You know what I want from my government?

You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
Who's gonna pay for that shit?

Somebody else.
What Else I want is the unions back and the voice of the workers as it was in the 50's to stand up for the workers. I want my middle class to be strong and with lots of competition!!! I want another FDR to preside over America.
So you want a dictator... socialist one. Lol
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I want to stop the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the super rich!!! I want it to be spread out with lots of competitions and a fire breathing American economy with growth of 5 percent per year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want the lead in water problem fixed as people are human beings
I want the poor in community college learning skills to become middle class!
I want work programs like FDR had in infrastructure and cleaning up our cities.
I want all the homeless to have a place to live and 3 square meals per day!

Fuck yeah!!!
Socialism is not the answer dumb fuck
The right has always been the hand of the super rich all the way back to the baron days of central Europe. Never giving a fuck about the betterment of the rest of the population and never giving a damn outside of their own sorry ass greed!!!!

Rise up in vote all the goddamn republicans out of office this nov!!!! Lets have super majorities to make this a reality!!! wahooooo....

No more cut, slash, burn and fuck!!!! NO more!!!
Always relying on taking other people's money, the story of socialism deadbeats in the making… LOL
I want journalists to be crushed. :D
It's funny how you want to go back to the 50s :D
Regressives like Matthew always want to go back. They want to go back to slavery (where 50% of the population is forced to provide for the other 50%), they want to go back to the 1800's for their economics (Karl Marx), and they want to go back to the 1400's with their energy policies - where everyone burned candles in the dark for light and heat. :eusa_doh:
Stop being mean!!!

Journalist and a free press are a important element of a free people!!! The people elect the government and deserve the fruit of living in a powerful and successful society!
Big government equals no freedom
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

You want infrastructure? You?
His idea of "infrastructure" is to have government throw a shit-ton of money into "science" so that he doesn't have to work a real job in the private sector. Where is useless skills wouldn't be worth minimum wage. That's why he whines 24x7 about conservatives wanting to actually obey the law and experience constitutional government.
Big government only represents those who support it… LOL
Well stay in Australia and you won't have to worry about us gun toting Americans.

To bad if you ever do need a gun because you seem to be shit out of luck.

I might one day need an iron lung. But I won't be carrying one around with me any time soon.

As I said. You better hope you never need a gun because you won't be able to get one.
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
Of course you want things you haven't worked hard enough for. Try taking care of yourself instead of begging for others to carry your fat ass. Do you go apartment to apartment begging your neighbors directly or are you too chicken shit to try? The lazy looser won't even pay for his own healthcare.

You don't deserve a fucking thing except an opportunity, which you obviously wasted based on your demands for free stuff. Why should I pay for your stuff?
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
What are you talking about? First of all - it takes one obedient little minion to declare that everybody in government is "smarter" than everybody not in government. That's astoundingly stupid. The fact is - most of the smartest people in the world never worked in government a day in their life.

Second - this has nothing to do with judging. The assholes were caught lying. They were caught. There is no opinion here or judgment. It's a fact. So again - what in the hell are you talking about? Your post made zero sense with regards to my post.
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
I was only able to find one post where you mentioned the Supreme Court and I immediately answered it. This is my response right here. So far, nothing you've said in this post has made a bit of sense. Are you on drugs or something? Suffering from dementia?

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