You Know What?

What's wrong with us thinking of ourselves as inhabitants of one planet instead of one little piece of territory won at some point with guns, swords and blood?
How many were yelling about Russia influencing our elections, how many are still going on about Puten owning Trump? That hardly sounds like those interested in inhabitants of one many were expressing their indignation of moving our embassy to Jerusalem? How,any on here yelled and hollered when Trump met with North Korea? None of those sound like a one planet ideal.
What's wrong with us thinking of ourselves as inhabitants of one planet instead of one little piece of territory won at some point with guns, swords and blood?
How many were yelling about Russia influencing our elections, how many are still going on about Puten owning Trump? That hardly sounds like those interested in inhabitants of one many were expressing their indignation of moving our embassy to Jerusalem? How,any on here yelled and hollered when Trump met with North Korea? None of those sound like a one planet ideal.

Link to the Pope meddling in elections?
What's wrong with us thinking of ourselves as inhabitants of one planet instead of one little piece of territory won at some point with guns, swords and blood?
How many were yelling about Russia influencing our elections, how many are still going on about Puten owning Trump? That hardly sounds like those interested in inhabitants of one many were expressing their indignation of moving our embassy to Jerusalem? How,any on here yelled and hollered when Trump met with North Korea? None of those sound like a one planet ideal.
I thought we were talking about the Pope's idea?
What's wrong with us thinking of ourselves as inhabitants of one planet instead of one little piece of territory won at some point with guns, swords and blood?
How many were yelling about Russia influencing our elections, how many are still going on about Puten owning Trump? That hardly sounds like those interested in inhabitants of one many were expressing their indignation of moving our embassy to Jerusalem? How,any on here yelled and hollered when Trump met with North Korea? None of those sound like a one planet ideal.

Link to the Pope meddling in elections?
Read again. You might have noticed Russia. Maybe sound out all the words?
What's wrong with us thinking of ourselves as inhabitants of one planet instead of one little piece of territory won at some point with guns, swords and blood?
How many were yelling about Russia influencing our elections, how many are still going on about Puten owning Trump? That hardly sounds like those interested in inhabitants of one many were expressing their indignation of moving our embassy to Jerusalem? How,any on here yelled and hollered when Trump met with North Korea? None of those sound like a one planet ideal.
I thought we were talking about the Pope's idea?
We were you brought up one planet. I pointed out that there are those that seemed uninterested in the one planet ideology.
That papal pig is nothing but a muslim mole, he's no more Catholic than I am. He cares more about his precious Pisslam than his own religion - always kissing the Quran book of bloodthirst, always praying in mosques, always reacting to muslim violence by sucking on the feet of muslim males (even the day after the 2016 Brussels bombings). Not to mention, that pervertedly grinning cocksucker is CONSTANTLY insisting that America take in more dregs of the third world, at our taxpayer expense.

The sick thing is that the Catholicrap religion, with their obsession with guilt and suffering, is to masochism what Pisslam is to sadism: no religion has ever done it better. The Catholic pederast-factory was already a giant pile of shit even before Pope Frannie-Foot-Fetishist reared his ugly head. Now that papal slimebucket (with that same vacant, sickly liberal grin on his face as Trudeau and O'Rourke maggots) has made the Catholicrap pederast-factory an even crookeder abomination than it already was.

If you're a Catholic reading this post, I WANT you to feel offended and insulted, because I consider your puerile, slime-dripping church my second-most-hated religious corruption factory after Pisslam. You Catholicretins can shove your holy Rosary up the bodily orifice of your choice.
Whether it's a good idea in theory or not, this world is in no way ready for a "supranational" government.

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