we recognize as our nation will crumble to the ground if we don't get these people out of power.
If by conservativism one means a political and social agenda hostile to the privacy rights of women, hostile to the due process rights of gay Americans, hostile to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, hostile to necessary, proper, and Constitutional business regulatory measures, and a political dogma that seeks to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law, then good riddance to that manifestation of conservatism.
How is Hillary not as bad g5000
1. Why does someone always feel the need to post a tu quoque fallacy about Clinton in every Trump topic? Are you retarded enough to think this diminishes Trump's filthiness?

2. Why does someone always assume a person who hates Trump supports Clinton? I detest Clinton. Always have, always will. I've hated the Clintons long, long before Trump decided to change his party affiliation to Republican and prey on the rubes on the Right.

Stop wasting time talking about Clinton in a topic about Trump,.

Trump is a piece of shit. A predator of the elderly and the stupid. He is a sickening character. And I will hate to the end of time him and the retards, hypocrites, bigots, liars, and hypocrites who have hijacked my party and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands.

The problem is, a new president will be elected in November and it will be Trump or Hillary. They will get 3 or 4 Supreme Court picks. If Hillary gets those picks you can forget seeing Conservatism again in your lifetime. Everything we recognize as our nation will crumble to the ground if we don't get these people out of power.
If by conservativism one means a political and social agenda hostile to the privacy rights of women, hostile to the due process rights of gay Americans, hostile to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, hostile to necessary, proper, and Constitutional business regulatory measures, and a political dogma that seeks to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law, then good riddance to that manifestation of conservatism.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
Let's compare your list of weaknesses and faults to correct among the right
with the equivalent of what can be improved on the left. Is that fair?

A1. "Constitutional business regulatory measures rejected by the right"
A2. Constitutional regulations on voting and fraud prevention rejected by the left
How about going for a consensus on well-written laws both sides agree are fair and
which DON'T impose or create burdens and other unintended/negative consequences?

B1. "mandate that church and state remain separate"
B2. "equal and consistent enforcement"
instead of selective enforcement on what creeds, beliefs, or policies are endorsed by the left and the govt,
and which are rejected as "separation of church and state"
[ie I think BOTH parties need a serious check on what are political beliefs the other party rejects as a creed]

C1. privacy rights of women / due process of gay Americans [instead of imposing Christian/antigay biases]
C2. free choice of all Americans in health care policies / due process of Christians [instead of
imposing antiChristian/progay biases through govt or schools]
C3. disadvantaging EITHER the beliefs about transgender orientation, for or against or neutral,
by imposing bans that go too far either in one direction or the other, excluding beliefs of objectors.
If by conservativism one means a political and social agenda hostile to the privacy rights of women, hostile to the due process rights of gay Americans, hostile to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, hostile to necessary, proper, and Constitutional business regulatory measures, and a political dogma that seeks to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law, then good riddance to that manifestation of conservatism.

Wow... Can't believe you actually tried to use "women's privacy rights" in the same paragraph with "transgender men in women's rest rooms" with a straight face. Amazing!
The terrorist phoned 911 and declared he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. So, even with a first hand testament from the culprit, you refuse to accept it was terrorism... or even had anything to do with terrorism (your words).

YOU are what is wrong.... YOU are the reason these people died.... not gun laws.

We need to stop worrying about radical Islam until we put down radical Liberalism.

Christ, another dumb arse argument. So if he had called 911 and claimed to be the son of god, using your logic he was.

You second needs amending or taken out. It's past its use-by date. As are those who hide behind because they love their peashooters.
What the OP expressed about Trump's personality is roughly the same thing I concluded years ago from watching his reality series. I enjoyed the show's premise and watching the apprentice candidates but I quit watching because I couldn't stand Trump. That was before any media scrutiny. I thought he was one of the worse possible choices of the primary candidates and while I plan on voting for him, that support is on thin ice. I'm giving him till Labor Day to straighten up and act like a grown up.
Are you deranged ? The guy was a long-time jihadist, coming from a family of jihadists. Doesn't matte rif he was ISIS or not. He was a jihad terrorist. There is no doubt about it. I can't believe some of the things people say in this forum. Sheeesh!!

You're an idiot. You have nothing to back it up. You are also a person who backs up my belief that people should have an IQ test before being allowed to vote. People like you shouldn't have any say in how sane, normal people should live...
You're an idiot. You have nothing to back it up. You are also a person who backs up my belief that people should have an IQ test before being allowed to vote. People like you shouldn't have any say in how sane, normal people should live...
HUH ? Am I talking to a 6 year old ? Or just another one of the ludicrous Obama clones, who go around denying that JIHADIST attacks are JIHADIST attacks.

EARTH TO DR G: The guy pledged his allegiance to ISIS, and ISIS took "credit" for the massacre. Authorities say he was a terrorist,and was targeting gays. They say in addition to terrorism this is a hate crime.

Authorities also believe he is part of the radical Islam movement, although they do not know if it was an organized attack or if he was a lone wolf.

Omar Mateen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Omar Mateen -- Terrorist Was 29-Year-Old Islamic Radical (PHOTO)

Orlando terrorist's chilling Facebook posts from inside club revealed | Fox News

In July 2014, Mateen's name came to the attention of the FBI after he was linked to Moner Mohammad Abu Salha, an American radical who traveled to Syria and committed a suicide bombing there; the two men knew each other casually and attended the same mosque.[27][63] The investigation continued with a focus on Abu Salha.

FBI Director James Comey: "highly confident" Orlando shooter radicalized through internet - CBS News

Orlando: Omar Mateen 'pledged loyalty to ISIL, others'

What We Know About the Suspected Orlando Nightclub Shooter

Orlando Shooter on Facebook: Now 'Taste' ISIS 'Vengeance'

FBI Boston Chief: In Call, Mateen Referred To Tsarnaevs As His 'Homeboys'

'An act of terror and an act of hate': The aftermath of America's worst mass shooting
You're an idiot. You have nothing to back it up. You are also a person who backs up my belief that people should have an IQ test before being allowed to vote. People like you shouldn't have any say in how sane, normal people should live...
HUH ? Am I talking to a 6 year old ? Or just another one of the ludicrous Obama clones, who go around denying that JIHADIST attacks are JIHADIST attacks.

EARTH TO DR G: The guy pledged his allegiance to ISIS, and ISIS took "credit" for the massacre. Authorities say he was a terrorist,and was targeting gays. They say in addition to terrorism this is a hate crime.

Authorities also believe he is part of the radical Islam movement, although they do not know if it was an organized attack or if he was a lone wolf.

Omar Mateen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Omar Mateen -- Terrorist Was 29-Year-Old Islamic Radical (PHOTO)

Orlando terrorist's chilling Facebook posts from inside club revealed | Fox News

In July 2014, Mateen's name came to the attention of the FBI after he was linked to Moner Mohammad Abu Salha, an American radical who traveled to Syria and committed a suicide bombing there; the two men knew each other casually and attended the same mosque.[27][63] The investigation continued with a focus on Abu Salha.

FBI Director James Comey: "highly confident" Orlando shooter radicalized through internet - CBS News

Orlando: Omar Mateen 'pledged loyalty to ISIL, others'

What We Know About the Suspected Orlando Nightclub Shooter

Orlando Shooter on Facebook: Now 'Taste' ISIS 'Vengeance'

FBI Boston Chief: In Call, Mateen Referred To Tsarnaevs As His 'Homeboys'

'An act of terror and an act of hate': The aftermath of America's worst mass shooting

Omar Mateen: More Personal Pathology Than Radical Ideology
If by conservativism one means a political and social agenda hostile to the privacy rights of women, hostile to the due process rights of gay Americans, hostile to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, hostile to necessary, proper, and Constitutional business regulatory measures, and a political dogma that seeks to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law, then good riddance to that manifestation of conservatism.
There is no such thing as "transgender" This is just another manifestation of the idiocy combined with lunacy being presented by the younger generation. 30 years from now, these young people will come to their senses and realize how ludicrous all this is, and a new younger generation will come forth then, with equally ludicrious things to say. It is notable that there is no law against being young and stupid.
So you pop in here with yet another of Obama's denials about JIHAD, like we've been hearing for 7 years now, and based on a laughingstock Huffington Post source, and we're supposed to notice ?


the guy pledged to ISIS.

They confirmed.

FBI confirmed his ties to jihadists.

99.9% of everyone knows he was a JIHADIST. You can go back to sleep now.

PS - Obama's sky ain't blue; fish can't swim stuff, is old. Nobody bothers with it. Ho hum.
Last edited:
The terrorist phoned 911 and declared he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. So, even with a first hand testament from the culprit, you refuse to accept it was terrorism... or even had anything to do with terrorism (your words).

YOU are what is wrong.... YOU are the reason these people died.... not gun laws.

We need to stop worrying about radical Islam until we put down radical Liberalism.

Christ, another dumb arse argument. So if he had called 911 and claimed to be the son of god, using your logic he was.

You second needs amending or taken out. It's past its use-by date. As are those who hide behind because they love their peashooters.

Tell ya what, assclown... you come take my guns when you feel ready. We'll see how that works out for ya.
You have nothing to back it up.

You're the one with nothing to back up anything you're saying. The guy pledged to ISIS and ISIS confirmed, so did the FBI... case closed, he was a jihadist and this was a terrorist attack. This wasn't a "lone wolf" and he wasn't some disaffected gay Muslim... he was a radicalized Islamic jihadist who committed a terrorist attack on behalf of ISIS.
The terrorist phoned 911 and declared he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. So, even with a first hand testament from the culprit, you refuse to accept it was terrorism... or even had anything to do with terrorism (your words).

YOU are what is wrong.... YOU are the reason these people died.... not gun laws.

We need to stop worrying about radical Islam until we put down radical Liberalism.

Christ, another dumb arse argument. So if he had called 911 and claimed to be the son of god, using your logic he was.

You second needs amending or taken out. It's past its use-by date. As are those who hide behind because they love their peashooters.

Tell ya what, assclown... you come take my guns when you feel ready. We'll see how that works out for ya.

...the keyboard commandos are restless tonight....
...the keyboard commandos are restless tonight....

I just LOVE the way about half you fuckwits are running around proclaiming that we on the right are "crazy" for thinking we'll ever get rid of the 2nd Amendment or that anyone on the left even remotely WANTS to do that... while the other half of you state (quite strongly) that it's an "outdated policy" we need to let go of.

It sort of reminds me of a wife-beating husband sweet talking his old lady into coming back home by promising he has changed his ways and will treat her with respect from now on.

So basically... if you are an insane person who wants to elect an insane bitch to get rid of our 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments.... you need to vote for Hillary Clinton, she's your candidate! And if that's NOT what you want, you better vote for Trump.

I know I've said some bad things about Trump. Like his campaign is a joke, he can be childish, mildly racist and a total jerk to people. Oh, and a con artist

But, maybe, there is a good person and what we are seeing is a cover, a character that he made up to keep people from taking advantage of him. MaybeI had Trump wrong. Maybe he is not the shrewd manipulative bastard that threatens to send America off into a fiscal abyss by defaulting on the debt, but a visionary that will try anything to make America great. Maybe he does have plans to create jobs, increase production, improve schools and some feasible ideas on how to neutralize ISIS.

Lately, I have thought that I may have rush to a rash decision. Maybe I should reconsider voting for Trump.

So I ask others who made up their mind not to vote for Trump to reconsider the reasons why. If you think about it, there is no way he is as bad as the media protray him. Think about it.

...the keyboard commandos are restless tonight....

I just LOVE the way about half you fuckwits are running around proclaiming that we on the right are "crazy" for thinking we'll ever get rid of the 2nd Amendment or that anyone on the left even remotely WANTS to do that... while the other half of you state (quite strongly) that it's an "outdated policy" we need to let go of.

It sort of reminds me of a wife-beating husband sweet talking his old lady into coming back home by promising he has changed his ways and will treat her with respect from now on.

So basically... if you are an insane person who wants to elect an insane bitch to get rid of our 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments.... you need to vote for Hillary Clinton, she's your candidate! And if that's NOT what you want, you better vote for Trump.

Hillary is going to repeal the 2nd amendment? Damn! I'm writing to my Jr. High and demanding that they rewrite the 8th grade Civics texts! They claimed that only the states have the power to repeal Constitutional amendments. Thanks god that Trump has revealed the truth!

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