You know what I want from my government?

The 2nd Amendment is far from out dated and should never be amended or abolished.

I'm sure the dead in Paris, Nice and San Bernardino would have loved to have had a gun to defend themselves with.

After all the European govt. disarmed all their citizens for their own "safety." And San Bernardino was a "gun free" area. Guess no one told that scum bag murderer and his ISIS girlfriend that.

You don't want a gun then don't own one and hope like hell that you never need one.

I've never needed a gun. I know of noone I know (and I know a lot of people) who have ever needed a gun.

You may talk about Paris and Nice etc, and gun free zones. The second really helped during 9-11 didn't it? And Oklahoma. It really stopped the US from having one of the biggest homicide rates with regard to firearms in the western world, didn't it?

Well stay in Australia and you won't have to worry about us gun toting Americans.

To bad if you ever do need a gun because you seem to be shit out of luck.
I look back at history and every great nation invested into infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Pretty much a country that doesn't do this is a shit hole, while a country that does is far better off(The chinese, the greeks, the romans, etc). The more I argue the point the further I thank god for government...I realize that government is not always good, but we're damn lucky to have one. I could be a poor sorry kid in Haiti or Somalia.
So what happened to the $11 billion Obama gave to the Clintons to use on infrastructure in Haiti?. They looted it. They made duty free sweat shops for walmart paying 22 cent's per hour and gave the gold mineral rights to Crooked Hillary's brother. And in exchange for the deal Crooked Hillary got several hundreds of thousands or dollars from Alice Walton in an obvious quid-pro-quo crooked agreement.

They should be in prison.

If you want infrastructure investment,Trump is the way to go. He is the expert at major building projects, with a track record of getting projects done on time and under budget. Hillary has no experience whatsoever building anything except maybe a dollhouse when she was a kid, if that. She has no clue about how to do anything but steal.

You should vote for Trump!
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You know, throwing out names just exposes the fact that you have no substansive comeback. It's admitting defeat in a debate setting. Just so you know.
I simply stated a fact.
A fact has to be proved and you only stated an opinion.
If you support Hillary Clinton, you are a leftist government leech.
That is a fact.
This fact, I might add, also makes you a moron. But that's just my opinion.

I humbly thank you for your critical critique. If you want to battle, I will battle with you.
Nah. Time to go to work.
In case you're not familiar with the term:
Work - It's what us conservatives do to earn money to take care of our families.
Work is a dirty job but someone has to do it. Take a hot shower and wash up before attacking the next day which will refresh your soul and body and do it all over again just like water off a duck's back.
I simply stated a fact.
A fact has to be proved and you only stated an opinion.
If you support Hillary Clinton, you are a leftist government leech.
That is a fact.
This fact, I might add, also makes you a moron. But that's just my opinion.

I humbly thank you for your critical critique. If you want to battle, I will battle with you.
Nah. Time to go to work.
In case you're not familiar with the term:
Work - It's what us conservatives do to earn money to take care of our families.
Work is a dirty job but someone has to do it.

Take a hot steam bath before attacking the next day that will refresh your soul and mind.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

I want freedom, a strong leader, a strong military and a fair tax, nothing more , nothing less
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
I want sane thought and nothing more. The brain gets tired of thinking and all I am saying is refresh your brain
I want freedom, a strong leader, a strong military and a fair tax, nothing more , nothing less
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
I want sane thought and nothing more. The brain gets tired of thinking and all I am saying is refresh your brain
I want freedom, a strong leader, a strong military and a fair tax, nothing more , nothing less

And you are changing my post why?
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Try North Korea, Cuba or Venezuela, they all have infrastructure and after running up $14 trillion in new debt in Obama empire we don't have ANY of that
I want our country to be more like Norway, Sweden, Japan, South Korea or Germany. A country with high standards that gives a shit about its people....I want our anti-trust laws enforced and the rich to pay their taxes!!!! I couldn't name a single nation of the top 50 highest gdp's on earth doesn't that have any government within their economy and there for their people, but I can name some with very little like Somalia, haiti, Congo, Central African Republic and other such backwards shit holes!

A backwards piece of shit is the person that expects the government to do more for him/her than he/she is willing to do for him/herself. That makes you a backwards piece of shit .
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
It's funny how you want to go back to the 50s :D

Economically, NOT SOCIALLY.

So pick and choose like the typical entitlement asshole.
I look back at history and every great nation invested into infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Pretty much a country that doesn't do this is a shit hole, while a country that does is far better off(The chinese, the greeks, the romans, etc). The more I argue the point the further I thank god for government...I realize that government is not always good, but we're damn lucky to have one. I could be a poor sorry kid in Haiti or Somalia.

I am pro-capitalism but any good capitalist system needs a good government looking over it!

You're anything but pro capitalism.

If you own fucking parents won't pay for your education, it's not anyone else's place to do it. If they think you're a piece of shit, so do I.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

And where are you going to get the trillions of dollars to pay for this when we are already $20 trillion in debt and politicians have already promised you over $100 trillion in benefits they don't have the money to pay for? For a guy who pretends to be an advocate for science you live in fantasy land.

Because you are pathetic I'll take pity on you, there's only one path to the future you desire, aggressive economic growth, jobs jobs jobs leveraging every resource advantage we have. The problem with this is government corruption, freaking insane government regulation, and the lefts war on fossil fuels which is our one big advantage in a global economy. Your party's corruption and positions on many issues are in direct conflict with your dream.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
Who's gonna pay for that shit?
I want our country to be more like Norway, Sweden, Japan, South Korea or Germany. A country with high standards that gives a shit about its people....I want our anti-trust laws enforced and the rich to pay their taxes!!!! I couldn't name a single nation of the top 50 highest gdp's on earth doesn't that have any government within their economy and there for their people, but I can name some with very little like Somalia, haiti, Congo, Central African Republic and other such backwards shit holes!
Those countries are bankrupt and they don't even know it. Lol

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