You know what I want from my government?

You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and get the constitutional amendments to authorize that shit, absolutely none of it currently a federal function. See Article 5 of the USSC.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
I just want our "representatives " to represent us, that's all, Instead the ethnic or wealthy minorities pretending to have the gravitas.
More free stuff. Yea.

Do you drive on the roads? If you do and you don't pay taxes then you're a theft.

It is called a investment, learn it.

Roads, other than the interstate made possible for military purposes...the Federal government has no power to fund roads. Your OP made clear what you want from the Federal government.

Thanks for playing.
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You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Ok, you can have free college, but first you have to convince the US colleges to get professors who will work for free, publishers to donate text books, utilities to not charge for gas and electricity, etc. Otherwise there is nothing free about it. What you are saying you want to raise the taxes collected on the top 20% people who already pay more than 80% of the taxes collected. At least be honest about what you are asking for.
The Kakns are cons. They used their sons death as a political ruse. To support a political cause. Don't give me that they are a gold star family stuff. They brought it up. Deal with it.
The top 10% make 73% of all wealth. I promise you that they don't pay the kind of taxes into the system for what they make.

You don't make wealth dumbass. I guarantee you they do pay the kind of taxes into the system based on their income.

What is the wealthiest "fair share". Do they use roads more, public schools more, are they more protected by the military? They certainly don't benefit from all the entitlement spending at the same rate that they pay taxes, in fact, they hardly benefit from the vast majority of government spending at all. Keep in mind, the majority of spending is on welfare, social security, and healthcare.
The top 10% make 73% of all wealth. I promise you that they don't pay the kind of taxes into the system for what they make.

That has nothing to do with who pays how much taxes or whether they who pay taxes pay enough, too much or too little.. Your remark is about income earned, not taxes paid, not tax rates, or anything else taxes.

That's an opinion, one to which you are to some extent potentially entitled. Whether the the top 10% should pay more or less in taxes is a subjective matter. That they do indeed pay more as taxes than do all other income segments is a fact.

Now it seems to me that folks who say the wealthy should be made to pay even more in taxes want two basic things:
  • To exact a penalty for doing precisely what Americans are supposed to do: analyze the situation, identify opportunities (present and future) for profit making, avail themselves of those opportunities.
  • Subsidize the non-wealthy even more than is already the case.
That wouldn't be terribly onerous but for the what those same folks also want in concert with the two bullets above:
  • Dramatic reductions in the influence wealthy folks have in the policy making processes.
  • Dramatic reductions in the influence wealthy folks have in the electoral process.
So you tell me, if you and several other folks buy a vacation home. If you pay for 50% of the mortgage and your several friends together pay the remaining 50%, would you not demand greater control in how and when the house is used and by whom? Well it's no different with taxes.

So what I'm saying is that folks can either the first pair of bullets or the second pair of bullets, but they can't expect both pairs of bullets, or even the first pair and either one of the second pair.
The top 10% make 73% of all wealth. I promise you that they don't pay the kind of taxes into the system for what they make.

You keep thinking of wealth as a finite pile of cash. That's not the case. Stated differently, when a skinny man is standing next to a fat man, it doesn't mean the fat man took the skinny man's food.
The top 10% make 73% of all wealth. I promise you that they don't pay the kind of taxes into the system for what they make.

You don't make wealth dumbass. I guarantee you they do pay the kind of taxes into the system based on their income.

What is the wealthiest "fair share". Do they use roads more, public schools more, are they more protected by the military? They certainly don't benefit from all the entitlement spending at the same rate that they pay taxes, in fact, they hardly benefit from the vast majority of government spending at all. Keep in mind, the majority of spending is on welfare, social security, and healthcare.
View attachment 86528

That graph is bullshit . Why does it combine ss , unemployment , and "labor" , into one expense ?

Why are military and vet budgets separate ?
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and get the constitutional amendments to authorize that shit, absolutely none of it currently a federal function. See Article 5 of the USSC.

The con allows the fed to make laws thru our elected leaders . You don't need an amendment unless something is unconstitutional .
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and get the constitutional amendments to authorize that shit, absolutely none of it currently a federal function. See Article 5 of the USSC.

The con allows the fed to make laws thru our elected leaders . You don't need an amendment unless something is unconstitutional .

And you obviously have no clue about the Constitution. Hillsdale College offers a Constitution course for free, get back to me when you've completed it.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and get the constitutional amendments to authorize that shit, absolutely none of it currently a federal function. See Article 5 of the USSC.

The con allows the fed to make laws thru our elected leaders . You don't need an amendment unless something is unconstitutional .

And you obviously have no clue about the Constitution. Hillsdale College offers a Constitution course for free, get back to me when you've completed it.

Lol! Oh really . So mr. Constitution expert , all these laws the fed have past for all these years are all unconstitutional ?! Which esteemed legal mind told you that?
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
...and you want everyone else to pay for it, of course.

Piss off, parasite.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and get the constitutional amendments to authorize that shit, absolutely none of it currently a federal function. See Article 5 of the USSC.

The con allows the fed to make laws thru our elected leaders . You don't need an amendment unless something is unconstitutional .

And you obviously have no clue about the Constitution. Hillsdale College offers a Constitution course for free, get back to me when you've completed it.

Lol! Oh really . So mr. Constitution expert , all these laws the fed have past for all these years are all unconstitutional ?! Which esteemed legal mind told you that?

Go away child, I'm not going to waste my time on your ignorance.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and get the constitutional amendments to authorize that shit, absolutely none of it currently a federal function. See Article 5 of the USSC.

The con allows the fed to make laws thru our elected leaders . You don't need an amendment unless something is unconstitutional .

And you obviously have no clue about the Constitution. Hillsdale College offers a Constitution course for free, get back to me when you've completed it.

Lol! Oh really . So mr. Constitution expert , all these laws the fed have past for all these years are all unconstitutional ?! Which esteemed legal mind told you that?

This country couldn't even function under their retarded belief system and why the hell did the founders need a new constitution if this was so? Why not stick with the Articles of confederation that did exactly what the loserterians say the current constitution is limited to(their full of shit, but hell, they'll keep living within their idiocy!).

These assholes have no clue how this country functions and wish for it to fail. Fuck the extreme right.
Do you drive on the roads? If you do and you don't pay taxes then you're a theft.

It is called a investment, learn it.

Then you better get to work and fight those environmentalists. People who purchase gasoline and diesel fuel pay for those roads--people that use electric cars do not.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and get the constitutional amendments to authorize that shit, absolutely none of it currently a federal function. See Article 5 of the USSC.

The con allows the fed to make laws thru our elected leaders . You don't need an amendment unless something is unconstitutional .

And you obviously have no clue about the Constitution. Hillsdale College offers a Constitution course for free, get back to me when you've completed it.

Lol! Oh really . So mr. Constitution expert , all these laws the fed have past for all these years are all unconstitutional ?! Which esteemed legal mind told you that?

Go away child, I'm not going to waste my time on your ignorance.

What's the matter kook. Can't handle it when someone calls you out?

Let me guess , the gov also can't tax us either ! ? Lol!

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