You know what I want from my government?

Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
What are you talking about? First of all - it takes one obedient little minion to declare that everybody in government is "smarter" than everybody not in government. That's astoundingly stupid. The fact is - most of the smartest people in the world never worked in government a day in their life.

Second - this has nothing to do with judging. The assholes were caught lying. They were caught. There is no opinion here or judgment. It's a fact. So again - what in the hell are you talking about? Your post made zero sense with regards to my post.
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets. Critisising might make an easy target but it's also hypocritical since all administrations do it.
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
I was only able to find one post where you mentioned the Supreme Court and I immediately answered it. This is my response right here. So far, nothing you've said in this post has made a bit of sense. Are you on drugs or something? Suffering from dementia?
Well the problem is, if you refuse to even meet with the candidate let alone hold hearings you are not acting in good faith, it's that simple. It is definetly not what the founding fathers had in mind when they drew up the article. The advice and consent part was supposed to provide checks and balances, not as it is used now, a legal loophole to not do anything for purely political reasons
This is my reply (page 13)
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets. Critisising might make an easy target but it's also hypocritical since all administrations do it.
Yeah - they do lie. That's my point! That's what I'm saying. And I want to stop.

As far as your nonsense about National Security - you make zero sense once again. They don't have to lie to me about matters of national security in order to protect operations, people, etc. All they have to do is say "we can't discussion this - it is a matter of national security and as such it is classified". That is 100% legal and 100% legitimate. The problem is that they attempt to cry "national security" any time they break the law and don't want to get caught for it. That's what you don't understand.
Cause the right constantly seems to claim the left is trying to abolish the second amendment while at the same time having no respect for the second article of the constitution that is supposed to make the appointment of a supreme court justice anything but the political farce it is now. It all strikes me as terribly hypocritical.
Nice false narrative. Typical of the left. The U.S. Constitution explicitly grants the Senate advise and consent powers. You people want to view the presidency as a dictator and that's simply not the case. If Obama wants to appoint a Supreme Court justice then the onus his on him to choose one which the Republican-controlled Senate will approve of.
Well the problem is, if you refuse to even meet with the candidate let alone hold hearings you are not acting in good faith, it's that simple. It is definetly not what the founding fathers had in mind when they drew up the article. The advice and consent part was supposed to provide checks and balances, not as it is used now, a legal loophole to not do anything for purely political reasons.
I'm sorry - you're wrong. If Obama was proposing Antonin Scalia right now, do you think the Senate would refuse to meet with him? The onus is on the president to pitch a candidate that the Senate will approve. Obama is a radical and those that support him are just upset that he can't force through radical Supreme Court candidates. Tell Obama to do his job properly and none of this would be a problem. The Constitution is being represented and upheld flawlessly in this particular case.
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets. Critisising might make an easy target but it's also hypocritical since all administrations do it.
Yeah - they do lie. That's my point! That's what I'm saying. And I want to stop.

As far as your nonsense about National Security - you make zero sense once again. They don't have to lie to me about matters of national security in order to protect operations, people, etc. All they have to do is say "we can't discussion this - it is a matter of national security and as such it is classified". That is 100% legal and 100% legitimate. The problem is that they attempt to cry "national security" any time they break the law and don't want to get caught for it. That's what you don't understand.
I'll give you a historical example. The Cuban missile crisis was resolved with Krushev withdrawing it's missiles from Cuba while Kennedy withdrew his from Turkey. It depended on absolute secrecy of the deal being made. Without it you and me wouldn't be able to discuss this. Your life depends on the government having certain secrets, that simple.
Cause the right constantly seems to claim the left is trying to abolish the second amendment while at the same time having no respect for the second article of the constitution that is supposed to make the appointment of a supreme court justice anything but the political farce it is now. It all strikes me as terribly hypocritical.
Nice false narrative. Typical of the left. The U.S. Constitution explicitly grants the Senate advise and consent powers. You people want to view the presidency as a dictator and that's simply not the case. If Obama wants to appoint a Supreme Court justice then the onus his on him to choose one which the Republican-controlled Senate will approve of.
Well the problem is, if you refuse to even meet with the candidate let alone hold hearings you are not acting in good faith, it's that simple. It is definetly not what the founding fathers had in mind when they drew up the article. The advice and consent part was supposed to provide checks and balances, not as it is used now, a legal loophole to not do anything for purely political reasons.
I'm sorry - you're wrong. If Obama was proposing Antonin Scalia right now, do you think the Senate would refuse to meet with him? The onus is on the president to pitch a candidate that the Senate will approve. Obama is a radical and those that support him are just upset that he can't force through radical Supreme Court candidates. Tell Obama to do his job properly and none of this would be a problem. The Constitution is being represented and upheld flawlessly in this particular case.
If this would be the case, congress would hold hearings to establish Scalias unsuitability. They haven't even interviewed so that means bad faith. It's not even the excuse Republican congresspeople use. They are trying to sell it as not giving the people a voice until after the election. So clearly obstructing the will of the drafters of the constitution.
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I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets.

Like putting them on an unsecured server in a basement somewhere?
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets.

Like putting them on an unsecured server in a basement somewhere?
No more like not revealing the details of a nuclear arms deal with Iran. And unless you have indications the details of which where in Clinton's E-mails you will have to just go by the premise they weren't there. Hi Ray. Said we would run in to one another again.
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
What are you talking about? First of all - it takes one obedient little minion to declare that everybody in government is "smarter" than everybody not in government. That's astoundingly stupid. The fact is - most of the smartest people in the world never worked in government a day in their life.

Second - this has nothing to do with judging. The assholes were caught lying. They were caught. There is no opinion here or judgment. It's a fact. So again - what in the hell are you talking about? Your post made zero sense with regards to my post.
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets. Critisising might make an easy target but it's also hypocritical since all administrations do it.

So lying is now defined as keeping secrets?
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
What are you talking about? First of all - it takes one obedient little minion to declare that everybody in government is "smarter" than everybody not in government. That's astoundingly stupid. The fact is - most of the smartest people in the world never worked in government a day in their life.

Second - this has nothing to do with judging. The assholes were caught lying. They were caught. There is no opinion here or judgment. It's a fact. So again - what in the hell are you talking about? Your post made zero sense with regards to my post.
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets. Critisising might make an easy target but it's also hypocritical since all administrations do it.

So lying is now defined as keeping secrets?
No lying is defined as something a government needs to do from time to time, in order to keep it's people safe.
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
What are you talking about? First of all - it takes one obedient little minion to declare that everybody in government is "smarter" than everybody not in government. That's astoundingly stupid. The fact is - most of the smartest people in the world never worked in government a day in their life.

Second - this has nothing to do with judging. The assholes were caught lying. They were caught. There is no opinion here or judgment. It's a fact. So again - what in the hell are you talking about? Your post made zero sense with regards to my post.
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets. Critisising might make an easy target but it's also hypocritical since all administrations do it.

So lying is now defined as keeping secrets?
No lying is defined as something a government needs to do from time to time, in order to keep it's people safe.

If the government did the right thing, they wouldn't have to lie.

So sad you justify lying. Sign of low character.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

That doesn't come from your government....all of that is taken from your neighbors at gun point by government agents.....

And how exactly do you propose to do this when every penny you give to the greedy politicians is spent on everything except what you say you want.....obama gave away money for "shovel ready jobs" and then said...oops...I guess they weren't shovel ready......

If you want these things...don't give the money to government....they won't get done....
Hey Patriot I'm still waiting on my comeback for my response to the supreme court justice bit on this post. Anyways your sources are clearly listed as conservative and secondly. I'm always amazed at both left and rights ability to judge decisions being made by, to be honest, smarter people the both you and I. They have information that neither of us had, yet you deem yourself qualified to judge it. Who knows what provisions there where to edit the video The point is neither I or yourself are qualified, yet you deem yourself able to judge it.
What are you talking about? First of all - it takes one obedient little minion to declare that everybody in government is "smarter" than everybody not in government. That's astoundingly stupid. The fact is - most of the smartest people in the world never worked in government a day in their life.

Second - this has nothing to do with judging. The assholes were caught lying. They were caught. There is no opinion here or judgment. It's a fact. So again - what in the hell are you talking about? Your post made zero sense with regards to my post.
I claimed superior intelligence, I should have claimed superior information. There's a clear difference. And to your second point you will find that the government lies to you on issues of national security. The reason being international deals not to mention lives depend on the ability of a government to keep it's secrets. Critisising might make an easy target but it's also hypocritical since all administrations do it.

So lying is now defined as keeping secrets?
No lying is defined as something a government needs to do from time to time, in order to keep it's people safe.

If the government did the right thing, they wouldn't have to lie.

So sad you justify lying. Sign of low character.
I'll give you a historical example. The Cuban missile crisis was resolved with Krushev withdrawing it's missiles from Cuba while Kennedy withdrew his from Turkey. It depended on absolute secrecy of the deal being made. Without it you and me wouldn't be able to discuss this. Your life depends on the government having certain secrets, that simple.

No just practical. I'll give you another current one. Say the US has information on the whereabouts of a leader of ISIS. You feel they should make that information known before they can strike? Governments needs to be able to keep certain things a secret. If you don't get that I'm sorry to say you are either a hypocrite, defending your position for political reasons, or plain dumb.
I want our country to be more like Norway, Sweden, Japan, South Korea or Germany. A country with high standards that gives a shit about its people....I want our anti-trust laws enforced and the rich to pay their taxes!!!! I couldn't name a single nation of the top 50 highest gdp's on earth doesn't that have any government within their economy and there for their people, but I can name some with very little like Somalia, haiti, Congo, Central African Republic and other such backwards shit holes!

Do you think the American middle class is ready to pay the tax rates that are paid in Sweden and Norway?

"Scandinavian income taxes raise a lot of revenue because they are actually rather flat. In other words, they tax most people at these high rates, not just high-income taxpayers. The top marginal tax rate of 60 percent in Denmark applies to all income over 1.2 times the average income in Denmark. From the American perspective, this means that all income over $60,000 (1.2 times the average income of about $50,000 in the United States) would be taxed at 60 percent."

I doubt any American making $50,000 a year would want to give the government $30,000 and get to keep $20,000, no matter how much free stuff they promise.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Education, transportation infrastructure, space exploration and examination, healthcare...all fine. That's what you want from your government, and there's nobody better and more credible than you to attest to what you want from your government.

You were doing well until you put in that second paragraph, which unlike the first one, requires substantiation, and you provided none. Why is substantiation needed? Well, because there's a very strong argument to make that says being a great power requires an exceptionally strong economy, significant degrees of global political influence, and a first rate, if not first place, military.

I want our country to be more like Norway, Sweden, Japan, South Korea or Germany. A country with high standards that gives a shit about its people....I want our anti-trust laws enforced and the rich to pay their taxes!!!! I couldn't name a single nation of the top 50 highest gdp's on earth doesn't that have any government within their economy and there for their people, but I can name some with very little like Somalia, haiti, Congo, Central African Republic and other such backwards shit holes!

I'd like that too, but to have a country with high standards, it's people must also. When the citizenry at once will allow levels of imprecision such as that allowed politicians, when citizens say they cannot stand their leaders yet keep sending them back to Washington, it becomes pretty clear the problem devolves from being one of too low standards to being one of folks not following through and showing leaders that they indeed demand that which they say they want.

For the most part, the rich do pay their taxes. Moreover, the rich remit to government more in taxes than do all other income brackets.


Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes
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Believe it or not, I believe in more competition( more businesses) and more wealth in the hands of more people! Higher standards of living for all Americans. I am sick and tired of the top 1% not paying their taxes, I am sick in tired of them bringing in cheap labor and taking away the workers voice(unions). We need to demand a little bit of respect from people that we have made insanely rich or they're going to be destroying this country. It isn't right! If you believe we should just shut up and allow them to rip this country apart then you're insane.

I am pro-capitalism but we need regulations, anti-trust and common sense.

You are not very bright. How much do you think the 'rich' should pay in taxes?

"According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available).

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